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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. On 8/23/2019 at 11:24 PM, Chiffon said:

    I thought I'd mention two things. I'm running this on a private server, and when I log on, the pet isn't spawning before I move the character a couple of steps and it's not on right on top of the model anymore. It causes the bot to keep calling for it, although it's technically already there. The other issue seems to be that even though the pet is dead, it tries to call it back and not res it. This one has happened a couple of times, so I'm not exactly sure when it happens. I got no idea if this it related to your fightclass Ordush. Or if it's the private server being a bit sPeCiAl. Any ideas?

    Hey Chiffon.
    It's the server you are on. I've been trying to fix the issue.
    If you read the latest update notes, you'll see it's in there.
    People are seeking other servers to bot on, which are not based on mangos (Which wrobot is).
    So I have to keep changing the fight-class. The reason it spam calls/revives pet is because of the servers way to handle pets.
    I've been trying to fix it, but I only have 1 guy on discord. Not heard from him since i last wrote to him. ?

  2. 8 minutes ago, burlastribe said:

    any idea on when it will be up?

    It's out of Droidz hands. If he had an ETA. I'm sure he would have posted it.
    It's being worked on by Invision, hopefully it won't be too long till it's fixed. ?

  3. 17 hours ago, Rudikuul said:

    Thanks everyone for the replies

    Got back from holiday now, so it's all good now
    Got the sweet sweet wifi back

    I did notice wrobot did use around 2MB every couple of minutes or so, idk why or how, but i refreshed my provider app and i saw it ticking down when i used wrobot, but not when it was just WoW.

    Oh well, atleast i learned a little.

    All is well again.
    Cheers again!

    The pathing server needs to be updated. Without internet, the bot would run into a wall ?

  4. 10 minutes ago, Rudikuul said:

    Hi everyone,


    I'm currently on a holiday so playing WoW vanilla private server through my phones 4G.

    Usually it doesn't use a lot of internet (i read), but when i used the bot (grinder profile, fightclass, plugins) i used up 1GB fairly quickly.

    My gf was on the hotspot aswell so she used a part of that, but still it was a big jump.


    So my question is if wrobot uses internet?

    If so i'll just play manually until i get back home in 4 days before using the bot more.


    Thanks in advance 

    It depends a lot on what plugins/profiles/fc's etc. you use.
    Those that auto updates themselves, depending on how the creators have made them pings a server somewhere and compares version.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Droidz said:


    I replied to private message of @youthemannowdog, I'll now reply to the public post.

    I cannot dispute that Honorbuddy was a good with a lot of contents, but you have bad memories about Glider, this bot was very basic (watch videos on Youtube). Only Honorbuddy (and maybe Rebot) can compete with WRobot. About price, you have bad memory too: https://web.archive.org/web/20170929193659/https://www.honorbuddy.com/  and WRobot itself was already been at 30 € the lifetime subscription for retail (prices change over time). 

    There is a trial version to test WRobot, with access to all files, all forum messages, I do not censor anything (the proof with this post), I cannot be more honest. For normal use (1 session), WRobot is 1.90 € per month, it is correct as price (of course, I can understand that in certain countries or for certain persons this price is high).

    You also need to remember that you buy a bot, it's for people who like to hack, I try to make it easy to use for all but it's still a type of software for advanced users who likes to tweak, I don't sell a game or family application. Moreover, to reproduce a human behavior is very complicated, big company with big budget does not do much better with total access to the game (look at the result on certain game).

    I understand that it lacks free contents, it is a real problem, believe me I tried many times to find people (that I would have paid) to work on it and I never found one (I never really play Wow, if I create the content myself it would not be great, and I prefer to work on the bot itself). After some research of creator that lead nowhere, I decided to allow paid content, and since many profiles / fightclasses has been released (paid files, but these files would not exist otherwise).

    About the quality of paid files it's complicated, I check all files but I can not test everything, you have the rating system to say what you think of the files. About the prices I tried to maintain correct price, but what can be expensive for someone can be correct price for another, it's complicated too. It takes me time to manage paid files, and I do not touch any commission (except sell subscription which is free for elite users). In summary, if I accepted that users can sell files is for you, without that these profiles / plugins / fightclasses would not even exist.

    About WRobot he is stable, and his API is enough complete and stable (and missing API can be added with lua or C# code), the mesh is not perfect but he works in most areas. Some developers create good dungeon profiles (and have created profiles for complex quest zones, especially when WRobot supported the official servers, I already tested demon hunter start zone profile and he works very fine, look videos in Youtube it is not easy zone to bot). The problem is that in some cases it is must to adapt profile to WRobot, if WRobot badly works in an area it must be avoided the zone, some creator still uses the area and says that it is the fault of WRobot instead than finding an alternative area (of course, in some case you cannot avoid zone and if WRobot have problem it can be complicated).

    In recent times I have used WRobot a lot to test reported detections on several servers (with an old Eeny profile and a simple XML fightclass, no plugin). I left it running ~ 10 hours per day and I had no crashes, blockages or problems. I manually control characters 1 or 2 times per day to equip and resell the green/blue items looted. Some users manage more than 100 bot, with good profile and good settings you can do almost what you want.

    Of course, I understand what you said, if developers have problems with WRobot they do not hesitate to create bug reports, I do not respond quickly but I usually finish by answering and correct it if I find it necessary (and that I can).

    I will try to deliver more free content with the bot (in priority the fightclasses for all classes and grinder / gatherer profiles), if someone wants help me that he does not hesitate to contact me.


    (sorry for my English not always correct)

    @Droidz As soon as I have the time, I will be adding all my fightclasses without in-game interface for free. You can add them to the default download by then. ?

  6. Just an update:
    There definitely is no anti-botting system on neither of the servers I'm running.
    Still no ban a month later.
    I even know other people who has leveled 1-70 on NW. Obviously not gonna mention them.
    There is also one that leveled 1-69 then he got himself banned, because of posts here.

  7. 8 hours ago, Minikan1987 said:

    old news, i confirmed this months ago! i'm an Ex GM from there and they have a home build Warden module that detects EVERYTHING

    This is fake news lol.

    I have been running a bot there for over a month now, no ban.
    I know there are other people here on the forum (not gonna say who) doing the same, we're actually TRYING to get banned. But in a smart way. So no... it's definitely not detected...
    Yes, they have active GM's and people are reporting.. anti-cheat that is detecting wrobot.. - Nope!

  8. 1 hour ago, maukor said:

    @Ordush The bad thing in supporting bad devs is in my example.
    I wanted purchase some good hunter fightclass, i seen only your on the forum, But i purchased few fightclasses from other devs back in days, and was really disapointed with quality and was afraid to invest more in other fightclasses, (in your hunter), But When i purchased your warrior prot for tests, it actually works as in description, i was surprised that something paid works as in description, isnt it funny? For now before any other purchases i will think twice, cause droidz really support devs that have wrong description

    I don't think that "support" is the right word though. ?

  9. 3 hours ago, Zer0 said:

    What an analogy. I'm not sure what the point of it was, but it only states that you're either viewing customers as children, or that you're some kind of benevolent Santa Claus. You are selling stuff here. Trying to make a profit. Don't fool yourself. 

    This is really strange. I feel like there is some sort of elitism in this community. You're either pat of the godlike creators who can do no wrong, or you're part of the filthy peasants who understand nothing and should remain silent. You have a few people here complaining about the quality of paid stuff and you just call them "entitled millennials"? Come on.

    If creators here were as philanthropic as some of you pretend they are, they would be teaming up and create free quality FC/profiles for the community. It might sound crazy, but I think the solution lies there. So, if you're a developer, or a tester and you're interested in participating, join my discord and let's actually move forward.

    It's fair enough that people complain about this stuff and I partly agree with some of what you say. But it IS possible to complain while using a sober tone. This is not a kindergarten...

  10. 1 hour ago, CocoChanel said:

    Doesnt make up for the fact that all these ape fucking profile creator state that their profiles are 99 or 100% afk. No matter how you put it, they are lying about their profiles and Droidz is supporting it by letting them continue selling it. People need to stop saying "If you don't like it, make your own". Thats not the fucking point. The point is that people are charging ridiculous money for bullshit profiles with trash quality. "Just dont buy it if you dont like it". Too bad most of these ape creators wont refund after purchasing, kek. People here are lazy cunts because they can get away with it, that's it. Can't make a 99% afk quester? Then dont advertise for one. 

    Coco.. Seriously... that tone.. this is not fornite...
    Anyway, you people are just circling around and around and around.. If you think that those of us who develop stuff for wrobot is gonna make better stuff by you guys calling us "apes" and whatnot.. you are very much mistaken. The only thing that this thread is getting out of this is pissing off those of us that actually DO make quality stuff..
    This is like yelling at your parents because you don't like all the candy in your bag.. It's fair enough that some of you compare this to HB or whatever, and you expect more.. but honestly, you guys have what you have got. If that's not good enough, then you certainly won't get better stuff by acting up. That is not how the world works lol....

  11. 1 hour ago, moerrts said:

    I have no experience but I plan on learning once classic comes out, also I wouldn't mind buying profiles on here if wrobot actually sponsored devs to make profiles(LIKE EVERY OTHER GOOD BOTTING COMPANY), I dont care if they are free or paid I just want to know they will be around for a long time and wont just disappear once sales go bad or they don't sell anything , and basically I am not going to gamble with buying profiles from random people hoping they work or hoping they keep them updated because the rate of updates or effort they put into is how many people blindly buy their profiles which makes no sense to me. I have looked through the profile sections and countless time's have seen droidz put "Blah Blah Blah has not been responding so this profile is now free" LMAO what kind of business is this, so poorly ran if he hired devs to make profiles for the public and were put on contract to not ghost randomly wrobot would probably get a lot bigger and generate more income.


    I say sponsor devs because a lot of people are like me and have no idea how to code and wrobots moto is looking like buy this I provide you a client, and you make shit for yourself good luck buddy 

    Even if Droidz wanted to, he can not pay anyone anything.
    You have to remember, the way taxes and laws work are not identical all over the world. ?

  12. 17 minutes ago, cedced30 said:

    Why are you even here if you don't like Wrobot? that's the real question.

    If you don't like something, move on.

    I don't mean to be rude but it sounds like entitlement, if you want glider or hb, buy glider or hb, don't buy Wrobot and expect it to become glider because you like them more.

    Beggers can't be chosers.

    It's obviously one of the owners of the private servers, trying to kill wrobot! ?

  13. 27 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    Can you just shut up creating drama for no reason?
    Your previous account was banned because you scammed someone by selling an incomplete profile that you were incapable of finishing. You're not allowed to sell anything now that you've been given another chance.

    You bother me almost daily because besides a bit of copypasting, you can't really code. Don't come in here shitting on people who have put in actual time and effort to provide decent products. 

    Agreed! @Smokie it's just like the post you wanted me to delete because I called you out as being @Mike Mail.

  14. 36 minutes ago, Smokie said:

    My only problem with paid stuff is that no creator of profiles put work into making it ? afk.  And people but it no matter what. Bambo once said to me “I’m only putting the  minimal  Amount of work need when I suggested  adding code to go level in outlander / dalaran. I feel like only person that did everything for a profile was FNV. Everyone is using his code. 

    Shots has been fired. WTF...

  15. 7 minutes ago, Zer0 said:

    Maybe I didn't express myself clearly when I said people are in the dark. I'm talking about casual users. Those who don't know programming and who just want to level a few characters. You seem to be saying that anyone who uses wRobot needs to be an advanced programmer. How is wRobot advertised as such? It even says on the front page "Easy to use", "...for even the most novice user...".

    So he downloaded wRobot and later realized that he's been "tricked". This is what enrages people.

    It doesn't matter if the OP is a code genius or an HTML beginner. Although I disagree with a lot of what he said and he was clearly in over his head, he talked about his experience as a new user and the problems he faced and everyone should hear it. I faced the exact same problems: lack of free decent third party stuff. Actually, Profiles and Fight classes shouldn't even be called "third party" since they're so core to wRobot. This is the real subject: the shady practices behind wRobot and the reasons behind them. When people put money into FCs and profiles that suck, they feel robbed, they rage, they leave and never come back. That creates a thinner user base, a recalcitrant community... and less customers for you!

    I am talking about the OP of this post ONLY when i talk about skills. Feels so stupid that the one who created this post, claims that he could do everything better himself, while he hasn't even looked at the libraries lol.
    And I do agree that there are some bad stuff here that can be bought, but if you look at the reviews and comments. AND how active the uploader is, you'll not go wrong.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Zer0 said:

    A lot of people are in the dark when it comes to wRobot and its current state. Bringing its issues to light can help some people realize that they're not necessarily using the bot wrong, and it can help them voice their concerns too. What do you propose? Silence discontent people?

    You don't like the thread? Fine. But you realize you can choose to just ignore it, instead of actively ridiculing it, right? Believe it or not, I am interested in hearing people's opinions. All of them.

    It's pretty clear to me that people who are writing here, has no clue how wrobot actually works.
    The creator states that he is a programmer and stuff, but he CLEARLY has not even looked under the hood.
    Almost all the issues he is complaining about is actually not the bot, but rather just the released stuff. If he thinks that wRobot is the reason that questing profiles are not 100% AFK (example). then he clearly doesn't know what the bot does lol.
    Instead of complaining, wishing for it to be something it is not. Do something about it. The man claims that he has a skillset (which is a pretty weird combination btw.) USE IT... Do something about it... I have seen many people level from 1-60 1-70 even 1-80 without any issues, because they make their own shit. OR because they use the bot smart.
    People think that honorbuddy and glider were the holy grail... You'd get banned easily if you used those without thinking too.. This is software, it's not magic lol.
    "people are in the dark" rofl... ALL his libraries are right there for everybody to look in. There are even people here who has put the libraries online for you to go through.
    You can EVEN rewrite the whole combat system to your own liking if you want lol. Basically you can easily strip the bot of all it's functions and make your own.

  17. 7 hours ago, maukor said:

    Well. i dont see any Party healer routines on the forum, even paid, I purchased your Prot warrior, and noticed i cant find any healer routine rofl, do you sell any?

    Note for vanilla sorry

  18. On 7/11/2019 at 4:05 AM, thebrodieman said:

    Using wRobot on Private server (own) for

    While running in Elwynn Forest, bot attempted to turn in quest to NPC. Quest was not the first on the list, so bot attempted to "access" first on the list. This quest also turned in, moving intended quest from slot 2 to 1. Bot then attempted to turn in quest to slot 2 (now a quest to be picked up). Each "success" resulted in bot attempting to turn in quest at a further down slot until quest turn in for this quest is blacklisted and moves on.

    I read somewhere that wRobot uses Lua to do quest pickup/turnin. Is it possible to have the bot parse the list of quests for a specific questID instead of attempting each slot until success is seen? I know it can be done with C# but I believe (back in the day) this was only C# that pulled data from Lua returns.

    Thanks for your help!!!

    Hey Brodie, you can use Lua.LuaDoString("SomeLuaCodeHere"); to use lua code in-game the 7.3 version of wow, should have all the tools you need built into the client for everything. ?
    You can also do SomeTypeHere  SomeVariable = Lua.LuaDoString<SomeTypeHere>("return SomeVariable");
    To return lua to c#. Sometimes it's easier to write your own functions than using the wrobot ones, because there can be issues, or a misunderstanding of how they work.
    Additionally @Marsbar has compiled a list of all the methods that comes with wRobot, it's sorted in classes.
    - Hope it helps!

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