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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. I did not have to recompile my fightclasses (at least not for vanilla, haven't checked TBC yet) for wRobot 2.0. I'm unsure what exactly was changed, but I have heard that some older fightclasses (C#) stopped working.
  2. Look around the forums, it's apparently screenshot protection as an anti-cheat mechanism.
  3. If you read the license, you're only allowed 1 key per IP. You can use Proxifier to run WoW through different IPs while using the same IP for wRobot. So basically you've probably been breaking the TOS for months.
  4. There is no questId in the GetQuestLogTitle for vanilla. I recommend using the history function on documentation websites: https://wow.gamepedia.com/index.php?title=API_GetQuestLogTitle&oldid=232279
  5. With a custom plugin, you could make it interrupt wRobot's default behavior, walk to the vendor on buy an item and continue default behavior.
  6. If you use iEquip, it overwrites your food with some stupid shit and ends up not regenerating with food/drinks a lot of the time. Also I have some extra functionality in HMP to abort combat if you need to regen, because I noticed wRobot LOVES attacking new mobs when you're like 10-15% below food threshold.
  7. Try deleting your Cache/WDB folder (wow client has to be closed). Also, if your server sends items with custom stats/names/etc that could potentially lead to issues, since I am parsing the tooltips. With all that being said, I've heard from other people that they've had issues with auto equipping occasionally. Usually one relog fixes it. I haven't been able to reliably reproduce this to be able to fix it. You can check wRobot's log, it usually gives you information on how something (like stat weights for an item) is calculated. If for some reason, something is showing as "0" or the item names aren't showing up correctly it indicates bugged/corrupt tooltips. You can do a /run ReloadUI() and see if that immediately fixes it.
  8. I should add an option to update food more frequently, but it's actually 5, 10, 20, 25, 35, 45 and 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 for drinks. The reason I do this is so on low levels you don't waste too much money on food way too good for you. Will look into Crossbow (I was entirely sure I had accounted for those - thanks for the report). Blacklisting certain items is something I should make configurable. That's actually a good idea. A certain food type would be a bit more complicated, because currently it is just looking for the closest available. Choosing a certain type would result in REALLY long paths. I suggest just choosing a boar. Or maybe if you join my Discord we can figure out a better way to do thiswithout generating large paths due to no vendors being close by for a certain food type.
  9. Make sure you aren't using any addons that mess with the tooltip. I check font color of the item tooltip to determine whether you can or can't wear something.
  10. Please join my Discord for support and make sure you have all addons disabled. The fightclass does NOT control auto attack at all.
  11. You can change your name on the forums. https://wrobot.eu/settings/username/
  12. The cracked version should not be able to run encrypted profiles (It's like wRobot 1.7.2). I personally try to use some API in my products that wasn't in an old version just to throw runtime errors.
  13. This is free and was never for sale. If you purchased any product on here, you most likely still have the download link in your emails. Almost all sellers use Rocketr, Sellfy or Selly.
  14. Try setting your latency in wRobot's advanced settings to 650-850.
  15. You would need to be premium seller to sell any product (also needs to be approved by Droidz). You're at risk of penalty, if you don't remove this
  16. Your original download link remains valid and always contains the latest version.
  17. Make a custom step in the quester that complete as follows: - quest currently not in log - quest already completed - near NPC (5-10 yards) Then make the code in it execute a followpath that walks around to find the NPC.
  18. It will try to find the closest (3D distance) point and start the path at that. So you need to force it to start at the first vector.
  19. https://github.com/dan-v/awslambdaproxy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlGa6cBLYzE Something like that is probably your best bet. Maybe there's a way to do something similiar with Google Cloud or any other cloud project where you can use their servers as proxies for your applications.
  20. A lot of VPNs are static IPs (or a certain range) belonging to a certain provider. You can check DNS records and IPs against a known list and block them. With Socks5 it's much harder since anyone can just use AWS, Google Cloud, OVH, etc to pull up a VPS and use it as a proxy.
  21. CastSpellByName("name", onSelf) is the function in vanilla. You would need to TargetUnit("party1"); CastSpellByName("name"); http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_TargetUnit
  22. Because it goes into the fightclass folder, not the wRobot folder. There you have to select it.
  23. You'd basically have to ask OVH if what you want to do is possible. Maybe if you use too much GPU power, they will kill the connection too (makes little sense). Honestly, it's unlikely to be wRobot or the VPS in general. It's most certainly OVH doing something.
  24. To make sure, you are running the NoDX shortcut, correct? Linux has no DirectX. It's alos possible that the disconnects are caused by OVH just seeing your traffic and going "nah, this isn't right", then killing the connection. Anything else is unlikely tbh.
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