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There does seem to be a lot getting banned at 40. considering i was lvl 40 for just 12 hours and got banned while not even on line, it wouldnt surprise me if they catch you a bit earlier and let you get to 40 before banning you. Kind of like "ha! f u" ... 40 is mentally a great level to achieve since its your first mount. To get banned there is more off putting to start again than it is to get banned in your 20's


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  On 7/30/2018 at 8:04 AM, Varan said:

launched 30 different ip different classes, races and factions to LVL 10 and all banned. changed all ip and nothing has changed. all bans.


Probably because they tagged your wow client. Read my previous comments.

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I have a question, has this bot been detected? I used it on Elysium for fishing for 2-4 hours while I slept but hand leveled all my toons I only used it for trade skills I never once got banned. Now I'm reading all these northdale bans. I just want to use it for the same thing I did on Elysium just to fish for 2-4 hours a night or have it collect flowers or kill crabs for meat. 

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  On 8/1/2018 at 5:45 PM, artur.k said:

not detected but if people use it bad they get ban simple. I lost only one account on northdale and have realy big amounts


What do you mean by using bad. I was using socks5 and paid fc's and profiles. Still they connected all my Accounts and mass hammered me. Do youuse one client for all bots or every bot on own client?

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  On 8/2/2018 at 5:11 AM, Bambo said:

What do you mean by using bad. I was using socks5 and paid fc's and profiles. Still they connected all my Accounts and mass hammered me. Do youuse one client for all bots or every bot on own client?


At what level did you get banned?

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yes i have own wow for every char yes slighty paranoid but it works also if you get ban second time with no real reason i think time to change your internet provider it helps me with some providers botting was worse but another one was ok,sometimes experience from official wow works here i mean hb experience how to avoid get ban  ,i use slighty different method than just nat,proxy or any other shit, just like brutal stupid method but it work for years and will if wrobot will be undetected im sory for bad english;/ best tips is to not be to greedy run one watch if ok run more i have now 12 and all are ok and from my experience northdale was easier than k3 where gms like i dont remember good name F@#@..  can fuck many bots one day.

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  On 8/2/2018 at 9:36 AM, Bambo said:

Low levels. Mid levels. Had 6 mass ban waves on me already. Maybe my client is infected with something.. dont know.


If you run 20 bots at the same level then ofc ur going to get banned

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  On 8/2/2018 at 5:11 AM, Bambo said:

What do you mean by using bad. I was using socks5 and paid fc's and profiles. Still they connected all my Accounts and mass hammered me. Do youuse one client for all bots or every bot on own client?


There will be a lot of text. Sorry in advance for my english, hope it will be readable without bleeding from both eyes.

Different clients don't work. I do that. Got 20 copies of wow. And i do delete them all after each ban and create new one. They are targeting lan, no doubt there.

The guy that runs "many" bots is clearly running like 3-4 per PC, or even less. Maybe even with VM, that's my guess to calm you )

Current solution - many network adapters or many vpn. It also seems that they are flooding the port from time to time. Maybe that's their check. My bots do disconnect atleast couple times befor ban, sometimes they can not even reach Wrobot server (according to the logs), so they clearly experiencing some short-time internet trouble. At the same time, bots at another PC with the same internet don't even disconect. So it's not internet globally, it's an only one adapter / pc problem.

P.S. Also, if there are really guys, who is running 10+ bots per pc with 1 network adapter, 20+ hours per day, without VM, and they are not affected by mass bans, i'd assume that they have some kind of inbuild proxy or NAT within their provider network, that is, somehow, protects them by not leaking their real local ip. For example, if you will have adsl connection, it's mostly using vpn during each connect. Lets asume they gather statistic "how many connects from local ip x.y.z.n were done". If you are running 10 bots with the same local ip, you will hit that filter very fast. If you are running like 3, maybe you will not hit it. And if you change your local IP often (like every 12 hours atleas, because you are running adsl vpn), maybe you will not hit that filter as well. So you may think you are superior, but in fact, it's just a coincidence or your provider network architecture.
It's just a theory, i'm not an network engineer or something, have no idea what i'm talking about )

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I think @Findeh's idea of them flooding ports on your LAN somehow before banning you seems the most reasonable. This would definitely an exploit in Warden though - it's absolutely not possible the way Blizzard (intentionally) engineered it.
That would explain why some people haven't gotten hit at all (luck + different network architecture) whereas people runnign several VMs are also safe.

It would just be so much better if you could spawn network adapters and route all traffic through them + still force WoW through a proxy. Maybe if someone took up mass-botting on a linux machine again this could work.

Edited by Matenia
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  On 8/2/2018 at 10:42 AM, Findeh said:

P.S. Also, if there are really guys, who is running 10+ bots per pc with 1 network adapter, 20+ hours per day, without VM, and they are not affected by mass bans, i'd assume that they have some kind of inbuild proxy or NAT within their provider network, that is, somehow, protects them by not leaking their real local ip. For example, if you will have adsl connection, it's mostly using vpn during each connect. Lets asume they gather statistic "how many connects from local ip x.y.z.n were done". If you are running 10 bots with the same local ip, you will hit that filter very fast. If you are running like 3, maybe you will not hit it. And if you change your local IP often (like every 12 hours atleas, because you are running adsl vpn), maybe you will not hit that filter as well. So you may think you are superior, but in fact, it's just a coincidence or your provider network architecture.
It's just a theory, i'm not an network engineer or something, have no idea what i'm talking about )


right and 16 hours per day max or less,i say in my last coment change internet provider and not be to greedy at start

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  On 8/2/2018 at 12:51 PM, Matenia said:

I think @Findeh's idea of them flooding ports on your LAN somehow before banning you seems the most reasonable. This would definitely an exploit in Warden though - it's absolutely not possible the way Blizzard (intentionally) engineered it.
That would explain why some people haven't gotten hit at all (luck + different network architecture) whereas people runnign several VMs are also safe.

It would just be so much better if you could spawn network adapters and route all traffic through them + still force WoW through a proxy. Maybe if someone took up mass-botting on a linux machine again this could work.


Yeah, i've tried to do exactly that. But it seems like impossible task, at least at windows with my close to 0 windows scripting skills ?

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  On 8/2/2018 at 5:11 AM, Bambo said:

What do you mean by using bad. I was using socks5 and paid fc's and profiles. Still they connected all my Accounts and mass hammered me. Do youuse one client for all bots or every bot on own client?


one client with different exe. ban on 10 and higher of roughly

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  On 8/2/2018 at 2:19 PM, Bambo said:

So basically it is using VMs or getting smashed? Well then I would like to ask what VM Software you guys find the best to be botting with.


The free VMWare works fine for me, that's all I've ever botted on though

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think someone said his vmware bots got banned but ones on his desktop survived so if you want seperate bans you'll need vmwares for each wow.exe lol.  in end not worth it unless u somehow are botting at least 10+ with just seperate wow.exe bans only and not mass waved because one got caught.

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