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Everything posted by eeny

  1. eeny

    Obliterate Frost DK

    Droidz / Bettersister will ask for a fight class as a demonstration of the buggy behaviour.
  2. The best way i can think of to get this to run would be in a fight class (as a macro) with a high priority and large cool down. Am i being stupid or is there no way to call a macro fro the fight class editor?
  3. Version 1.0.0


    AutoGear automatically rolls on and equips loot according to stat weights like WoWhead filters. AutoGear rolls "need" on upgrades and "greed" otherwise. Included in AutoGear are default stat weights for all specs of all classes. Us Stat weights work like the advanced filter on WoWhead. For example, if you specify that 1 point of strength is worth 1 point and 1 point of crit is worth 0.5 points, an item with 5 strength and 3 crit will be worth 6.5 points. That item might then replace an item in the same slot with 3 strength and 2 crit, worth 4 points. If the first item was presented in a loot roll, AutoGear would roll "need" and if you won the roll, it would equip the new item as soon as it could. The default stat weights may not be what you prefer. If you want to change them, stat weights for all classes and specs can be found in the "SetStatWeights()" function in "[wow]\Interface\AddOns\AutoGear\AutoGear.lua". Simply edit the numbers there, save the file, and type "/run ReloadUI()" to update. A GUI for setting stat weights would be nice, but the authors haven't been motivated to make one yet. Code patches are welcome. This includes improvements to AutoGear's current stat weights, which sometimes need updating due to WoW class balance changes. If you receive an upgrade mid-combat, AutoGear queues the upgrade to be equipped when combat ends. It used to equip weapon upgrades immediately because weapons could be changed in combat, but due to addons that automated weapon swaps in combat for DPS at maximum level, Blizzard now prevents addons from swapping weapons in combat automatically. You can still equip them manually earlier than AutoGear can if you notice you've received a weapon upgrade. Chat commands: /ag - options menu /ag scan - manually run automatic gearing once (scan all bags for better gear) /ag toggle/[enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic gearing /ag quest [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle quest handling /ag party [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic acceptance of party invitations Warning: AutoGear is not recommended for use at max level. Its weights are not optimal, nor are stat weights ideal for determining upgrades in end-game content. AutoGear is meant primarily as a convenience for leveling quickly. Using it at max level, especially in team PvE or PvP, is likely to get you kicked from various groups and guild
  4. Its a gatherer profile... why even try to load it as a grinder?
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Horde profile for Gorgrond quests. Hasn't gone through full QA just yet so until further notice keep an eye on the profile. Starts with Durotan on the gorgrond / frostfire border. its 99% AFK, the only issue is the base selection about 15 minutes into the profile which you will have to do manually at this time. it should pop up with a messagebox. CHOOSE THE LUMBERYARD! I didn't script the final quest "strike while the iron is hot" so i think you end up with 3/4 chapters completed, you can do that manually if you wish. Added a filler on the end so once its done all the quests it will go do a grind until you stop it.
  6. For what its worth, i couldn't code a taxi through manual pulse today... If you try /run print(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) On a flight point it returns ()nil.. so i think something has changed on the blizz side.
  7. I'm going to necro this thread and say it not just that quest with an issue. (User issue or otherwise). I cant for the life of me get the bot to hit the 'ExtraActionButton1" during daily quests. Attached is a profile for "rally the nightwatchers" http://www.wowhead.com/quest=42108/rally-the-nightwatchers Pulses 1+2 (kill and loot bosses) are easy as pie. Pulse 3 requires the **User** ~Cough~ BOT ~Cough~ to hit the extraction button while near the watchers. This obviously leads itself to an InteractWithNPC (to get close) with a macro of [ /click ExtraActioButton1 ] . unfortunately the bot wont do the Extraactionbutton upon interact... ideas? Azsuna_daily's_rally_temp.xml
  8. See the attached profile an as example. its Azsuna's " a cleansing cocktail" world quest. Objective 1- (Kill and loot) 5 Fatty bear steaks Objective 2- collect(gather) 7 eggs Obviously these wont work in 1 pulse( The quest pulse is just too different ), so spilt the quest into 2, manipulate the quest objectives to have one quest pulse complete after the first objectivee is finished and another finish after the second is finished. you end up with the quest finished, just a bit more work, Azsuna_daily's_backup.xml
  9. i should totally make a tutorial on this! Ok, so lets say you have a quest with 3 quest objectives.... first is kill boss, second is kill 10 minions third is free 3 slaves. Objectives 1+2 are easy kill and loot quest pulses.. the third is an interact with target / gather depending on the quest. What i do is actually make 3 different quest entries. instead of 1 quest with 1/10/3 objectives respectively i make 3 quests with 1/0/0 second with 0/10/0 and third with 0/0/3 objective count. you need to pulse all 3 Wrobot quests and each quest will have a different name (i suggest QuestNameObj1, QuestNameObj2, QuestNameObj3 and so on...). you may end up with several pulses to complete the one (WoW)quest, but for a complex quest you get a complex solution....
  10. you, you press start on the relogger GUI and walk away.
  11. I think you would fill up so fast unless you can give me a way to dump them for something good! You can add the "mana chunk" nodes in [ options>advanced options > looting and farming options ] and the bot should pick them up. I was looking at a quest profile to run around gathering- however i cant find a single quests i can dump the shards on over and over. if you find one let me know.
  12. Depending on the lvl of he paladin you may not have zeal yet to it may studder... log file will tell all \\installDIR\WRobot\Logs Share most recent logs
  13. A lot of quest profile making is trial and error, its a massive subject and to make a tutorial on every aspect would result in an hour long video- if you have watched those vids what are you struggling with?
  14. you need a passable item level. i think 780+ should be OK. About half the nodes do have mobs around them so you will need to fight at some point tho.
  15. This is more a notice rather than a bug report- If you suit up a new lvl 1 character in full heirlooms (no white items) and start any grinder / quester profile the bot will go to vendor and wont move away! My current theory is that the heirlooms durability isnt getting pulled correctly so the bot continually attempts to repair. The fix is to use atleast 1 white item until you can populate other slots with whites / greens (Gloves / bracers / belt / feet) and the bot will work as expected so its nothing major. just had a few people post to me after using my 1-80 profile only to find at lvl 1 bot bot is stuck! which doesnt look good. anyway- not sure if it can be fixed, but a workaround is there. cheers
  16. Its odd it doesnt cast... maybe due to the fight class range? Tried pulling with provoke?
  17. Version 1.3.0


    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly. As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time. The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however. Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar. Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. Enjoy!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Just a profile i have been working on for 80-85. Its not 100% AFK yet so i cant really say its my best work (see below) You can start this at 79 at Nordrassil in Hyjal its got a filler so it will kill elementals till 80, at which point it starts questing. i think it will get to 81.5-82 from quests on my bots with heirlooms.. then there is a grind filler after the quests, if you leave it long enough you can get 85. if someone can try with alliance and let me know if it works that would be cool. Known issues: Only part which makes this non afk is the pathing on quest "barron geddon" which should be about 15 minutes in. The bot will die here if left AFK and the pathing from the GY back you your corpse is bad so the bot will get stuck. once you have completed that quest its all AFK though.
  19. I have been looking into this, however im taking the "carpet bomb" approach... in legion when you go to a world quest zone you automatically have the quest ID in your list (without picking it up) and you can get WROBOT to pulse on that quest ID. Currently working on profiles that go along the lines of Go to location1 XYZ (hopefully there is a daily quest there today) IF has quest Quest pulse Go to location2 XYZ (repeat) All i need to do is find all the available dailies, which by the looks of things may take some time... started with Aszuna of course.
  20. Anyone got code to use items or spells that are not defined in a fight class that give an AOE cursor? How would one go about using that code in multiple places? cheers Eeny
  21. The mobs in broken isles scale to your level. Technically you could get 100-110 with a single grind profile... And a lot of time.
  22. The reason i say that is because 75% of the gold from this profile is from selling the dropped items. Every 5 runs i change the "minimum free bag slots" setting in WRobot which essentially forces the bot to go to town. The problem with that is the mesh's in deepholm are a mess and the bot will never make it down to the vendor its trying to get to and it will close with blockages. To configure the tundra mammoth as the selling point you need to check the box "use tundra mammoth" in general setting > advanced options > vendor. This will stop the bot from attempting to fly down to the vendors in town and getting stuck. I also have it configures as my ground mount in WRobot when running this profile but that may be superstition.
  23. Are you on heroic..? Because that would make it a one per day profile- change to normal and it can reset and go over and over.
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