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  1. Are the accounts being created on separate IPs as well? IP is logged into their database when the account is created. Depending on their GM policies any IP that account is attached to will be banned. Hopefully you're tunneling with puTTy and proxycap, and that the program will only accept a connection from an assigned IP through proxycap, which I'm going to assume you have done. If not, I would look into doing this. Depending on the investigation and procedures of the private server, they may log all bans at once. You see this happen on servers such as Paymane (Warmane). The reason behind this is to prevent botters and hackers from trying to save the account or log out and change the IP the account connects with. I can tell you without a doubt that almost all bot bans are caused by player reports or flags generated by their anti-cheat (or manual server queries for previously banned IPs) that require manual review from previously banned IPs. There are many ways to block your wow.exe from connecting with your IP using puTTy/proxycap. Some quick Google searches will answer this.
  2. It's 95% reports, 5% anti-hack GM flying around, and checking on people (including float hackers aoe in dungeons, etc)
  3. Turn off your add-ons. If you don't want to re-enable them each time, the easiest method is to create a separate WoW directory for botting.
  4. Bot likes to try and bid on things he already bids on. Example: Bot bids from top, to bottom. Copper Ore bid is set by bot, bot buys stuff below the bid, goes back to Copper Ore bid and tries to bid again, then buys another Copper Ore below the bid, bot goes back and tries to bid again. Repeat this until next page.
  5. Greetings, So I'm new to the vanilla botting scene (usually bot on tbc) and was wondering what is causing this issue: I enabled CTM (click to move) and it doesn't respond to the movements when in windowed/windowed maximized mode. It stops short of the distance it is told to travel. I've messed with a combination of the settings below and it still doesn't work -VSync -60hz (in-game and monitor is set to this) -Hardware cursor Any ideas?
  6. I haven't read the entire thread, but sometimes the bot can get "hung up" on selling if there is a quest item that has no sell value and that is not recognized.
  7. Try using LUA to move, also try running in windowed, if full screen.
  8. Purchase a VPS for $2- and connect to it with puTTy, then tunnel with ProxyCap. There's other services that act as a VPS but change your IP regularly (more for hackers, etc.) but these cost a little extra and you have the chance of getting a bunk IP that will get you banned, but I feel it would be rare this would happen.
  9. The bot is able to do many things actually. Grind, quest, gather, auctionhouse, fish, BG, and so on. It just depends on the profile you're using. You can create your own custom profiles, use free profiles, or paid profiles.
  10. Also getting this (TBC)
  11. Also have had reports of this
  12. Greetings, The private server tbc version of the bot (specifically on warmane) is disabling auto loot.
  13. I believe it's because the profile is designed for private wow TBC. I say this because of: Player Level: 110
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