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Everything posted by deka880

  1. if your still having issue use 400-600 latency settings i have no issues with wand
  2. it only happens when grind not when questing so not big issue ?
  3. nope on passive
  4. void walker is pulling mobs with in a radius even before you can loot and pulls you into combat again which is causing the warlock to spaz out, you can target one mob but the fightclasses is making the voidwalker attack some think completely diffrent
  5. It doesn't at moment it missing dependence's :P
  6. thank you i did use it to test it work better then lbienese payed version, cant wait fo ryou to make it lvl 60 version with fury that what i am looking for but still brillaint work :) 5 star
    if Your gonna continue this then so far i am in love with it :) My request would be a warrior :P
  7. you can be port next to another mob and bot wont engage it will still go original one it has locked,
  8. no bot react to fast it will 360 spin and still point at the mob it engaged and keep runing at it and it not normally one teleport it be a few
  9. elysium have a zero tolerance multi boxing policy if they notice you are multi boxing it a instant 30 temp ban , if you are botting and gm has no doubt you are boting it 30 temp ban if you appeal it and loose it a full ban highlight gm's for elysium do not ban you unless you are record with proof, so dont bother disputing it unless your stupid also, the way gm's test if is to port you only 100metre example away form mob and if you run to it then they know your a bot, watching over it is good but unless you notice this small teleport's then you wouldn't notice, and wrobot will not detect this small teleport no one has made and addon to detect such a thing yet, shame 3rd way of them detecting you is to use pvp,
  10. would not surprise me at moment due to server issue that wrobot is having
    Brilliant rotation full support given fast reaction time to fixes, if every needed
    Brilliant rotation the only working full supported rotation for a mage out there, any issue normally sorted instantly unless of course asleep :)
  11. yeah i bought them and they really don't work for me :( so we see what happens with new ones
  12. Can't wait i have purchased the 1-40 profile 7 days ago and had my rogue run it with out issue minus the fact does use flight paths but i can handle that :) been great profile hope i get chance to get 40-60 other wise i have to stick with grinding profiles Can't wait for new profiles o/
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