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79135 reacted to TheSmokie in Get Account Name
My bad, forgot to provide the right offsets,
0xB6AA40 -
79135 reacted to Droidz in 10-year anniversary
Happy New Year to all !
I'm excited to start another year and look forward to continuing to serve you with WRobot.
This year marks a special milestone for us as we celebrate the 10-year anniversary of WRobot.
I'm grateful for your support and look forward to many more years of success together.
Thank you for choosing WRobot, and I hope you have a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!
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79135 reacted to Pudge in Pathfinder
⚠️⚠️⚠️ The problem is urgent. The bot breaks through the wall in cities like harry potter into the portal to hogwarts. What happens to meshes / pathfinding? And why in cities? Why can't the meshes be saved in the bot folder in case of problems with the pathfinder server ?
79135 reacted to Pudge in urgently
[E] 19:09:33 - PathFinder server seem down, use offline pathfinder.
Offline pathfinding does not work, a bunch of bots run into the wall in capitals.
@Droidz, maybe you can do something with it, this is not the first time a problem arises when your servers crash and many of bots, after casting the hearthstone, simply run into the wall in one place, in front of everyone's eyes.
79135 reacted to Droidz in Happy New Year 2021
Wishing you a happy new year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come.
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79135 reacted to Droidz in Set foreground/focus wow window
Hello, you have robotManager.Helpful.Mouse.CurseurWindowPosition(IntPtr mainWindowHandle, int posX, int posY) and robotManager.Helpful.Mouse.CurseurWindowPercentagePosition(IntPtr mainWindowHandle, int percentageX, int percentageY)
Look methods in robotManager.Helpful.Mouse and robotManager.Helpful.Display (but simulate click works badly and you need wow window in foreground)
79135 reacted to Droidz in Bug with windows
Hi, I'm sorry but this problem will be difficult for me to resolve, you are the only one to have reported something similar to me.
see if it's not a problem with your Windows, if it's up to date, why not try reinstalling it.
79135 got a reaction from Pudge in Change character
I want to change a character . I start 1st char after some time i need to change the char on the realm.
I use: logout -> press button System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Down -> System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter.
Earlier just restarted the bot and after restart the bot connecting to a 2nd char, now restarting bot and game.
Please will make what bot just restart himself, without game. thanks
79135 reacted to Matenia in endless.gg ?
Then why did you bother commenting on a thread that's specifically in regards to anti-cheat on a very specific TBC server?
Could it possibly be because most of your posts are to make yourself sound more important and knowledgable while contributing nothing to the topic at hand?
I've said this many times, but often your answers are so incomplete or off-topic that they do more damage than they help anybody. This was just another case. So as long as you keep doing that, I'll happily correct you publically so people can actually find an answer to their question. I genuinely don't understand your need to push your post count into oblivion and make yourself seem soooo important at any chance you can get.
79135 reacted to Droidz in Flight master was discovered
wowUnitFlightMaster.NpcMarker == NpcMarker.GreenExclamation
79135 reacted to Droidz in Lua array
List<int> list = Lua.LuaDoString<List<int>>("local s={}; for i = 1,17 do local l = GetInventoryItemLink('player', i) if l then local r=l:match('item:(%d+):(%d+)') table.insert(s, r) end end return unpack(s)"); Lua code formatted:
local s={}; for i = 1,17 do local l = GetInventoryItemLink('player', i) if l then local r=l:match('item:(%d+):(%d+)') table.insert(s, r) end end return unpack(s)
79135 reacted to Droidz in Bug with start/stop thread
put abort beetween try/catch
or don't use it
79135 reacted to Droidz in Check flight masters in the list
if (Taxi.TaxiList.Nodes.All(o => o.Name != "AAA")) { var taxi = new TaxiNode(int slotIndex, string name, Vector3 position, int continentId); taxi.Active = true; Taxi.TaxiList.AddOrEditForCurrentPlayer(taxi); }
79135 reacted to Findeh in Calling for developers and testers
No, he is not compare bananas with apples. He is comparing rare using of bot (how it should be) with the case when everyone using it (how you guys want it to be, it seems).
And the fact that this code will be used for private realms is actually counterargument for you. There are less players, it will be much easyer to flood all possible realms, because there are less realms total.
Also, I wonder, let's say, some developer releases some code for sale. Let's say it's something simple, like the right coordinates siquence, the only one that is right (just for the sake of example). He have spend couple mounth of testing to get those coordinates right and to solve some problem with it, that's why he is selling it. What will prevent you guys to "to borrow" his solution (because it's the only right one) without spending 3-4 mounth for testing and make it a part of a free project? And then there will be like 700 people running the same coordinates.
Also no one states that this project should be banned or something, you can do whatever you want.
79135 reacted to maukor in Calling for developers and testers
What do you mean by " Growing community" Wrobot has no alternatives, and it's here for few years already, nothing to advertise, everyone who wanted to bot is already here. With easy free stuff you will just make botting harder cause of gm awarness. More bots - less bots ( cause of more bans from gms ). Botting was that easy with hb in 2013, i had to maintance 120 accounts on EU to get some profit. Thanks to free stuff from azyul. Findeh is right, Just check video on youtube with HB bots on Battleground, it has 529 thousand views, ofcourse gms cant ignore that.
79135 reacted to Findeh in Calling for developers and testers
That's how you kill botting everyone) Give everyone everything for free, let them flood realms and make gms mad. Wait till everyone will do the same as Tauri. What a wonderfull undertaking.
Nothing bad can ever happen if you populize botting, and give it to everyone, with the lowest enter possible. Right? Oh wait, HB did that once and how are they doing now? Oh, and how is retail wow botting is doing in genereal? Everithing will be fine, lets just do the same.
Both, guys who are make a living selling paid stuff and guys who make a living with mass botting will be so glad to all of those outcomes. Why shouldn't they, right?
79135 reacted to Ordush in poll about leveling
I honestly don't think so.
It is with wrobot as it has always been with honorbuddy before that, and glider before that, etc.
You get reported, or caught by a GM, game over.
Now it has ALWAYS been like this: Private profiles are less likely to get caught, while public profiles most likely will get caught sooner rather than later.
In Mist of Pandaria I used 2 bots, one that was doing ores and herbs (had virtually no gear), and 1 that had gear (my main account) farming leather.
The ores and herbs profiles (I had 4 bots doing that) all got caught eventually (I used randomized public profiles). Where my main account that just farmed leather NEVER got banned. And actually still works fine to this day.. The difference was that the leather farming profiles i created myself, while the herbs and ores were public.
On warmane, i have 11 level 70's NONE of them has ever been banned and probably never will. I don't currently play them, but when i did I only used selfmade profiles.
I even published two of them here (scales farming) and never used them since i published them here. (Mind you that 5 of the 11 chars are shamans, that i used to multi-box).
Can tell you that 11/11 chars has done about 0 quests (they are all leveled with an exploit that i'm not going to share, so please don't ask).
79135 reacted to Mykoplazma in Freeze screen
If you have Nvidia card you can use global fps limit for any directx game using program called NVIDIA Inspector. You can find how to do it on google.
79135 reacted to Matenia in Which command is dangerous?
If it sends a packet to the server and IT SPAMS it they can probably check for spam. This is true for everything that sends a packet to the server.
CastSpellByName CANNOT be detected as long as you use it through wRobot because wRobot protects against Lua unlock server side detection.
But that's what servers try to detect. And if you use any other Lua unlocker or PQR, it will be detected.
79135 reacted to Matenia in Which command is dangerous?
None of them. The only check for CastSpellByName (most do anyway), but using them through the wRobot API, there are workarounds that make it undetected (you don't even notice these).
79135 reacted to Droidz in question about vanilla macro
Hello, seem to be PromoteByName : https://github.com/MOUZU/Blizzard-WoW-Interface/blob/d162a4c0d198a4381b5b6573d975635ed7316702/1.12.1/FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua#L711
79135 reacted to 83532827 in How To Reset Quest step type
How do I reset the "FollowPlace1" at the "RunCode"
79135 reacted to Droidz in Check if GroupLootFrame is visible
try code like
Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("for i = 1, 4 do local b = _G['GroupLootFrame'..i] if b and b:IsVisible() then return true end end return false") When will you share your work with the community?