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elitecasaj00 reacted to jamsho0t in Cooked on warmane
If the bot is a farmer (leather, fabric, fishing, it doesn't matter what) - first, before placing the bot - I recommend playing with your hands in the location for this bot, maybe the GMs will immediately see what the person is playing, maybe even teleport - you can say you will pass the check and when you place the bot - it may not be checked, example: in Tanaris I had level 20 fishermen standing for 20 hours a day, sometimes I brazenly placed them on the pier because I first "warmed up" the place by catching fish with my hands. They caught me because of the unrealistic amount https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=13755
If the bot is just leveling up - I recommend "quester" Project X, but in some places it needs to be corrected - the level for accepting the quest is low
I'll repeat again - they only ban after checks, for example, it happened several times that an unknown player appeared (without GM's notes) and was next to the bot for no reason (location not according to his level, etc.) - I just watched the behavior of my bot, but if you watch the bots - everything will be ok
elitecasaj00 reacted to jamsho0t in Cooked on warmane
The problem is in the playing GMs who random check players in locations. I had some bots catching fish for weeks in Tanaris, the main thing is to watch your bots and sometimes play on it, for example, I caught fish with my hands in the same location.
elitecasaj00 reacted to Matenia in Matenia's HumanMasterPlugin, all Fightclasses and experimental projects for later expansions, including a Quester
Edit: If you send me a PM about this asking for free support, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. I will NOT compile any of it for you. Do not PM me asking to buy or asking me to help you compile it. If you can't add the binaries to your build to compile it, it's not for you. Put in the effort to learn or ask someone else to do it for you.
The experimental project contains its own quester, own combat engine and own fightclasses using that combat engine. It was developed with 3.3.5a in mind and I tried to move it to Legion+ and 64 bit. None of it works in its current form. Git history may help. This also has a modified version of Reapler's WowDB.
The fightclasses zip contains everything ever posted on here. It has HMP, my fightclasses etc. This works 100%, you just need to put your own WRobot binaries into the projects.
I can't maintain the code anymore and at the moment it just costs me money. Everything has officially been abandoned. Servers will go down in June or July whenever my contract runs out.
Feel free to do with this code whatever you want and do as you please. This does NOT include turning it into paid products.
I had a good run here on WRobot and hope at least the Wholesome team can make use of some of this.
wrobot-experimental.zip wrobot-fightclasses.zip
elitecasaj00 reacted to Droidz in 10-year anniversary
Happy New Year to all !
I'm excited to start another year and look forward to continuing to serve you with WRobot.
This year marks a special milestone for us as we celebrate the 10-year anniversary of WRobot.
I'm grateful for your support and look forward to many more years of success together.
Thank you for choosing WRobot, and I hope you have a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!
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elitecasaj00 reacted to Ordush in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
Either that or they are doing the classic. "Collect data and make a ban-wave". 🙂
elitecasaj00 reacted to Weer36 in Pathfinder Z coordinate tolerance
what means your's "yes" ? I mean POLYAREA_AVOID is good enough for avoid. But wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed() method doesn't take new POLYAREA_AVOID enum.
btw little bit more respect for author! take back your "fucks" and describe detailed your repeatable bug
elitecasaj00 reacted to w8plz in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
got 5 bans
1) hunter lvl 34 at 2nd day. 100% player reports, cuz i was 1 of top 100 players by lvl and hunter seems like a bot, cuz stopping autoshot etc. bot was active 48+ hours, hard botting and grinding
2) lvl 12 with questing
3) lvl 10 with questing
4) lvl 10 with questing
5) alive lvl 30+ no QUEST making, only grinder profiles (sitting near PC) got checked twice: porting me from mob, and changed mob to green
so, GM's are really active, too much reports from players, and GM's see some LOGs (as i think) if you use some quest profiles etc.
elitecasaj00 reacted to w8plz in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
25 lvl atm.
seems like only players reports
got today 1 man, who checked me 20 secs bot i'm or not, seems like he knows they way bots using and behaviour
so using all profiles as usual, will see next
elitecasaj00 reacted to Matenia in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
Been running 12 hours non-stop with no problem at all. Once you're out of the starting area and follow my advice above, you're mostly safe.
elitecasaj00 reacted to Droidz in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
I released new update, I do few changes. I wait your feedback.
elitecasaj00 reacted to slu1989gamer in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
Announcer Voice:
Will "WALLS" remain vigilant against 4000+ active players?.
Will "Droidz" remain one step ahead?.
.......will I ever get banned for rotating?.... because I swear too god I got 1 hand and I'm gonna rage quit if I am 😂.....
Find out eventually on "I don't have a good name for this". ☕👀
elitecasaj00 reacted to wunky in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
Just wait until they start putting us on a spreadsheet once they confirmed we botted and then banning after you get pre-raid bis
elitecasaj00 reacted to Droidz in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
As I have already said several times on the forum, we are not here to piss off other players or the teams that manage the private servers.
The bot is here to help you enjoy the game by sparing you the repetitive tasks you've been doing for years. And that, by using WRobot intelligently so as not to abuse it. Some also take pleasure in tweaking, creating and coding. But of course there must be abuse, I can't deny that...
The private server team does its job, it is there to prevent abuse, to keep the game fair, some are more severe than others, these are the risks.
I will do another test in the week and come back to you again, do not hesitate to give feedback on your experiences.
elitecasaj00 reacted to Matenia in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
I think they analyze movement packets. Maybe CTM or "SmoothMove" option of some kind is spamming the server too much with movement packets of some sort that they can recognize.
elitecasaj00 reacted to osn in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
not sure what there is to be happy about🤣 you guys spent all that effort to temporarily stop around 30-50 people max in a community with 30k people, wrobot gets through even tauri/stormforge, and you know it even better THAN I DO you guys are not on their level when your only option is to use a game client with windows XP era technology lmao dw im going to be smiling too when i wake up from sleeping like a baby knowing im going to have the easiest 60 that next day just like we've done on every other 1.12 server there's ever been. but nah my bad i forgot you guys out of the blue now of all times MAGICALLY found the answer huh🤣 you guys also magically found the answer for bots on darrowshire too bud? ofc not lmao the truth hurts, but if you do actually see this i will give credit where its due developing a protection to where you can't log in if wow.exe is modified in anyway before its launched for the first time in 1.12 history was very impressive, but thats as far as you're going to get otherwise you'd have done the same with darrowshire.
elitecasaj00 reacted to decbee in LF 1 CLICK 100% AFK 1-85 CATA
i think you will have to monitor it just a little... like find a quester profile for a 1-10 area....20-30 area....30-40.....40-50...etc
elitecasaj00 reacted to Rustad1988 in wrobot game version incorrect
This is on official server. tbc classic.
elitecasaj00 reacted to Matenia in PQR Undetected
No, he can't. He was basically reselling something he stole from someone else as his own. He does not have the knowledge to make modifications.
elitecasaj00 reacted to AndyMartin in Obvious farming bot
I was just wondering, is it not possible for you guys to make a bot that doesn't immediately strike out that it is a bot to anyone who observes it going on for like 2 mins? I mean the biggest problem with gatherer is the way that the toon makes it's journey along the route so faithfully that it always returns back to that route line after it has farmed something for example 100 yards away from the route. When available node is detected, toon takes a route that is as straight as possible to it and when the node has been farmed it goes back to the premade route like a fukken idiot, to the exact same pixel where it was when it spotted the node and only then it continues to move on while everyone on a half mile radius have figured out that the toon is operated by a bot and it must be reported. I mean, is there any setting that would allow farming toon to get back to the premade route after farming little bit more smoothly or is it too high tech to code such a feature? Ive lost 4 botting accs now and it's getting a bit ridiculous. Forgive my english but I hope someone got my point. I would hope that the a.i. wouldn't be so badly enslaved by the route and there would be little more flexibility. I've made a skillful demonstration with Paint about this subject, it has been attached to this message.
elitecasaj00 reacted to Findeh in Calling for developers and testers
That's how you kill botting everyone) Give everyone everything for free, let them flood realms and make gms mad. Wait till everyone will do the same as Tauri. What a wonderfull undertaking.
Nothing bad can ever happen if you populize botting, and give it to everyone, with the lowest enter possible. Right? Oh wait, HB did that once and how are they doing now? Oh, and how is retail wow botting is doing in genereal? Everithing will be fine, lets just do the same.
Both, guys who are make a living selling paid stuff and guys who make a living with mass botting will be so glad to all of those outcomes. Why shouldn't they, right?
elitecasaj00 reacted to Zer0 in Sick of buying garbage profiles
Yes I'm using fighting back. It doesn't fix anything. You know very well that "attack before being attacked" only works when you're like 8 yards away from the mob, rendering it useless, especially if you're a weak ranged class, like a mage. It's so bad that we both tried to fix this issue with our respective plugins.
Look, just give his profile a try and let me know how it goes, if you don't believe me. Wait till you reach the lower barrens, thousand needles, feralas, desolace etc. you'll know exactly what I mean.
You can't be serious. When I spoke up and gave you facts, you straight up told me I was wrong. Here's proof from your bug-report discord channel:
Mob names, level portion, location. It's all there. How more factual can I be, exactly? So please, don't act annoyed, telling me I don't give you facts. Let's take this example from 2 months ago, I'm telling you that two mobs are missing from the profile, and although I don't use your profile anymore, I remember very well that this specific grind loop is infested with those 2 mobs, it's not an occasional issue, it's constant and I remember dying more than 10 times an hour there because of countless disadvantageous/multiple body pulls. I've leveled 3 characters with your profile and every time it was a pain, with always the same issues, this one just being one of them. It's so bad that I remember switching to the automaton at specific portions because it straight up worked better.
So what will it be now? My FC sucks? I can't setup my wRobot properly? I'm undergeared? Explain how when I switched to Eeny's profile, things suddenly worked much smoother, to the point that I can finally let the bot run without me babysitting it. If at first I hoped that you would fix things thanks to feedback from your bug report channel, I quickly understood that the channel is just a facade ,and you just counter argue or straight up ignore reports instead of seriously looking into potential issues. You're still doing that right now. Go ahead. Take a normal geared lvl37 mage to desolace and run your 37-40 portion, let me know how it goes.
And if you resort to bring up your "numbers that speak for themselves", I think I've made my point. I'm very glad you're making "hundreds" of people happy. Have your next Bier in Kreutzberg on my dime, bro. Cheers! ?
elitecasaj00 reacted to Zer0 in Sick of buying garbage profiles
There it is. Right on cue.
Frost mage, shadow priest and ret paladin. All 3 struggled terribly at the same places. But hey, whatever.
You know what pisses me off? Not the 10 bucks I've wasted. It's the fact that you come here boasting about how perfect all your products are. I know I promised in PM not to call you out, but that's just too rich.
You think I'm a moron, I think you're a fraud. Let's leave it at that.
elitecasaj00 reacted to Droidz in Full Refund
I will not refund you.
The first reason is that getting a ban is part of the risk, and it is recommended to not using bot on your main account (and everyone knows that, it is even written on the home page).
The second reason is that you put it in public, why? It happens to me (from time to time) to refund users in your case, but to expose it in public, to not say hello, to speak badly comforts me in the choice not to refund you.
elitecasaj00 got a reaction from Mike Mail in 'Can Condition' returns false, step still pulses
I restarted WoW & WRobot and the issue seems to be resolved
I would like to note that even though my conditionals were not evaluating correctly in the Quester steps, they did continue to evaluate correctly when manually keying the code into Helper tools > Development Tools – no idea what caused the disconnect