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tonycali reacted to johnblaster123 for a file, [Free][A] Always Train Herb + Skinning
Ive been using few quest profiles here and there and I noticed everyone of them was missing crucial thing for me.. which is training herbalism and skinning (and buying skinning knife and not selling it later..)
So I decided to make a plugin which is doing following things:
Currently works only for Humans
1) Go to SW at lvl 6 (or if ure higher up to lvl 10) and bind HS to SW
2) Train herbalism
3) Train skinning
4) Buy skinning knife and blacklist it so it never sells it
5) Set skinning and herbing "on" in wrobot settings
6) Check if you have 50 herb and if yes then train herbalism same goes for skinning
Its doing these things in To Town state, which means whenever your bot meets certains conditions, it will do above things.
It will always do this up to lvl 10 so there is no way for you to miss that, unless you dont have money in bags for which the plugin checks.
How to use:
Just load the plugin it will do its thing
I hope it will be of use to somebody, it is to me so I decided to share it. I got tired of doing above things myself for 10's of my toons and none of popular questing profiles does that.
You need to have at least 1.2s in bags for bot to initiate the run!
Tell me what you think about this in the comments and report any bugs please. Also looking for any ideas that I could make so tell me!
tonycali reacted to Marsbar for a file, [Free] TrainSkillsOverride
This is an early version of a free plugin that I'm developing which removes the default trainers state and adds it's own.
This is so you can choose which spells to learn when leveling up and not waste gold on the useless ones.
It also has a profession learning state where it will check to see if you are able to get the next level of a profession, go to the trainer and learn it.
Example uses would be gathering professions, set it going and when it reaches a certain level it will go train and go back to gathering.
This still needs some work though, at the moment it attempts to do this for primary professions up to level 300 and up to level 150 for secondary professions (due to the need for books).
It uses the WRobot NPC database so make sure your trainers are in there.
Settings include:
A grid for levels to train at A grid for the spells you want to learn (Spelling is important!) A minimum amount of silver to have before going to train Enable/Disable learning primary professions Enable/Disable learning secondary professions If no levels are added to the grid it will just go every 2 levels.
Possible features at some point:
Disenchanting Crafting Professions (Alchemy, Tailoring, First aid, etc.) if you have the materials Let me know if you have issues.
tonycali reacted to Matenia for a file, [PAID][WotLK] Retribution Paladin
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
The attached file is a low-level demo version.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
Ret Palas are a hard class to bot, but perhaps your love for the class is overwhelming and you just can’t help yourself. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime.
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
Uses different seals according to your level, as well as new spells whenever you learn them Chooses smartest judgement based on HP/Mana Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells, including Repentance and Hammer of Justice against casters or if you drop low, Divine Protection (and later Divine Shield), Lay on Hands and more Highly Mana Efficient
Chooses smartest judgement based on HP/Mana Avoids some spells entirely if your mana drops too far Automatic Skill Detection
Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
Purchase NOW - 6.50€ (Rocketr) - 2 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
tonycali reacted to Matenia for a file, [Example] Random areas (on a timer) for grinding
This is not a quester useful in itself.
It uses 2 positions in Wetlands as an example on how to use such a timer to make grinding random and switch between areas every x minutes.
Keep in mind, this heavily depends on the functions in the Custom Scripts part, where I added a QuestHelper class.
It is meant as an educational file to help users create better grinders for themselves.
tonycali reacted to eniac86 for a file, List of items that should not be vendored but rather mailed for profit
Hey, i made a list of vanilla items that should not be vendored, but rather be sold on the auction house.
Most of them are "white" items, so you can check sell white items in settings and still keep these valuable ones.
tonycali reacted to Soshius for a file, [FREE] Weapon Upgrade Plugin
This plug-in allow you to specify which upgrade the bot should apply on your weapon by using Plug-in Settings.
The bot will then check if you are not in combat or dead and if you don't already have a buff on your weapon, and then it will apply the specified upgrade like Sharpening Stone.
Only tested on Wow Vanilla Serveur 1.12.1
This plug-in is based on @Skalikas Fishing Lure plug-in with few adjustments.
Of course you will need to have the necessary upgrade item in your inventory. Bot will scan your inventory to check and apply the upgrade
tonycali reacted to Bambo for a file, Do Not Sell My Loot!
Hey wRobot Community,
this automates the process of creating a "Do-Not-Sell List" instead of doing it for every bot again.
What does it?
It makes sure that valuable items (e.g. high tier herbs/ores) will not get vendored. The Plugin handles everything for you. No need to adjust the "Do-Not-Sell List" for every bot. Just use the easy to use settings of my plugin to sort out what should be vendored and what not. It also enables selling by default for every bot.
Currently implemented Categories
Ores Herbs Leathers/Hides Cloth Bags Can you add Item/Category XYZ?
Just private message me, I can do that.
Disclaimer: I am not associated with the wRobot company in any way!
tonycali reacted to Apexx for a file, PauseSafely Plugin
*** Plugin may require English client ***
I have seen a few forum posts looking to enhance the bot safety and added features like being able to use a skill when the user pauses the bot. This plugin uses the robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.State API in order to perform a skill before the actual pause is initiated.
Be sure to type the name of the spell in the Settings window exactly as you see it in game. I have tested this some, but it may require some tweaking.
If you pause the bot manually during combat and the settings to allow the spell to be used in combat is set to false, it will catch the input, wait until the fight is over, and then use the spell. If you set the use spell during combat to true (ie: Vanish), and manually pause the bot, it will cast the ability before pausing the bot. Another great feature is if you have the bot's advance settings to pause the bot when a player is within the default search radius of 1000, it will pause the bot, again changing the bot state and activating this plugin. Needs more testing! The servers I have tried this on were not very populated and it was tough to check if players were nearby.
tonycali reacted to Matenia for a file, [PAID] Arms/Fury Warrior 1-60
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. DO NOT USE ON TBC.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
The attached file is a low level demo.
Installation instructions
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
Warrior are a rocky class to level. This fightclass is designed to have a lot of options to keep you alive.
I highly recommend getting a good 2 hander and not switching to 2 weapons until higher levels (if you run Fury).
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
Uses available stances - can and will stance dance for Overpower without wasting rage Can be set to always range pull Setting to sit down to keep crit buffs up at all times Situational Spell Usage
Will range pull if many enemies are around the target (Throw, Shoot, etc) Rotates through skills to handle multiple targets Automatic Skill Detection
Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot No need for anything on your bars either, it will swap spells out itself
PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - 2 IPs per wRobot license
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
tonycali reacted to FNV316 for a file, AutoDismount
Pretty simple plugin: Will dismount the player, when the range to the bots current destination is below the value set in the plugins settings.
I use it in my quester profiles for bots that have access to mounts, so they don't mindlessly charge to a quest objective while being mounted, pull a dozen of mobs in the process, dismount when standing directly before the objective and just die to the group of mobs still following.
Also works with Druids Travel Form.
tonycali reacted to Jensen- for a file, Sunwell Quester 1-50
Sunwell server Easter Kingdom lvling quester 1-50
Includes Zones Elwyn,westfal,redrige,duskwood,stv,hilsbrad,arathi,hinderlands
few grinds in the lvl range betwen 10-30 after that its pure questing
there might be few bugs in it since the pathfinding in boot bay is terrible
recomened to use it as a pally
tonycali reacted to Jensen- for a file, A Sunwell Hellfire Questing 80/80
Hellfire questing profile should do 80 quests without a problem used it as a pally
any1 other class might have a problem with The Exorcism of Colonel Jules also
recomended to keep an eye on elite quest mobs hit hard
tonycali reacted to eeny for a file, [FREE] [A] Dwarf + Gnome starting file 1-12
A free quest/grind file that i use for fresh gnome / dwarf bots 1-12.
Like always it works best if you can send a lvl 5-7 green weapon to the bot, i want to add auto weapon buying at lvl 7 in the next few days. I have already added low level auto armor buying for gear dependant classes (Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Hunter).
Its not as fast lvl'ing as humans, however it should be AFK and zones a bit quieter...
If you have any additions / ideas let me know and we can incorporate them.
tonycali reacted to Marsbar for a file, [Free] RequestHandler
Configurable plugin to handle different types of player requests with a random timer delay, these include:
Party request Guild request Trade request Duel request Rezz request Ready checks Loot rolls (can configure to Need, Greed or Pass) - not tested much, let me know how it goes. The requests are also logged and include the name of the player that made the request (in case you enjoy reviewing logs to see who spammed you with requests before your ban, or something like that...).
Inspired to update this because of the lack of functionality in my previous auto decline plugin.
The download is in .cs format so if you're interested in going through my dodgey code, you're welcome to.
tonycali reacted to Marsbar for a file, [Product] Traveller
This is not a custom profile! (there isn't a category for product)
This is a product I created for your char to travel to useful places based on zone and type. It uses the pathfinding system to navigate to these places and also defends itself along the way. If it can it'll use a flightmaster to get there more quickly.
It is still in early stages but was hoping for some feedback early on. It is just about in a working state lol.
To use, simply place the .dll into your products folder and launch wrobot, select "Traveller" from the product list and click Play.
The options you have are:
Filter by Continent Filter by Zone Filter by Type (Currently has Innkeepers, Flightmasters, Vendors and Mailboxes) Select the specific NPC / Mailbox A web database link to the NPC / Mailbox which shows where on the map it is (right click the button to copy the link to your clipboard) A go to nearest of Type (select a type and then just the "Go To Type" button) It does not traverse continents at this point, so please be aware of that.
Again, this is definitely more of a beta release, expect things not to work (go to zone is disabled).
tonycali reacted to MrBramwell for a file, [FREE] [A] - Elven Start (Shadowglen + Teldrassil + Darkshore) - Level 1-22 Grinder
The elven starting area is probably the least used area, and therefore most safe place to bot, I wondered why there wasn't any grinder profiles, so I've made my own.
Don't forget a good fighting class!
Has all class trainer locations for both Shadowglen and Teldrassil ~ You can use autotrain (Includes Cooking, Firstaid, Herbalism and Alchemy trainers) - Trainers not included in Darkshore and beyond Has a vendor/repair location for Shadowglen, Teldrassil and Darkshore ~ You can use Selling Loot Level 1-6 in roughly (+/-) 1 hour 20 minutes ~ Slower, but safer 1-6 grind through neutral mobs, no deaths. Takes advantage of Neutral Owls in Teldrassil, and Foreststriders in Darkshore for safer grinding. Great profiles for Skinner's and Herbalist's! Avoids quest hotspots, making detection less likely Grinding to level 11-12 is possible with the level 6-10 grinder , but will take a while There will be another grinding profile for level 22+ in Ashenvale, but it will be a while. I recommend you set wrobots "Looting and Farming options" to Max 1 Unit near and Search Radius to 200 - There are furbolg camps around the place in Teldrassil, that can get quite messy. (Unless you're confident in your toon's ability to handle 2-3 mobs at a time)
I also recommend you take the first few quests in Shadowglen you can find, specifically the kill quest, as this Grinder targets the quest mobs, and do the followup, which will give you a new weapon, and will help your grinder.
The profiles are split up, to make levelling up more efficient. and minimize downtime due to deaths etc.
As with any Grinder, make sure to keep your equipment updated, it will make the grind go faster and be more efficient.
tonycali reacted to Marsbar for a file, MoneyMailer
MoneyMailer -
This little plugin will attempt to send any money over your threshold to the char you specified in your wrobot mailing settings.
The threshold can be changed in the settings, it's in silver and the default is 100 (so 1g).
Be aware that it's hooked up to the MAIL_SHOW lua event, this means that even if you have the bot paused and you open a mailbox it will attempt to send any money above the threshold. If you do not want it to do the mailing, stop the bot.
The file is in .cs format so you can open it in a text editor and have a look at the source if you wish.
tonycali reacted to exuals for a file, [1.12/Vanilla] Exuals Northdale Horde 1-30 Kit
Exuals Northdale Horde 1-30 Kit
25 top quality, hand crafted, grinding profiles created by extensive database searching for optimal mobs based off level range, quest objectives nearby, pack density, neutrality, armor, value, PvP etc
13 quests in Stonetalon mountains for making accounts seem more realistic.
Contains a hunter fightclass updated to handle Vanilla & overpopulated servers, adequately can handle multiple mob pulls, scare beast, feign death, etc. Based off Eeny's hunter fightclass, shout out to him.
and a plugin that opens crab shells, it's nice.
All tested by myself on Northdale during 12k+ population prime times, these were made to avoid the packs of bots and players/pvpers
Some loops it has:
Install instructions if you need, I hope you don't, are in the readme
tonycali reacted to ScripterQQ for a file, Weapon Trainers (Stormwind + Ironforge) /w Deeprun Tram and Flight
Hello, this profile automatically goes to Stormwind and then Ironforge to train weapon skills (Poleaxes, Maces, 2H-Swords, and so on). Very useful if you are leveling a Human Warrior or a Human Paladin. Tested on WOTLK expansion, but probably it works on other expansions too. Make sure you have enough golds in your bag (something around 2 Gold+) and you are ready to go.
*What does it do?*
1) Goes to Stormwind Weapon Trainer and trains all
2) Unlocks/Visits Stormwind Flight Master (Flies to Ironforge if available)
3) Uses Deeprun Tram to reach Ironforge if Flight Master not available
4) Goes to Ironforge Weapon Trainer and trains all
5) Unlocks/Visits Ironforge Flight Master
6) Flies back to Stormwind
7) End!
*What you need*
- Start the Quester in Northshire Abbey, Goldshire, or Stormwind zone.
- Enough golds, I suggest you minimum 1 gold 50 silver, but let's say 2 golds just to be sure, the cost of spells may differ from server to server.
- If you have a Mount, set it in the options so you move around in less time
- Patience (it takes around 10 minutes without using mount, starting from Northshire. Watch video below! Its a bit speeded up but it shows how it works)
I wanna really say thank you to Stauffenberg which basically gave me this idea, by looking at his "Teldrassil to Northshire" profile, I managed to convert the code for the Tram path use. Check his stuff, he is really amazing!
Feel free to try it and see how it works for you. If you have any suggestions or problem, contact me.
Have Fun
VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjN6gxqLLdA
tonycali reacted to Matenia for a file, [PAID][1.12.1/2.4.3/3.3.5a] AFKing and Humanizing plugin
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
I will continue working on this plugin and it will receive updates (which are included in the purchase).
Any problems pathing? Disable all "Avoid Enemy" options.
Installation instructions
can automatically buy food and drink (uses @reapler's database) can automatically choose your vendors and repairs (closest vendors and avoids high level zones) can automatically purchase ammunition (deactivated by default) automatically chooses the best quest reward for your class automatically equips better items, based on TBC "Pawn" stat weights - only uses base stats automatically equips bags and replaces them with bigger bags creates and uses bandages - will learn First Aid and train 1-150 trains Skinning and all useful weapons for your class (can be turned off) runs away from fight if you're likely to die (can be seen several times throughout the video - fails in cave sometimes)1 spirit rezz if chain dying ignore all combat if items are broken stop combat with evading mobs, friendly NPCs and friendly pets hearthstone if stuck (please read instructions) fully automated trainer choosing and training, goes every 4 levels after level 20 (if you have training turned on in wRobot) automatically use potions in combat stop combat with tapped targets stop combat if target is evading swim up if you are about to drown swim to shore before regen (if a safe spot can be found) teaches your bot how to use transports for shorter paths (supported so far: Deeprun Tram, Darnassus Portal/Ship) constant updates, you should re-download through your Rocketr link every evening
This is a new multi-expansion, multi-functionality plugin. I wrote it to fix some of the inconveniences, bugs and "bot-like" behavior wRobot comes with sometimes. Down below is a list of features, that this plugin brings to the table. Any plugin that has the same/similar functionality to my public (free) plugins has been improved in functionality and CPU usage.
Here you can find a 1:30 hour long video of a pure quester run from level 1-12 where you can see some of the plugin's functionality. The "running away" part of the plugin can sometimes be buggy within caves.
1Problems with "running away from combat" will occur in highly obstructed areas, such as caves, hills or anything else where your bot might have issues navigating (such as highly contested areas with tons of enemies). I have been trying (and still am) to improve this feature as much as I can, but if you aren't grinding with your bot (questing, gathering, etc) I recommend setting it to only run away if you pull more than x number of enemies
Unstuck instructions
Your hearthstone needs to be set to your current continent (anywhere on it) for the bot to find a path back to your regular grinding/questing spot, after using Hearthstone to get out of a "stuck" situation. If this is not the case, please disable that feature in the plugin settings.
*If you run wRobot.exe through a proxy or VPN, this limits you - if you only run WoW.exe througher another IP, this is not a problem
PURCHASE NOW - 10 IPs (limited to 1 wRobot license) - 30.00€
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
tonycali reacted to asakuraqt for a file, 1-13 Undead + Troll / Orc + Human 100% afk (Grinder)
Took all the quests out from the paid version im working on once Droidz give me permission.
Undead 1-13
Orc + Troll 1-13
When you are Undead - Bot will grind to 13, then it will automatically take Zeplin to Durotar and continue doing Grinding + Questing. Since this is a free version, no quests are added.
In durotar, bot will grind to 13, then go get Org flight path, and then run to barrens and get flight path so you can train.
Shouldnt be any bugs, if any please say so.
level 11-13.. if you stop the bot and start it, it will always run to Org flight path. I am working on a fix to fix this as im unsure exactly how to do that hah. Uncheck it in the bot.
tonycali reacted to Grizzler for a file, Undead Warlock Voidwalker Quest
Hey I through this together as I saw there wasn't one on here, simply start in Brill and let it play through, this is my first ever quest profile so if there are any problems just private message me or make a comment and I'll fix it as best as I can!
tonycali reacted to Marsbar for a file, AggroMonitor
Super simple plugin which draws a circle underneath mobs that you dont have aggro from and from that mob a line is drawn to the person that has aggro.
It's meant for tanks to easily see when a non-tank has aggro and can pick up the lost aggro.
It has some basic settings:
3 Tank names that it will not trigger for if they have aggro Range to search in I'll add a screenshot later.
I've not done much testing, let me know if anything is borked. It's a .cs file so open it up in notepad++ and edit what you want!
tonycali reacted to Matenia for a file, [PAID] Combat Rogue 1-60
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. DO NOT USE ON TBC.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
Installation instructions
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
Rogues have a lot of abilities you can integrate into a bot in a smart way. Doing so for every ability while not looking obviously like a bot isn't an easy task. This fightclass will hopefully fulfill all your needs.
I highly recommend getting Poisons and creating Instant Poison. The fightclass will use this automatically.
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
Uses Backstab/Ambush/Garrote at lower levels and Cheap Shot at higher levels Can be set to always range pull Situational Spell Usage
Will range pull if many enemies are around the target (Throw, Shoot, etc) Pick Pockets Humanoids (yes, it loots too) Evasion/Blade Flurry on multiple enemies Vanish and regen in stealth if you are low HP without Evasion available Automatic Skill Detection
Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot No need for anything on your bars either, it will swap spells out itself
PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - 2 IPs per wRobot license
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses