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Everything posted by eeny

  1. If it's when your fighting, it's the fight class. If it's all the time change the click to move or lua to move settings in the advanced options. I can't tell you what one works best, installs on different computers will behave differently.
  2. Yes- still works. Because its a grinder you can start at any level and the bot should move to the spots and begin. Once you reach the max level for a zone it should move on.
  3. I dont like to leave the bot in 1 spot for too long- while the Ogres are great farming if you spend 4 lvls there people will notice. If you want it to stick around a while longer there- edit the fiile with a notepad (make a copy first) and search for line <MaxLevel>30</MaxLevel> and change 30 to 31 or 32 as you see fit. Alternatively, use the quest file editor
  4. Automation is a Wrobot 'mode' which can be selected on the main tab. Unlike quester / grinder / gatherer automation does not need a profile to work, just run the bot to the location you want, set a radius and it will kill and gather stuff if you specify. you will still need a fight class. Automation is helpful if you are playing and need to afk for 5-10.. just turn on automation and the bot will get some kills for you. I wouldnt use it for a long time, making a profile is better.
  5. Version 1.3 uploaded a stealth FC that utilises prowl! Has a function from the 'stopbot' plugin that will only engage prowl when a player is within 125 yards from the bot, otherwise the bot will just free-run without stealth. WILL NEED PROWL ON THE SKILL BAR!
  6. Lats few days... since northdale release
  7. "refund" -Guy's who have been using bot for last 6 months.
  8. The profile does not tell the bot how to fight, just what to fight. The fightclass your using will manage how the bot engages mobs- you probably need to put a "target distance" condition on the frost-bolt spell so it doesnt try use it till its in range.
  9. Only option here is to turn on " ignore pets" in the advanced options. the profile doesnt have many pulses for mobs with pets so its fairly safe to do.
  10. I put runcode to automatically enable all that stuff at the beginning of the profile. you could try disabling all that stuff by going to product settings tab > enable / disable steps > untick the first step and load the file. Otherwise i may need a log file to see if anything is in there that can explain it. Certainly no on purpose from the profile.
  11. Im Grinding a lot, Questing is too hard with the amount of people competing for mobs. I have looked at my bots thrashing between tagged mobs in quest area's and have opted that grinding in a quiet spot may be slower- however my ban rate should be lower. Because im grinding, each 2-3 level's I actually play the bot to do a quest / dungeon to mix things up. No bans yet. Re-spawn rates is a blessing or a curse depending on the class. My Hybrid bots (Shams / pals / priest / druids) who run mana conservative, heal prioritized FC's have been able to pull through chain mobs fairly well. With passable gear they have been pulling very nice EXP / hour. Meanwhile locks / hunters have been managing in most cases, however sometimes after the 5th mob in a row they can come undone. Mages, rogues and warriors i have found to be borderline un-viable for the time being. Too many times i have seen my rogue / warrior bots get stuck at the same spawn point with the same 1-2 mobs continually respawning on top of them till they die. For the next few weeks im lvling shams / paladins/ priests to get some cash + gear together. When things settle down il look into other classes.
  12. What continent are you starting this on? Always start on Kamildor unless your using a file from the test / demo section which may be eastern kingdoms.
  13. Thats a legion file from the legion download section. The bots trying to pick up a quest that only exists in Legion (seeing a trend here??) and it wont move till its go it. Use a BC quest file- that one wont work
  14. Running 3-5 at a time and at the computer while running grinding files- no bans yet. IMHO we should be waiting a few days for the eager people to get ahead so the zones are a bit quieter. I have been looking at my bots and they are 'thrashing' running between tagged mobs... Expecting a few bans tonight...
  15. You prob need a FightClass ( or a better FightClass) that your currently using. The profile tells the bot where to go and what to do.... the Fight class will tell the bot how to fight. Take a look at the 5 min tutorial vid and maybe have a go at my lock FC.
  16. its the same file... just select 3.3.5 instead of a default install
  17. Most people who can help will ask you to post a screenshot of the wow client along with the WRobot logs in \\wrobot\Logs
  18. prob best to make a thread for it. 1- Make sure you have purchased a private server key 2- when you install wrobot you need to specify the wow release. in this case 3.3.5 3- if your wow release is not there- PM droidz with a screenshot of the client login page- it will often provide the client version and droidz will figure something out.
  19. You sound like you have your pet on aggressive...
  20. few people reported this with my FC and i assume we are using similar code to get turn / run to work. Most people found toggling click to move / use LUA to move in the advanced WRobot options fixed it. A few found the fix the res has to be the same as the screen wow ( Vsync on) for it to turn. .. my 2C- good luck.
  21. nice, you could also change battle shout- remove the timer on it and just have a "buff " condition where buff name 'battle shout' = false. im sure you will find other optimisations once you start using the file
  22. maybe change the "is spell usable " on overpower from false to true? edit- in my XML i just had overpower without any conditions... the bot would just spam it so when it was available it would trigger.
  23. I think you need to complete the quest for the first time. once thats doe it should auto repeat. I forget what expansion i wrote it on as well.. i think it was legion.
  24. https://wrobot.eu/files/category/161-wrobot-for-wow-vanilla/ ...yes
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