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Everything posted by Ketefil

  1. apologies i meant more so as wrotation, not running as full bot
  2. have you tried it out in instances?
    really good enhance profile fantastic for grinding, farming and smashing through those pesky world quests. GJ Botnut
    works really well, thanks for fixing it up Camelot. GJ
  3. both autoturnin and quickquest tried and failed. my character just sits at Margoss with the chat panel open any suggestions?
  4. got a quick chance to try it with quick quest - didn't change anything. will try autoturnin when i get home tonight and update.
  5. thanks Camelot, only issue i seem to be having is that wrobot doesn't hand in the mana, is there an add-on or plug in i should be running with this?
    haven't encountered any issues while grinding - good solid grind profile. edit - so i found 2 problems but doesn't change my review 1. during the troll grind in tanaris for some reason kept wondering into ZF - blacklisted it myself but handy for everyone to know. 2. after you hit 50 instead of going down to Un'goro it wonders off back into the thousand needles drinking hole. - did this twice before i just took it manually down to UG.
  6. ahh thats a handy tip to know
  7. apologies your right... but then why isn't it posted under quest profiles? as you say its a quest profile that grinds but it is a "quest" profile either way.
  8. doesn't seem to work for me - keep getting failed to start in the bot state the error message in log [E] 23:57:43 - Grinder > Bot > Bot > Pulse(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Grinder.Bot.UguluebupevuodOliam.ExiuvivefacoloJeuka()
  9. seems to still be having the same problem on horde toons i'm having the same problems as OP
  10. i must be missing something entirely so you only have up to WoTLK game version? or this is a private server? because as far as i'm aware those talents aren't in the game at all even if you only had up to WOTLK expansion the talents change with the game builds released. NVM that it is for private server - my apologies never saw the location of the download file just saw it pop in new downloads.
  11. I've been having the same problem since just after X-mas well the wall running has always been an issue but prior to this problem i could literally leave my warrior to smash face in pvp for hours with periodic check ins. But now i'm lucky to get 3 BG's complete before i get booted from the game due to blockages. Have just downloaded and installed SlimDX and also set movement to LUA as i noted in a different post - will monitor for a few hours and get back to you.
  12. Sorry i had to make a comment when i saw the update at least 75% of this profile is obsolete. hunter's mark, serpent sting, mongoose bite... all goneski
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Another Warrior profile this time Arms spec Personal favourite of mine at the moment, this spec will run a train on anyone - geared correctly and your warrior will destroy most enemies in seconds. leave a like, review, comment and star the shit out of this.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Back again with another profile this time my Fury Warrior had this one going for a few months now but thought i should share it most beneficial for geared (in at least blue 700 ilvl gear) fury warriors you will run a train through the enemy. if you download it and you enjoy please leave a review or at least star it up - as always feel free to leave your comments.
  15. /bump for answers
  16. i'm not one to give out my personal skype to strangers buddy but your welcome to make any changes to the spec that you feel would benefit you.
  17. Hey Olek the rotation is based more so around PVP encounters - like i said in the post it works well in PVE and even in raids but it shines in pvp. as for the rotation i pulled it from both icy veins and battlehelper.com's pvp section. Regards, Ket
  18. So further to this - i've been having the same problem with my guardian druid FC, i've updated it and added in Ohren's LUA condition but now it never casts healing touch. My most recent FC attached. Guardian Druid V1.1.1.xml Edit: nevermind after a complete restart of my client and wrobot it now works. Awesome Job Ohren Cheers.
    Really liking this profile, one of the actual good ones on this site you can just download and load up works with the spec as intended. appreciate you uploading and sharing this with us GTX. Kete.
  19. i think its the punishing tanaan thing that will get you picked up if anything - alot of people are getting banned for botted Tanaan jungle farming.
  20. Thanks Eeny, i've gone in and changed the spells as you indicated in both pvp and pve settings, running it in battlegrounder, Wrotation and party mode set as healer and not healer and he just sits there scratching his ass after popping fort. so this doesn't seem to be the fix to my problem.
  21. le bump
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