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  1. A real good development, and it’s free, just use and share your impressions, and do not forget to thank the author, he did a titanic work, and if something is unaccounted for, he’s always ready to fix it
  2. When to expect profile for Rogue? We would be very thankful
  3. Dont work, my priest fighting with staff as mili
  4. I have the same problem, the food in the settings is listed but the bot just sits and waits until mana or health restores itself 29 июл 2018 08H19 - tbkHG.log.html
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Tested by my 2 paladins who successfully pumped to level 52. Test friends and if there are problems waiting for reviews
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Tested by my 2 paladins who successfully pumped to level 41. Test friends and if there are problems waiting for reviews
  7. Leveling Fight Class for DK Unholy DK, thank you in advance
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Mega Cobalt Route Dragonblight/Grizzly Hills
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