1-60 - Legion
28 files
[A] [Quester] Alliance 20 - 40
By nicozo
Here is my first profile Ally 20-40 99% AFK, 100% Full Quests!
You will have to take control at these steps:
- Level 33: On the Ally 30-35 Profile the "Kill-Collect" Quest you have to help the bot to click on the Ephram "Midriff" Moonfall NPC
- Level 37: For the quest: "This Means WAR (Wild Arachnid Roundup)" help the bot otherwise you will spend 1 day :)
It was made for characters without Heilrooms stuff ^^
Here is the profile path:
-Level 20 - 25: Duskwood
-Level 26 - 30: Northen Stranglethorn
-Level 30 - 35: The Cap of Stranglethorn
-Level 35 - 40: Western Plaguelands
You have to download the 4 files and just run the 1st one, the bot will load the other profiles all by itself (be careful, these files must be in the Wrobot "Quester" folder)
For this profile you need the AddOn QuickQuest, you will find it here: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/quickquest , you have to download it and put it like any other addon wow, ie in the Interface \ AddOn folder of your WOW folder !!!
For FightClass, you will find very good here: https://wrobot.eu/files/category/9-fight-classes/
Thank you for sending me your positive and negative feedback ;p I will put the profile soon 1 - 20 Horde 100% AFK, 100% Full Quests!
[A] [Quester] Alliance 40 - 50
By nicozo
Here is my first profile Ally 40-50 90% AFK, 100% Full Quests!
You will have to take control at these steps:
- Level 42: Help bot for quest Just a Drop in the Bucket: Interact with Meraldar Plague Cauldron
- Level 43: Help bot for quest Victory For Withing: Interact with right Portal because the bot around in circles
- Level 46: Help bot for quest Troggish troubles: the bot arrives until the 3rd wave, but it is better to take the hand to finish this quest (besides I am a taker if anybody can help me on this quest with a vehicle)
- Level 47: Help bot for the two game quests in tomb of the Watchers
It was made for characters without Heilrooms stuff ^^
Here is the profile path:
-Level 40 - 45: Eastern Plaguelands
-Level 45 - 48: Badlands
-Level 48 - 50: Searing Gorge
You have to download the 3 files and just run the 1st one, the bot will load the other profiles all by itself (be careful, these files must be in the Wrobot "Quester" folder)
For this profile you need the AddOn QuickQuest, you will find it here: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/quickquest , you have to download it and put it like any other addon wow, ie in the Interface \ AddOn folder of your WOW folder !!!
For FightClass, you will find very good here: https://wrobot.eu/files/category/9-fight-classes/
Thank you for sending me your positive and negative feedback ;p
[H] [Quester] Orc Start 1 - 20
By nicozo
Here is my first profile Horde 1-20 100% AFK, 100% Full Quests! (the 20 - 40 is over soon I'm testing it)
I'm going to make a specific profile for the monks because they don't have all the quests of this profile.
It was made for characters without Heilrooms stuff ^^
Here is the profile path:
-Level 1 - 5: Orc Start Zone
-Level 5 - 10: Durotar
-Level 10 - 20: Northern Barrens
You have to download the 3 files and just run the 1st one, the bot will load the other profiles all by itself (be careful, these files must be in the Wrobot "Quester" folder)
For this profile you need the AddOn QuickQuest, you will find it here: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/quickquest , you have to download it and put it like any other addon wow, ie in the Interface \ AddOn folder of your WOW folder !!!
For FightClass, you will find very good here: https://wrobot.eu/files/category/9-fight-classes/
Thank you for sending me your positive and negative feedback ;p
[A] [Quester] Human Start 1 - 20
By nicozo
Hello everyone and happy new year !!!
Here is my first profile Ally 1-20 100% AFK, 100% Full Quests! (the 20 - 40 is over soon I'm testing it)
I'm going to make a specific profile for the monks because they don't have all the quests of this profile.
It was made for characters without Heilrooms stuff ^^
Here is the profile path:
-Level 1 - 5: Human Start Zone
-Level 5 - 10: Elwynn Forrest
-Level 10 - 15: Westfall
-Level 15 - 20: Redridge Mountains
You have to download the 4 files and just run the 1st one, the bot will load the other profiles all by itself (be careful, these files must be in the Wrobot "Quester" folder)
For this profile you need the AddOn QuickQuest, you will find it here: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/quickquest , you have to download it and put it like any other addon wow, ie in the Interface \ AddOn folder of your WOW folder !!!
For FightClass, you will find very good here: https://wrobot.eu/files/category/9-fight-classes/
Thank you for sending me your positive and negative feedback ;p I will put the profile soon 1 - 20 Horde 100% AFK, 100% Full Quests!
Horde BloodElf Quester 1-110 Demo By Traxacon
By aaron6501
BloodElf Bot 1-110
profile is for a Horde BloodElf 1-110. Made with World of Warcraft Version
The route I have created is optimized for speed, and prioritized to stay away from the more popular areas of the game (to avoid other players).
This is only my Demo (Levels 1-12), I will be releasing the full released version in approximately 2-4 weeks.
I recommend running with heirlooms for faster level times
Quick-Quest is recommended, as it does cut down the time by about 30 minutes (For the full 1-110 leveling bot). https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/quickquest
1-5 - Sunstrider Isle
5-12 - Eversong Woods
12-20 - Ghostlands
20-26 - Hillsbrad Foothills
26-30 - Arathi Highlands
30-34 - The Hinterlands
34-39 - Western Plaguelands
39-44 - Eastern Plaguelands
44-47 -Badlands
47-49 - Searing Gorge
49-53 - Burning Steeps
53-56 - Swamp of Sorrows
56-60 - Blasted Lands
60-62 - Hellfire Peninsula
62-64 - Zangarmarsh
64-66 - Terokkar Forest
66-68 - Blade's Edge Mountains
68-70 - Netherstorm
70-72 - Borean Tundra
72-75 - Dragonblight
75-77 - Zul'Drak
77-80 - Icecrown
80-82 - Mount Hyjal
82-84 - Deepholm
84-85 - Twillight Highlands
85-87 - Jade Forest
87-90 - Valley of The Four Winds
90-93 - Tanaan Jungle/Frostfire Ridge
93-96 - Gorgrond
96-100 - Talador
100-103 - Azsuna
103-106 - Val'Sharah
106-110 - Highmountain
I am charging $30 dollars for my fully released bot, which will include Every race for horde leveling from 1-110.
I will only be releasing BloodElf and Undead on the first week. Second week I will be releasing the rest.
You will receive the loremaster achievement for every zone listed up there except for Talador and Valley of the four winds.
If you do choose to download the Demo, please give me as much feedback as possible, the Demo isn't much... I know... so ill be releasing a 1-30 demo next week.
I am stopping production on this profile until the release of patch 7.3.5
In patch 7.3.5, blizzard has announced the new leveling scale. Zones will now be scaled to your item lvl.
Starting zones are now 1-10
vanilla zones are 10-60
BC & WotLK are 60-80
Cata & Panda are 80-90
Everything else is the same, the reason I am waiting until 7.3.5 is because I can cut down run times about 3-4 hours. I can choose to stay WotLk for leves 60-80, and I can stay in Pandaria from 80-90. Thus cutting down runtimes by 3-4 hours. I hope you all understand why I am waiting. Even if i dont wait with the new leveling scale, the quest routes might mess up the bot.
If patch 7.3.5 releases on November 28th, 2017 like everyone has speculated, I plan on releasing the bot on December 20th. Sorry for the big push date.
- quest profile
- horde
- (and 3 more)
[A] [Quester] Night Elf start 1-20
By eeny
Need people to QA profile
Free Night elf quest profile that should get you 1-20 hands free.
I didn't like the Darkshore quest lines (too many stucks) so i just pulled in the 10-20 block from the Draenei profile which works OK. I have seen some issues with the flight co-ordination from Darnasus to Exodar so you may need to watch that. around lvl 10.
Requires the Quickquest addon and auto-gear addon to be full afk.
I tested with non heirloom'd bots and hit 20 each one.
Let me know if you see any stuck's. Im looking to make a 1-20 for most classes / starting zones.
[A] [Quester] Draenei Start 1-20
By eeny
Released 4th may 2017- STILL IN BETA / TESTING
Free profile for 1-20+ Draenei start zones. this profile is 100% quest
Requires the Quickquest addon and auto-gear addon to be full afk.
I tested with non heirloom'd bots and hit 20 each one.
Let me know if you see any stuck's. Im looking to make a 1-20 for most classes / starting zones.
[H][Quester] WoD EPL WPL 35-44
By eeny
**QA DONE!!- any issues like me know**
Continuation from the other 3 questing profiles I made for Horde.
http://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/quickquest < addon is almost a must if you dont have it
This profile does quests in both zones of Plagelands. Start the profile in the Bulwark and its AFK from there. you should end up ~43-44.
you need to turn on relogger!
Gear is starting to become important.. Quest Loot favours warriors / paladins in this... if your not that class do a dungeon or two and start this profile at 36/37 with some passable gear =)
I cant fix it if i dont know it broken so if you hit an issue with the profile let me know.
[H][Quester] WoD Felwood Winterspring 44-53
By eeny
QA is done- report any bugs to me / comment below
http://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/quickquest < addon is almost a must if you dont have it
Start in Felwood/Ashenvale boarder. The profile starts with a grinder to get the bot to 45 before questing. If you finished the previous profile and landed at ~43 its a long AFK grind to 45. recommend doing an instance to top up your gear. fairly smooth sailing through Felwood / Winterspring.
This is the biggest profile i have done- let me know if you see issues wit it so i can fix + make 100% AFK
If your struggling for gold make sure you set the bot to not sell cloth... it will collect a tonne of it.
Some range classes have problems with some squirrel cleaning quest around lvl 47 in felwood- il look into this later. you will need to give the bot a had here hunters / casters (sry)
[H][Quester] WoD 54-58 Swamp of Sorrows
By eeny
This is probably the shortest and most lazy profile i will be making. i just want to get the bots to outland...
starts in Stonard - swamp of sorrows... does some quests, then due to some pathing issues in blasted lands i gave up and gave you folks a 3 level grind...100% AFK tho =P
I will probably come back and do something for 54-58 which is good. in the meantime this will lvl the bots
1 Mar 2016 20H04.log.html
[H][Quester] 28-35 STV
By eeny
**QA done- any issues like me know**
Continuation from the other 2 questing profiles I made for Horde.
This profile does quests in both zones of STV. Start the profile in Grom Gol (off the zepplin) and its AFK from there. Had some tough and annoying pathing issues getting the bots into booty bay, so unfortunately i had to skip those quests...meaning 33-35 is a grind portion. If you see this starting up i would recommend queuing for an instance and getting some new gear if possible. 28-35 will take about 4-5 hours assuming all goes well.
I cant fix it if i dont know it broken so if you hit an issue with the profile let me know.
[H][Quester] WoD Ashenvale + STM 20-28
By eeny
First release quest profile for Horde 20-28. This profile was built tor bots with no heirlooms and no guild XP bonus's.
This should pick up from the 1-20 quester profile http://wrobot.eu/files/file/571-undead-quester-1-20/ . If you completed that profile I highly recommend completing some random dungeons to pick up some gear as it will help a lot with this profile. most of the bots I used for QA on this profile started at 21-22 and the ones with instance gear faired much better. There are some grinder portions to the profile so starting at 20 wont be an issue if you have the gear to survive (you will be fine if your running heirloom'd bots).
You need to start this profile in the Northern Barrens at kadrak... get there yourself.
You need to enable selling white items otherwise the bot will just stop as it wont be able to pick up quest items. I also advise getting additional bags asap as the constant running to town to sell can really mess up the exp rate. Put the search radius to 35/40 Allow attack target already in fight Define a ground mount... YOU NEED YOUR OWN FIGHT CLASS ...or one of mine The bot may collect some quests that it wont attempt to complete...you need to abandon them manually at the end.
I'm looking to start a new profile for 28-35, just need to find the time to do them... If you have anything constructive to add let me know and i will add it to the profile.
[H][Quester] WoD Undead start 1-20
By eeny
Quest profile for Undead 1-20. This profile was built for bots with no heirlooms and no guild XP bonus's. The quest rewards are geared towards leather wearers, everyone can use the XP tho =).
no class quests.
From 1 to level 8/9 is clean. The bot will get stuck at lvl 8 ( approx 80 minutes in) when at the bulwark as the next quest is in Fairbreeze village in Eversong woods and sometimes it wont take the flight path( i need to fix this part).. until then keep an eye out. Once your in Eversong woods it smooth sailing. to about 19-20 (approx 8 hours). There are some phasing issues around Dethknell which are causing me some grief so you may need to babysit first hour or so, if the bot is trying to pick up a quest from thin air /reload and you should be moving again. unfortunately not much i can do there.
You need to enable selling white items otherwise the bot will just stop as it wont be able to pick up quest items. I also advise getting additional bags asap as the constant running to town to sell can really mess up the exp rate. Put the search radius to 35/40 Allow attack target already in fight Do no Sell list
Rotting Heart Spinal Dust Linen Cloth Wool Cloth first 2 are actually important... second two are just for gold The bot may collect some quests that it wont attempt to complete...you need to abandon them manually at the end.
I'm looking to start a new profile for 20-30, just need to find the time to do them... If you have anything constructive to add let me know and i will add it to the profile.
[Free] Blood Elf Starting area
By Arcangelo
Just helping out a friend with the Blood Elf startarea.
The profiles Runs from 1-5 and will be part 1 of 3.
Let me know if you spot a bug :-)
Kind regards
Ally Questing 1-? (Working process)
By Arcangelo
The 1-60 is in the final testing
-> but still have some stuff to do, before it gets released.
-> it will propperly end up a paid profile for around 10Euro + something for each expansion added.
-> Thanks to Eeny for helping me with this project !
Human Priest 1-5 by BetterSister
By BetterSister
Will get your human priest out of starting zone. Part of bigger project
Human Monk 1-5 by BetterSister
By BetterSister
Gets your human monk out from starting place. Part of bigger project
Includes fight class
Alliance Tanaris Quests From Lvl 43
By Xeigon
This is my first Quester profile. Its some of the starting quests in Tanaris.. I will try to make it a bit longer.
Tanaris 43 quest.xml
Redridge - A few more quests.
Okay gais and other minorities, Here we have a simple Redridge quester Starting in Three corners and moving its way over to the town - It's very early days in but there is about 8-10 quests - I'm going to be working towards publishing at least 1 Questing profile a week, so please stay tuned! If you'd like to help please PM me as theres lots of little jobs people could be doing to make this less grueling.
Please make sure you leave feedback! It's important to the development of your questing profiles!
A Few quests
By Syrenthia
I have a quester profile I would like you all to check out, See If it works and what I can do to update it further
I do have a problem with the auto turn's on 2 different quest lines. But good part is instead of auto turn in he runs to town turns it in and runs back to complete the next line in questing If you know how to help me with the auto turn in's I would love the assistance
Orc 1-5
By Droidz
Orc 1-5
(You need only to finish manually class quest (quests with trainer))
Networkz Horde Questing Profiles
By Networkz
Hey guys, My name is (Dustin Andruchow <--- Not Chinese*) Also Known as *Networkz on HERE =D, Owned Core, Honorbuddy, Crawlerbots. I am new here But i am in the Process of Developing Questing Profiles For Horde. ( Might get to alliance *Never played it)
:ph34r: Bit about myself :ph34r:
- My Process will Be overall Fairly Slow. I have a Fulltime Job @ Copperline Excavating working 12 Hour days 6 days a week,
when i come home i mabey get a 2-3 hours of profiling in a night, On a day off i like to enjoy my cofee do a bit of coding and game development as well as make some profiles for the communties that i enjoy supporting.
-When i say that this is a beta it means it will be glitchy and there will be bugs, I will work on Profiles slow and i will get them as correct as i possibly can, If there are any bugs please notify me and i will do my best to take care of them and update the profiles in a timely and proffesional fassion.
B) * A Bit about the Profiles i am aiming to create * B)
-I am aiming for around 100% AFK
-Full Vendor / Repair / Mailbox Support
-1-20 *All Races and Classes *Next Few Months Hopefully.
-NO Class QUESTS* Sorry =`( *From Level 1 - 90 )
-If Necessary and There is alot of hate towards this i might try and get them going
:blink: CLASSIC :blink:
HORDE - 1-20 - *No Boa *All Classes *No Class Quest *Mailbox/Vendor Support
ORC (1 - 8) *Roughly 1-8 *With Lvl 20+Guild (COMPLETE)
Orc 1-8.xml
ORC (8 - 13) *IN PROGRESS*
BloodElf (1-5) * No Guild Necessary (COMPLETE)
Blood Elf 1-5.xml
Blood Elf (5 - 12) *IN PROGRESS*
Thanks Dustin = )
A.k.A. Networkz :ph34r: