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Everything posted by FNV316

  1. Make sure to mark the name of the food with your mouse cursor and hit enter. Repeat that a few times. Seems like the name is not always recognized / saved immediately Or (shameless promotion incoming ?) :
  2. Version 1.6.2


    Replaces the current, unreliable taxi system of wRobot with a dedicated system for Vanilla WoW. It also adds the functionality to automatically discover previously undiscovered taxi nodes. It is currently Alliance only, due to primary created with my quester profiles in mind. Don't ask me to create a version for Horde as well. I have plans for that, but without an appointment. Features: -Take taxi, when detecting a long path -Discover undiscovered taxi nodes -Optional: Automatically updates the discovered / undiscovered taxi nodes of a character, when the taxi map is opened -Optional: Stop bot, if getting stuck repeatedly at the gate between Loch Modan and Searing Gorge How it works: The plugin checks your movement. If the distance to your destination is greater than 1000 yards (default), it searches the database for a shorter path. If there is a shorter path available, it will use taxi instead of walking and after that continue with whatever task it was doing previously. Else take taxi is skipped. The distance used is not the distance between two points, but rather the distance of the path the bot would walk otherwise Undiscovered taxi nodes get discovered automatically, when being in a certain range of the related NPC (50 yards default) Settings: All settings should be self-explaining. You can enable / disable taxi nodes within the plugins settings. Only set nodes to true, if you know for certain that your character has discovered them ingame! Important: The plugin creates and uses it's own database. That means that the plugin has to discover taxi nodes by itself or update it automatically, when the taxi map is opened. It also does not check, if the transition between two taxi nodes is possible. F.e. it will try to fly from Booty Bay to Eastern Pleaguelands, even if you haven't discovered any other taxi node in Eastern Kingdoms. So make sure the product you are running allows the use of this plugin. Props to you, if you really read that. Credit to @Matenia, who helped me a lot with the movement
  3. That's why you stick to the launcher profile and not tinker around by playing manually. Let the bot run, don't over patronize him and if you run into any issues with the scripts itself, report back with you log file, so I can figure out what exactly didn't work.
  4. The only time I abandon / dismiss pets is during the tame quest of Hunters. If it gets abandoned to any other time, it's not done by the profiles. Call Pet spam is related to your fight class Which version and steps caused issues?
  5. Does that also happen, when starting the bot without being already located in Deeprun Tram, but rather in Stormwind / Ironforge? Seems like the tram script is not fully executed
  6. It's required to setup some kind of default range pull for Rogue / Warrior specifically. Also depends on which version of the profiles you are running Quote of the FAQ: "F: Do I have to enable wRobots taxi feature? A: No, all necessary flights are scripted within the profile. WRobots taxi feature is known to cause a lot of issues, so you better keep it disabled. NOTE: It is disabled by default" You can enable wRobots taxi, but be aware of it's flaws and bugs. I have written a plugin for flexile flights. Still need to do more testing, but will probably release it in the upcoming days You would have to specify when and where exactly you get stuck. In general, all movement besides ROUTES is done by wRobots path finding. You can report me areas and broken meshes, that cause trouble for wRobot, so I can try to find a workaround. Same for ghost walk. This state is exclusively handled by wRobot. It's not possible to script it either, due to the bot possibly dying all over the map. If you use any fight class, plugins or features like gathering that can influence path finding, give it a try without them
  7. https://wrobot.eu/files/category/161-wrobot-for-wow-vanilla/
  8. ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(12345) > 10
  9. It works, thanks Droidz! Very handy code for some quests KeyExample.xml
  10. WRobot doesn't have such a function, but you can create your own using Lua: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_GetMirrorTimerInfo HMP uses Lua events to decide wether you need to swim up again, see "Related events" at the bottom
  11. FoodIsSpell = True ; DrinkIsSpell = True You use consumable items, so you have to disable IsSpell
  12. -You haven't set food / drink name -"Drink" is disabled / unchecked -"on 1% to 75%" means that your bot will start regenerating, if your health / mana is equal or smaller 1%. Increase the first value, to trigger it sooner
  13. True, the bot is not designed for water combat. You can't regenerate and if you die too deep down, the bot is unable to revive. It primarily helps when running profiles that involve some short water parts, but not exclusively
  14. WRobot doesn't check your breath, nor swims up to refresh it by default. HumanMasterPlugin does that, but it's paid
  15. You have to set the "max level" to a value one below the level you plan to grind to. The bot will pulse that quest until your characters level is greater than "max level" Or you can write it as Is complete condition: return ObjectManager.Me.LevelDecimal >= 10; Returns true, as soon as your character reached level 10
  16. Flight Master for Vanilla is broken and unreliable in general. Enabling / disabling and blacklisting taxi nodes after not being able to find a taxi node that doesn't even exist in Vanilla in the first place. I assume it's the same system used for later expansions with these additional taxi nodes. Or just not being able to fly from an active & discovered taxi node to another active & discovered taxi node, because wRobot thinks there is no flight path available, even if there clearly is. Not to speak about endless loops of bots running from one Flight Master to the other, just to fly back to the first one and repeat. Would really appreciate some ❤️ for Vanilla Flight Master. To give an example: Bot is located in Westfall, Sentinel Hill and his destination is the Light House in the same zone. The bot will walk up to the Flight Master and search for a taxi node to travel to. But the taxi node at the Light House does not exist in Vanilla. So what happens is that wRobot blacklists the Sentinel Hill Flight Master and is now unable to fly from Westfall back to Stormwind. This can lead to even more taxi nodes being blacklisted, when the bot is in Stormwind and tries to fly back to Westfall.
  17. Max: 12-16h per day / 5 days per week. A well designed fight class is key
  18. 1-60 will be the same product, just updated. No further purchases necessary
  19. Well, that is indeed possible. If a server runs a different version and quests have been altered, that can cause issues. Thanks for the hint, I gonna start a test run there tomorrow.
  20. They should be added to the list automatically, if you turn in quests, while the bot is still running in pause (or even just active in the background). However, all quests and paths are done in a specific order, so if you do stuff out of order yourself, there is nevertheless a high risk of something breaking. Scripts like flying or routes highly depend on your current quest progress You better interact with the bot as less as possible. Try to use plugins like Accept Group Invitation to make it look more human like, or delay your ingame latency to 300-500 ms, to hide bottish movement / behavior.
  21. Could that also prevent / stop wRobot from attacking friendly Hunter pets, when mobs with the same id are currently target of a grinder step?
  22. If you are corresponding to the demo version, it has not been updated for a couple of months and therefor still in a pretty unbalanced and sometimes broken state, especially with overall weak classes. It will receive an major update probably in August as well, facing these issues and adding more content to it. Currently you may consider buying your bot some green auction house gear Else please contact me via Discord.
  23. As Matenia said, it seems your list of completed quest ids is missing these quest ids. But as a workaround, you can disable those related steps (Product Settings -> Profile Settings (Enable/Disable Quests/Steps)), so the bot won't try to run them again
  24. I'm glad you enjoy it. ? 2 days 15 for level 34 is pretty fast, even for a Warlock
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