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Everything posted by Marsbar

  1. Pretty much. If there was more competition the requirement for quality profiles would be higher. As you pointed out there are some claims on these profiles that just don't add up.. but sadly they're probably the best you can currently get so they have no reason to polish the turd. If there was an ok-ish free 1-70 that would mean a premium profile creator would have to make a good 1-70. The content just isn't there atm. Probably because it's so time consuming.
  2. Not sure which of the suggestions you're talking about but if it's mutex remember that its PC wide and if you have multiple wrobot instances its best to name your mutex (in wdiscord i use the charname as the unique identifier) eg. if (!Mutex.TryOpenExisting(myName, out mut)) { mut = new Mutex(true, myName); _ = DiscordBot.RunBotAsync(); } edit: thinking about it i should probably change that to my plugin name + the char name in case other ppl use mutexs..
  3. Not sure what causes this but I think it has been reported before. Does it still happen when you disable "Detect stuck nodes" in Looting and farming options tab in advanced general settings? Love the name of your log file btw
  4. A better API or a better documented API? The current API has almost everything you could need.
  5. Try the addon ezdismount, it shouldn't interfere with wrobot.
  6. Loved the compendium, give me a shout if you have questions and I'll attempt to answer what I can. I've also jumped on your discord.
  7. I guess the first question is, what expansion are you on? If you're on TBC+ make the spell as a macro and have /cast !Shoot Maybe have the condition be that your target doesn't currently have a target so that way when it aggros you it should no longer cast pyro Use the item count condition? WRobot should pick up the best food/drink in your bags What do you mean by "Safely"?
  8. Wenn es eine selbst gebaute fightclass vom editor ist kannst du einfach oben links die range aendern. Bei default ist es 5yards, fuer einen hexer wuerde ich es auf 28 erhoehern.
  9. Have you had a look at the auction helpers?
  10. It's because the Ascension add-ons interfere with the bot, disable all add-ons and it'll work
  11. Like Findeh said, it's a pain to add all the possible false positives. What kind of custom behaviour were you thinking?
  12. Is the event you're looking for not just the state? As in the resurrect state? Try changing your condition to: if (state.GetType() == typeof(wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Resurrect))
  13. I tested on WotLK and it was working for me. The logic for the state is: Have I leveled up? and does my level match any of the levels set in the settings? If those are true, it should go to train. I'll test it again later today to confirm.
  14. I see where you're coming from but I want this to be a plugin more than an all in one solution. Generally a profile would do that part. Also learning the actual profession would probably be done by the user.
  15. Thanks! Good suggestion @thxgod1 I'll add an option to disable class training.
  16. Would the robotmanager.helpful.var stuff work for this? https://marsbars.gitlab.io/unoffical-wrobot-api-docs/api/robotManager.Helpful.Var.html#robotManager_Helpful_Var_GetVar__1_System_String_
  17. I'd say states are the way to go, that way other things won't interfere. Have a look at the grinder product example. Since it's a product when it loads the Bot it adds all the relevant states and has it's own grinder state. That should be enough of an example to craft your own.
  18. Version 1.0.3


    This is an early version of a free plugin that I'm developing which removes the default trainers state and adds it's own. This is so you can choose which spells to learn when leveling up and not waste gold on the useless ones. It also has a profession learning state where it will check to see if you are able to get the next level of a profession, go to the trainer and learn it. Example uses would be gathering professions, set it going and when it reaches a certain level it will go train and go back to gathering. This still needs some work though, at the moment it attempts to do this for primary professions up to level 300 and up to level 150 for secondary professions (due to the need for books). It uses the WRobot NPC database so make sure your trainers are in there. Settings include: A grid for levels to train at A grid for the spells you want to learn (Spelling is important!) A minimum amount of silver to have before going to train Enable/Disable learning primary professions Enable/Disable learning secondary professions If no levels are added to the grid it will just go every 2 levels. Possible features at some point: Disenchanting Crafting Professions (Alchemy, Tailoring, First aid, etc.) if you have the materials Let me know if you have issues.
  19. Ah, well I see that it takes the general setting wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.BlackListIfNotCompletePath into account so maybe turn that off temporarily? That is, if that setting is what's causing the blacklists
  20. Maybe cancel those 2 states if your radar triggers? then it shouldn't blacklist and after combat attempt them again?
  21. What? My problems with you? I've never said a single thing about you, ever?! German law? Go ahead that'll be amusing. While you do that I'll happily write a little plugin that has a state that overrides trainers and only buys spells specified in a list in settings. Oh and of course open source it..
  22. 100% agree but the way bambo is talking is pretty pathetic
  23. wtf are talking about? you dont own shit. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little
  24. sorry what? you own the rights to some wow lua code snippet?
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