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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. No, I haven't moved all my FCs to vanilla yet. You can message me on Discord and I might move this one then let you beta it.
  2. Does this mean that he can't find the fight master in my taxi db or it can't find the node when interacting with the npc? It was in my taxi db but deactivated. What causes this?
  3. I've had quite a few issues with it on Vanilla and have been trying to improve it ever since. It will probably be quite a while before it works really well on vanilla.
  4. wRobot doesn't support targeting other units out of the box. There are several threads here illustrating how to switch targets. You can use C# extension functions to implement your own Target() on WoWUnit.
  5. They were removed. Meshes are now server side and encrypted so that people won't use the cracked wRobot version anymore :)
  6. // are below 80% of life and when you are not moving if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 80 && !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { //Heavy Linen Bandage MovementMananager.StopMoveTo(false, 10000); ItemsManager.UseItem(2581); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); }
  7. You need to set an amount of water to buy (general settings -> advanced settings), and it will only buy the water you have selected as drink in your general settings. wRobot by itself also does NOT know what each vendor actually sells, so it is not smart enough to search for water at an Innkeeper. Rather it will go to vendor, sell items, try to buy drinks - and if not successful - tough luck. And there's no way around it, really, because wRobot doesn't have info on what each NPC sells and it would be pretty complicated to add that.
  8. // are below 80% of life and when you are not moving if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 80 && !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove) { //Heavy Linen Bandage MovementMananager.StopMoveTo(false, 10000); ItemsManager.UseItem(2581); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); }
  9. 1. If you don't want to pay for my plugin, you can also try this: However, you will need to change food manually in the plugin code, if your current profiles' vendors don't have the food available (meat by default).
  10. Thanks, that's great! Yep, it's a bug on all (?) vanilla servers currently. WoWClient calculuates distance from center to center. Servers calculate distance from hitbox border (I think). Some older servers don't have this implemented correctly. I noticed it's very hard when I started with my plugin code to run away from combat (you have to avoid LoS, do pathing, avoid enemies and all while calculating alonger and longer path on an extra thread). Trying is better than nothing. Here is how HB had it implemented. It's not using a very optimized algorithm (if meshes are server side, maybe this is too much). Maybe you can take some inspiration from it. I think at least not pulling if there are mobs in a radius of x (20?) yards between you and a straight line to your target as in my graphic, would be simple to implement - without running around and finding a better pull position. If you need to brainstorm, feel free to join us on Discord. It is okay to regen - but only if (Lua) UnitAffectingCombat is false. The problem is sometimes the bot will stand still while getting hit (due to ignore). Just to clarify :) I understand this depends on level/server/expansion/etc. But for vanilla-wotlk this barely changes. If you manage to add some API where I can interrupt pathing (or add C# Action class to it) I will make this work personally. All it needs is a solid way to recognize: - which zones does this path go through (maybe even through checking if 2 zones (list of outermost vectors) overlap - if range to vector x < 5 => execute Action => find new path Then it is only grunt work. I will keep a list of zones and levels, check if it smart to go through a zone. If not smart, add custom action to pathfinder. Intercept pathing event, check if path goes through "illegal" zone, path to safe spot, execute custom code at safe spot, you are at a different spot now, tell wRobot to do its regular pathing. For example, if an Alliance character wants to go from Stormwind to Ironforge, it will go through Burning Steppes => custom action follows path and makes it take tram, leave through portal => find new path now.
  11. Please don't quote the OP. Remove your quotes, leave your comments. It spams the thread.
  12. Sorry, but BetterSister is right. There is absolutely no reason for you to freak out. If you had read up on Blizzard's anti-cheat at all, you'd know that these files are created and receive special permission to prevent Warden from spending 5 seconds to identify you as using 3rd party software and permanently banning you. There is nothing suspect about that. You will find this explanation anywhere on cheating/botting forums. If you actually "did this shit for a living", you would have probably done some network or package analysis before claiming "highly suspect" and "amateur at work". Random file names and permissions - that's what, like malware from the 90s? The lengths some people will go to to scam someone else out of their 20 bucks...
  13. It's Lua. You'll have to wrap it in Lua.LuaDoString(@"CastSpellByName(""Teleport: Moonglade"")");
  14. Hey @Droidz is there any way to cancel the current state and go to the next? I noticed recently, that sometimes my bot will get stuck in regen state despite being at 100%hp/mana and never leave. Stopping the bot gets stuck and ONLY pause allows me to truly stop it and kill whatever thread is still running. It could be, that my plugin is causing this bug. But I've spent an entire day trying to find out what causes it and can't find anything. Therefore, I'd like to just cancel regen in my plugin, if regen conditions are met. Is there any easy way to do this?
  15. I figured out swimming ONLY bugs if you have vertical sync NOT turned on in your video options. With vsync enabled, it actually works. Same with CTM in vanilla, it 200% bugs out without vsync.
  16. Fightclass range in oberer linker Ecke im Fightclass editor sollte schon auf 30-35 yards sein, sonst versucht er immer in melee range zu gehen
  17. Then you're in the wrong place. If you aren't willing to use the product you paid for (which wasn't advertised as a one-click-wonder), you are acting nothing short of entitled. This isn't HB. This is a toolbox where people create their own profiles. You had the chance to trial the product and get an idea of what you're getting into. Instead, you come in here after apparently not doing any research, demanding things already exist or else this ridiculous comparison you're drawing doesn't hold true.
  18. Hey @Droidz, currently in older expansions like vanilla/tbc/wrath the bot is lacking a few very important features that are probably not too hard for you to implement. I could try fixing all of these through my plugin, but it's hard to do, because a lot of bot behavior is unpredictable I don't know the inner workings of your code, so for a lot I have to do guess work. So here are some suggestions that early expansions really need: regen takes priority BEFORE "Attack before being attacked", currently especially after rezzing the bot will keep attacking new targets after combat because they are in 20 yards, even if they wouldn't attack you (it's better to rely on IsAttacked state during regen) smart rezz (and small bug fix), try to REALLY find a save spot to rezz, but more importantly recognize when you can't rezz and move a bit closer to the corpse, some servers don't calculate distance 100% the same as the client and won't accept rezz if you aren't a bit closer. I use code to solve this1 smart target/pulls - before pulling check if any units are near by the pulled unit (20 yards + number from general settings), then ALSO check every Vector3 2 yards between you and your target move around if the above conditions aren't met for any targets (find a line between you and target with no mobs between) (slightly improved AvoidIt plugin) If Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked is set, do NOT try to enter regen mode while you are still being attacked - keep running to the next waypoint or try to drop combat A way to avoid certain zones when doing long-travel (this is enough if we can add it through API) - for example if we are level 25, avoid Burning Steppes zone in all paths, but you can give an alternative "Task" or "Action" (where it would then take the tram, executing your own C# code, for example) ??? (reserved for more things)
  19. Case sensitivity is needed: Lua.LuaDoString("LootSlot(1);"); Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Tasks (and LootingTask in particular) so can't really help you with that. But I suspect it works entirely different from what you're trying to achieve.
  20. Try: Fight.StopFight(); ItemsManager.UseItem(itemId); instead of just ItemsManager.UseItem(itemId);
  21. Are you using my plugin? I had someone report this issue to me, so I updated the plugin to not sell (this was only ever active for vanilla - not TBC). Maybe in the profile you are using, it activates selling everything? It will overwrite your wRobot settings. Go check it out (either the XML file or the first step in your quester).
  22. Hi, welcome to wRobot. Here, you buy your food in the store and have to cook it yourself. Unlike HB, we believe in a healthy diet. tl;dr there aren't any, you can make your own with the fightclass editor - but this isn't PQR, it's a bot.
  23. Hey Droidz, I have a problem with polymorphed targets getting wrongfully blacklisted. When I fight my main target, then polymorph a second target and the first one dies: - it never attacks polymorph - when polymorph breaks, it recognizes "IsAttacked" state but never attacks back (my fightclass works if (Fight.InFight || Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) && ObjectManager.Target.IsAttackable)) I use custom code to attack the polied target and start a fight, but it seems to not work: if(!Fight.InFight && !Me.InCombat && !_IsMoving) { WoWUnit polyTarget = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(u => u.IsValid && u.HaveDebuff("Polymorph") && u.GetDistance < 15 && u.IsAttackable).FirstOrDefault(); if (polyTarget != null) { Logging.WriteDebug("Found polied target " + polyTarget.Name + " attacking!"); if (wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed(polyTarget.Guid)) { wManagerSetting.RemoveBlackList(polyTarget.Guid); } if (CombatUtil.CanWand()) { CombatUtil.CastSpell(Shoot, polyTarget); } else { CombatUtil.CastSpell(Frostbolt, polyTarget); } Fight.StartFight(polyTarget.Guid); } } Same problem on vanilla and TBC - any ideas?
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