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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. You can't decide which target wRobot picks for the fight itself at all. Targeting logic in wRobot is not "smart" at all. The only thing you can hope for is a smart fightclass that uses range pull if wRobot targets something that is surrounded by other mobs.
  2. You need to ad the correct NPC type in your database, when you add NPCs. Never use the "auto scan" option. Auto equipping bags - either buy HMP or search for free plugins here.
  3. 14 * 5 = 70 7 * 5 = 35 HMP will buy the food before wRobot does. If something goes wrong, it will fall back to wRobot. Looks fine to me.
  4. I explained it to ScripterQQ a while ago, he has posted a few good profiles since. https://wrobot.eu/files/category/124-battlegrounder-wotlk/ There's a profile creator when you open the Battlegrounder product that helps you record them.
  5. How is it handling 3-4 mobs? I don't see anything in there, that pulls 3-4 mobs. Are you using the multi pull plugin? How does it make sure all are funneled in front of you? There is no pulling logic. I looked into the XML file. Like I said, if you wanted something that casts the right spells in wRotation while you play yourself, you should have requested that. But something entirely automated like in your original post takes a really long time and is definitely not possible with the fightclass editor. Hence my original comment.
  6. I mean, if you don't see the option "Free mode" for every BG, then I can't spoon feed you. This isn't my product, I'm not developing it or selling it. I told him what's wrong. Vanilla requires special work to know if the BG has already started. He's probably got it on his list.
  7. That does nothing of what you requested except using some prot spells... So what you wanted was a rotation for when you play manually? I mean - if it's "that easy" why call the community shit, instead of making it yourself? That's the entitlement of a 5 year old child.
  8. Copy this underneath the other class: public class Key { public static bool haveKey(int keyId) { bool haveKey = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("local itemIdSearch = " + keyId + "; local bag = KEYRING_CONTAINER; for slot = 1,MAX_CONTAINER_ITEMS do local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); local _, itemCount = GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot); if itemLink and itemCount then local _,_,itemId = string.find(itemLink, '.*|Hitem:(%d+):.*'); if itemId and tonumber(itemId) == itemIdSearch then return true end end end return false"); return haveKey; } } If the compiler says any imports ("using" declarations) are missing, copy them to where the ones in my quester already are.
  9. Check here: In Customscript, I put a class called QuesterHelper. WIth it, you can then call C# code: QuestHelper.AbandonQuester("questName") in any Quester step.
  10. @CocoChanel it's automatic wRobot pathing, there's nothing he can do. Even with HMP's automatic tram code. It needs some custom solution for vanilla so wRObot NEVER tries to path through there
  11. It's quite complicated and nobody is gonna spend the hours on making one for you unless you're willing to shell out the money. Especially if you want something as complicated as pulling a bunch of mobs and then funneling them in front of you.
  12. EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += delegate(LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) { };
  13. vanilla uses 6-10 different events, check out vanilla addons for the Lua API they use, best to check out someting like Recount or DpsMeter or some shit
  14. Make sure you have the correct C++ redistributable installed as well as .NET 4.6 and for HMP you actually follow the readme on how to install it.
  15. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_COMBAT_LOG_EVENT?oldid=1648822 Or for vanilla, much much more complicated
  16. In all fairness, Droidz has been adding a shit ton of these features to the bot base by now. It's just that nobody bothers to learn how to set them up at all. You can absolutely make your bot go to vendor to buy ammo/food/drink/etc without ever having to know a single line of C# code. All of these features are now more or less in wRobot, if you set them up as well:
  17. some plugin or something is probably making you stop casting, the bot already has a function build in that waits until a cast is over to fix this If you are NOT using addons and no plugins/fightclasses that do the above explained behavior, I suggest trying a clean install. But this should basically never happen.
  18. ... Disable free mode and make your own profiles. The only real bug for battlegrounder in vanilla is the starting area because it doesn't know if the bg hasn't started yet. Been using wrobot especially on tbc in BGs since 2016
  19. @Droidz problem is in vanilla wow Battleground.cs BattlegroundIsStarted method checks for buffs (those buffs ONLY exist in TBC+). For vanilla you need to either read from memory or subscribe to chat events: https://wow.gamepedia.com/CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL Or quick check (not fully reliable): http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_GetBattlefieldScore Check if anyone has already done damage = battlefield definitely started Maybe you can also check for game objects and their flags (arathi basin/warsong gulch/alterac valley doors that open when BG opens).
  20. 100% works with the warmane client (or any 2.4.3, really) Make sure you actually download wRobot for 2.4.3 and don't try to use your vanilla version...
  21. 10 sessions is the MONTHLY price you're seeing. For one year (like the others are) it's 80€
  22. wRobot is a PRIVATE server bot for vanilla to legion, BfA is NOT supported
  23. das funzt nicht, haben schon viele versucht Im Endeffekt musst du alles von Hand nacharbeiten bzw neu machen
  24. Version 1.0.0


    This is not a quester useful in itself. It uses 2 positions in Wetlands as an example on how to use such a timer to make grinding random and switch between areas every x minutes. Keep in mind, this heavily depends on the functions in the Custom Scripts part, where I added a QuestHelper class. It is meant as an educational file to help users create better grinders for themselves.
  25. That's an error with HMP because you didn't follow the readme
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