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fragik reacted to zjxlsmr for a file, alliance 1-90 [human starting zoom]
enjoy and common below
it is what i use for leveling.
make sure you are at least watching or somewhat for like 5 mins first........and try to go to the area b4 you hit start, as the bot are not super genius like us knowing what its doing!
fragik reacted to zjxlsmr for a file, level 99 or 100 only , Nagrand Harbor farm.
they have 0.006% chance drop many kinds of 665 item. sells 40~80k depends on your svr.
just wowhead yourself!!!
this file can help you get start, nothing serious.
fragik reacted to zjxlsmr for a file, Pandaria rare v2 toy only
farm those whichever has toy....meaning by toys are those which can be used as many as i want....
1.get the addon Rarefied (make the same sound as NPCscan does. but NPCscan wont make that sound if you didnt clean the cache thing. While this addon will alert you every thing if there is a skull in your mini map)
2.Enable background sound ( so when your wow is not your current selected window. you will still be able to hear the sound that Rarefied makes)
3. Disable Loot chest in Loot tab in Advanced setting (otherwise it will try to loot dark soil) <-----not sure about this one yet.
4. Watching a movie or something.
Important: this file won't kill them, you have to pause the bot and kill it manually!!!!!it just flies by.!!!
fragik reacted to nonstop1005 for a file, tauren 1-11
THE FIRST 2 QUESTS ARE BUGGY!!!!!!! after that it is 100% hands free mailbox, vendor, and repair included. this will have you ready for crossroads hope you enjoy
fragik reacted to jimmyn for a file, [JimmyN]Alliance Human 7-10
I figured I would contribute a tab bit more. The built in quester profile (atleast) for human was bugged as soon as they got to goldshire. Anyhow I fixed it, then used the Zygor guide to then level till westfall. I actually got to level 11 before I decided to just end Zygor guide and move over.
Anyhow what you need:
-Ideally grab the zygor guide and configure it to auto-equip the equipment you loot
-Make sure you have at least 4 16 slot bags... didnt add a selling point, maybe next change
fragik reacted to andrew peterson for a file, balance_druid
A balance druid fight class I made myself. I use it on my level 80. Might not be as complex as it could be for a level 90.
fragik reacted to MrJiveTurkey for a file, MWMonk Fight class
Updated with spin kick for greater survivablility.. Works great...
fragik reacted to kyln for a file, 100-110 Val'Sharah - Shala'nir - Dreamleaf Grinder
*Special Note: This is a grinding profile for gathering Dreamleaf.*
If you like my profiles and want to see more, feel free to buy me a coffee.
This is a "set-it and forget-it" grinder profile for herbalists to kill "Vilepetal Rooters" and "Defiled Grovewalkers" in Val'Sharah by the Darkheart Thicket dungeon (Closest Flight Point: Starsong Refuge). Yielding an enormous amount of Dreamleaf (yield rate dependent upon your kill speed). This profile goes in a crescent-moon-like shape around the dungeon, carefully avoiding the non-profitable area of the owlkin.
Special Instructions for maximum yield:
Make sure "Skin/Gather/Mine Mobs" is selected under settings. Make sure "Can attack units already in combat" is selected in Advanced Settings. (The reasoning: This area is susceptible to World Quests which can generate a lot of popular activity, however, should one of your faction players attack a mob, you can tag it as well, and if they are not an herbalist, you can then tap the mob and herb it.) Make sure "Ignore fighting if in ground mount" is NOT selected in Advanced Settings. (The last thing you want to do is fly through this place with a billion things attacking you. Besides, 80% of the mobs you are attacking here, you are also herbing.) You can die if:
You are on a PVP server. This route is right outside a dungeon, which means enemy faction players can and will gather here for Mythics. You are on a PVP server. This route is part of a World Quest which generates attention. If your character is not equip (either by gear or Fight Class) to handle this farm. I have yielded over thousands of Dreamleaf thus-far with non-stop, uninterrupted grind. Again, I cannot stress enough that; your yield-rate is 100% dependent upon your kill-rate. If you are not geared enough for your level (as the mobs in this expansion do scale), I would advise using a more safe Fight Class (if you can go healer, tank, or utilize a tanky-pet profile, I would advise doing such).
And as always, if you find any problems, please let me know, and please be as detailed as you can about it so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.
Enjoy and I hope this profile is as lucrative for you as it has been for me!
You can run into the dungeon if:
You have "Skip indoor nodes" turned off. The nodes inside the dungeon are considered "indoors" for some reason. You have Harvest Minerals turned on. (Most of the nodes that spawn inside or around the dungeon portal are minerals.)
fragik reacted to 7Wolves for a file, 4 Winds and Vale Herb Gatherer
This profile circles around 4 Winds, going along the river, through the farm lands, and on the cliffs, followed by going up through the river to vale, along up it, through the plains, and back to the river, and back into 4 winds. Long path good for getting Green Tea Leaf, Silkweed, and Rain Poppy.
fragik reacted to xandrosz for a file, [FREE] Skinning Stormscale
Hi guys!
This is the most efficient route to grind and farm Stormscale Leather in Highmountain.
Tested on a medium populated server and farm 330+ Stormscale Leather / Hour
Put in \WRobot\Profiles\Grinder - Start at Thundertotem, Highmountain
Make sure you have Skinning on in Bot Settings
Check out my new Profile Bundle
fragik reacted to Droidz for a file, 100-110 Val sharah (Shal'dorei Silk farming)
100-110 Val'sharah (Shal'dorei Silk farming)
Kills http://www.wowhead.com/npc=95138/wormtalon-witch and http://www.wowhead.com/npc=95152/wormtalon-huntress, farming http://www.wowhead.com/item=124437/shaldorei-silk
fragik reacted to KnightRyder for a file, Shadow Priest
My fightclass I use with shadow priest. One with and without the level 100 talent Clarity of Power
fragik reacted to Jondg2005 for a file, Jon's Survival
You need the following talents for this to work right - Thrill of the hunt, A Murder of Crows, Glaive Toss and Focusing Shot. I use it as a single target dps Rotation for raiding. Get over 20k DPS.
fragik reacted to XCow for a file, Essence of Water Farm
Hi guys.
This profile is awesome for farming Essence of Water and some green Transmogitems.
I already used it for more hours than I can count and it works flawless.
In 1 hour you can expect to farm up to: (Prices are EU Avg.)
24 Essence of Water x 89,28g = 2142,72g
+ green Transmogitems = 1000g
Total Gold per Hour = 3142,72g
I hope you like the profile and if you have any suggestions, just let me know
fragik reacted to PIR for a file, Scrumptuous fur
Easy Grind for Scrumptuos fur ive set the profile in frostfire ridge just out side the garrison killing wolfs as they are lvl 90 and really easy to kill. hope this works for you.
Let me know how you get on.
fragik reacted to Bugreporter for a file, Druid - Guardian 1.1 [BR].xml
Use the recommendations from Icy-Veins. Talent ( 3, 1 ,2 or 3 ,3 ,3 ,2 ,1 ). DONT USE this in RAIDs !!! It's not tested in dungeons.
Selfheal is used, if talent 45:3 is selected. Will not be used while your role is tank.
If you want more DPS then heal, take talent 45:2. (Cat form will be used, if target not targetting you, and Energy is 100. Bear form will be used if Energie lower 35 or the target targetting you)
Maul is optional and off per default
Growl is optional and off per default
It's version 1.0 . Test it and report your suggestions.
fragik reacted to Pasterke for a file, Druid Guardian
Rapid fightclass for Druid Guardian.
Will auto use Healing Tonic, Healthstone, Oralius' Whispering Crystal.
Use talents as in picture.
New version :
fragik reacted to Bigpapi567 for a file, [Bigpapi] Elemental shaman with heals
This is a fight class for elemental shamans and it heals in combat ive been using this for 85-90 and its been working good havnt tested it much in pvp but it does alright
fragik reacted to Rafaelbragan for a file, Destrolock2.xml
(Sorry about my english)
I created a destruction warlock fight class, and i get up 90 from 60 easily.
It's a very simple fight classe and very very useful.
I recommend tu use this fight class with grinder mode in wrobot because it's very very fast way to get xp.
OBS) The wrobot never recognize the incinerate spell and here is the tip to avoid this.
1- Set demonology as the first spec and destro as the secondary spec.
2- Before click start in Wrobot make sure you have the demonology spec active, and set BATTLEGROUND mode in Wrobot, then click Start.
3- go to the wow and change your spec to destruction.
4- go back to the Wrobot and click STOP.
5- Change to GRINDER mode, select the place you want, then click "start" and you will notice incinerate will be able to cast now.
I hope you enjoy.
Again, sorry my bad english.
fragik reacted to Scotchtape86 for a file, Scotchtape's Assassin Rogue for Legion
A fairly basic but very good assassin rogue fight class for legion.
Uses stealth, and works very quickly to kill mobs.
Haven't had any issues with it.
Let me know what you think!
fragik reacted to Bugreporter for a file, Rogue - Outlaw 1.7 [BR]
Use the recommendations from Icy Veins . Multi-target support. Artefact used. LFR Tested.
All talents except Ghostly Strike(15:1), Parley(75:1) and Cannonball (90:1) are supported at the moment. Some of them are optional and off per default (see screenshot). Also almost of the rogue spells are supported (except Riposte, Bribe)
I use the recommendations for raid encounters from Icy Veins for my talents (3,1,1,3,3,2,2) to test my build, but you are free to use your own.
I've tested it with different chars on different Levels 1-100 and it works fine.
Dont forget to follow this file, if you want to be informed about updates !!!
Important: Unlock fps limit (General Settings) to get more dps
You have to enable some options (see Screenshot). A few samples:
You want to go pickpocketing: Enable "Stealth", "Pickpocket" and "Sap"; disable "--Break Stealth" You want to go to Dungeon: Enable "Stealth" and --"Break Stealth"; disable "Pick Pocket"; Using "Sap" is your Choise. use: --iron Trap uf you want to farm fur or leather in Nagrand (WoD) "--use item, if heal low" use only "Healing Tonic" (WoD) at the moment. You can add other heal potions, "--use item, if exit" is only used for Archealogy (WoD,Pandaria)
It's Version 1.x and there is a lot to test. Please tell me, if something missing or could be better. Use the Review function below. I need feedback
fragik reacted to Droidz for a file, Apexis Daily Quests
Apexis Crystal Daily Quests
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=36680 (Not Completed)
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=36691 (Not Completed)