100-110 - Legion
16 files
[GRIND] Shal'dorei Silk & AP (SURUMAR)
By OMGhixD
Yet another Grind Profile Release ! :)
Profile Information
For Legion - 7.1.5 23420
Requires atleast 775ilvl IF level 110
Estimated loots per HOUR / 156
Silk Farmed in 10 minutes - x120
This was only tested on Demon Hunter AND Prot Paladin, So i'd love feedback in regards of other classes
Demon Hunter Wise - Can be done through Vengeance and Havoc but recommend Vengeance
x200 Shol'Dorei Silk Sells for an average of 1.8k g - 2k g on the server i play on.
Preview of route and some general information
How to Install
Download the Profile
Move profile to ROOTFOLDER/profiles/Grinder
Open Wrobot.exe
Login and click Product Settings
Click the dropdown arrow and select the Profile Silk Farm Azsuna.xml
Click "Main" make sure you have GRINDER selected and click the play button. Enjoy!
And as always! happy botting
Asura invasion lvling Quest The burning shores
By yoggek
Asura invasion lvling from 100-110
Quest The burning shores
You go to spot when invasion is on and easy 100-110 when invasion done go back old grinding spot you can use Serverhop to make full Party alltime the time invasion is up
Thunder Totem (98-110)
By bb1990
I made this profile as a frost mage level 98. It goes around in a good circle killing beasts and some humanoids and 1 starred mob that drops resources. See screenshot for stats. The 1 kill and 1 stuck I had was when a Horde player killed me and kicked me down a hill (PvP server).
Let me know if you have any problems.
[GRIND] Val'sharah Shal'dorei and green+blue farm
By OMGhixD
Yet another Grind Profile Release ! :)
Profile Information
For Legion - 7.1.5 23420
Requires atleast 760ilvl IF level 110
Estimated loots per HOUR / 197
Silk Farmed in 10 minutes - x203
This was only tested on Demon Hunter AND Prot Paladin, So i'd love feedback in regards of other classes
Demon Hunter Wise - Can be done through Vengeance and Havoc but recommend Vengeance
x200 Shol'Dorei Silk Sells for an average of 1.8k g - 2k g on the server i play on.
Preview of route and some general information
How to Install
Download the Profile
Move profile to ROOTFOLDER/profiles/Grinder
Open Wrobot.exe
Login and click Product Settings
Click the dropdown arrow and select the Profile Silk Farm Azsuna.xml
Click "Main" make sure you have GRINDER selected and click the play button. Enjoy!
And as always! happy botting
[A + H] [Quest] (Advanced) Legion Stonehide grind pack
By eeny
These profiles will need you to modify them to work well for your bot. You need to look at the profile prior to loading it to see what it does. If you want a simple grinder look at my other Beast Grind pack.
For the rest...
These are profiles that i use to keep my bots truly AFK while farming leather. The profiles are built to allow the user to not have to log into the bots every day to clean them out.
Each of these files are actually questers. The profile will get the bot to farm 2500 STONEHIDE leather. After which will use the Dalaran Hearth, use scavenged good(from boon) / scrolls / pages (for artifact power) ect... Then attempt to mail all whites / greens / epics, Vendor all greys then reload the profile to start again. you will need your mail recipient to be on your bots "friends list" to avoid the mailing popup.
The bot decides what it does depending on the amounf of stonehide leather it has in its bag. less than 2500 it will farm, More than 2500 it will hearth and to go dalaran.
To make the bot vendor i use wrobot run codes to modify the min bag space to go to town. You may need to change this value depending on the bags you have. You may also need to change the stonehide collect value depending on the bags you have!
you need to define a mail recipient for these profiles or they wont work!!! < holy shit im not kidding here...
I have put the following runcode default for all profiles
/console maxfps 20
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGray = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellWhite = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellBlue = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellPurple = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMail = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGray = false;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailWhite = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGreen = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailBlue = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailPurple = true;
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = true;
modify as you see fit.
I hope you have a mail recipient that can Disenchant Legion greens... If not set up a CoD deal for legion greens with an enchanter on your server so some easy gold
any (smart) enhancement requests welcome as always.
- quester profile
- farming
- (and 1 more)
[A + H] [Grind] Legion beast grind pack
By eeny
This zip contains 7 profiles that I'm currently using to farm leather mostly in Azsuna. The bot will target pretty much anything that can be skinned.
XP is not amazing.. 80-100K per hour without any buffs / heirlooms.
Going from the map
Azsuna Rhutvan Passage Azsuna Felblaze Ingress ** bot can pull 4+ mobs at once here** keep an eye out for excessive deaths. Azsuna llothien Azsuna "the Greenway" Suramar Western river loop Val'Sharah Cenarion Grove Highmountain Nesingwary's camp The idea here is to use relogger change the bots location every hour or so. I did keep mining / herbalism in mind when making the grind loops.
No vendors added yet- cant foresee any issues using the inbuilt selling system here. Don't disable taxi otherwise the bot will be running through some pretty scary places when switching locations / profiles.
Add http://www.wowhead.com/item=128554/enchant-shoulder-boon-of-the-scavenger for some extra gold- will pay itself off in a few hours grinding.
Let me know if you hit any issues. Enjoy!
[A + H] [Quest] Raptor leather grind
By eeny
Raptor Grinding north Azsuna
This is a quester that will grind raptors in north west Aszuna to skin up to 2500 stonehides, hearth to Dalaran, sell then go back to farming
TO GET THIS TO WORK YOU NEED TO DEFINE A MAIL RECIPIENT IN WROBOT SETTINGS. Otherwise the bot will fill up on leather and wont work.
you can pull up to 10 mobs at once here so make sure youe bot is geared and ready.
i would expect half the people here wont ever get this to work- for those who do- enjoy!
Attached screen shot from 834 Ilvl Blood DK farm stats ~~ 800 leather / hour
Murloc Cave Farm Highmountain Legion 7.0.3 (3,820g /h)
By OMGhixD
Today i bring another farming profile for y'all!
Some general information about the profile.
- Safe area (inside a cave)
- over 3,5k gold an hour!
- vendor added
- 5 Blues within 1 hour, 3 greenies and 15 grays - 244g if u sell to a vendor
- Almost 0 amount of players in the area,
- 100% afkable
What settings to turn on.
Advanced Settings - Vendor (Selling or Buying) MANDATORY
Rares Overview :
Hillstride Helm of the Harmonious - Averege of 900 to 1500 gold on retail auction house ( i have not checked retail myself and this is different from each server, i checked an online auction house viewer for US servers )
Private servers at an Averege between 1k to 3k gold on the auction house
Hillstride Gauntlets - Averege of 101 to 500 gold on retail auction house ( i have not checked retail myself and this is different from each server, i checked an online auction house viewer for US servers )
Private servers at an Averege between 2k to 5k gold on the auction house
Icepine Jerkin of the Harmonious - Averege of 300 to 500 gold on retail ( i have not checked retail myself and this is different from each server, i checked an online auction house viewer for US servers )
Private servers at an Averege between 3k to 5,5k gold on the auction house
CAVE ENTRANCE (Highmountain)
start bot in this room.
How to install.
1- Download File (Make sure to download the latest one up to date)
2- Extract to botroot/profiles/grinder
3- Open Wrobot.exe
4- Login and Select Grinder
5- Start Bot in the room above - Profit?
Started with 17k gold / 4 hours later = 28,722g
[GRIND] Azsuna Murloc - Shal'Dorei Silk Farm x150 per 10 minutes
By OMGhixD
So i made this simple profile today that grinds a specific item and or more that drops from the creatures obviously.
The Rare boss is blacklisted. killing it will result in rest of loot to despawn
Mrrgrl the Tide Reaver http://www.wowhead.com/npc=89865/mrrgrl-the-tide-reaver [BLACKLISTED RARE BOSS]
However! the rare boss Daggerbeak is added to the kill list. he drops pants (rare) which can be sold for nearly 30g
if farmed 10 times in an hour that equals 300g + additional raw gold
Profile Information
For Legion - 7.0.3 22522
Requires atleast 760ilvl IF level 110
Estimated loots per HOUR / 276
Silk Farmed in 10 minutes - x173
This was only tested on Prot Paladin, So i'd love feedback in regards of other classes
x200 Shol'Dorei Silk Sells for an average of 3000g - 5000g on the server i play on.
Preview of route and some general information
How to Install
Download the Profile
Move profile to ROOTFOLDER/profiles/Grinder
Open Wrobot.exe
Login and click Product Settings
Click the dropdown arrow and select the Profile Silk Farm Azsuna.xml
Click "Main" make sure you have GRINDER selected and click the play button. Enjoy!
Lunarwing Shallows (100-110)
By Reaper666
Simple Grinder profile that takes place at Lunarwing Shallows in Val'sharah. I get an average of 130k XP/Hr. Rate varies of course.Be cautious while using as the area is a Quest Line area and also a World Quest area. So activity can be high at times. Please leave feedback/review.
Shal'dorei Silk HM Murlocs
By Reaper666
As you see in image, you need to be in the cave. make your way down to backside of cave and you will see Deepcavern Murlocs, who are neutral. Simple profile. drop rate is kinda low in my opinion and I haven't gotten to test it out as much. But the area seems safe and out of the way and easy to grind. Figured I'd share right away and see what numbers others get. This profile is 100% AFK. So start and walk away. for the 10 mins I tested I got 9 Silk.
- shaldorei silk
- tailoring
- (and 2 more)
Shal'dorei Silk Highmountain
By Reaper666
There is a spot at Highmountain where Mightstone Flankers and Mightstone Slingers are fighting friendly NPCs and they respawn almost instantly after you kill them, so there are usually 4-7 mobs up. It's very possible that you will die a few times here if you pull too many of them. Try to get the last hits on low HP mobs, you can still loot them even if the NPC did the most damage to them.
Watch out for the ranged mobs, if you aggro them, they will keep shooting you even if they are hitting another NPC.
You might struggle here at 110 with ilvl below 830, but it really depends on your class.
As for numbers, I was only able to test with my lvl 104 Spriest on a pvp server for 4 hours and got 273 Silk plus other items like AP and random gear. You will have better results with a much higher lvl and geared toon. If you do, please share your stats with the community in comments. This is just a quick profile I whipped up.
- shaldorei silk
- highmountain
- (and 1 more)
100-110 Azsuna Farondale - Horses, Lions, Crabs - Neutral
By Mr. Robot
This is a good profile I used to level a number of characters as well as farm gold. It has a lot of skinning and some herbalism. Set your search radius to 20 or it may get pulled to close to another section of the path and skip an area.
100-110 Val'Sharah - Shala'nir - Dreamleaf Grinder
By kyln
*Special Note: This is a grinding profile for gathering Dreamleaf.*
If you like my profiles and want to see more, feel free to buy me a coffee.
This is a "set-it and forget-it" grinder profile for herbalists to kill "Vilepetal Rooters" and "Defiled Grovewalkers" in Val'Sharah by the Darkheart Thicket dungeon (Closest Flight Point: Starsong Refuge). Yielding an enormous amount of Dreamleaf (yield rate dependent upon your kill speed). This profile goes in a crescent-moon-like shape around the dungeon, carefully avoiding the non-profitable area of the owlkin.
Special Instructions for maximum yield:
Make sure "Skin/Gather/Mine Mobs" is selected under settings. Make sure "Can attack units already in combat" is selected in Advanced Settings. (The reasoning: This area is susceptible to World Quests which can generate a lot of popular activity, however, should one of your faction players attack a mob, you can tag it as well, and if they are not an herbalist, you can then tap the mob and herb it.) Make sure "Ignore fighting if in ground mount" is NOT selected in Advanced Settings. (The last thing you want to do is fly through this place with a billion things attacking you. Besides, 80% of the mobs you are attacking here, you are also herbing.) You can die if:
You are on a PVP server. This route is right outside a dungeon, which means enemy faction players can and will gather here for Mythics. You are on a PVP server. This route is part of a World Quest which generates attention. If your character is not equip (either by gear or Fight Class) to handle this farm. I have yielded over thousands of Dreamleaf thus-far with non-stop, uninterrupted grind. Again, I cannot stress enough that; your yield-rate is 100% dependent upon your kill-rate. If you are not geared enough for your level (as the mobs in this expansion do scale), I would advise using a more safe Fight Class (if you can go healer, tank, or utilize a tanky-pet profile, I would advise doing such).
And as always, if you find any problems, please let me know, and please be as detailed as you can about it so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.
Enjoy and I hope this profile is as lucrative for you as it has been for me!
You can run into the dungeon if:
You have "Skip indoor nodes" turned off. The nodes inside the dungeon are considered "indoors" for some reason. You have Harvest Minerals turned on. (Most of the nodes that spawn inside or around the dungeon portal are minerals.)
(Updated) 100-110 Stormheim Grinder - Shipwreck Coast - Crab Genocide (Skinnable)
By kyln
Please refer to the newest version's details located below:
If you like my profiles and want to see more, feel free to buy me a coffee.
100-110 Val sharah (Shal'dorei Silk farming)
By Droidz
100-110 Val'sharah (Shal'dorei Silk farming)
Kills http://www.wowhead.com/npc=95138/wormtalon-witch and http://www.wowhead.com/npc=95152/wormtalon-huntress, farming http://www.wowhead.com/item=124437/shaldorei-silk