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Everything posted by food4me

  1. Does anyone here have any idea how lights hope aka "Northdale" catches botters? I've never once AFK botted as I feel Wrobot cannot be trusted with all the bugs and how often it fuck ups. I quest nonstop and only use the bot for fishing and some grinding here and there. I was online I got zero whispers from a GM was not teleported nothing just kicked from the server and met the login screen I type in my password and it says the account is permanently closed reason botting. There's no way they could've caught me I don't even take a piss with Wrobot running.
  2. 36-42 swamp of sorrows goes right into stonard, it also targets the guards and attacks them maybe make some blacklists? EDIT: I've now watched my guy run right in there and die 7 times. For some reason, he feels the need to just run in there and target guards. all plugins and addons are disabled. It's worked fine for hours till now
  3. Thank you very much! I love it. Runaro made the profile exactly how I wanted it super fast response time and the agreed price was reasonable for the amount of joy I will get out of the profile I will now come stright to you for any custom profile I require. Thank you very much
  4. Nice work! I will check it out when I load up my hunter next I am looking forward to it
  5. Just found it odd that's the first time I've seen that error in the log and right afterward my hunter just stood there maybe it was a coincidence
  6. Another issue [E] 01:34:39 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName) at Main.PreCombatRotation() at Main.Rotation() This stalls the bot and makes my toon stand there
  7. If you're interested PM me
  8. I'll leave that to PM so Its not widely broadcasted
  9. I am willing to pay for a custom profile. If you are good at making profiles and want to make some quick money message me I am willing to pay 6.99 I'm sure it would be something that is easy to make as I only require it to do 3 things.
  10. Just leveled up out of the last area now its taking flight path from duskwood to redridge mountain then walks all the way back to duskwood and flies back to redridge its done this 5 times nows. HMP is turned off. One thing I can say about this profile is it doen't really use very obscure places at all I never really afk bot and watching my toon get ganked every 3 minutes kind of sucks every grind I've used so far has been quest mobs or near them so you get ganked non stopped.
  11. I'm having the same issue too. On top of that issue my hunter will not range attack at all!!!!! He will use hunters mark then run in and melee and will not attack first he will run around and only attack once he's attacked which kind of defeats the purpose of being ranged DPS
  12. My 12 hunter just got killed by 4 level 7's it sat there and tried to melee didn't shoot his bow once?
  13. Doesn't feed pet... It will spam feed pet but it will not select any of the meat I have in my bags
  14. Right now my toon is running through duskwood and looks like its towards STV so that is a plus
  15. Thank you for a super speedy response I will try as you suggested and let you know what happens
  16. I just bought this and ran the 1-45 human on a 35 human started the bot in STV he ran all the way to darkshire to acquire some Fine Aged Cheddar then proceded to run all the way to Stormwind to my trainer where I was greeted with a Wrobot error "Compilator error: c:\users\valued customer\appdata\local\temp\idc5qkn4\ldc5kqn4.0.cs(22, 169) : errorCS1026 ) expected error I have go to trainer off in Wrobot. I've sat here and watched the 1-45 human and the alliance 25-60 run around and do nothing I'm level 35 started this at 0 exp, time played this level 1 hour 11 minutes and I'm still 0 exp into my level.... It's literally just running all over the place taking trams... walking to venders now I'm watching it walk to maybe the wetlands??? When I have all the flight paths and have that turned on in Wrobot starting to feel this was a giant waste of time and money Now he stopped to kill a level 8 bear that didn't even attack first...
  17. Not with this purchase it don't but its okay I bought it VIA paypal account anyways. I'm just not a huge fan of paypal
  18. Do you accept any other payment method other than paypal?
  19. 14:00:25 - Error during download, please verify link. 14:00:20 - error: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName) at UpdateManager.UpdateManager.() 14:00:12 - 0 file(s) need to be updated 14:00:12 - Check for updated files. 14:00:12 - Product changed: WRobot for Wow Vanilla (1.12.1 5875)
  20. Well, that wasn't the case here I let it sit there for 15 minutes it kept talking to Marshal Dughan. I found the step that's bugged its step [36] Pickup > WestbrookGarrisonNeedsHelp
  21. Profile gets stuck on Marshal Dughan keep trying to accept quest it already has. I tried to manually skip it but bot keeps running to him.
  22. So I'm fishing but I want the bot to auto destroy everything I don't want so my bags don't fill up in 15 minutes and I have to get up and empty them. I see no option anywhere no any plugins to download or am I missing something??? I don't see why a bot wouldn't have such a simple function?
  23. We are all prone to mistakes you, I everyone else I'm hoping its some option somewhere I keep having high hopes but I paid for this bot on the first so 15 days ago and I've been fighting with it ever since. I just cannot get it to work I've followed all the guides everything.
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