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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Version 1.1.0


    Retribution Paladin Fight class usable from 1-60. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles Will heal at 40%. Will only Judge Crusader only if you learned seal of command Will keep BoM up until you get BoW at 14. Uses Ret aura however at low levels will use devotion aura. Hammer of justice to interrupt spells Hammer of wrath if > 60% mana and mobs < 20% health Lay on hands if low Bot health / mana. In built tag avoid. This is one of the fight classes i have bee using to pump out lvl 60 vanilla bot accounts using my grinder. any recommendations / bugs send me a PM.
  2. The bot should be using the inbuilt NPC DB of wwrobot. Try clicking the "clear session blacklist" button on the tools tab of the WRobot client. The vanilla bot cleint has a habit of blacklisting NPC's- all of my bots were using the Vendor in SunRock Retreat in STM when lvling in desolace. I may look at hard coding vendors- will have to test that though. Will update this comment later if hard coding vendors is viable.
  3. eeny

    Single Quest

    This is 100% profile side. The profile writer scripts the bot on what quests to pick up complete and turn in. Any change in behaviour would be on the profile side. I have done this in the past when there are few quests and I want to bot to grind it out by returning to town between quests hoping they aggrieved mobs for extra exp while 'questing'.
  4. Version V6


    Tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Alliance on private servers. The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Alliance grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling. The Alliance profile is split into 2 parts 1-45 and 25-60. At some point you will need to move the bot dependant on level- when you do it is up to you (you have 20 levels to decide. A third profile is added for 58-70 in TBC. Leveling paths: Vanilla 1-45 1-6 Northshire 6-14 Elwynn 14-19 Westfall 19-22 Redridge 22-32 Duskwood. 32-36 STV 36-45 Swamp of sorrows Vanilla 25-60 25-31 Wetlands 31-37 Arathi 37-43 Badlands 43-51 hunterlans 51-55 WPL 55-60 EPL While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile. The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. I have made gradual mobs changes so you wont see any massive jumps in death / mob difficulty as the profile goes on. A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth. However these spots may have more players than the 'normal' grind profile which favor quiet spots- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.
  5. This is so dependant on the server.. A few months ago my servers herb markets tanked- moved to leather and never looked back. Each bot can pull a few thousand gold per hour from private buyers / AH. Get Boon of the scavenger + legion skinning : gutting. Given enough time you can make some nice profit from gems / ores / silk as well.
  6. Running testing on the humanoid file now. Its not full humanoids as generally humanoids mean there is a quest objective nearby which means more players around... i try to avoid that. The human one will just have more steps added in so if you do have tailoring and you want to lvl that up you can get the cloth needed for that while grinding exp instead of doubling back at 60-70. Edit- added the cloth files.
  7. It's a shame that on-one has picked you up on this. depending on how much time you want to throw at it- give yourself a challenge. Build a 1-10(or 15,20, go crazy) Full afk quest profile. And i mean FULL AFK. No assist's no reloads just keep it going. Get the profile to the point you know you can load up a lvl 1 bot, load a fightclass and the profile and expect to have a level X bot in a few hours.
  8. whynot work on elysium? Seriously- it does.. i would say 95% of the vanilla profiles available were written on or for elysium.
  9. Open the file in the fight class editor and take a look. IIRC correctly that FC uses Wisdom. paladin_lazy.xml
  10. "PickUp quest on item id" = Item is in the bag. If you are picking up a quest from a game object (wanted poster/wooden box for example) you define the Object like any other quest giver NPC, except you tick "is game object"
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Trimmed down and subtle fight classed i use on my Shamans. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles Healing wave at 50% health Shocks when > 25% mana. Will keep Rockbiter weapon up when below lvl 30 and WindFury weapon up when above 30. I found shamans with passable gear where able to grind without downtime from about lvl 15 if you defined healing wave as a food / regen item . Totems are used sparingly as its looks suspect if the bot is dropping them every fight. Stoneskin + Mana spring totems will be dropped if you are fighting 2+ mobs. Searing totem is on a timer so it doesnt drop every mob. Massive shout-out to @Imod who wrote the timers in the C# profile, Let me know if you would change anything.
  12. This is what i used on vanilla for a long time. Just keep your 2H wep up to date and you shouldnt be going oom as the only mana dump is holy light / crusader. Doesnt judge- just hits stuff! paladin_Crusader.xml
  13. i have never used that iscomplete... dont you need some form of wrobotmanager out the front>
  14. What are you looking for specifically in the fight class? What should the rotation look like? Are you looking for max-nuke-dps- followed by drinking every 2 mobs? or are you looking for something a bit more reserved- however with no downtime?
  15. 1- Yes tonnes... depending on what you are farming of course. 2- yes and yes. Dependant on the bot / profile. I will only ever leave my bots on an AFK relogger cycle if I'm 100% confident that profile is good and the bot wont get hung up. My personal farming profiles probably have thousands of hours of cumulative profile test's across my accounts so im confident 99.9% of the possible issues have been ironed out. I will turn on the PC and start relogger before i go to work, scheduling a PC shutdown in 8-10 hours without a second thought.
  16. Vous êtes sûr? Il existe la meilleure et la plus utilisée routine de routine + plusieurs classes de combat guerrier en vertu https://wrobot.eu/files/category/163-fight-classes-vanilla/
  17. Vous devrez charger une classe de combat dans des paramètres généraux warrior_lvling.xml
  18. was built on WoD- may work though on BC but certainly no guarantees. try and report back i guess
  19. Hard work! Selling to the chinese is easy... the rate is low, however no chargebacks and in my experience they always need stock. Selling direct is risky and takes time to get customers.
  20. I was running 5- down to 3 atm spend a lot of bot time testing lvling profiles now-a-days.
  21. Check when these people posted these comments. First few months of legion i was making great money @300-400 US per week. Putting in the same effort now i may make $70-100
  22. Generally something you PM to droidz direct. There are some old versions which are cracked, however you cant access the download page and pull profiles without a sub. cat-and-mouse game unfortunately.
  23. That sounds like you have the incorrect quest ID- how did you obtain that? if you open the quest editor and go Tools > helper tools > 'current quests memory info' is the quest in the profile identical to the one identified by wrobot editor? Also a bit of background into the quest you are attempting- and if possible the profile itself so we can see how it works.
  24. eeny

    Enh shaman

    i guess? put some passable gear on it from AH every 5-6 levels- worked for me. Edit- may be a slow start 1-4 as i didn't add lightning bolt.. but 4-58 should be solid should be 'workable' 1-58 i guess
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