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[PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Beastmaster - Hunter - 1-60 - Vanilla(1.12.1) by Ordush 1.4.7

   (6 reviews)

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About This File

(This is a digital product, there are no refunds).

This is my paid version of the Vanilla Hunter Beastmaster Wrobot Rotation
It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.

For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/84-hunter-fightclass-vanilla/





The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.
The hunter will move back if you are too close to the target to use your bow. This requires that the target does not have aggro on the hunter.
The hunter will feed it's pet if needed, and you can set the food in-game.

This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off Multi-Shot. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!

Can be used for leveling (Utillizes level abilities)
You can even turn stuff on that is not yet learned.
The fightclass will begin using the abilities when they are learned if they are turned on.

Optimized rotation for max DPS
Does not break Polymorph, and doesn't break drinking (Unless your mana is full)

Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface

Hunter Combat Abilities
- Aimed Shot <- Main ability
- Multi-shot <- Second Main ability
- Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.)
- Rapid Fire <- Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Volley <- Uses Volley if 5 or more mobs around target
- Volley Mob Amount <- Set the amount of mobs that needs to be in a group, to use Volley.
Racial Abilities
- Blood Fury <- Will only be able to use if you are an Orc, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
Item Abilities
- Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
Hunter Misc Abilities
- Aspect of the Hawk <- Will keep on unless Cheetah is on, then it will only be on in combat
- Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro.
- Disengage <- Will use disengage if you have an active pet, and a mob is targeting you in melee range.
Pet Misc Abilities
- Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam)
- Call pet
- Revive Pet
- Mend pet
- Feed pet <- Very smart | Will feed pet whatever food you have specified in the Pet Settings area. It will only feed pet if pet needs it. Pet will not attack while being fed
Leveling Abilities
- Concussive Shot <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Serpent Sting <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Arcane shot <- Is off by default unless you are below level 20
- Raptor Strike <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Mongoose Bite <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Aspect of the Cheetah <- Will be used between fights, to get there faster.
- Aspect of the Monkey <- Will only work if Aspect of the Hawk is Disabled
Misc Abilities
Wing Clip <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
Viper Sting <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
Backtracking <- Turn on/off backtracking from mobs.
Combat Range <- Adjust the range which the hunter will begin attacking mobs. (Default 25).

Advanced Settings
Fightclass Settings
- Feign Death Delay (Seconds): The number of seconds after a fight has been started, till the bot is allowed to use Feign Death (The higher the number, the more time the pet has to get aggro).
Pet Settings
- You can add/remove foods from the lists here


  • /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands)
  • /wrobot FC version <- Shows the version of the Fightclass
  • /wrobot FC status <-  Shows or hides the Rotation Status window
  • /wrobot FC pause <- Pauses/Unpauses the bot
  • /wrobot FC pettank <- Enables/Disables pet tank

These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.


  • More advanced settings
  • Redesign of switches


On 4/24/2018 at 3:14 PM, Ordush said:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
Here you will find the answers to most of your questions.
If your issue is not in this list, feel free to seek help in the support channel that fits the fightclass you're using.

[Q] = Questions
[A] = Answer

[Q]: The xml file is only containing 1 line of code, is this a scam?
[A]: No, this is not a scam. All my fightclasses are encrypted, WRobot reads the encryption key then it loads all my code.

[Q]: I have loaded the file, but nothing happens in-game (no interface).?
[A]: This can be because of a few reasons:
1) Your game client is not English.
2) Your WRobot is only trial version If it's not any of these two then get help in the support.
3) You have the settings stored from a pre v2.0.0, they are messing with the new version. Go to wrobot/settings folder and delete anything with "Ordush" in the name.
4) Your WRobot setup, has a setting set to something that breaks the fightclass. Try making a new WRobot install, in a new folder.

[Q]: All other fightclasses works fine, why doesn't your?
[A]: Most other fightclasses are not nearly as advanced as mine is. My fightclasses utilizes a lot more functions from WRobot. This means more can go worng with your install.
Making a fresh install of WRobot is the safest bet to make sure nothing is wrongly set up.







What's New in Version 1.4.7   See changelog


- Updated to latest dll files from wrobot.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

1 hour ago, Zandarus said:

Thank you, where exactly in the UI do I have to go?

Click on more on the top.

Look at the pictures here

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Another issue I met: the bot keeps spamming the "feed pet" spell but even if I have several appropriate items (for example, meat for a wolf or a cat) it doesn't work. Apparently it works with chicken, but in that case he simply empties the piles of food I have even when the pet is "happy", which is a pain in the ass.

How can I fix that? Thank you

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29 minutes ago, Zandarus said:

Another issue I met: the bot keeps spamming the "feed pet" spell but even if I have several appropriate items (for example, meat for a wolf or a cat) it doesn't work. Apparently it works with chicken, but in that case he simply empties the piles of food I have even when the pet is "happy", which is a pain in the ass.

How can I fix that? Thank you

Read the FAQ ?

Try reinstall of wrobot in a new folder and make sure you do.NOT have any addons.

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1 hour ago, Zandarus said:

Already did that :s

Something is wrong with your setup, hard to say what it is. Turn off pet feeding in my interface and use the plugin "auto pet feed" it's here on wrobot ?

it's hard to tell you what the cause is when I can't replicate it.

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[E] 15:03:44 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
   at Main.PreCombatRotation()
   at Main.Rotation()


still getting this shit. can you post something here on how to fix this..

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12 hours ago, Kr8zycdn said:

[E] 15:03:44 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
   at Main.PreCombatRotation()
   at Main.Rotation()


still getting this shit. can you post something here on how to fix this..

Read the FAQ...

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1 hour ago, Ordush said:

Read the FAQ...

Already did all that! thats your answwer read the faq.. you dont think i rad this page here before posting ? you said this to other ppl I followed the direction! and still get an error.


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Update, VERY frustrated!

Still getting  this error for the past 2 days and no help what so ever beside saying Read the FAQ....  GREAT HELP!

[E] 21:41:18 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
   at Main.PreCombatRotation()
   at Main.Rotation()




uninstall the bot/ wow client completed deleted all.

uninstall : Direct x , Microsoft >net Framework 4.6, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.. and reinstall them.

Than downloaded a fresh cop of the WOW client installed it in C:game/wow

Downloaded a fresh copy of the bot installed in the C:game/WRobot

dragged my FC into the fight class.


Worked fine for a min or 2 and than the god damm error popped again..


CAN you help me or please just refund me? So I can move forward and delete this hunter I was planning to make.


I am an idiot, thank you  Ordush for showing me the answer. I couldn't see it from the FAQ not even sure why i didn't see it.

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15 hours ago, Kr8zycdn said:

Update, VERY frustrated!

Still getting  this error for the past 2 days and no help what so ever beside saying Read the FAQ....  GREAT HELP!

[E] 21:41:18 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
   at Main.PreCombatRotation()
   at Main.Rotation()




uninstall the bot/ wow client completed deleted all.

uninstall : Direct x , Microsoft >net Framework 4.6, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.. and reinstall them.

Than downloaded a fresh cop of the WOW client installed it in C:game/wow

Downloaded a fresh copy of the bot installed in the C:game/WRobot

dragged my FC into the fight class.


Worked fine for a min or 2 and than the god damm error popped again..


CAN you help me or please just refund me? So I can move forward and delete this hunter I was planning to make.

Okay, i will now copy paste from the FAQ

On 4/24/2018 at 3:14 PM, Ordush said:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
Here you will find the answers to most of your questions.
If your issue is not in this list, feel free to seek help in the support channel that fits the fightclass you're using.

[Q] = Questions
[A] = Answer

[Q]: The xml file is only containing 1 line of code, is this a scam?
[A]: No, this is not a scam. All my fightclasses are encrypted, WRobot reads the encryption key then it loads all my code.

[Q]: I have loaded the file, but nothing happens in-game (no interface).?
[A]: This can be because of a few reasons:
1) Your game client is not English.
2) Your WRobot is only trial version If it's not any of these two then get help in the support.
3) You have the settings stored from a pre v2.0.0, they are messing with the new version. Go to wrobot/settings folder and delete anything with "Ordush" in the name.
4) Your WRobot setup, has a setting set to something that breaks the fightclass. Try making a new WRobot install, in a new folder.

[Q]: All other fightclasses works fine, why doesn't your?
[A]: Most other fightclasses are not nearly as advanced as mine is. My fightclasses utilizes a lot more functions from WRobot. This means more can go worng with your install.
Making a fresh install of WRobot is the safest bet to make sure nothing is wrongly set up.

[Q]: I am getting this error: (May look slightly different if your computer language is not English)

[My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
at Main.CombatRotationRanged()
at Main.Rotation()

[A]: This error is a false positive. It's basically saying: The code you wrote to check cooldowns... It isn't working.
However, if the code i wrote did not work. Then the bot would not cast any spells. Ignore the message. It does nothing.


Please read the last thing in the FAQ.

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I have an issue with this CR, when the bot has died and ressurect, he will just instantly run attack something without reviving pet or eating/drinking..

Does not happen with any other FC.

I am running Automation.

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10 minutes ago, grrberry said:

I have an issue with this CR, when the bot has died and ressurect, he will just instantly run attack something without reviving pet or eating/drinking..

Does not happen with any other FC.

I am running Automation.

This is not happening with any other FC?
That can not be true
You need to change the drink/eat % to something lower than what your mana/health is when you revive. No matter what fightclass you use, you have to change this for the bot to drink/eat after reviving.
If you don't the bot won't know to drink to get mana to revive the pet. Hence the reason it will just run directly into a pack.
This is a wrobot setitng, that you change under advanced settings in the general tab of wrobot. (It's under Food and Drinking or something like that).

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3 hours ago, Ordush said:

This is not happening with any other FC?
That can not be true
You need to change the drink/eat % to something lower than what your mana/health is when you revive. No matter what fightclass you use, you have to change this for the bot to drink/eat after reviving.
If you don't the bot won't know to drink to get mana to revive the pet. Hence the reason it will just run directly into a pack.
This is a wrobot setitng, that you change under advanced settings in the general tab of wrobot. (It's under Food and Drinking or something like that).


No, this is not the issue.

It does not happen with other FC, and has nothing to do with rest settings, he simply skips the rest.. I tried adding higher latency but I am not sure why it is happening, as soon as he resses he just immediately starts running toward closest target, without eating or drinking, also not reviving pet. And then he shoots the target, and after that starts reviving pet. Most of times, he manages to pull off a arcane shot, and does not have mana for revive pet, and just dies.


EDIT: I tried without addons, I tried with fresh install, and I tried without any plugins. I have tried upping latency quite abit now and will check if it works, but even so if it does, I would not call it a permanent solution ?

Also please note this ONLY happens after he has ressed, not between combats. Only the first combat after ress is having issue.

If you want to see it in action just PM me and ill show u on teamviewer ?

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4 hours ago, grrberry said:


No, this is not the issue.

It does not happen with other FC, and has nothing to do with rest settings, he simply skips the rest.. I tried adding higher latency but I am not sure why it is happening, as soon as he resses he just immediately starts running toward closest target, without eating or drinking, also not reviving pet. And then he shoots the target, and after that starts reviving pet. Most of times, he manages to pull off a arcane shot, and does not have mana for revive pet, and just dies.


EDIT: I tried without addons, I tried with fresh install, and I tried without any plugins. I have tried upping latency quite abit now and will check if it works, but even so if it does, I would not call it a permanent solution ?

Also please note this ONLY happens after he has ressed, not between combats. Only the first combat after ress is having issue.

If you want to see it in action just PM me and ill show u on teamviewer ?

I do believe that you are having this issue, but i can assure you that it's not the fightclass. It's something else, because it's not an issue that I've heard of before, and i can not replicate it myself. The fightclass does not control pulling, nor does it control movement. There is no where in my code it's told to go attack anything, the way a fightclass works, is that it tells the bot what spells to use in x situation.
I've heard people having issues that it did not res the pet, but that was because they had drinking % set too high, so it would not drink after it ressed. The only reason that the bot should not be ressing would be because it did not have enough mana.

I can't replicate this bug, so it's really hard to tell you what it is that has gone wrong with your setup.

Edit: If you do happen to figure out why you are experiencing this; please don't hesitate to post it here, in case anyone else should run into this issue.

Edited by Ordush
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34 minutes ago, Ordush said:

I do believe that you are having this issue, but i can assure you that it's not the fightclass. It's something else, because it's not an issue that I've heard of before, and i can not replicate it myself. The fightclass does not control pulling, nor does it control movement. There is no where in my code it's told to go attack anything, the way a fightclass works, is that it tells the bot what spells to use in x situation.
I've heard people having issues that it did not res the pet, but that was because they had drinking % set too high, so it would not drink after it ressed. The only reason that the bot should not be ressing would be because it did not have enough mana.

I can't replicate this bug, so it's really hard to tell you what it is that has gone wrong with your setup.

Edit: If you do happen to figure out why you are experiencing this; please don't hesitate to post it here, in case anyone else should run into this issue.

Ok thank you for explaining ? Perhaps it is something with Automation, it sounds like that is the module controlling the pulling in this case.

I will try fiddling with settings until I get it working.

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Just now, grrberry said:

Ok thank you for explaining ? Perhaps it is something with Automation, it sounds like that is the module controlling the pulling in this case.

I will try fiddling with settings until I get it working.

Personally i use automation a lot for grinding the last amount of exp when close to leveling up, have had no issues there either. It's a really weird issue you are having.
The only changes i usually make to my wrobot settings is the drinking/eating, turn on CTM and change the sell/buy list. ?

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2 minutes ago, Ordush said:

Personally i use automation a lot for grinding the last amount of exp when close to leveling up, have had no issues there either. It's a really weird issue you are having.
The only changes i usually make to my wrobot settings is the drinking/eating, turn on CTM and change the sell/buy list. ?

Yeah well everytime he spawns I try to spam press Esc and try to hold him from pulling manually but he just ffing refuses!

He really locks on to a target instantly and nothing will pause him to revive pet or eat before pulling.

Only happens with my hunter, not other classes.

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Just now, grrberry said:

Yeah well everytime he spawns I try to spam press Esc and try to hold him from pulling manually but he just ffing refuses!

He really locks on to a target instantly and nothing will pause him to revive pet or eat before pulling.

Only happens with my hunter, not other classes.

Hmm it's hard to tell what is giving you this issue, there are SO many factors.
Have you tried a fresh wrobot in a new folder (I know it sounds stupid, but for some reason it sometimes has made a difference to me to be in a new folder).
Then try and use ONLY my fightclass, and change the drinking and eating to 50%.
If this works, then you can slowly add an addon/plugin a time, to see what is the culprit.

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17 minutes ago, Ordush said:

Hmm it's hard to tell what is giving you this issue, there are SO many factors.
Have you tried a fresh wrobot in a new folder (I know it sounds stupid, but for some reason it sometimes has made a difference to me to be in a new folder).
Then try and use ONLY my fightclass, and change the drinking and eating to 50%.
If this works, then you can slowly add an addon/plugin a time, to see what is the culprit.

Yeah I've tried.. Anyways! Atleast I have a mission for today now ?

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1 minute ago, grrberry said:

Yeah I've tried.. Anyways! Atleast I have a mission for today now ?

Try and disable pet tanking, just for lols. (Should not have any effect at all, but i have heard people have some issues with it, for some unknown reason).

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On 8/4/2018 at 12:41 PM, Ordush said:

Try and disable pet tanking, just for lols. (Should not have any effect at all, but i have heard people have some issues with it, for some unknown reason).

Yo friend!

Sorry for slow response - I have been abit busy at work..

I managed to get the CR to correctly rest before pulling after ress by adding latency to 500+, and also putting food/water abit higher, I believe I might have had it just below the % you have when you ress with prior to this.

However! The CR still does not revive pet until entering combat after ress, is this intended or should he revive pet when he resses?

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I bought this since I assumed iHunter was depreciated by now but this one doesn't allow for eating of any food?  Is there any way of using this without having to specify which food the pet eats?

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