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Everything posted by Marsbar

  1. You may be looking in the wrong section? Here is a WL fightclass:-
  2. I think this is related to certain zone areas, is the bot standing in a similar place each time you get this crash?
  3. I've not experienced that yet, I'll make a change in the way it picks the file from the folder in the next version, thanks for the report.
  4. The human master plugin has this built into it, however, it's a paid plugin.
  5. Whatever quester profile you are running is setting those values and is overriding what you have. Take it up with the profile creator or un-tick the runcode step in the profile settings on the quester tab.
  6. Marsbar


    @eeny had the same issue and actually did an update to the plugin that I was going to test (but forgot). I've just uploaded his update.
  7. Thats because of a typo in his code as well as is spell being the same name as one of the helper methods. As you can see he named the spell Fising not Fishing. The Launch method belongs to the spell. If you keep the same code and misspell it in the launch, it should work.
  8. So far it's working great! I believe I've only come across 1 stuck and it's very rare to get a death too. Running on a pally (with your fight class) and its smooth sailing. Will update and create review once it's gotten to the end of it's journey.
  9. I think I broke it. 1.0.1 shouldn't be used. Edit: okay maybe i didn't break it, let me know if you have any issues. I did break it. Sorting it out now. Should be sorted.
  10. This is what you're looking for. The HumanMaster plugin the same user created also has this in it, including more improvements.
  11. Version 1.1.1


    Hi! This plugin sends notifications via a webhook to your specified discord channel. This is currently ONE-WAY. That means notifications get sent to discord but you cannot reply back via discord to your bot. What does it do in its current state? Send a status update every X seconds to your discord channel Send a configurable prefix message to your discord when a message gets sent to your bot or near it. This includes; Whispers, Say, Party, Emote. Send a configurable prefix message to your discord on death. Send a screenshot on any event (example below). What do I eventually want to add? Monitor if the chars name is said in ANY channel and send notification Create a discord bot so that we can send messages back to wRobot (TWO WAY) Monitor other events like, teleported, targeted over extended period, killed by player, etc. Suggestions? How to set up? The plugin requires you to have a discord webhook URL set in the plugin settings. To get this URL go to your discord channel (preferably your own as only you want to see this info) and click on the cog next to your channel name (like #general for example). On the left hand side will be a Webhook section, click that and then click Create webhook. You can change settings here if you want but the important thing is the webhook URL at the bottom, copy/paste the full URL to the plugin setting. Done! Known Issues: On emote it sends the last chat message instead (if someone whispered you 3 mins ago and then you get an emote 2 mins later, it will display the message from 3 mins ago). Will change it to say an emote was used near you. Status update timer fires more than once (this happens after start/stopping the bot because i dont dispose the original timer..) Let me know if you have issues. 1.1.0 feature update - Screenshot mode: Now you can send a screenshot with your notification. It saves these screenshots into a wDiscordAlert folder inside your plugins folder and sends it to your discord server! Example:
  12. When you say profiles, I presume you mean fightclasses. If it is a paid fightclass you downloaded you should try contacting the author, if free, post which one! If you created it yourself it's likely something you added.
  13. I think it may be to do with blacklisting - i was only really getting this on my rogue and i think its because it auto blacklists the mob if I stealth towards it too slowly.
  14. In the settings there's an option to set on how much free bag space it should go to vendor. If your ammo bag is 6 slots and you want to go back to town on 2 free slots, set that value to 8.
  15. Cool, I have a question though... In your ClearBlackListForLockPickingLeveling() function you do wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklist(); and wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); Is that required, doesn't that potentially clear the blacklist of legitimate things? Does wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); not suffice?
  16. I've been having these issues too, thought it might be my fightclass but as you guys are getting it too, it must be an issue.
  17. robotManager.Products.Products.ProductName ? while (robotManager.Products.Products.ProductName == "Grinder") { asfhyhaskasfasjaisugbfasufa } Not actually tested
  18. foreach (var player in ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(p => p.GetDistance <= 120)) { Logging.Write("Player '" + player.Name + "' is close by!"); } Guess you could do that. May want to add a timer in there though so it doesn't spam the log like mad. edit: Maybe something like that around it> using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public Timer PlayerNotificationTimer = new Timer(); public void GetPlayers() { if (PlayerNotificationTimer.IsReady) { foreach (var player in ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(p => p.GetDistance <= 120)) { Logging.Write("Player '" + player.Name + "' is close by!"); } PlayerNotificationTimer = new Timer(1000 * 5); } }
  19. Can you explain to me why that would be? We have a defined poly target and a main target? The only issue I could think of is that the polytarget could change because there could be multiple mobs at 100% hp. You could get around that though with another condition
  20. You don't need to use onfightloop. This could be an if in your rotation. Once again, I can't test right now but I don't see why the below couldn't do the trick (there are probably cleaner ways to do it): List<WoWUnit> attackers = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer(); if (attackers.Count > 1) { WoWUnit mainTarget = attackers.Where(u => u.HealthPercent == attackers.Min(x => x.HealthPercent)).FirstOrDefault(); WoWUnit polyTarget = attackers.Where(u => u.HealthPercent == attackers.Max(x => x.HealthPercent)).FirstOrDefault(); if (!polyTarget.HaveBuff("Polymorph") && polyTarget != mainTarget) { Interact.InteractGameObject(polyTarget.GetBaseAddress); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Polymorph"); Thread.Sleep(500); Interact.InteractGameObject(mainTarget.GetBaseAddress); } } ~edit: you'd probably want to add some more conditions to make sure polymorph is known etc.
  21. No i mean not using the setting at all and just setting the bot to be in a paused state while a player is near (unless in combat or regenerating)
  22. Probably because you could quite easily write it in a plugin and not use the setting
  23. I think <spellname>.IsSpellUsable can be used as a condition if not you could always add ObjectManager.Target.IsAttackable
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