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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Going to agree here- even with a fight class with only "shred" defined... it will drop out of cat form and start melee with wepons which wont end well. My Druids are sidelined atm- everyone else looks good.
  2. usually quests like this will have 2 objective counts. In this case it looks like its Objective1/1, objective 2/15. what most people will do if the two objectives are very different is split the quest and make 2 quest entries with the same quest ID(manaualy change quest name to xxxxuqest1 and xxxquest2). First one will have objective counts of 1/0/0/0, second will have 0/15/0/0. first quest will be UseItemOn, second will be Killandloot You can then pulse both 'quests' and you should have it completed.
  3. Hey all, im starting to play around with pluggins but this ones a bit above me at this time. I would like a pluggin to use potions. I know this action can be written into the fight class- however i think this is more easily done as a pluggin. The pluggin would only activate if A:- bot actually HAS a potion in its inventory B: bot is below a configurable % of health potions i would like used in the pluggin http://www.wowhead.com/spell=2330/minor-healing-potion http://www.wowhead.com/spell=2337/lesser-healing-potion http://www.wowhead.com/spell=3447/healing-potion http://www.wowhead.com/spell=7181/greater-healing-potion http://www.wowhead.com/item=3928/superior-healing-potion http://www.wowhead.com/spell=17556/major-healing-potion http://www.wowhead.com/spell=28551/super-healing-potion http://www.wowhead.com/item=33447/runic-healing-potion <!-- Basic Items: Potions, Health (ordered by level to use) --> <Item Name="Minor Healing Potion" Entry="118" /> <Item Name="Lesser Healing Potion" Entry="858" /> <Item Name="Discolored Healing Potion" Entry="4596" /> <Item Name="Healing Potion" Entry="929" /> <Item Name="Greater Healing Potion" Entry="1710" /> <Item Name="Superior Healing Potion" Entry="3928" /> <Item Name="Combat Healing Potion" Entry="18839" /> <Item Name="Superior Healing Draught" Entry="17349" /> <Item Name="Major Healing Potion" Entry="13446" /> <Item Name="Major Healing Draught" Entry="17348" /> <Item Name="Super Healing Potion" Entry="22829" /> <Item Name="Argent Healing Potion" Entry="43531" /> <Item Name="Auchenai Healing Potion" Entry="32947" /> <Item Name="Bottled Nethergon Vapor" Entry="32905" /> <Item Name="Crystal Healing Potion" Entry="33934" /> <Item Name="Healing Potion Injector" Entry="33092" /> <Item Name="Rulkster's Secret Sauce" Entry="32763" /> <Item Name="Volatile Healing Potion" Entry="28100" /> <Item Name="Fel Regeneration Potion" Entry="31676" /> <Item Name="Major Combat Healing Potion" Entry="31838" /> <Item Name="Major Combat Healing Potion" Entry="31839" /> <Item Name="Major Combat Healing Potion" Entry="31852" /> <Item Name="Major Combat Healing Potion" Entry="31853" /> <Item Name="Endless Healing Potion" Entry="43569" /> <Item Name="Resurgent Healing Potion" Entry="39671" /> <Item Name="Runic Healing Potion" Entry="33447" /> <Item Name="Runic Healing Injector" Entry="41166" />
  4. If it makes you feel any better- its only been around a few months... it is the shit however. have fun playing with the new toy.
  5. ok... so watch the re-logger tutorial and make a re-logger entry/profile for your character and give it several tasks First task is easy- enter the type of task, profile used, fight class and how long you want it to run. in this case- some grind profile in aszuna i use to skin, 35-40 mins To make this bulletproof i would put a wait in (you can try without- it will still prob work). a wait of 1 min will close wrobot and not WoW client... after 60 seconds wrobot will start up again. and run the next step. Gatherer for 60-70 mins Wait1 min quester dailys 60-70 mins Wait 210-280 mins Loop Thats how i would do it. @da8ball you are in charge of testing if this works without the wait of if you need to close wrobot fully closer with a wait to work.
  6. I find this when "force bot to start at start position" is ticked... try without.
  7. relogger... relogger always. just make a run entry for each task you want to run... you can put in waits between for after- it can handle the random run times, it can handle wow closes and crashes. I honestly dont know why people dont run it. This would be 2 mins to set up in relogger
  8. When i run that profile i actually turn off looting and skinning... I figured the roses i find due to not wasting time by far pays for the loot im not picking up.
  9. An issue for me with legion is that i cant find and zones with mailboxes to farm. The only mailbox i can find is in Dalaran. For me this leaves a problem as an unattended bot has very few methods of moving farmed items so they eventually will fill up. This means i need to log in and empty every single bot every 1-2 days. I'm working on this project because im going away for a week and wanted to leave the bots running with relogger (With conservative wait times) . The issue i can foresee is that eventually after a few days my bots are going to be full of leathers / herbs / boons and scrolls... I need to a way to get the valuable stuff off my FarmBots which isnt a vendor. In WoD i managed to do this with mailboxes for legion i can only come back with this **Do not use the profile unless you look at it and understand what it does** Atm i wont be assisting with "this doesnt load" - if you get stuck there, do not test this profile. Being me- i made this profile as its the only way i saw i could do what i wanted to do. The idea was to incorporate my grinding / gathering profiles into the pulses and once i hit a threshold of primary farm items, that pulse would be complete and the bot would attempt to hearth to Dalaran and MAILBOX / vendor items. then go back to farming. If you want to use this you will need to set up your mailbox recipients and items and maybe do some balancing with the min-bags run code to fit your Farmbots bag size. This is an Azsuna skinning profile. Once the bot hits 2500 Stonehide leathers it will port, use all boons and scrolls of aeons / ages and attempt to mail/ vendor. once its vendor-ed it should go back to farming. ATM im banking on the user defining all the stuff they want to mail and then having the bot sell the rest- at this time i have not put the WRobot run code in to automatically sell grey / white / green items. Asking for assistance: Any additional smarts that should be incorporated into the profile Reliability- its a minimal profile atm but it works. is there anything else that can be included to make it bulletproof. Flighmaster- NIL() when trying to direct the bot to go down to aszuna-Does not work bot just jumps and runs. il thank anyone that can fix that. General ideas on other stuff that would be cool. If you still reading - load it as a quest profile... AFK_FARM.xml
  10. [D] 00:08:39 - [Spell] Crusader Strike (Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Crusader Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:12:18 - [Spell] Zeal (Id found: 217020, Name found: Zeal, NameInGame found: Zeal, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = True) According to Wrobot you don't know zeal so its not trying to cast it... I assume you were specc'ed for [Crusader Strike] at the point where you started the bot? You either respecced and Wrobot has cached your spellbook (relog to fix, relaunch wrobot at the most) or you dont have the Zeal talent defined and if that is the case your beyond help... Attached is the other fight class with Crusader strike defined...If you dont have the talents in the profile pic this may work... Legion Ret Paladin by Eeny.xml
  11. Are you sure- everyone who has said that has ended up being wrong and removing their comment- post a log file from the session pls also repost the fightclass- there are 2 versions floating around.
  12. I only play retail so you may find different. It does depend on the mesh's and how far the bot has to go. 95% of the time thats OK and the bot will do a long move to pick up the next daily. in my 68-80 profile on retail i have the bot move from Zuldrak > Sholazar with no special runcode so its certainly doable. Put it all in 1 profile and see, it will porb work.
  13. Hate to Necro but I think this is a valid issue that still needs to be looked at. While I agree 99% of the time that the default NPC-DB works perfectly. There are some zones / phases where it is incorrect. I think what @Dreamful is asking is needed in the bot, AKA: the ability to disable the NPC-DB without getting users to delete a file in their install they will need later for other profiles. This should not be a default option- if it's used, it should come down to the profile creator to populate all vendors for the bot profile. Ideally ,a profile creator would be able to run a wrobot runcode pulse to turn off the NPC vendor DB for the profile, at which point the bot will only use the vendors defined within the profile by the writer.
  14. 1 was actually a kink in the path i was able to iron out 2-3-4 are hard for me as i dont usually mine on this route (only herb) for starlight rose. I went through both caves and dropped the blacklist bomb everywhere i could. let me know if i need to black out more there. V 1.2 uploaded.
  15. Got a srceen shot of where it happens? il blackzone it and re-upload. You will lose a potential node, but you wont die...not a bad trade
  16. This will stop the bot atacking- works like the above Thread t = new Thread(() => { int questId = 9889; while (robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause) { if (!Quest.HasQuest(questId)) break; if (ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent <= 30) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Fight.StopFight(); } } Thread.Sleep(500); } }); t.Start(); Create a quest pulse to interact with NPC... run this code before- profit!
  17. incorrect version simply means the version of the WoW client the WRobot are in-operable. aka- you cant run an old wrobot on the newest game client... get them both up to speed on versions and it will work... or re-install the older version that worked and dont update if you play private servers.
  18. That would make sense.... I hope that's it
  19. (Balance, Guardian, Feral) Druids now have Regrowth in place of Healing Touch. Regrowth is castable in Moonkin Form. Talents, artifact traits, and legendaries have been updated to affect Regrowth where appropriate. Ysera’s Gift will only heal party or raid members. Just swap out the spell- i assume they mean it will work with clearcasting.... if it doesnt it would make Druids the only? melee class without a heal optioin that doesnt bring their dps down to 0 while using it.. whats really going to hurt is Ysera's gift as that does most of my healing on my druids .. either way do not like 7.1 upgrades to Feral druids.
  20. If you use the converter you will get the quest pulses, locations, ID's. But the quest pulse order queue has so much stuff!! Thats a 4,000 step profile, i would probably trim it back down to <1000 steps in a Wrobot profile. Other problem is it looks like it calling custom hooks and pluggins to complete some of the more scripted quests. You can certainly see what and where the bot will go... you are better off writing it from scratch IMHO.. maybe using this as a guide.
  21. For those who didn't know, incoming blood of sergeras trader http://www.wowhead.com/news=256536/patch-7-1-ptr-preview-profession-and-blood-of-sargeras-updates#blood-of-sargeras-trader Finally something for the 'gathering' community =). Anyone got tips- i was going to wait it out for a month for prices of mats to stable out ( im expecting them to crash) then trade off100 blood at a time for whatever will sell,
  22. Do me a favour and read where you downloaded that file from.. That's a quest profile...
  23. updated- put a 150 yd blacklist on him and his friends
  24. By default the profile is set to sel ALL grey, white and green items. In the BETA too many people were saying they were selling stuck with full bags so i made that automatic. Il pm with a special build that wont sell as much when i get home... hope you have the bag space...
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