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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. You downloaded wRobot for 7.3.5 Legion and you're wondering why it doesn't work on 3.3.5 wotlk? Do a fresh install and download the one for 3.3.5
  2. Has happened to me plenty of times and I could never find out what caused this. had to solve it through detargeting friendly units while Fight.InFight == true.
  3. No, there's an actual setting (upper left corner I believe) to set the range. In C# you implement a getter for the range property.
  4. You are running with your client forced to 60 Hz, vsync on and ALL of your monitors running at 60 Hz?
  5. @Droidz in ToTown state, make the loop i < 25 instead so people can enter larger amounts of food. Easy fix!
  6. Make your own or buy FNV's or Eeny's quester profiles. For grinder, you should NEVER use anything public.
  7. WRobot was never made for BGs. You only have limited options in creating your own profiles, but you definitely need to do it. It is not detected on Warmane and defaults Warden scans anyway. That being said, back in the day I botted 16 hours/day on most of my chars on Warmane and never got banned. Eventually, my main got caught because I was careless and they improved their "natural" detection. Also, depending on your class will you HAVE TO write your fightclasses in C# or they will be too obviously bots.
  8. There is no free version. The attached file is one of my free plugins (I have SOME of the functionality of HMP spread out over free plugins across the forums so you can test it).
  9. Don't use Questie. It hooks half of the UIs functions and overwrites some of their functionality. This WILL mess with wRobot. I'm one of the authors of the addon. Turn it off when you use wRobot
  10. Auf Deutsch wird dir hier keiner helfen können. Frag auf Englisch im Supportforum nach, sowas kann nur Droidz beantworten. Schau mal unter https://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/ ob dein 10 Session key dort überhaupt aufgeführt wird.
  11. It also already took him over a year for 1~50 Alliance.
  12. It will only equip items with stats and ignore armor entirely The Lua error can be entirely ignored. It's one of the downsides of recreating tooltips. Too many people reported they had problems with auto equip prior to this update. It's really just a visual problem. Regarding the best quest reward, please check your log. If the bot says it's selecting one item, but wRobot is selecting another (the first item), this is a latency issue and can be solved by moving your wRobot latency settings anywhere from 350 to 500ms. If you have any issues with selling, you can disable the automatic vendoring feature. FNV's quester usually handles this very well and even recommends you disable this setting. I don't know what could cause your bot to not go selling at all, but I know during specific steps in the quester where you're expected to die a lot, vendoring gets disabled and the bot just follows a route before it all gets enabled again.
  13. I lowered the range a while ago. Redownload - if it's happening again, join me on Discord so we can figure out what's causing this.
  14. At low level, you wanna activate good wand in the settings, if you want it to wand more frequently. Shadow-y rotation starts as soon as you get Mind Flay.
  15. MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1500) will stop the pot from running for 1.5 seconds.
  16. Decompile wManager.dll change: Vendor.BuyItem(wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FoodName, 1); Vendor.BuyItem(wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DrinkName, 1); Vendor.BuyItem(wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FoodName, 4); Vendor.BuyItem(wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DrinkName, 4); Recompile. Do this every wRobot update or wait for @Droidz to fix the loop that only goes for(var i=0; i < 10; i++), all he has to do is set it to 20 or 30.
  17. With me rooted by Dragonmaw Rider: 09:23:42 - meUnitFlags: 528392 - targetUnitFlags: 557056 (ObjectManager.Me.Rooted: false) With me not rooted and no target: 09:25:20 - meUnitFlags: 4104 - targetUnitFlags: 0
  18. Always returns false, even if the character is rooted. I think it is either implemented incorrectly (it checks for Influenced) or the offset for character state rooted is wrong. It works with Me.IsStunned.
  19. @Ordush @Droidz public static float GetGlobalCooldown() { string luaString = @" local i = 1 while true do local spellName, spellRank = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if not spellName or i >= 10 then break; end local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); if enabled == 1 and start > 0 and duration > 0 then local cooldownLeft = duration - (GetTime() - start) --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('GCD check for ' .. spellName .. ' ' .. cooldownLeft); if (cooldownLeft < 1500 and cooldownLeft ~= 0) then return cooldownLeft / 1000; end end i = i + 1; end return 0; "; return Lua.LuaDoString<float>(luaString); } Correct me if I'm wrong, but this should work (pure Lua, vanilla). Checks 10 first spells in spellbook for their cd. Rogues have 1 second GCD tho, so idk
  20. Download it for 5.4.7, your server (maybe pandawow or warmane) probably uses a fake 5.4.8 client
  21. No, it's an American date. It's 9th of May, 2018
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