Druid - Legion
19 files
Feral Druid Legion
By Pasterke
Probably the best feral routine you will get. Use the talents as shown in screenshot.
If you want to use it for raiding, you can use Lunar Inspiration also, but remember, for all non-raid purpose, you should take the talents as shown.
It was a painfull way to optimize the routine the way I wanted to getting max dps out of it.
Use it and give feedback if you think you have better options.
This is a .dll file, to load this routine, unpack it in your FightClass folder and open it like you load a .xml file. If you don't see the routine, make sure you enable show all files in the search window.
Enjoy :)
Tested in French Client and it's working as supposed.
Resto Druid MultiLanguage
By Pasterke
This is a try out to see if it works on non English games.
Let me know if it works, then I can work further on it.
I tested it in LFR and it worked for my English client.
Legion Cat Druid by BetterSister
By BetterSister
Great feral druid for high lvl. Might work fine even for lower lvls (not tested)
Uses stealth always when possible and other fancy stuff
PLEASE NOTE that this profile relys on the healing system i've implemented. Without these talents it won't work fine:
Druid Feral
By camelot10
Base on http://www.wowhead.com/feral-druid-rotation-guide
Tryed to cover all spells/talents/artifact powers. Maybe its required a bit of tuning. I will post update after some testing
My profiles
Druid Guardian
By Pasterke
Rapid fightclass for Druid Guardian.
Will auto use Healing Tonic, Healthstone, Oralius' Whispering Crystal.
Use talents as in picture.
New version :
1.0.1 [PvE] Balance Druid Legion- d.large
By Dlarge
Hi together,
here is my first Combat Routine for Balance Druid in Legion. For start, it's all right, I'll try to optimize the CR. Pls test.
Talents in Screenshot.
By arktnas
I've put a lot of time into this profile, I think it's pretty good. I'll make improvements based on feedback.
I highly recommend the following plugins.
Do not skip spells in settings!
Drwolf Druid Balance and Feral
By Drwolftech
Use the optimized talents on the pictures
Perfect to Level up and Farm.
Can be used for PVP, having defensive and survival actions!
I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate.
Paypal Donate
Druid - Guardian 1.1 [BR].xml
By Bugreporter
Use the recommendations from Icy-Veins. Talent ( 3, 1 ,2 or 3 ,3 ,3 ,2 ,1 ). DONT USE this in RAIDs !!! It's not tested in dungeons.
Selfheal is used, if talent 45:3 is selected. Will not be used while your role is tank.
If you want more DPS then heal, take talent 45:2. (Cat form will be used, if target not targetting you, and Energy is 100. Bear form will be used if Energie lower 35 or the target targetting you)
Maul is optional and off per default
Growl is optional and off per default
It's version 1.0 . Test it and report your suggestions.
[Druid] Balance - Leveling / Farming Beta
By Crawen
Hey Guys,
this is my first Fight-Class. After i didnt found any file with a working moonkin form i decided to try it myself.
- always cast Moonkin Form when not mounted and entering combat
- casting moonfire and sunfire once per target
- added new moon, half moon and full to rota
- prioritized starsurge at 50 astral power
- casting Regrowth at 40 % health
- casting barkskin at 20 % health
Feedback and reviews are welcome and help me out to find better ways for rotation and more
Balance Druid
By Pasterke
Druid Moonkin Routine.
Test it out, feedback appreciated.
Talent choices included in de zip file.
Guardian Druid Wrotaion
By mrmorrigan
This is my tanking Wrotation,
I was tired of managing my basic rotaion when tanking so i created this.
It uses:
Mangle on cooldown
Thrash on cooldown
Swipe in between
Frenzied Regen below 80% if there is no already running
Ironfur so have always one stack up
Keeps moonfire on the target and uses it when you have the Galactic Guardian buff
You will have to manage the defensive cooldowns yourself based on what boss you fight.
You will also after a few seconds have enough rage to spend it on what ever the fight needs: Another stack of ironfur or more dps from Maul
In lesser dungedons you have to do nothing in Raids you will have to manage the def. cds yourself
Feral Druid Legion 7.1.0 (Regrowth Updated)
By Xolem
Original file from Legion Cat Druid by BetterSister.
I have been adding support for the new mechanics in 7.1.0 (No more healing touch, replaced with regrowth, for example).
Hopefully it works for you. (At least it works for me)
Use the same talents as Legion Cat Druid by BetterSister.
Feel free to modify to suit your needs better or tell me if you see some flaws on the rotation, i'm very new to the bot and my understanding of the feral druid is still rusty.
- feral
- fighting class
- (and 1 more)
[PvE] ST Balance Rotation
By Gege
Hello Guys,
This is my first build.
I need some help to improve the rotation.
I'm having the problem that Lunar strike isn't casting can anyone help me?
Feral Druid Wrotation
By mrmorrigan
This is my Feral druid wrotaion.
Got such a good feedback from my Guardian Wrotation that I share this with you.
You will have to use your cooldowns yourself like Ashamane´s Frenzy and Incarnation: King of the Jungle
What does this do?
-Keeping your Dots up on your Target (Rake and Rip(only with 5 combo points))
-Using Ferocious Bite with 5 Combo Points if Rip is on the Target
-Not using Combopoints generating Abilitys if you are already on 5
-Brutal Slash/Swipe on more than one Target
-Thrash on more than one target
-Tiger´s Fury if you are down 60 Energy
To get the Best results at bosses beginn the fight with Rake-Tigers Fury-Incarn-Ashamanes Frenzy and after Rip is up-Spam Brutal Slash.
For M+ Aoe Trash go Rake-Tigers Fury-Spam all Brutal Slash- keeep spamming Trash wrotation will use your Tigers Fury if one target dies and you are low on Energy.
For m+ go 1-3-1-3-2-2-1
For Single Target bosses go 2-3-1-3-2-2-1
Check if it works for you and give some feedback to improve it. Thx
Ps: If you want to do the magetower just go 1-1-1-3-2-2-1. Focus the adds and interrupt usingTyphoon weave in some Regrowth procs to keep you alive and you should be more than fine
guardian Druid Guardian 7.3.5 Legion V. 12.34
By Bear T.O.E.
I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Guardian Druid.
I based my Guardian Build on Maximum Healing and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class.
I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it.
Thanks and Have Fun. :)