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About This File


EDIT DROIDZ: FNV316 has been inactive for several months, despite all attempts to contact him we have no news, users who have paid no longer have access to it because autantification server is offline. So I decided to share these profiles for free (files encrypted for the momen to be able to disable them if he comes back), if he doesn't come back in next months the source code of the files will be shared. (source files shared)


FNV316 1-45 Quester Profile Pack Alliance Vanilla

Note: This is a BETA version and still under development. Due to this and the extent of this project, it's still likely to contain bugs or even create new bugs, when releasing new updates. So if something isn't working as intended, just message me and tell me what's wrong. I try to provide a solution as soon as possible.

You can find video footage of this profile pack below. A demo version has already been released a couple of months ago, which you can find here. The 45-60 part is currently work in progress and planned to be released in July / August. There will also be an overall overhaul of the 1-40 path in that time, to fit to all the new stuff added over time and make the profiles more efficient.

It tries to simulate a natural way of questing, as a human would, changing zones frequently and coming back later. The general path the profile follows is close to how I myself have played my characters in Vanilla / TBC  / WotLk.

This profile pack has been recorded and tested on Eylsium / Light's Hope!


Authentication system:

These profiles now use a custom authentication system, to provide more security for me and my users. It has unfortunately become necessary to add such a system, due to more and more cases recently of sharing or even trying to resell them.
This system links your Rocketr Order ID (which you can find within your purchase / delivery email) to your current IP, preventing multiple users from using the very same Order ID. This ID has only to be entered when running the profile for the very first time on your current machine. After changing your IP while already running it before, you have to wait ~30 minutes before the system allows processing.

Important: If this new system causes issues related to your setup, don't hesitate to contact me, explain me your point and we will find a solution.



-A fight class that is able to deal with at least two enemies at once
-Default range pull for any class besides Paladin
-Update your characters gear / spells / skills frequently, especially if playing Warrior & Rogue
-An advanced C# fight class for botting with Warrior, Rogue and Mage


-Full 1-45 leveling by questing (with minor grinding parts) Note: Profiles above level 40 contain more and longer grinding parts, due to overall lack of quests. The majority of exp is nevertheless earned by questing
-Night Elf start (1-11)
-Dwarf / Gnome start (1-6)
-Hunter pet quests
-Warlock pets Imp / Voidwalker
-Druid bear form quest - (alpha state)
-Rogue poison quest (code by Matenia, all credit to him) - (alpha state)
-Warrior Deffensive / Berserker Stance quest chains - (alpha state)
-Full Stalvan quest chain, Raene's Cleansing (until you receive Dartol's Rod of Transformation )

-Automated boats
-Automated abandoning of quests (still some quests missing, but you shouldn't have to make room yourself)
-Automatically equips and buys - if necessary - up to 4 default 6 slot bags
-Scripted Hearthstone
-Fully scripted taxi (you can use inbuilt taxi nevertheless, but it can cause issues)
-Automated discovery of any necessary flight paths
-Automated item blacklist
-Automated purchase of white vendor items at lower levels

-A huge amount of custom routes, whenever it's necessary
-(two basic fight classes for Paladin & Priest, that I used for testing)

What has not been implemented, but will be in the future:

-Flexile Taxi & Boats*  Boats are flexile in the overhaul version, for flexile taxi check out my free plugin
-Further loading time optimization

What will maybe be implemented:

-Other class quests (Rogue poison, Warrior stance) Implemented

Approximate run time (1-40):  5 days /played

Class performance (1-5):

    Best                              Used Fight Class:
    Warlock*        4,5          eeny's Demon Affliction FC (free)
    Paladin           4             Self written fight class FCE** (included) / Matenia's Retribution Paladin 1-60
    Hunter*          4             Ordush's Beast Mastery Hunter (paid) / eeny's Hunter 1-60 BETA (free)
    Priest             3,5           Self written fight class FCE** (included) / Matenia's Shadowpriest 1-60 (paid)
    Druid              3,5           Matenia's [PAID] Feral Druid 1-60 (paid)
    Rogue            2,5            Matenia's [BETA][Vanilla] Combat Rogue 1-60 (paid) 
    Mage              2             Matenia's Frost Mage FC (paid)
    Warrior          1,5           Lbniese Warrior - Wrobot Arms & Fury Fightclass (paid)

   *After they got their lvl 10 pet  **Fight Class Editor




Alpha state: Not fully tested or only run a few times. Bugs and issues are likely to occur

Beta state: Tested and worked on live server repeatedly . Lower chance to experience bugs / issues, but not tested within a larger audience / under any possible condition so far


Recommended Plugins:

-WhatsGoingOn (free) - status frame to see what the bot is doing right now

-HumanMasterPlugin (paid) - many amazing and handy features, that overall improve wRobot

-VanillaFlightMaster (free) - dedicated for Vanilla, more reliable taxi system

-AutoPetFeed Hunter (free) - automatically feeds your Hunters pet


Special thanks to @Matenia for testing, general advice and providing me a free copy of his Mage Fight Class!

Thanks to @penumbra & @Greens420 for their frequent feedback and bug reporting!


I am the sole creator and owner of these files and I am not associated with the wRobot company in any way.


Preview Video Loch Modan 13-17

It consists of ~3 hours of the first half of Loch Modan between the grinding parts of my free 1-18 profile. Taxi (take taxi, get taxi node) is fully scripted, so that the automated taxi won't cause any trouble.

Total deaths: 5

Used plugins: iEquip (automatically equips better items)



Dustwallow Marsh preview ~37-38:

 2,5 hours of video material

Total deaths: 13 (most of them due to drowning)

Used plugins: None, besides WhatsGoingOn (status frame)



What's New in Version 3.2.1   See changelog



-Fixed a false route complete condition in Booty Bay #Thanks to Kapoow for reporting
-Added OffmeshConnections for the main gate of Booty Bay, to avoid getting stuck #Thanks to Kapoow for reporting
-Reworked Route Stonetalon to Ratchet, uses a modified path to avoid guards and death #Thanks to Payyn for suggesting

-Reworked OffmeshConnections in and around Booty Bay in all profiles. It should now be possible for the bot to get back into Booty Bay, even when falling down and getting stuck


User Feedback

Recommended Comments


Posted (edited)

  On 7/5/2018 at 3:24 AM, pecorino said:

Is there a way to skip doing a quest without looking up the quest id, stopping the bot, adding the quest as done, restarting and finding out the next quest in the chain? Sometimes there's far too many people around a questing spot and I'll have to take over manually and end up doing 3-4 quests and it really seems to bug the profile. Thanks.



They should be added to the list automatically, if you turn in quests, while the bot is still running in pause (or even just active in the background). However, all quests and paths are done in a specific order, so if you do stuff out of order yourself, there is nevertheless a high risk of something breaking. Scripts like flying or routes highly depend on your current quest progress

You better interact with the bot as less as possible. Try to use plugins like Accept Group Invitation to make it look more human like, or delay your ingame latency to 300-500 ms, to hide bottish movement / behavior.


Edited by FNV316


  On 7/6/2018 at 8:33 AM, FNV316 said:


They should be added to the list automatically, if you turn in quests, while the bot is still running in pause (or even just active in the background). However, all quests and paths are done in a specific order, so if you do stuff out of order yourself, there is nevertheless a high risk of something breaking. Scripts like flying or routes highly depend on your current quest progress

You better interact with the bot as less as possible. Try to use plugins like Accept Group Invitation to make it look more human like, or delay your ingame latency to 300-500 ms, to hide bottish movement / behavior.



I have an issue with a different quester  on Northdale sometimes because it doesn't have all the quests that were in 1.12.1 yet (because of their progressive release) which leads to the bot getting confused. It may be that he's referring to something similar to this.


Posted (edited)

  On 7/6/2018 at 12:58 PM, Rinrin11 said:

I have an issue with a different quester  on Northdale sometimes because it doesn't have all the quests that were in 1.12.1 yet (because of their progressive release) which leads to the bot getting confused. It may be that he's referring to something similar to this.


Well, that is indeed possible. If a server runs a different version and quests have been altered, that can cause issues. Thanks for the hint, I gonna start a test run there tomorrow.

Edited by FNV316


  On 7/6/2018 at 6:27 PM, FNV316 said:

Well, that is indeed possible. If a server runs a different version and quests have been altered, that can cause issues. Thanks for the hint, I gonna start a test run there tomorrow.


I started a new char on northdale and didnt touch it at all. So far i'm in the high teens without too many issues. there were some hiccups where the bot didnt want to interact with quest items or gets confused when it needs to move between continents. it isn't FLAWLESS on northdale, but with a touch of babysitting (so far been going off and on 24 hours) it's been doing okay. Looking forward to updates for northdale. That'll be great.



If i buy this, when you release the 45-60 profile and overhaul this month or next is it included in the purchase price? or will the 45-60 be a separate paid profile altogether?




Just curious: will we also have to pay for the 45-60 part once it's available, or will it be part of the package? Ty



1-60 will be the same product, just updated. No further purchases necessary



How long do you typically recommend running this in a single session? I assume that running it for 24 hours would raise suspicion and likely result in a ban.



Max: 12-16h per day / 5 days per week. A well designed fight class is key



Maybe it's just me... But I'm having loads of trouble in westfall. From dying to pack pulls, to running all the way to SW instead of taking flight path, getting stuck on the sentinel hill tower and many other places, to ghost getting stuck on mountains while trying to run back  to my body.. I've been in westfall for 10+ hours trying to run this and having no luck at all.

To be fair, I am botting a rogue, so i expect deaths at times. But i don't think the other things should be happening given the fact i paid for this.


I'm using HumanMasterPlugin and Lbinese Rogue Fight Class



  On 8/7/2018 at 10:16 PM, cball09 said:

Maybe it's just me... But I'm having loads of trouble in westfall. From dying to pack pulls

To be fair, I am botting a rogue, so i expect deaths at times


It's required to setup some kind of default range pull for Rogue / Warrior specifically. Also depends on which version of the profiles you are running

  On 8/7/2018 at 10:16 PM, cball09 said:

 to running all the way to SW instead of taking flight path


Quote of the FAQ:

"F: Do I have to enable wRobots taxi feature?

A: No, all necessary flights are scripted within the profile. WRobots taxi feature is known to cause a lot of issues, so you better keep it disabled. NOTE: It is disabled by default"

You can enable wRobots taxi, but be aware of it's flaws and bugs. I have written a plugin for flexile flights. Still need to do more testing, but will probably release it in the upcoming days

  On 8/7/2018 at 10:16 PM, cball09 said:

getting stuck on the sentinel hill tower and many other places, to ghost getting stuck on mountains while trying to run back  to my body


You would have to specify when and where exactly you get stuck. In general, all movement besides ROUTES is done by wRobots path finding. You can report me areas and broken meshes, that cause trouble for wRobot, so I can try to find a workaround. Same for ghost walk. This state is exclusively handled by wRobot. It's not possible to script it either, due to the bot possibly dying all over the map. If you use any fight class, plugins or features like gathering that can influence path finding, give it a try without them




How do I get this profile to stop abandoning my pets?  Everything works fine and then randomly it will start spamming Call Pet like 50 times, then abandons the pet..  I've lost 3 pets that were at maximum loyalty from this, and it is extremely frustrating.


I also never got the bot to successfully complete the pet taming quests..(night elf) so if you could give me the codes for those so that I can manually skip them, that would hopefully solve the issue.



  On 8/10/2018 at 4:17 AM, laxin said:

How do I get this profile to stop abandoning my pets?  Everything works fine and then randomly it will start spamming Call Pet like 50 times, then abandons the pet..  I've lost 3 pets that were at maximum loyalty from this, and it is extremely frustrating.


The only time I abandon / dismiss pets is during the tame quest of Hunters. If it gets abandoned to any other time, it's not done by the profiles. Call Pet spam is related to your fight class

  On 8/10/2018 at 4:17 AM, laxin said:

I also never got the bot to successfully complete the pet taming quests..(night elf) so if you could give me the codes for those so that I can manually skip them, that would hopefully solve the issue.


Which version and steps caused issues?



It has happened randomly in stormwind while running to westfall, once in loch modan(this time the WhatsGoingOn box said that it jumped to the 2nd quest in the hunter pet chain and tried to take me back to Teldrassil), and the other times were after manually taming pets in Teldrassil because the bot was level 12 and meleeing shit, didn't want to get reported.


I think if I can manually remove the pet quests it should fix it hopefully



  On 8/10/2018 at 9:20 PM, laxin said:

It has happened randomly in stormwind while running to westfall, once in loch modan(this time the WhatsGoingOn box said that it jumped to the 2nd quest in the hunter pet chain and tried to take me back to Teldrassil), and the other times were after manually taming pets in Teldrassil because the bot was level 12 and meleeing shit, didn't want to get reported. 


That's why you stick to the launcher profile and not tinker around by playing manually. Let the bot run, don't over patronize him and if you run into any issues with the scripts itself, report back with you log file, so I can figure out what exactly didn't work.



the 1-40(45) questing pack will include the 40(45)-60? and any eta? need beta testers?



  On 8/27/2018 at 2:43 PM, antisnake said:

the 1-40(45) questing pack will include the 40(45)-60? and any eta? need beta testers?


Yes, it'll be released within the upcoming days in a early beta state and fixed over the following days / weeks. Depends on how fast users get through



It's designed for 1-40, but does good enough for higher levels too



8I decided to buy this and he refuses to sell...

I'm using Human Master Plugin and FNV316 1-45 quester.


I have read the plugin's instructions and followed them. I have selling Items turned on in Wrobot settings. My bags will fill up he won't sell when my bags are full he will get stuck turning in a quest that has a reward he will also get stuck accepting a quest that gives an item. Why won't my guy sell?

This would be the reason why, how do I turn off my quiver? I have looked at every setting in Wrobot and in WoW Also how do I manually select Defaultsettings.xml? I think this part of the guide should be more clarified on how to do these steps



F: Why does my bot refuse to sell stuff / go ToTown?

A: If you bot a Hunter, turn off your Quiver. Else, manually select "DefaultSettings.xml" and run it again. Make sure "Save general settings modified by the profiles" is enabled.




Just take the quiver off and replace it with an actual bag. Or go into wRobot settings and change "free bag slot space" to a number of 2 + quiver slots or they WILL get recognized as bag slots.
DefaultSettings.xml is a profile (quester) that gets shipped with FNV's quester and can be selected as the profile to start. It sets some stuff up for you.

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