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    Marsbar got a reaction from benben in Switch target, polymorph, switch to original target   
    You don't need to use onfightloop. This could be an if in your rotation.
    Once again, I can't test right now but I don't see why the below couldn't do the trick (there are probably cleaner ways to do it):
    List<WoWUnit> attackers = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer(); if (attackers.Count > 1) { WoWUnit mainTarget = attackers.Where(u => u.HealthPercent == attackers.Min(x => x.HealthPercent)).FirstOrDefault(); WoWUnit polyTarget = attackers.Where(u => u.HealthPercent == attackers.Max(x => x.HealthPercent)).FirstOrDefault(); if (!polyTarget.HaveBuff("Polymorph") && polyTarget != mainTarget) { Interact.InteractGameObject(polyTarget.GetBaseAddress); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Polymorph"); Thread.Sleep(500); Interact.InteractGameObject(mainTarget.GetBaseAddress); } } ~edit: you'd probably want to add some more conditions to make sure polymorph is known etc.
  2. Thanks
    Marsbar reacted to Zer0 in Video tutorial - Create a plugin from scratch   
    Hi guys, I've created a video showing how to create a C# plugin from scratch. If you have questions or need more info, don't hesitate to ask.
  3. Thanks
    Marsbar reacted to Zer0 in Video tutorial - Create a product from scratch   
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    Marsbar reacted to Abosan in Talk to 2nd NPC Quest   
    Thank you, i copied your xml and re did it myself. It worked!
  5. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from Abosan in Talk to 2nd NPC Quest   
    Make sure you have the right ID, there are 2 humble tasks, 753 and 752. 752 is the first one.
  6. Thanks
    Marsbar got a reaction from vodkalol in Unofficial WRobot API Documentation   
    There are often questions regarding the wrobot api and what functions it has, generally you're told to either decompile the dlls or reference them in your visual studio project and use the object browser.
    Some people only want to know a certain function name and don't wish to go into the deeper realms of development. There isn't a resource they can use to obtain that info without some effort on their part, that's hopefully where this site I generated will come in handy:

    Unofficial WRobot API Docs
    It was created by decompiling the vanilla wmanager and robotmanager dlls and generating an api web template using docfx.
    Currently it doesn't give you anything more than you'd have by decompiling the dlls yourself but I'm hoping to update this with method, property, constructer etc. descriptions and potentially basic code snippets for a better understanding of the wrobot api.
    If you're interested in contributing let me know and I can add you to the gitlab project (sorry if you don't like gitlab but it was quick and easy with free private repos).
  7. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from Pudge in Custom Script Question   
    You can hook onto the https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/html/E-robotManager.Products.Products.OnChangedIsStarted.htm event and run whatever you need to in there
  8. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from Sleepwalker in Use certain spell when a certain number of mobs are in range?   
    Oh lol dude, add a 
    using System.Linq; to the usings at the top of the file
  9. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from Sleepwalker in Use certain spell when a certain number of mobs are in range?   
    This should be enough as your if statement:
    if (Swipe.KnownSpell && Swipe.IsSpellUsable && Swipe.IsDistanceGood && ObjectManager.Me.ComboPoint <= 3 && ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAttackables().Count(u => u.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position) <= 8 && u.Guid != ObjectManager.Pet.Guid) >= 3)
  10. Like
    Marsbar reacted to Droidz in Official WRobot API Documentation   
    WRobot API Documentation
    Website: https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/
    Offline documentation: https://wrobot.eu/byme/doc/WRobot.chm
    (from Wotlk version, Updated the 01 February 2021)
     Unofficial documentation is available here   , it is still very useful because it contains examples and descriptions that are not available in the official.
  11. Like
    Marsbar reacted to Droidz in WRobot for Project Ascension   
    Use new update
  12. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from Kamogli in Fight Class Range   
    Wenn es eine selbst gebaute fightclass vom editor ist kannst du einfach oben links die range aendern. Bei default ist es 5yards, fuer einen hexer wuerde ich es auf 28 erhoehern.
  13. Like
    Marsbar reacted to Matenia in endless.gg ?   
    Then why did you bother commenting on a thread that's specifically in regards to anti-cheat on a very specific TBC server?
    Could it possibly be because most of your posts are to make yourself sound more important and knowledgable while contributing nothing to the topic at hand?

    I've said this many times, but often your answers are so incomplete or off-topic that they do more damage than they help anybody. This was just another case. So as long as you keep doing that, I'll happily correct you publically so people can actually find an answer to their question. I genuinely don't understand your need to push your post count into oblivion and make yourself seem soooo important at any chance you can get.
  14. Like
    Marsbar reacted to Droidz in RunCode class   
    Hi, like that:
    var CodeToRun = "var r = 1 + 1;"; string _sourceCodeIQuesterCondition = @"using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using robotManager; using robotManager.FiniteStateMachine; using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; using wManager.Wow.Enums; public class Main { public static void Pulse() { [RUNCODE]; } }"; string error; if (!robotManager.Helpful.RunCode.CompileAndInvokeStaticMethod(RunCode.CodeType.CSharp, _sourceCodeIQuesterCondition.Replace("[RUNCODE]", CodeToRun), "Main", "Pulse", out error)) Logging.WriteError(error);  
  15. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from Pudge in C# Variable in Lua.DoString() gives lua error   
    Was just typing out a message lol. One can also use Environment.NewLine in C# if that's easier.
  16. Like
    Marsbar reacted to Matenia in C# Variable in Lua.DoString() gives lua error   
    Why are you using @ in a non-multi-line string?
    This isn't a problem with LuaDoString.

    //next time take a look at your ingame Lua errors and you'll see what's actually appearing in the game and why it's a problem var name = "qq"; var subject = 123; var text = "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6"; Lua.LuaDoString("SendMail(\"" + name + "\", \"" + subject + "\", \"" + text + "\")"); // don't use @ in combination with \n otherwise at least double escape \n as \\n // also, don't mix ' with ", you're bound to run into issues with names containing ' eventually  
  17. Thanks
    Marsbar got a reaction from Garub in C# Fightclass development - video tutorial   
    People often attempt to get into making stuff in C# for wrobot but often don't know where to begin. In this video tutorial I attempt to explain some of the basics of fightclass development in visual studio.
    I've attached the solution I was showing in the video to this post.
    ps. Sorry about my voice and my coughing, I'm currently a bit ill ? watching it back I also didn't touch on quite a few points. Let me know if you have questions and I can either do another video or just write out the answers.
    I'll do a video on plugin creation (which I find more interesting) soon™
  18. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from irwest in C# Fightclass development - video tutorial   
    People often attempt to get into making stuff in C# for wrobot but often don't know where to begin. In this video tutorial I attempt to explain some of the basics of fightclass development in visual studio.
    I've attached the solution I was showing in the video to this post.
    ps. Sorry about my voice and my coughing, I'm currently a bit ill ? watching it back I also didn't touch on quite a few points. Let me know if you have questions and I can either do another video or just write out the answers.
    I'll do a video on plugin creation (which I find more interesting) soon™
  19. Thanks
    Marsbar got a reaction from Skemez in Private Server custom quest ID   
    Open up the devtools, switch it to C# and run the below. It should then show you all your quest IDs in the log.
    foreach(var q in Quest.GetLogQuestId()) { Logging.Write(q.ID.ToString()); } Don't know about the devtools? Read this.
  20. Like
    Marsbar reacted to vodkalol in C# Fightclass development - video tutorial   
    Thanks a lot for taking your time to help the next generation of programmers/botters ^^
    I will defendly watch your video because I have decided to use Wrobot as the project to learn me programming 4 real. I know the basics of Python but then life went up side down and I had to take a break from learning programming. Wow botting is what will motivate me to get back at it ^^ 
    I have always loved wow botting. 
  21. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from TheSmokie in Fightclass Framework for 2.4.3/3.3.5a and more   
    Great contribution. Clearly a lot of work went into this.
  22. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from Kamogli in Fightclass Framework for 2.4.3/3.3.5a and more   
    Great contribution. Clearly a lot of work went into this.
  23. Like
    Marsbar reacted to Matenia in Fightclass Framework for 2.4.3/3.3.5a and more   
    If you've seen my 1.12 fightclass framework, this is basically the much enhanced version.
    It should work for WoW 2.4.3 and 3.3.5a, possibly many more expansions. The only thing you would have to do is adjust the way combatlog events are parsed, if paramters have changed in your expansion. Everything else should be handled by wRobot. 

    Below you can find the GitHub repository. It also contains a very simple enhancement shaman fightclass as an example that you could change to fit your own needs.
    This is for developers only. If you're a regular user, I recommend just buying my fightclasses. They are, in my opinion, fairly priced.

    - checks with server if a spell was successful
    - support for different types of spells 
    - no more double casts of any sort (heals, debuffs, damage)
    - possibility to ignore server responses
    - easy offtarget handling
    - performant caching and rotation handling
    - possibility to use as a healing framework
    - support for wanding
    - multilanguage support
    - dispel by debuff type

    @Droidz would be nice if you could sticky/pin this thread
  24. Like
    Marsbar got a reaction from shoro2 in C# Fightclass development - video tutorial   
    People often attempt to get into making stuff in C# for wrobot but often don't know where to begin. In this video tutorial I attempt to explain some of the basics of fightclass development in visual studio.
    I've attached the solution I was showing in the video to this post.
    ps. Sorry about my voice and my coughing, I'm currently a bit ill ? watching it back I also didn't touch on quite a few points. Let me know if you have questions and I can either do another video or just write out the answers.
    I'll do a video on plugin creation (which I find more interesting) soon™
  25. Like
    Marsbar reacted to Matenia in interested in buying wrobot but...   
    Dude you're not funny, you're just ridiculously annoying. And you're not helping Droidz by scaring away potential customers.
    To OP:
    There isn't a whole lot of Cata content. But everything in the Legion section (and a lot in the MoP and WoD section) should work (almost) flawlessly on Cata.
    For fightclasses, you can just use the built in fightclass editor. It's easy to use and you don't need more than that. You can have a look at all the MoP fightclasses I posted (all done with the editor).
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