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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Once you get health Funnnel the Void becomes viable.. For most of my lvling locks the Void would regen fast enough when facing mobs the same level, which worked until you get heath funnel. will see if i can put a pause in if the voids health is below 50% As for the summon thing- its odd, if the bot is in a "IsCasting" state it should not be moving... only thing that could get the bot to realise its "IsCasting" is potentially latency?? try increment that on the advanced settings. I could add waits if you have no pet to the bot pauses for X seconds, however the "IfHasPet" condition sometimes returns incorrectly and will return a false which will result in a pause incorrectly. The fight class is given in C#- if you can see what needs to be added let me know and il add it.
  2. Hey Glacious, prob going to need a log file from the session to give any guidance for this. The only general advice people can give would be "Verify the food / drink settings"...
  3. @hixels look at the profile comments or maybe even the file description before using it and certainly before rating it... E] 16:55:32 - Grinder > Bot > Bot > Pulse(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Grinder.Bot.Obebebogap.FiomauqeluemUqiohi() it wont start Its written on the TWO LINE description " To be clear this is grinder, but need put it in quester profile folder and use quester to run it. "
  4. Version 9 - new version uploaded to sellfy. Click the download now link from the purchase email to get the latest files. Added runcode to barrens section to attempt to get the bot to buy uncommon items between 15-20. Should help those bots who 'gear as they go' by scripted upgrades for some gear. Not guaranteed as the items are not always available for sale by the vendors. "Best effort". Added some more files into the alternate files section Added Tauren 1-12 start file which should connect to the 12-60_V9 Small path issue in Tanaris
  5. Tried turning off UAC (User Account Control) ???
  6. I dont see "The requested bot is not supported" in the logs- the looks like a working session to me. The profile being used is my 1-60V_8 grinder and i havnt added that terminology anywhere in my profile... Its not possible that its coming from the FightClass? I see the FC tries to load some BC spells (Water shield / Gift of the Naruu), maybe the FC is giving you a pop up saying your using it on the wrong wow version?? Same result with a different FC?
  7. Version 1.0.0


    A custom Quest profile that should get your night elf from ShadowGlen to Northshire valley fully AFK while picking up all the FP's along the way. Will also set hearth at goldshire. Best to be run on a lvl 10+ char, lvl 1's will die a lot running through wetlands due to their massive aggro range and 1 hit deaths. Let me know if you find any bugs.
  8. Should have only changed in BC (V2.3.3)- il run a bot through anyway and check. By HedonisticZen on 03/02/2008 (Patch 2.3.3) You must complete "The Lost Tools" before Foreman Oslow will give you this quest.
  9. What server do you play on? I have been running this in LB for a while and never had to complete the lost tools to get the quest, unless they changed something recently.
  10. This is a good read.. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7507-solved-move-after-frost-nova-is-it-really-that-hard/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-34281
  11. only possible in a quest file AFAIK
  12. Not sure where its coming from- got a session log for the bot thats doing it? I do hard code taxis in the profile, they should be 'one off' runcode and hidden away so they only fire off once. Got any other adorns / plugins running?
  13. Re download from selfy is usually the best as its quick. If for whatever reason you cant re-DL from sellfy send me a message with the purchase info and il send you a separate DL link.
  14. V8 released Additional alt files especially in the 45-60 area added black-spots + more vendors for main line. Bundle is uploaded to sellfy for DL.
  15. Codes all there- got any idea's for a fix?
  16. If you are using hmp that's it trying to buy food, / water from a vendor in the gorge.. There is no pulse points in or around the searing gorge in the profile. Send me a log if you want, il see what it says before walking to the gorge
  17. Its a file in the vanilla grinder download list, is called "1-60 grinder V6" and states in the description- 'While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.". This file does not do quests. The file grinds till X level and moves onto the next zone / set of mobs. I use quest bot as the base because you ca get more control over the bot by comparison to the grinder bot. If you are looking for quest files-
  18. @netquick these look really promising! Add these to the Vanilla FC download page and you will find people will provide recommendations / update the files.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple framework for Vanilla dungeon runs. Starts with a run-code to attempt to loot BoP boss loot, changes the free bag spaces and runs in. The kill stuff pulse kills all the stuff and is completed when close to a specific spot. once its done that it will run out , reset the instance and run the file from the top. Obviously needs a lvl 60 with gear to complete the istance. I found druids in bear form and rogues/ warriors ( with gear) quite good. This file itself is a bit slow. However it is easy enough to changes the positions / NPC's to other instances. I will make a video on this shortly.
  20. Using the .cs file? As long as you have 2 mobs on you it will use totems.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Night Elf quest file for 1-11. Personally i found the night elf zone really hard to play so botting it is tough going. You may look into getting some lvl 5-7 greens for your chars to avoid chain deaths. I do attempt to buy some items depending on the class much like my other files. Always open for recomendations if you have any,Enjoy.Eeny Also selling other files here https://sellfy.com/eeny
  22. You would need to look at t he offmesh connection thread and make one to work. Personally i just made some followpathswhen picking up and handing in the quests to that guy to force the bot to walk. not pretty but 60% of the time it works 100% of the time. Attached file may save you some time. NighteElf_start.xml
  23. uploaded a new version- give it a try. The shoot in this FC is a straight LUA call. It sets the "auto repeat" action as true for the spell shoot. over and over and over. you will need the spell on your action-bar's for this to work. If your wrobot client not casting shoot at all it may be a latency thing. so try setting it to 300-500 in the advanced options.
  24. 100% farmable- the only issue i have found is the mesh's around the middle base are bad. As long you have a loop going around the outside and avoid the middle- should be fine.
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