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Everything posted by colderpotato

  1. Hey not sure if it's working vanilla would be cool if could give it a Look! That'd be nice since food is key in vanilla for no healing classes
  2. It worked for bit, but might need look over again for stealth.
  3. Don't worry working on vanilla if that's the issue, but in mean time can maybe have no issues using wotlk grinders/ quester files. Not much time atm for me to really do much so cleaning up wotlk files for use in vanilla and seeing what if any of my old work can be used with new methods. Edit: Oh and doing something Mop just need get my bot sub back after get paid, so slow progress on top of a lot of commitments IRL now.
  4. Version 1.0.7


    Ok so started work on editing BetterSisters wotlk human file for Elysium, added some extra follow paths going see what can be done to make it live longer. Currently got it to goldshire at level 5 on a rogue going to continue to tweak it as get the time and using plugins like the train set it to every 5 levels going add breaks around there to go to a trainer. Also working on class quests, some fightclasses and see what black listing can do since learned more and add in some one level grinds that change as need be. Main goal atm is cleaning wotlk to work vanilla and seeing if can add the westfall content from my awful dwarf profile looking at it a year later. Just so we're clear thanks to BetterSister for the base work of what aiming here just keep in mind I have like an hour or 2 down time a week to work on it. Update: Get fast Quest and lazypig, also turn off auto train and manually train every few levels for best results. That's because i caught it stuck at 10 trying to go in and train spells.
  5. colderpotato

    rogue 1.12.1

    It wont seem to stealth and have it setup like would be in wotlk or that dunno what might be the issue. Should be able to call it buff like before and set it like pally auras.
  6. Version 1.0.3


    Just something made real quick going debug more as I work through stuff when have the time. Make sure all spells are on the bar as Droidz stated on the beta post! Should stealth Use the two starting attack spells
  7. I just need sub back after get paid now and then work on 1.12.1stuff Nice to see it quest!
  8. Ah so noticed it said wow 2.4.3 and updater is saying it downloaded 1.12.1
  9. Cool to see added 1.12.1 ptr, but not seeing the 1.12.1 on list to download. Edit: It's there dunno if was issue with other updater re-downloaded, but going run it some let know any issue as they arise. Edit 2: it downloaded, but say incorrect version and set it like normal
  10. Finally been waiting ages ZZukbot is aids. I would love the quester if could, but alot of work so grinder or anything is fine since got like no free time now -_-
  11. Just looked now srry, but be sure your to run it nquester bot or it won't work. I had no issues running it again today
  12. zzukbot works alright but it's a pain in the ass to make even simplest of files for it to grind. VB is decent but haven't touched it since 2013, but if remember right was more of the same. Also seems like they only let you get v1 atm and v2 looked better which is only reason i got it
  13. um yeah it's called use the wotlk ones no huge diff in zones, but on quester there migh be some.
  14. that takes time to do and dunno if droidz will any time soon, but no telling
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Finished it just now followed an old guide for path used do not have herber to test and it might do ok mining. 8/29 Yah i figured it might get stuck i flew low hopes it'd lower stucks also look into turning down search range I don't have time to tweak anything.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Has repair vendor and mailbox does a big circle and goes around few of the mountains out there no real testing atm
  17. also dealing with newegg, and debt card anti fraud alerts on my gpu and psu tried to order learned just use paypal if have one saves so much time. Only thing kinda of good atm is 5gb from full client 7.0.3 ^^
  18. Yah i just play ally only ever switch private to what ever side is best for pve at time the time there
  19. OH yah finally about to be in green with 10 gb left to down thank god, but deff need gpu with fps was getting
  20. Ally US duh pointless to start horde when got a level blood elf sitting there since wod launch and like 10 allys at 100
  21. yah if had norm speed got at the grace period of my internet i'd had 1 mb/s last night, but left to assume alot of people downloading or should have modem reset
  22. Had legion since dec, but atm no gpu in new pc looking at an evga gtx 960 super clock for $150 new
  23. Anyone els enjoy not even being near playable on 7.0 down because i sure am -_- and I'm like 5 or 6 gbs into it
  24. aside from all work it'd be bs to many quest bugs not worth time, best to use the quest bot and make grinder i did one in like day to 60 horde.
  25. yah not going to bother to put anything in google translator, but might I say just run and hide from firestorm their server is shit on top other things Runaro said. It probably be for the best if you go play some where els personally warmane's making huge head way on mop it's more playable/ enjoyable at end game making lower level quest bugs fine by me for now.
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