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Files posted by colderpotato
Molten Front Dailies [Colderpotato]
By colderpotato in Quester - Cata
Right now it does seven of the possible dailies and more will come as unlock more of the front. Also, I might start work on adding the other dailies out side the front to it and changing to to be auto pick up instead of manual like my Tol'Barad profile that isn't out yet. I recommend using the plugin called QuesterParty with it and if on a private server using MoveDuringCombat.
Current quests:
Burn Victims Hostile Elements The Protectors of Hyjal Traitors Return Wisp Away! The dogs of War Breach in the Defenses61 downloads
[Horde] Tol Barad Peninsula Dailies [Colderpotato]
By colderpotato in Quester - Cata
Right now it does 18 quests and need pick up the quests manually before starting the profile this will change in a future update probably to be fully afk. However, for now I'm leaving the message on atm because need workout "Bombs Away!" some pathing things really wanna do and adding in the few missing quests. Same commendation use QuesterParty and MoveDuringCombat.
Shadow Priest 1-85.xml
By colderpotato in Fight Classes - Cata
Okay, this a work in progress as swap between my paladin account and this one.
It uses the following spells:
Power Word: Shield - in combat at 5 Inner Fire - at 7 Flash Heal - less than 50% hp at 3 Shadow word: Pain - at 4 Shadow Word: Death at 32 and stops Pain at 31 Mind Blast - at 9338 downloads
Ret Paladin 1 -85
By colderpotato in Fight Classes - Cata
So, it works fairly well doing new toon since got banned for greedy grinding in the 80 - 85 range. I see a few things to update and correct as go through on a few new accounts alternating to avoid another ban.
human 1 -60 grind
By colderpotato in Grinder - Vanilla
Turn off the auto train in settings it's set to fly back to SW every 6 levels or so to train, use follow paths and multi swap grinds. Right now it's in a test state since just merged them together and changed how PF work, so issue are prone. Oh yeah please run it in the quester bot.
I might remove the training portion if proves to be an issue let me know if it is. The other thing is if I do it will still be set to learn Flight Paths just not use em, Also I recommend dungeons/ ah for gear and training every 6 levels manually.
At 56 on a lock no real issues yet more grind paths to come to it and the questing bot is on hold for a few reasons atm. 1- 13 to be questing portion added later!
I have next to no time to work on this anymore, but had plans to remove training parts and add in corrections for grind spots. Please just turn off the steps for training around 30 or keep em, but corrections are needed for 30 SW training.
By colderpotato in Quester - MoP
Please give feed back and a few quests in here I haven't had time to figure out yet.
Also noted for this one to work no issue suggest using ground mount.
It does everything but the Following:
Sap Tapping Debugging the Terrace( Might not work)148 downloads
Tauri-Klaxxi Daily-Vess-Guard
By colderpotato in Quester - MoP
Since things work right on tauri re-working dailies into single packs because it seems when the Vess Guard daily pops up get same ones on rotations for that day. Also, still not had time to fully look over the quit now and it's click to get it to drop down.
Deepholm Mining
By colderpotato in Gatherer - MoP
It Flies around Deepholm getting decent amount of Obsidian and Trillium.
By colderpotato in Fight Classes - Vanilla
This is just a work in progress as I level to 60 on a lock with the quest profile I'm making.
Uses Imp and Voidwalker Shadow-bolt Corruption Imolation Drain Soul for 4 to 6 shards(very the on profile) Fear Drain Life Life Tap1986 downloads
Xlaxxi's daily quests
By colderpotato in Quester - MoP
This was created on warmane's Frostwolf realm and I used the TrinityCore database Droidz posted. It ran for a 2nd time this time flawless after correction for putting an eye out.
Tanaris 48 - 51
By colderpotato in Grinder - Vanilla
Worked better at 49, but is decent for 48 and I'm sorry for taking so long to release something new.
Tanaris 45 - 48 [N]
By colderpotato in Grinder - Vanilla
This was made with the grind bot, so run it there, also it's set to use hotspots
Human 1- 19 test
By colderpotato in Quester - Vanilla
Has few quest order changes for lock and fixed fp/ pick ups in westfall.Things are picking up right now for me, so gave someone copy of the file with little more work on it to release/ work with hopefully.
Please use Fast Qust turn on auto complete and if you'd like lazypig for auto grouping ( at your own risk). Only ever tested on a warlock some sport other classes maybe.
use /fq autocomplete and fq autonotifiy http://www.vanilla-addons.com/dls/fastquest/
Keep list: (will look into if can set it to change in steps)
Great Goretusk Snout Tough Condor Meat Crisp Spider Meat Murloc Fin Goretusk Liver Goretusk Snout Stringy Vulture Meat Murloc Eye Okra Hops789 downloads
elwynn Copper Farm
By colderpotato in Gatherer - Vanilla
Something I made a while back for wotlk, but should run just fine as long as the gather bot is okay vanilla.
Edit: it's working flawless I'll release few more things as time goes on.
human 1-13
By colderpotato in Quester - Vanilla
Ok so started work on editing BetterSisters wotlk human file for Elysium, added some extra follow paths going see what can be done to make it live longer. Currently got it to goldshire at level 5 on a rogue going to continue to tweak it as get the time and using plugins like the train set it to every 5 levels going add breaks around there to go to a trainer. Also working on class quests, some fightclasses and see what black listing can do since learned more and add in some one level grinds that change as need be.
Main goal atm is cleaning wotlk to work vanilla and seeing if can add the westfall content from my awful dwarf profile looking at it a year later. Just so we're clear thanks to BetterSister for the base work of what aiming here just keep in mind I have like an hour or 2 down time a week to work on it.
Update: Get fast Quest and lazypig, also turn off auto train and manually train every few levels for best results. That's because i caught it stuck at 10 trying to go in and train spells.
Westfall 13 - 17
By colderpotato in Quester - Vanilla
This Part of the files is still being worked on current progress confirmed is level 17, but later steps using Flight path need be re-worked for vanilla wow.
Set it to Keep:
Goretusk Liver Goretusk Snout Stringy Vulture Meat Murloc Eye Okra Flasks of Oil Murloc Fin Hops
Low level rogue
By colderpotato in Fight Classes - Vanilla
Just something made real quick going debug more as I work through stuff when have the time. Make sure all spells are on the bar as Droidz stated on the beta post!
Should stealth Use the two starting attack spells
Zangarmarsh Herb/Mining farm
By colderpotato in Gatherer - Wotlk
Finished it just now followed an old guide for path used do not have herber to test and it might do ok mining. 8/29 Yah i figured it might get stuck i flew low hopes it'd lower stucks also look into turning down search range I don't have time to tweak anything.
Sholazar mining Free
By colderpotato in Gatherer - Wotlk
Has repair vendor and mailbox does a big circle and goes around few of the mountains out there no real testing atm
Retribution Tauren Pally
By colderpotato in Fight Classes - MoP
Been using to farm does great dps so far and use specific talents and tauren war stomp to stop some casts.
10 - 60 HordeOneClick MoP
By colderpotato in Grinder - MoP
Ok so took the time to combine 10 - 35 with 35 - 60 it is untested and may be alot to load but it's an option has all fixes from other 2 and should end in Org if have the flight path there. I noticed as a tauren i lacked that, but should be fine for troll/orc run it in quester can be used retail caution is advised if do though because there's more risk there.
40 - 43 Thousand Needles MoP/Cata
By colderpotato in Grinder - MoP
I was working on the 2nd half needs to be cleaned, but in mean time here is a grinder for 40 - 43.
35 - 60 HordeOneClick MoP
By colderpotato in Grinder - MoP
Well it's done some work still needs to be done like for instance adding fp info used at the end other wise it just takes a follow path into town and should auto fly from what seen testing 50% of it. Oh yah Thousand needles might have few issues I am on private server, but it went ok diff is get the fast under water breathing thing without doing anything here no idea retail since level eastern kingdom ally. Some issues do arise feel free to comment and I'll fix em later when have time.
10 - 35 HordeOneClick MoP
By colderpotato in Grinder - MoP
So as you can tell I wan play mop now and well playing warmane because content is looking decent now! So without a due here is something I can quickly work on it should also be usable on cata and retail, but advice to be careful retail as normal. Also I'll get back to my wotlk grind file as soon as can just alot to add training support my part, but worth it in end.
Starts in north barrens uses Flight paths to go around to new areas Untested, but should be fine put what know from other files into it also loaads file 35 - 60 Horde not yet finished, but will be in hour or 2250 downloads
30 - 40 Human[A]
By colderpotato in Grinder - Wotlk
It's finally done it starts where last one left off via loading profile, Trains all classes in SW expect for mage, and ends at 40 in Swamp of Sorrows. To be clear this is grinder, but need put it in quester profile folder and use quester to run it.