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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Looks like it might be a winner Edit: works a charm
  2. Version 1.1.0


    QA is done, however the start of this one is a bit... shakey CLEAR YOUR QUEST LOG BEFORE STARTING You can start on the inside of the HFP portal and let the profile go, however I would recommend starting once you take the flight to Thrallmar. You want to keep an eye on the profile till 60 and the bot has reached Falcon Watch- smooth sailing after that. massive profile tho- let me now if you see any bugs.
  3. Is this a question or a statement? If you want help, what's your OS / what have you tried so far? Since you said 64 bit OS.. I assume Windows7, however I would expect this sort of issue on Windows10. I would say most people using Wrobot run 64 bit Win7 (as i do), I am currently watching my 6 bots potter around they are all on the 50 FPS limit set by me in the WoW video settings. Did you check those? I would start by turning off (temporarily) any software that could be interfering with the game / Wrobot application like antivirus. Then try launching 32 bit WoW manually through windows compatibility mode log in, check your FPS. Then start Wrobot, attach and check FPS. Attaching Wrobot wont change the FPS for the worse. And at the end of the day... its a bot... it not meant to be pretty, you should just be able to leave it and let it do what you have programmed it to do.
  4. I would foresee problem with those 'pick up off the ground' quests. (multi)BoxA would finish the gather quest first i would expect, after that there is no code that i know of that will tell boxA to stick around and help boxB/C/D/E finish up the gather quest. best option for group levelling would be to load a grinder profile on boxA then have box B/C/D/E on party mode just following / assisting. Also- The way Wrobot party mode behaves is very different to how multiboxing characters behave. you may get a few raised eyebrows with 5 box charging around in unison.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is probably the shortest and most lazy profile i will be making. i just want to get the bots to outland... starts in Stonard - swamp of sorrows... does some quests, then due to some pathing issues in blasted lands i gave up and gave you folks a 3 level grind...100% AFK tho =P I will probably come back and do something for 54-58 which is good. in the meantime this will lvl the bots 1 Mar 2016 20H04.log.html Eeny_55-63_Horde.xml
  6. Version 1.0.1


    QA is done- report any bugs to me / comment below http://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/quickquest < addon is almost a must if you dont have it Start in Felwood/Ashenvale boarder. The profile starts with a grinder to get the bot to 45 before questing. If you finished the previous profile and landed at ~43 its a long AFK grind to 45. recommend doing an instance to top up your gear. fairly smooth sailing through Felwood / Winterspring. This is the biggest profile i have done- let me know if you see issues wit it so i can fix + make 100% AFK If your struggling for gold make sure you set the bot to not sell cloth... it will collect a tonne of it. Some range classes have problems with some squirrel cleaning quest around lvl 47 in felwood- il look into this later. you will need to give the bot a had here hunters / casters (sry)
  7. Hey all Anyone got a profile example that demonstrates the use of "use item on opponent with less than 25% health"? I can get a bot to attempt to use an item on a mob before combat... but once the bot starts fighting it seems it will only kill the mob- not use the item. http://www.wowhead.com/quest=28000/do-the-imp-possible is a good example. He should prove easy pickings. Weaken him with combat, and then use this enchanted sack to capture him. Then I'll do the talking... I can see how i could use fight classes to use item at >25%, is there a way to put that sort of action in a quest profile though?
  8. Version 1.0.4


    **QA DONE!!- any issues like me know** Continuation from the other 3 questing profiles I made for Horde. http://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/quickquest < addon is almost a must if you dont have it This profile does quests in both zones of Plagelands. Start the profile in the Bulwark and its AFK from there. you should end up ~43-44. you need to turn on relogger! Gear is starting to become important.. Quest Loot favours warriors / paladins in this... if your not that class do a dungeon or two and start this profile at 36/37 with some passable gear =) I cant fix it if i dont know it broken so if you hit an issue with the profile let me know.
  9. For a 1-60 click i would use a quester profile. Create multiple "killandloot' quests.. and set the max level for each 'quest' select "is grinder-not quest" for each of them. As the toon levels it will reach the max for each 'quest' and move onto the next one. getting the bot to move from westfall > wetlands would be a pain IMO.. i would just look for a spot in duskwood > north STV > South STV, these are not massive movements so the bot should manage. That will get you 1-35. Then make a second profile Feralas > 1Kneedles > Tanaris > Ungoro > Sithilus. That should do 35-60 As Driodz said you will need to manually get the character to the next starting spot, but the bot will be doing 99% of the work anyway. Its not a 'one click', more of a '2 click' but if you plan to share it here a 1 click will have so many people/noobs starting it and leaving it running for 20+ hours and getting banned.
  10. Version 1.0.1


    **QA done- any issues like me know** Continuation from the other 2 questing profiles I made for Horde. This profile does quests in both zones of STV. Start the profile in Grom Gol (off the zepplin) and its AFK from there. Had some tough and annoying pathing issues getting the bots into booty bay, so unfortunately i had to skip those quests...meaning 33-35 is a grind portion. If you see this starting up i would recommend queuing for an instance and getting some new gear if possible. 28-35 will take about 4-5 hours assuming all goes well. I cant fix it if i dont know it broken so if you hit an issue with the profile let me know.
  11. Thats not a typo is it? I have never played lock.. my bet would be to put summon demon spell as #1 priority with a cooldown for 1 minute.. then do the same with cast grimore. make both spells with the conditions if "Grimoire" buff is not present. dont have a lock to test tho
  12. You need to do your factions nagrand starter quest before meat gut will show the repeatable quest. If he doesn't have the blue icon you ain't getting the bone... (Dirty joke in there somewhere..)
  13. Version 1.0.1


    First release quest profile for Horde 20-28. This profile was built tor bots with no heirlooms and no guild XP bonus's. This should pick up from the 1-20 quester profile http://wrobot.eu/files/file/571-undead-quester-1-20/ . If you completed that profile I highly recommend completing some random dungeons to pick up some gear as it will help a lot with this profile. most of the bots I used for QA on this profile started at 21-22 and the ones with instance gear faired much better. There are some grinder portions to the profile so starting at 20 wont be an issue if you have the gear to survive (you will be fine if your running heirloom'd bots). You need to start this profile in the Northern Barrens at kadrak... get there yourself. Settings! You need to enable selling white items otherwise the bot will just stop as it wont be able to pick up quest items. I also advise getting additional bags asap as the constant running to town to sell can really mess up the exp rate. Put the search radius to 35/40 Allow attack target already in fight Define a ground mount... YOU NEED YOUR OWN FIGHT CLASS ...or one of mine The bot may collect some quests that it wont attempt to complete...you need to abandon them manually at the end. I'm looking to start a new profile for 28-35, just need to find the time to do them... If you have anything constructive to add let me know and i will add it to the profile.
  14. Version 1.1.0


    Quest profile for Undead 1-20. This profile was built for bots with no heirlooms and no guild XP bonus's. The quest rewards are geared towards leather wearers, everyone can use the XP tho =). no class quests. From 1 to level 8/9 is clean. The bot will get stuck at lvl 8 ( approx 80 minutes in) when at the bulwark as the next quest is in Fairbreeze village in Eversong woods and sometimes it wont take the flight path( i need to fix this part).. until then keep an eye out. Once your in Eversong woods it smooth sailing. to about 19-20 (approx 8 hours). There are some phasing issues around Dethknell which are causing me some grief so you may need to babysit first hour or so, if the bot is trying to pick up a quest from thin air /reload and you should be moving again. unfortunately not much i can do there. Settings! You need to enable selling white items otherwise the bot will just stop as it wont be able to pick up quest items. I also advise getting additional bags asap as the constant running to town to sell can really mess up the exp rate. Put the search radius to 35/40 Allow attack target already in fight Do no Sell list Rotting Heart Spinal Dust Linen Cloth Wool Cloth first 2 are actually important... second two are just for gold The bot may collect some quests that it wont attempt to complete...you need to abandon them manually at the end. I'm looking to start a new profile for 20-30, just need to find the time to do them... If you have anything constructive to add let me know and i will add it to the profile.
  15. Hey all, writing a few horde leveling profiles and i find im getting stopped with certain quest lines because i dont know how to accept quests from items i pick up. For example http://www.wowhead.com/quest=24979/a-scarlet-letter starts from a drop from a mob. There is no NPC to pick the quest up from so i dont know how to accept it. Anyone figured out how to do this or got any tricks? cheers
  16. You did put the downloaded XML file in the fight class folder right? C:\Program Files (x86)\WRobot\FightClass is the path on my PC
  17. Hey all, trying my hand at the fabled 1-xxx quester profile. Im starting with Undead and currently sitting at 1 to 13 with no exp bonus after a night of work and everything seems to be going OK. I am aiming for full AFK profile- the attached profile has 3 issues i need some help with. 1. at level 4 ish after turning in NightWebsHollow the NPC for the next quest is invisible (thx blizz..) i found a simple /reload of the UI will make him visable after a few seconds.. need to know how to push a simple /reload command to the game between these 2 steps. 2. At lvl 9 i try to accept WarchiefsCommandSilverpineForest. that is a big walk for the bot from brill to silverpine and it doesnt seem to like it... he hugs the quest giver and never makes the big walk... been scratching my head for hours and dont know why the bot wont do the walk. 3. similar as number 2.. after doing a few quests in silverpine i try to get the bot to fly to fairbreeze (bloodelf land)... it will open up the flightmaster tab in silverpine, but wont take the flight.. think i might need some c or c# sharp code to tell him to goto flight master and take that damn flight. At this time the profile works well, i just need to babysit. i have some time over the holidays to work on it further (hoping to get 1-58 atleast), just want to have these 3 cleaned up. any help or pointers greatly appreciated Eeny Eeny_undead_1-13_babsitter.xml
  18. Hey man, solid profile! mine wasnt so great and I sometimes farm mobs which come in packs so i modified yours a bit- change the shield health percent to 99% along with power word:fort at all times and swapped mind flay for mind sear when >2 mobs within 10 yds. Shadowfiend for that extra dps. also the phychic scream and for grins...silence Looking at the spellbook i cant see anything else to add.... Fire-Shadow Priest_EenyV2.xml
  19. Droidz should be on in a bit and he's the best to answer this... From the looks of things : system.AccessVoilationException is reported when an application attempts to read or write protected memory, this looks like something in .Net, droidz pushes people to install slimdx sometimes alongside the Microsoft .net framework. Search these forums for a slimdx link. Im on my cell so I can't link. For good measure turn off Antivirus as well and see what it reports
    160K Exp / hour without potion or heirloom
  20. Hmmm, i have 4 accounts punishing tanaan 4-6 hours a day. All 4 logged in before I left for work this morning Certainly a matter of time tho
  21. Took a look at your fight profile- you havn't specified who you can cast heals on. If you take a look at some of the other healbot profiles out there you will get an idea of the settings. attached is a screenshot- change that on your heals and let us know how you go
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