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FNV316 1-45 Quester Profile Pack Alliance Vanilla 3.2.1

   (10 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File


EDIT DROIDZ: FNV316 has been inactive for several months, despite all attempts to contact him we have no news, users who have paid no longer have access to it because autantification server is offline. So I decided to share these profiles for free (files encrypted for the momen to be able to disable them if he comes back), if he doesn't come back in next months the source code of the files will be shared. (source files shared)


FNV316 1-45 Quester Profile Pack Alliance Vanilla

Note: This is a BETA version and still under development. Due to this and the extent of this project, it's still likely to contain bugs or even create new bugs, when releasing new updates. So if something isn't working as intended, just message me and tell me what's wrong. I try to provide a solution as soon as possible.

You can find video footage of this profile pack below. A demo version has already been released a couple of months ago, which you can find here. The 45-60 part is currently work in progress and planned to be released in July / August. There will also be an overall overhaul of the 1-40 path in that time, to fit to all the new stuff added over time and make the profiles more efficient.

It tries to simulate a natural way of questing, as a human would, changing zones frequently and coming back later. The general path the profile follows is close to how I myself have played my characters in Vanilla / TBC  / WotLk.

This profile pack has been recorded and tested on Eylsium / Light's Hope!


Authentication system:

These profiles now use a custom authentication system, to provide more security for me and my users. It has unfortunately become necessary to add such a system, due to more and more cases recently of sharing or even trying to resell them.
This system links your Rocketr Order ID (which you can find within your purchase / delivery email) to your current IP, preventing multiple users from using the very same Order ID. This ID has only to be entered when running the profile for the very first time on your current machine. After changing your IP while already running it before, you have to wait ~30 minutes before the system allows processing.

Important: If this new system causes issues related to your setup, don't hesitate to contact me, explain me your point and we will find a solution.



-A fight class that is able to deal with at least two enemies at once
-Default range pull for any class besides Paladin
-Update your characters gear / spells / skills frequently, especially if playing Warrior & Rogue
-An advanced C# fight class for botting with Warrior, Rogue and Mage


-Full 1-45 leveling by questing (with minor grinding parts) Note: Profiles above level 40 contain more and longer grinding parts, due to overall lack of quests. The majority of exp is nevertheless earned by questing
-Night Elf start (1-11)
-Dwarf / Gnome start (1-6)
-Hunter pet quests
-Warlock pets Imp / Voidwalker
-Druid bear form quest - (alpha state)
-Rogue poison quest (code by Matenia, all credit to him) - (alpha state)
-Warrior Deffensive / Berserker Stance quest chains - (alpha state)
-Full Stalvan quest chain, Raene's Cleansing (until you receive Dartol's Rod of Transformation )

-Automated boats
-Automated abandoning of quests (still some quests missing, but you shouldn't have to make room yourself)
-Automatically equips and buys - if necessary - up to 4 default 6 slot bags
-Scripted Hearthstone
-Fully scripted taxi (you can use inbuilt taxi nevertheless, but it can cause issues)
-Automated discovery of any necessary flight paths
-Automated item blacklist
-Automated purchase of white vendor items at lower levels

-A huge amount of custom routes, whenever it's necessary
-(two basic fight classes for Paladin & Priest, that I used for testing)

What has not been implemented, but will be in the future:

-Flexile Taxi & Boats*  Boats are flexile in the overhaul version, for flexile taxi check out my free plugin
-Further loading time optimization

What will maybe be implemented:

-Other class quests (Rogue poison, Warrior stance) Implemented

Approximate run time (1-40):  5 days /played

Class performance (1-5):

    Best                              Used Fight Class:
    Warlock*        4,5          eeny's Demon Affliction FC (free)
    Paladin           4             Self written fight class FCE** (included) / Matenia's Retribution Paladin 1-60
    Hunter*          4             Ordush's Beast Mastery Hunter (paid) / eeny's Hunter 1-60 BETA (free)
    Priest             3,5           Self written fight class FCE** (included) / Matenia's Shadowpriest 1-60 (paid)
    Druid              3,5           Matenia's [PAID] Feral Druid 1-60 (paid)
    Rogue            2,5            Matenia's [BETA][Vanilla] Combat Rogue 1-60 (paid) 
    Mage              2             Matenia's Frost Mage FC (paid)
    Warrior          1,5           Lbniese Warrior - Wrobot Arms & Fury Fightclass (paid)

   *After they got their lvl 10 pet  **Fight Class Editor




Alpha state: Not fully tested or only run a few times. Bugs and issues are likely to occur

Beta state: Tested and worked on live server repeatedly . Lower chance to experience bugs / issues, but not tested within a larger audience / under any possible condition so far


Recommended Plugins:

-WhatsGoingOn (free) - status frame to see what the bot is doing right now

-HumanMasterPlugin (paid) - many amazing and handy features, that overall improve wRobot

-VanillaFlightMaster (free) - dedicated for Vanilla, more reliable taxi system

-AutoPetFeed Hunter (free) - automatically feeds your Hunters pet


Special thanks to @Matenia for testing, general advice and providing me a free copy of his Mage Fight Class!

Thanks to @penumbra & @Greens420 for their frequent feedback and bug reporting!


I am the sole creator and owner of these files and I am not associated with the wRobot company in any way.


Preview Video Loch Modan 13-17

It consists of ~3 hours of the first half of Loch Modan between the grinding parts of my free 1-18 profile. Taxi (take taxi, get taxi node) is fully scripted, so that the automated taxi won't cause any trouble.

Total deaths: 5

Used plugins: iEquip (automatically equips better items)



Dustwallow Marsh preview ~37-38:

 2,5 hours of video material

Total deaths: 13 (most of them due to drowning)

Used plugins: None, besides WhatsGoingOn (status frame)



What's New in Version 3.2.1   See changelog



-Fixed a false route complete condition in Booty Bay #Thanks to Kapoow for reporting
-Added OffmeshConnections for the main gate of Booty Bay, to avoid getting stuck #Thanks to Kapoow for reporting
-Reworked Route Stonetalon to Ratchet, uses a modified path to avoid guards and death #Thanks to Payyn for suggesting

-Reworked OffmeshConnections in and around Booty Bay in all profiles. It should now be possible for the bot to get back into Booty Bay, even when falling down and getting stuck


User Feedback

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2 hours ago, alya said:

hey i Bought this but i have no Date .. where i get this PAID version?

Since he sells via Rocketr: They send an email to your PayPal email with the download link.
It says so during the buying process.

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On 8.3.2018 at 4:58 PM, Matenia said:

Since he sells via Rocketr: They send an email to your PayPal email with the download link.
It says so during the buying process.

Thank you !

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Decided to run this profile on a warrior (had to choose the lowest scored class) from level 1 - Works very will. Reached level 32 so far.

The bot is rarely stuck and only dies occasionally on big mob packs.


Good job so far! ?

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1 hour ago, Lbniese said:

Decided to run this profile on a warrior (had to choose the lowest scored class) from level 1 - Works very will. Reached level 32 so far.

The bot is rarely stuck and only dies occasionally on big mob packs.


Good job so far! ?

I'm glad to hear that. ?

Did you experience these stucks and deaths at specific places? Were they out of the ordinary?

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1 hour ago, FNV316 said:

I'm glad to hear that. ?

Did you experience these stucks and deaths at specific places? Were they out of the ordinary?

An ashenvale camp with 4-5 undeads - Didn't save coordinates ?

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1 hour ago, Lbniese said:

An ashenvale camp with 4-5 undeads - Didn't save coordinates ?

Gonna take a look on my blacklisted areas there, maybe I missed one. Thanks! :)

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First off, just wanted to say thanks for the amazing profile. I have this + all the plugins you suggest and it's fantastic. 

I'm experiencing one issue, however, that i know is user error and was hoping for some guidance. My character just doesn't seem to want to use flight paths or discover new ones. At level 30 I've often found him running all the way through multiple zones when he could have easily taken the griffon. I've tried a fresh wrobot, etc, and followed your instructions. Anything I should make sure is enabled/disabled? I've tried turning wrobot taxi options on/off, etc.

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11 hours ago, Elephunk said:

My character just doesn't seem to want to use flight paths or discover new ones. At level 30 I've often found him running all the way through multiple zones when he could have easily taken the griffon. I've tried a fresh wrobot, etc, and followed your instructions. Anything I should make sure is enabled/disabled? I've tried turning wrobot taxi options on/off, etc.

WRobots inbuilt taxi is unstable and not fully reliable. You often experience your character not taking the taxi at all, taking a wrong node or getting stuck in a loop flying between different taxi nodes forth and back, even if there is no obvious reason for a human to do so. Therefor, wRobots inbuilt taxi feature is disabled by default and all the ordinary flights are scripted within the profile. Same goes for discovery of taxi nodes.

That's unfortunately not possible for flights that are out of the ordinary, for example when the bot wants to go to a trainer. So you have to choose to either disable taxi + train new skills (as soon as distances to a trainer get too big, around level 18) or enable both and take the risk of it causing issues. For now, that's the only solution. I might going to release a simple plugin that enables taxi, when trainer state has been triggered and disables it afterwards, but that depends on how reliable that turns out to be.

Default settings are loaded only once, on the first startup. You can either modify these settings by disabling the related steps, when selecting the "defaultSettings" profile or wait for the "defaultSettings" to be fully executed and modify settings afterwards as you whish.

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On 5/29/2018 at 2:15 AM, FNV316 said:

I have currently no plans to release a version for Horde

Would be an instant buy for a lot of us, I'm sure.

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1 hour ago, Elephunk said:

Would be an instant buy for a lot of us, I'm sure.

It also already took him over a year for 1~50 Alliance.

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i love this profile - im running it atm havent had any problems as a warlock - currently 2 day 15 hours played at level 34

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1 hour ago, FNV316 said:

I'm glad you enjoy it. ? 2 days 15 for level 34 is pretty fast, even for a Warlock

i know something has been going right without stucks i assume ?

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Working ok so far, really seems to struggle with "filthy paws" quest in Loch Modan. It doesn't  seem to want to loot the 'miner's gear' and just runs head first into mobs and dies over and over

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1 hour ago, LukeJudd said:

Working ok so far, really seems to struggle with "filthy paws" quest in Loch Modan. It doesn't  seem to want to loot the 'miner's gear' and just runs head first into mobs and dies over and over

On LH it never gets to loot them because the respawn is too insane. Either do it manually or wait until the F R E S H hype has blown over and it's humanly playable.

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Is there a way to skip doing a quest without looking up the quest id, stopping the bot, adding the quest as done, restarting and finding out the next quest in the chain? Sometimes there's far too many people around a questing spot and I'll have to take over manually and end up doing 3-4 quests and it really seems to bug the profile. Thanks.

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