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[PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Beastmaster - Hunter - 1-60 - Vanilla(1.12.1) by Ordush 1.4.7

   (6 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File

(This is a digital product, there are no refunds).

This is my paid version of the Vanilla Hunter Beastmaster Wrobot Rotation
It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.

For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/84-hunter-fightclass-vanilla/





The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.
The hunter will move back if you are too close to the target to use your bow. This requires that the target does not have aggro on the hunter.
The hunter will feed it's pet if needed, and you can set the food in-game.

This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off Multi-Shot. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!

Can be used for leveling (Utillizes level abilities)
You can even turn stuff on that is not yet learned.
The fightclass will begin using the abilities when they are learned if they are turned on.

Optimized rotation for max DPS
Does not break Polymorph, and doesn't break drinking (Unless your mana is full)

Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface

Hunter Combat Abilities
- Aimed Shot <- Main ability
- Multi-shot <- Second Main ability
- Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.)
- Rapid Fire <- Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Volley <- Uses Volley if 5 or more mobs around target
- Volley Mob Amount <- Set the amount of mobs that needs to be in a group, to use Volley.
Racial Abilities
- Blood Fury <- Will only be able to use if you are an Orc, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
Item Abilities
- Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
Hunter Misc Abilities
- Aspect of the Hawk <- Will keep on unless Cheetah is on, then it will only be on in combat
- Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro.
- Disengage <- Will use disengage if you have an active pet, and a mob is targeting you in melee range.
Pet Misc Abilities
- Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
- Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam)
- Call pet
- Revive Pet
- Mend pet
- Feed pet <- Very smart | Will feed pet whatever food you have specified in the Pet Settings area. It will only feed pet if pet needs it. Pet will not attack while being fed
Leveling Abilities
- Concussive Shot <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Serpent Sting <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Arcane shot <- Is off by default unless you are below level 20
- Raptor Strike <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Mongoose Bite <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
- Aspect of the Cheetah <- Will be used between fights, to get there faster.
- Aspect of the Monkey <- Will only work if Aspect of the Hawk is Disabled
Misc Abilities
Wing Clip <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
Viper Sting <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
Backtracking <- Turn on/off backtracking from mobs.
Combat Range <- Adjust the range which the hunter will begin attacking mobs. (Default 25).

Advanced Settings
Fightclass Settings
- Feign Death Delay (Seconds): The number of seconds after a fight has been started, till the bot is allowed to use Feign Death (The higher the number, the more time the pet has to get aggro).
Pet Settings
- You can add/remove foods from the lists here


  • /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands)
  • /wrobot FC version <- Shows the version of the Fightclass
  • /wrobot FC status <-  Shows or hides the Rotation Status window
  • /wrobot FC pause <- Pauses/Unpauses the bot
  • /wrobot FC pettank <- Enables/Disables pet tank

These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.


  • More advanced settings
  • Redesign of switches


On 4/24/2018 at 3:14 PM, Ordush said:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
Here you will find the answers to most of your questions.
If your issue is not in this list, feel free to seek help in the support channel that fits the fightclass you're using.

[Q] = Questions
[A] = Answer

[Q]: The xml file is only containing 1 line of code, is this a scam?
[A]: No, this is not a scam. All my fightclasses are encrypted, WRobot reads the encryption key then it loads all my code.

[Q]: I have loaded the file, but nothing happens in-game (no interface).?
[A]: This can be because of a few reasons:
1) Your game client is not English.
2) Your WRobot is only trial version If it's not any of these two then get help in the support.
3) You have the settings stored from a pre v2.0.0, they are messing with the new version. Go to wrobot/settings folder and delete anything with "Ordush" in the name.
4) Your WRobot setup, has a setting set to something that breaks the fightclass. Try making a new WRobot install, in a new folder.

[Q]: All other fightclasses works fine, why doesn't your?
[A]: Most other fightclasses are not nearly as advanced as mine is. My fightclasses utilizes a lot more functions from WRobot. This means more can go worng with your install.
Making a fresh install of WRobot is the safest bet to make sure nothing is wrongly set up.







What's New in Version 1.4.7   See changelog


- Updated to latest dll files from wrobot.

User Feedback

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Im on northdale, and ye i got the newest version of the fightclass.

I got everything to work now, feed pet etc. 


However i cant get my character to eat / drink 

09:15:50 - [Regen] Use food Tel'Abim Banana
09:15:51 - [Regen] Use drink Ice Cold Milk

it noticed the names ive put in, but it doesnt actually drinks and eat em

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2 minutes ago, lalazors said:

Im on northdale, and ye i got the newest version of the fightclass.

I got everything to work now, feed pet etc. 


However i cant get my character to eat / drink 

09:15:50 - [Regen] Use food Tel'Abim Banana
09:15:51 - [Regen] Use drink Ice Cold Milk

it noticed the names ive put in, but it doesnt actually drinks and eat em

That part has nothing to do with the fightclass.
I recommend that you set eating/drinking % to 50
Why it's actually not using it. I have no clue. Sounds like your install is bugged somehow.

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31 minutes ago, Buha said:

Is there a way to disable multi-shot?

It is not worth it while lvling, it cost too much mana.

If there is a way to disable multi-shot? ?
Well... ?
Status Options 1 v1.3.0 ED.png
You could turn it OFF in the in-game interface? ?

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Hello Im very new to WRobot and how it all works.  Im not sure exactly which folder to put the file in and also which product Im suppose to use.  It wont let me use this file as a product and then when I try to use the default grinder/quester product it asks me to select a profile but the drop box will not show this file even after I installed it into the folder for each product.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks

The only way I can get it to work is by using the automation product with this file as the fightclass but I dont think this is the way Im suppose to use it.

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2 hours ago, jdmben said:

Hello Im very new to WRobot and how it all works.  Im not sure exactly which folder to put the file in and also which product Im suppose to use.  It wont let me use this file as a product and then when I try to use the default grinder/quester product it asks me to select a profile but the drop box will not show this file even after I installed it into the folder for each product.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks

The only way I can get it to work is by using the automation product with this file as the fightclass but I dont think this is the way Im suppose to use it.

Hey mate!
In your wrobot folder you need to make a folder called: FightClass
You put the fightclass in this folder.
It can be used with any product. Fightclasses controls the combat part of the bot. Tells it what spells to use etc.
It controls spells.
It does not control movement. ?

For movement (i.e. something telling it where to grind mobs etc.) You need to get a grinding profile. There are plenty both paid and free ones on the forum.
Those goes into folder: Profiles
In here you have 4 folders:
Battlegrounder (here goes BG profiles)
Gatherer (here goes gathering profiles) <- Don't confuse these with gathering questing profiles!
Grinder (here goes grinding profiles) <- Don't confuse these with grinding questing profiles!
Quester (here goes questing profiles) <- Many grinders/gatheres are controlled by questing profiles, and it will most likely be stated in the profiles page where it has to go. ?

Hope this helps. If not, do not hesitate to write

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Hello I recently started to have an issue when the bot tries to feed my pet.  You can see the icon of the food on screen (where the mouse cursor is) like hes trying to feed him but Im getting a message saying "this food is not high enough".  But when I manually try to feed him the same exact food it works fine.  I do have the food in the list of food to feed pet and I do not have any other food in my bags.  I think I started getting this error in the high 40's level Im 53 now.  Rarely it works but most of the time the pet is unhappy and red. 


Also on the off chance it does get through and feeds the pet, the hunter will start to attack a mob but the pet will not attack because hes "eating".  So then the hunter will feign death but immediately try to attack the same target.  If the pet is still eating the hunter will just try to get distance while the pet follows even if the pet is set on defend.  Looks VERY suspicious.

I think if I got the feeding pet error thing figured out the other problem will be sorted because he should always be happy and attacking.


But other than this issue I LOVE LOVE LOVE your fightclass.  Every other person selling fight classes or profiles should take note of your in game settings panel.  Absolutely the best!!!

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1 hour ago, jdmben said:

Hello I recently started to have an issue when the bot tries to feed my pet.  You can see the icon of the food on screen (where the mouse cursor is) like hes trying to feed him but Im getting a message saying "this food is not high enough".  But when I manually try to feed him the same exact food it works fine.  I do have the food in the list of food to feed pet and I do not have any other food in my bags.  I think I started getting this error in the high 40's level Im 53 now.  Rarely it works but most of the time the pet is unhappy and red. 


Also on the off chance it does get through and feeds the pet, the hunter will start to attack a mob but the pet will not attack because hes "eating".  So then the hunter will feign death but immediately try to attack the same target.  If the pet is still eating the hunter will just try to get distance while the pet follows even if the pet is set on defend.  Looks VERY suspicious.

I think if I got the feeding pet error thing figured out the other problem will be sorted because he should always be happy and attacking.


But other than this issue I LOVE LOVE LOVE your fightclass.  Every other person selling fight classes or profiles should take note of your in game settings panel.  Absolutely the best!!!

Hey mate.

There has been a report of some quest items being in the feeding list.

I am collecting the data as I get it. Will update soon. However if you are already playing the list won't be regenerated (that would remove manually added food).

I am trying to work with events to remove food that can't be eaten. Just having some issues.

So to fix your issue: make sure that food that you are not supposed to feed is not in the list.

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Yes I actually did that already.  I had no other food in my bags at all except the food I use to feed the pet and I still get the error.  Like I said before the icon shows the right food when trying to feed him but its just bugging for some reason.   I can even left click on my pets frame while the bot is spamming trying to feed and it will work.  But if I dont do anything he will just continue on without feeding because Im getting the error.

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38 minutes ago, jdmben said:

Yes I actually did that already.  I had no other food in my bags at all except the food I use to feed the pet and I still get the error.  Like I said before the icon shows the right food when trying to feed him but its just bugging for some reason.   I can even left click on my pets frame while the bot is spamming trying to feed and it will work.  But if I dont do anything he will just continue on without feeding because Im getting the error.

Does it say in the chat that the pet level is not matching the food?
If this is the case, then it's impossible for me to fix. Because that is a wow bug.
Try removing your cache (from wow not wrobot).
Edit: If this does not work, try reinstalling wrobot. (I doubt that is the issue, but it's worth a try). ?

Edited by Ordush
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using this as a rotation only right now questing, on the private server light hope or hope's light...... The CS does a lot of good things so far level 12..... but its being very odd...... if pet is attacked it does not respond to the attack. if creature is to close backing up then trying to cast an arrow it runs back up to the creature back and forth........ i try to go to plugins and look at the plugin settings it will not open..... i go into game and /wr or /wrobot will not work..... Any help would be great thanks.



 i just loaded the free hunter fighter class and its working better why? its not spamming interrupted its allowing auto shot to happen its not running back and forth etc..... I am not trying to bash this plugin but I'd like it to work after paying for it, how can I make it work right????? for now i guess ill just use the free hunter fighter class in till someone can help me on this.

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How do i use this dll?  Do i copy/paste the DLL into the products folder and run it in product tab?  (only get errors )

Or do i put it in FC folder and run it in the general settings tab?  

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14 minutes ago, dannyfreeze said:

How do i use this dll?  Do i copy/paste the DLL into the products folder and run it in product tab?  (only get errors )

Or do i put it in FC folder and run it in the general settings tab?  

there will be a plugins folder to put the .dll in in the wrobot folder itself...... restart wrobot for it to show up in the plugins

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13 hours ago, madgar29 said:

there will be a plugins folder to put the .dll in in the wrobot folder itself...... restart wrobot for it to show up in the plugins

Nonono this is completely wrong lol

In your wrobot folder make a new folder called FightClass
Put it in this folder, then load it as a fightclass

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10 hours ago, Ordush said:

Nonono this is completely wrong lol

In your wrobot folder make a new folder called FightClass
Put it in this folder, then load it as a fightclass


So after i was fiddeling for a while and read more of your comments i figured it out, you stated that this is only for attack rotation, it took me a while to understand i need a separate file for the  pathing. I'm new and this works good. i encountered a problem with mobs that have pets, my pet just goes back and forth like it got rabies, because both targets are attacking me at the same time so the pet goes nuts. this will get me noticed.

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20 hours ago, dannyfreeze said:

So after i was fiddeling for a while and read more of your comments i figured it out, you stated that this is only for attack rotation, it took me a while to understand i need a separate file for the  pathing. I'm new and this works good. i encountered a problem with mobs that have pets, my pet just goes back and forth like it got rabies, because both targets are attacking me at the same time so the pet goes nuts. this will get me noticed.

That's not exactly how it works though.
The pet will get aggro on the mob with the highest hp first, (usually the stronger mob), then it will go to the next target.
When it has aggro on all mobs attacking you, it will attack the mob with the least hp left remaining.

So this behavior you are describing sounds a lot like a bug with your setup.
Please read the FAQ first, see if anything there helps. If not then get back here. and PLEASE do not just write "I have already read the FAQ", if you haven't REALLY tried it all. 90% of the time, what i end up helping people, is something from the FAQ that people claim that they HAVE read and tried.


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I'm having problems with feeding my pet with the bot, it keeps saying the foods not high enough level, but when i do it manually i can eat the food but i keep losing friends this way :c..

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9 hours ago, dannyfreeze said:

I'm having problems with feeding my pet with the bot, it keeps saying the foods not high enough level, but when i do it manually i can eat the food but i keep losing friends this way :c..

I've heard about this bug, it's because you have some food in your inventory that is on the list that your pet does not want to eat.
Go through the list see if any items in your inventory is in the list.
If not, then try removing the cache folder in wow.

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On 12/21/2018 at 9:47 AM, Ordush said:

Nonono this is completely wrong lol

In your wrobot folder make a new folder called FightClass
Put it in this folder, then load it as a fightclass

It works amazing thank you.

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Hello Ordush!


I just started playing BC and remembered that your hunter was always top notch! I am wondering, if this fightclass works for BC too? Because i saw you have a seperate one for BC... and if it doesnt work on BC, do you do discounts for the BC version for people who already bought the vanilla version?

I didnt see any information on that in your threads, so I just post here.

Greetings and keep up the good work m8

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34 minutes ago, thxgod1 said:

Hello Ordush!


I just started playing BC and remembered that your hunter was always top notch! I am wondering, if this fightclass works for BC too? Because i saw you have a seperate one for BC... and if it doesnt work on BC, do you do discounts for the BC version for people who already bought the vanilla version?

I didnt see any information on that in your threads, so I just post here.

Greetings and keep up the good work m8

Hey mate.
No i don't do discounts sorry. The amount of hours put into both vanilla and tbc fightclasses are not even close to what i earn from selling them.
Contrary to popular belief it's not just copy paste lol. ?

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