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[Free] Project Wholesome - WOTLK Fightclasses (all 10 included) 1.0.xxx

   (26 reviews)

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About This File

Hello fellow Botters,

This is the AIO Fightclass for WotLK Content.
Most will download this without given any Feedback, but i appreciate every Feedback you want to give.

With the Rework to 3.0.0 the Framework was given a great overhaul by @Hashira who is a genius. Additionaly another Dev @FlXWare joined the pool of Devs and contributed a lot to the again reworked AIO. And finally the latest Rework was done by @Zer0 which is an awesome dev! The AIO is the First FC with support for Raidheal (limited to Holy Priest)! One of the Maingoals this time was to speed up the FC, and i think we hit a point where we can be very proud of what we achieved. Most of the old Bugs are gone, PetManagement for all Petclasses are top notch. Buffmanagement is now pulsed on movement and combat and many more changes. Just try it out yourself, you will see a significant performance upgrade. Bugreports are welcome and needed to get it to a new stage, so feel free to do so.

English Client ONLY!!!

Deactivate all Addons, Wrobot relies heavy on LUA and every Addon can interfere with this in a bad way!

Added Healbot Product, use this instead of WRotation to Heal as Healer inside  Dungeons (No  Settings, no Interface, just place it under Products, select it and Choose Systetic Events in the AIO  FC). This is only needed for Healers.


Here is the Current State:

DeathKnight (Frost, Unholy, Blood)

Druid (Feral (No Tanking in Dungeons), Restoration, Balance)

Hunter (Beastmastery, Marksmanship, Survival)

Mage (Frost, Fire, Arcane)

Priest (Shadow, Holy (inkl Raidheal), Discipline)

Paladin (Protection, Retribution, Holy)

Rogue (Combat, Subletly, Assassination)

Shaman (Enhancement, Restoration, Elemental)

Warlock (Affliction, Destruction, Demonology)

Warrior (Arms, Protection, Fury)

Green = tested and in a working state, Yellow = Rotation added but not much tested, Red = no support until now.

Short Feature Overview of new Corefeatures:

  • Auto updating System to the newest Release
  • It now makes Use of Unique Syntetic Events (Activate this when you play as Healer in Dungeon or Group)
  • Uses Prioritysystem to decide which spells to cast (Framelock is now working, Slowrotation is now working)
  • Auto Set Talents according to the choosen Spec (only works with Products which support movement)
  • Tankspecs can Autotank adds in Dungeons
  • Supports HMP incl. fleeing from  Mobs
  • Healspecs can handle different Healspells for different Roles/Classes
  • Autobuffing (Paladin will chosse which buff is needed, according to the Targets Dungeonrole without targeting)
  • Druid (switches Forms according to Usersettings, makes use of prowl)
  • Hunter (Autoset stances for Pet, Autofeeding Pet, Petspell Management like Taunt, Random Backpaddle Movement)
  • Mage (Frostnova Backpaddle, makes use of own casted Food/Drinks)
  • Priest (nothing new to say)
  • Rogue (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings))
  • Shaman (Autoset Totems in Totemic Call, makes use of Totemic Call, reworked Rotation)
  • Warlock (nothing new, just a Beast for Leveling)
  • Warrior (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings), just a Beast for Leveling)


Besides the new Features which are added, we have all the old Features including from the previous Version.

Have Fun with testing, you are welcome to report bugs (pls with detailed description and logs). Features will be added after the AIO get´s out of BETA state, until this it´s just bugfixing and reworking Rotations!

Welcome @Hashira as a new CoDev for this Project ?

Welcome @FlXWare as a new CoDev for this Project ?

A special Thanks goes to @Droidz for the Bot, the Wholesome Devs ( @Marsbar, @Zer0 @Mortis123), Devs ( @iMod, @Matenia) and Testers ( @Kamogli much more...)

If you have to report a Bug, leave a Comment with a Log. Alternatively we have a Discord for Bugreports and  Feedback.: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6 .


P.s.: If you have Problems with crashing while open the Config, remove your old FC Settings from your Folder and restart the Bot.




Recommended Plugins: 



What's New in Version 1.0.xxx   See changelog


User Feedback

Recommended Comments



hi can fix druid feral please!!!!!!

nothing attack on mobs and i am leveling 



On 2/1/2020 at 12:08 AM, iakovos1990 said:

hi can fix druid feral please!!!!!!

nothing attack on mobs and i am leveling 

Put the DLL pls in the right Folder and select it as Fightclass.



On 2/20/2020 at 6:02 PM, iakovos1990 said:

is only for pve?

yes, it can work in pvp but it is not build as a pvp AIO



Hi folks,

first i want to thank you Talamin for this awesome work and i bet we all appreciate it.

I have some issues with the dll and would be glad if someone could help:

1. Im using the german client, Fury Warrior and Gatherer-mode and it seems, that the FC doenst use any attack (i put the dll in the FC-Folder and hope that this is correct)

2. When im opening the UI through Wrobot (clicking on the wheel beside the Fight Class AIO.dll) i can just configure in the tab "General" -> "Framelock/Delay" and in the 2nd tab "Talents" -> " Talent Codes/Default talents/Auto Assign Talents/Talent Tree (Fury in my case)" Do i need to open another config for this whole optimization?

It would be great if you all could give me some feedback/help for the correct handling of this FC.


Thanks in advance!



4 hours ago, Lokomotive said:

Hi folks,

first i want to thank you Talamin for this awesome work and i bet we all appreciate it.

I have some issues with the dll and would be glad if someone could help:

1. Im using the german client, Fury Warrior and Gatherer-mode and it seems, that the FC doenst use any attack (i put the dll in the FC-Folder and hope that this is correct)

2. When im opening the UI through Wrobot (clicking on the wheel beside the Fight Class AIO.dll) i can just configure in the tab "General" -> "Framelock/Delay" and in the 2nd tab "Talents" -> " Talent Codes/Default talents/Auto Assign Talents/Talent Tree (Fury in my case)" Do i need to open another config for this whole optimization?

It would be great if you all could give me some feedback/help for the correct handling of this FC.


Thanks in advance!

1. The DLL has to be in the FC Folder and has to be selected as FightingClass. And pls use the english Client or the FC will cause massive problems.

2. The Warrior Routine doesn´t have many Options. Most of it is full Auto Use of Talents and Spells to get the best level Experience. If you see something annoying let me know and i can adapt it, or wait until a new release is done.

If you need other advices or have some ideas you are welcome to join our Discord or give me Feedback here.





On 3/5/2020 at 4:34 PM, Talamin said:

1. The DLL has to be in the FC Folder and has to be selected as FightingClass. And pls use the english Client or the FC will cause massive problems.

2. The Warrior Routine doesn´t have many Options. Most of it is full Auto Use of Talents and Spells to get the best level Experience. If you see something annoying let me know and i can adapt it, or wait until a new release is done.

If you need other advices or have some ideas you are welcome to join our Discord or give me Feedback here.



Thanks Talamin,

is there any chance to change the FC to use it with any client language? ?   Asking for a friend

Best regards!



Not really. All spells and items are included in only english so it won’t work with any other client language, sorry!



Im currently trying some FCs and for example the feral leveling FCV by ScriptQQ uses the SpellIDs and therefore connects the english skills with e.g. the german ones.

As im not into creating/changig/updating a FC i dont know if this is a thing for the community to help.


Anyway thanks guys for your great work!



So this was working great for level 1-9 soon as I hit level 10 on my arms warrior it stopped using any DPS ability. It will still use battle shout but that's it, just smacks mobs with its axe.



Well, Arms have just the buffs added... if you want to level use Fury or Prot, Description above what´s working is green, what have bugs is yellow and red won´t work until now!



4 minutes ago, Talamin said:

Well, Arms have just the buffs added... if you want to level use Fury or Prot, Description above what´s working is green, what have bugs is yellow and red won´t work until now!

Ok thank you sir



So I reset my talents and changed the fight class to fury and it still doesn't use abilties just buff.


SOLVED: It was a plugin called MoveDuringCombat that stopped the abilities form working. Is there any way to add support for this plugin? I like how it moves the character a bit when attacking.



Nah, maybe at some point i will add some movement to the FC, but for now it is good as it is ?



1 hour ago, Talamin said:

Nah, maybe at some point i will add some movement to the FC, but for now it is good as it is ?

I agree but maybe for hunters it would be helpful. The back pedal doesn't work so they just melee 80% of the time.



Then you do something wrong ? join discord and upload a log. Backpaddle works for sure!



I'm not sure if this is the place to bug report but I'm noticing that the DK fight class seems to treat OTHER DK diseases as its own and won't bother to apply debuffs if another DK already has theirs up.



The fc is designed in the first line to be used solo, but I will adapt some checks for the ownership of dots and debuffs, then this should be solved.



Respect! Free product and often updated. you should accept tips via paypal or so



5 hours ago, Bambo said:

Respect! Free product and often updated. you should accept tips via paypal or so

I have already an PayPal link in the description, but you know: Why should anyone make a tip when they can get all for free?! ? As long this is not paid, there will be no one who makes a tip for the time and effort which is spend on this.



On 4/3/2020 at 8:33 AM, Talamin said:

I have already an PayPal link in the description, but you know: Why should anyone make a tip when they can get all for free?! ? As long this is not paid, there will be no one who makes a tip for the time and effort which is spend on this.

i dont bot on wotlk, but i certainly would

Change to PAID imo XD



Excellent work with this one! However, I am experiencing an issue with a low level rogue currently. See the image for details.





1 hour ago, Apexx said:

Excellent work with this one! However, I am experiencing an issue with a low level rogue currently. See the image for details.



To be honest, some more Information would be helpful. Did you buy the Poisons? If so, which do you have? Level of your Character? Situation while this happens and and and... A Log would be fine too. If you don´t want it posted here, you can come to our Discord and poke me there.



8 hours ago, Talamin said:

To be honest, some more Information would be helpful. Did you buy the Poisons? If so, which do you have? Level of your Character? Situation while this happens and and and... A Log would be fine too. If you don´t want it posted here, you can come to our Discord and poke me there.

The only information I can give you, is I started a new character, I am level 9 no access to potions. When it happens.. every millisecond of running your AIO.



well, could be an old logging... will remove it in the next release.

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