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Everything posted by eeny

  1. When it studders, it means its trying to cast a spell thats on CD or something. When the lock Wand studders, whats appearing in the "ingame tab" last log: XXXXXXXXX. It should say " attempting to cast xxx" can you tell me what that is?
  2. This plugin will attempt to auto equip bags while out of combat. It will check if you have the bag if your inventory and equip it. Will attempt with the following bags: Murloc Skin Bag Mageweave Bag' Large Red Sack Journeyman's Backpack Large Blue Sack Glacial Bag Frostweave Bag Deathweave Bag Black Silk Pack Huge Brown Sack Imbued Netherweave Bag Blue Leather Bag Heavy Brown Bag Fel Steed Saddlebags
  3. File updated- i found a wand stall on my undead priest who was continually trying to cast devouring plague. let me know how it goes now.
  4. it vendors.. Got a log you can PM me?
  5. I had a look at your FC- Keep in mind i play vanilla mostly atm (with a bit of legion) so i may be wrong with some spell names / rotation knowledge for Wotlk. Some of the spells are not named correctly. Eg 'Agony' where it should be 'Curse of Agony'. The bot doesn't understand nicknames for spells, needs to be 100% the spell name. Everything- had the " if me in combat=true" flag enabled. You didnt actually have a spell which could start combat so i think your FC was just choking there. You may also want to add a /Petattack macro in there somewhere? maybe Pets just work with wrobot in 3.3.5??? here is my edit of the FC anyway. Afflic Lock FC.xml
  6. anyone else got this happening again?
  7. be upfront with exactly what you want- more likely someone either has a profile or will look at it.
  8. Party bot will need to be set to healer mode and you need a fightclass that is pretty much built for healing / group healing.
  9. work for me now
  10. Train skills- yes Auto buy food / drink: no. Take a look at iBuy or Human master pluggin.
  11. There is no way to get this put into the main product via default? instant release on death is an easy flag for people spotting bots in PvP. I dont see any downsides on a 2-4 random second delay on release.
  12. I cant think of a way from the profile to stop / control Wrobot blacklisting vendors. That said the only time i have seen it happen was with Bots with a lot in the " do not sell" list and had a lot of those items in the first bag. It looked like wrobot was failing to sell anything in the first bag and making the vendor as bugged and moving on. Shifting the Do not sell stuff to the 4th bag fixed it for the most part for me.
  13. Product settings > profile settings(enable disable steps) > untick all the steps you completed. start the bot
  14. .. just change the entry / exit co-ords
  15. Version 1.3.1


    A tested Alliance Human Quester for Vanilla 1.12 Servers using Wrobot.This product is a single profile for 1-30, plus a single 30-35 file using the quest framework. Quests in human + Dwarf zones. There is grind in this profile ( As its Vanilla WoW this is expected), however majority of the EXP comes from completing / turning in quests.Starts in human start zones and moves between zones in Eastern kingdoms as it levels. Does not take the boat to Kalimdor.Required bot to start at level 1. Release v1 will be the 1-35 release. Once feedback input has been included will break the file down to allow different starting levels. Preferred classes are Warlock, Paladin, Hunter, Druid and Priest. Mage is passable. Rogues and Warrior's may struggle( As normal with Vanilla WoW).If you have any feedback I'm always open to ideas and if you like the file post a review!Enjoy.Eeny
  16. Load it like any other file- This should be loaded with the quest framework.
  17. General settings > advanced setting > combat options > tick " ignore combat with pets"
  18. Most Pepople will use the fight class editor. in the main wrobot folder Fightclasseditor.exe. Open the FC, select spell wrath, go to add conditions and seelct MeLevel, insert Lessthan 15. Alternatively- use a different FC
  19. thats going to be a FightClass issue. what expansion / what FC are you using? Personally i would put restrictions on the wrath spell so its only usable below a certain level.
  20. Sidenote- thats a reallly old FC. get the new one.
  21. If your using the FC editor, just put a 3 second CD on the spell. Sometimes wrobot takes .5 second to refresh debuffs on the target (clients/ server delay).. so if Vampiric Touch has the ability to be chain cast it may be casting it again because it hasnt refreshed the target buffs yet. I still use iftargethsbuff- however i put a 2-3 sec CD on the DoT spell to avoid the double cast.
  22. I usually push to Affliction till i get Siphon life (21 points) , then go in demononolgy to get improved Candy > Voidwalker taunt and health funnel. Once you use the rotation is becomes clear what will help he bot the most.
  23. would you not be best in just putting a level on it, assuming you train frostbolt rank 4 at lvl 20? 22?.. why not just: if (ObjectMager.Me.level > 20 && Frostbolt.Knownspell) Frostbolt.launch; ... not exactly what your asking, but would work for the scenario you gave above.
  24. put them into the FC folder and load them like any other FC.
  25. There is 0 movement code in this fc. Take a look at it. The lock will just stand and fight.
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