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Everything posted by Marsbar

  1. If you're not too bothered about ppl seeing your fightclass, you can attach the xml file to a msg here and I can take a look
  2. Also can you let me know once you've resolved it? Then I can get rid of https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1766-free-ammo/
  3. https://wotlk.evowow.com/?items=11 all types of hunter quiver/ammobags. These were removed cata onwards so it's only needed for WOTLK, TBC and Vanilla
  4. Change the damage seals mana condition to be 95%, make it higher priority than the mana one and have the mana seals condition to still be below 30%. It will use dmg seal till 30% mana, then switch, then when you reach 95%, it will switch back to dmg etc.
  5. You're trying to prevent it from spamming sinister.. are you saying it's only using sinister and not eviscerate? Sinister should be at the bottom of the priority list, as long as evis is above it, it will use that instead (if its conditions are met). In regards to your cc breaking, there should also be one called is rooted, try that one maybe? Otherwise yes you could go through the painstaking task of adding the debuffs. The fightclass creator is there for basic fightclasses, you wont be able to get a very advanced fightclass out of it without adding some c# at which point you might as well make the whole FC in C#.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Another simple plugin. What does it try to solve? When botting on hunters the bot considers quiver/ammobag slots that do not have ammo in them as free bag slots for normal loot. This means if you have a quiver with 1 ammo stack and 7 free slots and have your Min Free slots to go to town to set to 2, it would never go to town because the bot still thinks you have those 7 available in your quiver. What does the plugin do? It changes the Min Free slots to go to town number to your set amount plus the number of free slots you have in your quiver/ammo bag. Example: 8 Slot ammo bag, 6 slots filled with ammo. You set your go to town to 2. The plugin will change the gototown amount to 4 (2 from quiver and 2 from bags). It will change setting every time you loot something so you should be covered! ps. It's a .cs file again so you can have a look at the code. Ty to @Matenia for the hint to auto get the ammo bag slot id.
  7. couldn't actually get this to work so using this instead: return Lua.LuaDoString<int>(@" for slot = 20,23 do local link = GetInventoryItemLink('player', slot); if link then local _, _, _, _, _, itemType = GetItemInfo(link); if itemType == 'Quiver' then return slot - 19; -- gets back slot end end end ");
  8. interesting reads from absolutely ages ago: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7541-switch-target-polymorph-switch-to-original-target/ https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7507-solved-move-after-frost-nova-is-it-really-that-hard/
  9. You're probably using this: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1709-simple-antidetection/
  10. Have you gone through the setup? and does the bot come online in your discord server? Also you can DM me on discord for faster responses!
  11. What latency settings have you set? Try min: 600 max: 900. See if that helps.
  12. Hey @luckystrike213, Yeah, I've been meaning to update it for a while now, haven't really gotten round to it (not enough time lol) nor do I have a place to track issues/suggestions so have been putting it off. I will probably overhaul the whole thing at some point and make it API driven. Until then I guess I'll polish off what's there already, is there anything specific you're missing? I'll try to add the main cities that I left out.
  13. It thinks you already have one set, look for a settings file in the settings folder for the profile, enter it in there or clear it out and you should be good.
  14. Try this plugin, I made it ages ago for a friend, i think it does what you're after, you just have to give it the correct bag slot id, id 1 is the first bag next to your backpack, then its 2, 3, 4. AmmoV2.cs edit: if it works for you let me know and I'll post it for other people, i thought there was another plugin or something that covers this but can't find anything atm.
  15. var random = new Random().Next(1,4); You can test it in the dev tools, do this (with execution type set to C#): var random = new Random().Next(1,4); Logging.Write(random.ToString()); DevTools help:https://marsbars.gitlab.io/unoffical-wrobot-api-docs/articles/devtools.html
  16. Thanks for pointing that out. Yes I know why this is, I'll update it over the weekend. Edit: I also noticed when an enemy player doesn't have a target it draws a weird line. I'll fix that too.
  17. Thanks buddy, I'm glad you've been enjoying my other plugin, this actually has that same functionality you're suggesting. It draws a red line to players of the opposite faction and they're marked in orange. It doesn't have the search radius though as generally the draw distance on private servers is quite low.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    qObjMarker - Assisting your leveling process. What does it do? I made this to help me keep track of quest mobs and game objects as I was leveling one of my chars manually on a server that just opened. Obviously you have to fight for the mobs with all the other players and being able to instantly see where all the mobs and gameobjects are helps a lot (I've been running it with WRotation[Movement disabled in settings] and no fightclass). It uses WRobots 3D Radar to automatically draw a line to any Mobs or GameObjects that it can read from your quest logs objectives. Eg. If the quests says "0/10 Super Boars Slain" it will check your surrounding area for any mobs with the name Super Boars. Same for game objects. Tracked Mobs are assigned a random colour based on their name. Tracked gameobjects are currently Blue. It also tracks players of the opposite faction in Orange. Wow! It tracks all my quest objectives? No. The names won't always match their respective quest logs. Also note that if you have completed the objective or the mob has been tagged by someone else, it will not draw a line to it. Can I add Mobs manually? Yes. There are hotkeys you can use! These are: CTRL + T - Add your target mobs name to the tracking list ALT + T - Remove your target mobs name from the tracking list CTRL + L - List all the mobs in the tracking list ALT + L - Clear the custom mob tracking list What about game objects? I'll add them on the next release. This is the initial release so may contain bugs. Let me know how you get on!
  19. https://marsbars.gitlab.io/unoffical-wrobot-api-docs/api/wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.html#wManager_Wow_Helpers_Lua_LuaDoString_System_String_System_Boolean_ Using your code: for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString("if atbmi==nil then atbmi=1 end atbni=GetInboxNumItems() if atbmi>atbni then atbmi=1 end atbit=GetInboxInvoiceInfo(atbmi) if atbit==\"seller_temp_invoice\" then GetInboxText(atbmi); DeleteInboxItem(atbmi) else atbmi=atbmi+1 end"); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString("if atbmi==nil then atbmi=1 end atbni=GetInboxNumItems() if atbmi>atbni then atbmi=1 end atbit=GetInboxInvoiceInfo(atbmi) if atbit==\"seller_temp_invoice\" then GetInboxText(atbmi); DeleteInboxItem(atbmi) else atbmi=atbmi+1 end"); Thread.Sleep(100); }
  20. try also disabling your plugins
  21. Sounds like you switched characters without restarting wrobot, if you were on a mana class before and didn't restart it still thinks the char has a mana bar instead of rage bar. Nevermind, just saw your log file, it isn't that.
  22. Have a look here There are quite a few other topics about it if you do a quick search
  23. The bot attacks tagged mobs by default unless you have a plugin enabled that stops that (HMP for example)
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