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  1. there is a plugin called whatsgoingon tells you what wrobot is upto on the wow screen
  2. the GMs will stand invisable and watch you to see if you are botting or not . theres a few vids on youtube of how they do it
  3. got sent to gm island while bg botting on LH , managed to catch it just as i got teleported there . So i only got flagged ><
  4. profiles work well . been banned in feralas 4x now so im gonna dodge that area ...
  5. You should jump on WRobot discord and ask , theres a link somewhere around here for it if you dont have it
  6. hmm... i guess if u have a blue item u could get away with selling it for 30-50g on your acc ? idk something that looks semi legit to you . I see people posting stuff for 300g+ on the auction house for greens but thats gotta ring alarms if your clued up enough
  7. same mostly with buying food/water it bugs out for me
  8. Great FC , level 35 atm had no problems at all :)
  9. mine would go to the vendor then click away then run back and kept running back and forth looking very bot like ><
  10. Great FC!, atm my druid is leveling faster then my warlock . what a machine cat form is :)
  11. Works perfectly :) thanks for the profile , time saver !
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