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Batman reacted to Enraged in Disable / Turn off Random Jump
Look at your logs next time it happens, It is a feature of the anti-stuck, and its something that generally happens when a plugin/fightclass conflict with the natural movement of the bot. As well as if you are actually stuck on an object of course.
Batman reacted to eeny in Disable / Turn off Random Jump
If you look in the bot settings FILE.. should be located \Wrobot\Settings\General-BotName.ServerName.xml , open it with a notepad.
If see the jump is still there- maybe Manually change it?
Batman reacted to Droidz in Won't Target & Attack Some Mobs
Hello, try to remove folder "wrobot\data\meshes"
Batman reacted to eeny in Fight Class Tutorial Video
i said a quick tutorial.. All that would be a 3 hour masterclass
Batman reacted to Droidz in How do I change my forum review rating?
I cannot change but I have removed your review, you can post new
Batman reacted to bael666 in How can WRobot detect enemy dodge (overpower move)?
Just add it to your spell list with the condition "Is Spell Usable".
Batman reacted to Zickefoose in "Wanding"
To get wand working
1. Add the Wand attack to your fighterclass
2. Add Spell condition C Sharp Code
!Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsAutoRepeatAction(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Shoot")) + 1) + ")")
3. Profit.
I also use set mine to only use wand when target is below a certain percent of health
Batman reacted to Showboat in How can WRobot detect enemy dodge (overpower move)?
I havent tried this, but if you put it at the top of your spells / rotation. How does that work?
I thought the bot was able to detect if a spell was available (That might be one of the options in the top right)
Batman reacted to Droidz in Stop bot from targeting hunter pets
Hello, in advanced general settings try to activate option "Ignore combat with all pets"
Batman reacted to Droidz in How do I run past (or avoid) low level mobs?
Hello, you want ignore and skip combat when grey mob attack your character? if yes you cannot. If it is WRobot that attack mob, you can put min/max mob level in your profile.
Batman reacted to Matenia in If someone buffs me, /say TYVM
You'd have to read combatlog events, which currently isn't possible, to my knowledge, in vanilla and TBC.
Batman reacted to philadelphe in hearthstone to repair
Is that possible to add to the bot hearthstoning when we need to repair plz ?
Batman reacted to reapler in Loot before resting (eat / drink)?
You could use a lower value for that since acquiring data from objectmanager doesn't take too long.
I would say you can even set it to 50ms but it would be an overkill & not useful in the end.
I recommend 2000ms.
Batman got a reaction from will127 in Party Help - (Follow looks too suspecious)
You should try to make a plugin yourself, hire someone to make one, or consider downloading this one --
Hope it helps and good luck!
Batman reacted to Droidz in Stop Attacking or Clear Target
You can use C# code
wManager.Wow.Helpers.Fight.StopFight(); But for the moment no easy way to use c# code in fightclasses editor, I'll add spell option like "Not spell, is c# code" in next WRobot updates.
Batman reacted to 2face in Is it possible when I die for the bot to take a 5min break?
Actually you can easily solve this with a plugin - just check when you are dead and then make the product wait for certain amount of time. Let me see if i can come up with something simple quick for you. Will post here when im done.
//EDIT: There you go: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/705-staydead/
I didnt add any timer randomization, but can add that too if requested. The character will just stay dead for the set amount of time, at the graveyard.
Batman reacted to eeny in How do I cast shadowmeld after I drink / eat?
Put it in the fight class??
Just have shadowmeld in the fight class with a condition that the bot needs to be eating to cast it.
Batman reacted to Droidz in How do I embed spells / items on these forums?
Hello, I have added openwow support
Batman reacted to BetterSister in Convert from Vanilla Botter (.cpr) to WRobot
Currently it isn't possible. Profile converters are low priority currently so you can't expect for it to be implemented anytime soon
Batman reacted to wickedninjadad in Looking For Partner For Private servers(LK)
Hello fellow Wrobot users. i am looking for dedicated people who would like to come together and make private server wrobot awesome. i am looking for people who are willing to learn quester making, grinding making, class making, and alot more. This is going to be a big project. I am wanting to get this filled with everything possible we can do. This is a donation of time and effort. Comment here and i will message you and give you contact details so we can talk. I live in the US so my time is eastern standard. If you have time and can dedicate yourself to this project please let me know. TY for your time and lets blow this up
Batman reacted to BetterSister in How do I embed spells / items on these forums?
Openwow.com is generally most popular website item&quest etc information database for (blizzlike) private servers. So if it is possible to add it's upto @Droidz because i can't access admin panel
Batman reacted to eeny in Cast Shadow Bolt on Shadow Trance Proc
Jumping is possible for people who write profiles in C# i think.
Using flight class editor: For instances like this i simply make a second Shadow bolt entry up the top of the rotation with a "has buff : shadow trance = true". Honestly- some times the bot will do something else instead .... but realistically its a bot.. most of the time it will do the right thing, if it skips a proc...meh