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Files posted by Ordush

  1. [PAID] Dungeon Party (Dungeon Bot) By Ordush

    This is my Dungeon Party (Dungeon bot) for WRobot.
    It's an advanced plugin that makes it possible to use/make dungeon profiles.
    It makes sure that your groups stays together, lets the tank pull while the group follows.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/91-dungeon-party-plugin/
    Purchase Links
    You are buying a digital product, there are no refunds.
    ** Release sale: 25% discount the first week! **

    The plugin adds an in-game interface where you can see party status.
    - Makes sure that the team sticks together.
    - Only tank will pull
    - Tank will only pull when the group is ready. (Full mana, hp, and in-range).
    - Easy to select role interface
    - The profiles will not reset when you stop/start the bot. (Unless a soft-reset is made /reload)
    - It will auto set HS
    - Will reset instance when it's clear.
    - Will keep spamming the instance until whole team is at set level (20 for RFC)
    - Chars will do a town run after a dungeon is cleared (If it needs it).
    - Easy to add profiles (see the video).

    Dungeon Party Plugin
    FULL RFC Profile (Use this as a template to make new dungeon profiles). <- level 16-17 is suggested as a starting point, also a good idea to be geared.
    Making a team ready:
    - Log on with all 5 chars, and start the bot.
    - The first thing you do is to choose the role on every char. (Tank on the tank, Healer on the healer, DPS on the dps).
    - Secondly you party up your group. Stop the bot and write /reload in-game.
    - Load your profile and start the bot.
    Making a dungeon profile:
    /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands)
    /wrobot DP show <- Shows the in-game frame
    /wrobot DP version <- Shows the version of Dungeon Party
    /wrobot DP role <- Shows role selection frame
    Coming Soon:
    - More dungeon profiles
    In-game Interface



       (1 review)



  2. [Paid] [Horde] [TBC] 1 to 70 (6X exp) - All Starting Zones - Auo Updater - Remembers Quest

    This is my questing profile made for 6x servers like Endless.gg
    The profile is avoiding heavy pvp areas like STV, Tanaris etc. It is still being worked on and is updated very often. It has a lot of custom code, like mechanics for custom fligth pathing, custom code for zeppelin/boats.

    - Level 1 - 60 (60-70 is still being worked on) (6X exp rates)
    - 100% Questing (No grinding for levels)
    - Remembers what quest you are on (Stop/Start, without restarting profile)
    - Auto Updating
    - All startzones
    - Custom Flight Path control
    - Custom Zeppelin/Boat control
    - Avoids alliance heavy zones like STV and Tanaris.
    - Ingame commands to see update logs/version (/wrobot or /wr)
    - Ingame Interface to get practical info + see changelogs etc.

    - Orc/troll Warlock Imp + Void Walker
    - Hunter Pet for all races

    - [Paid] Human Master Plugin by Matenia
    - [Free] What's going on? by Matenia
    - [Free] Do Not Sell My Loot! by Bambo
    - [Free] Accept Group Invites by Droidz
    If you are making your first char on the server ever:
    I suggest you start with a hunter, because they are the LEAST gear depending class.
    If you are using Human Master Plugin:
    Remember to edit the levels at which your character trains skills otherwise you will have the bot running to town every 10 minutes.
    If you already have main character at high level:
    Teach it skinning so you can make some easy gold, then use gold to buy a new char gear every 10 levels.

    Copy the file into wrobot\Profiles\Quester
    Load with questing product in wrobot.

    60 - 70
    Start at any level (currently it's level 32 or less)
    All Class Quests
    In-game interface to control stuff

    20 EUR - To buy this product PM me. I'm selling 10 copies a week
    Reason for not selling more than 10 is because I don't want to flood the server with bots.
    You are free to contact me on discord, or seek support in my channel:


       (1 review)



  3. [PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Fire - Mage - TBC(2.4.3) by Ordush

    This is my paid version of the TBC Mage Fire Wrobot Rotation
    It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.

    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/87-mage-fightclass-tbc/

    It's party and raid friendly. (tested in kara)
    It can be used for leveling, but it is not recommended.

    It has very high AoE Damage due to the smart use of Flamestrike
    Purchase Links
    It is based around the mana friendly, but still high dps spec:

    The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.

    This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off Fire Blast Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!

    Does not break Polymorph, and doesn't break drinking (Unless your mana is full)

    Optimized rotation for best dps
    Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface
    Single Target Abilities
    - Shoot Wand <- Will use wand if you are low on mana
    - Scorch <- Will use Scorch till you have 5 stacks (will refresh before it runs out)
    - Fireball <- Will use fireball if target has 5 scorch
    - Fire Blast <- Will use Fire Blast if either target has less then 1000 hp or if target has less then 20% hp (Molten Fury)
    AoE Abilities
    - Deagon's Breath <- Will use if 3 or more targets in front of you
    - Blast Wave <- Will use if 3 or more targets around you
    - Flamestrike (Rank 6) <- Will first apply rank 6 then rank 7 for 2x aura damage
    - Flamestrike (Rank 7) <- Will first apply rank 6 then rank 7 for 2x aura damage
    Armor Abilities
    - Molten Armor <- Will use if high mana (out of combat as well)
    - Mage Armor <- Will use if you are very low on mana and have no mana regen abilities.

    Mana Regeneration Abilities
    - Conjure Water (Rank 9) <- If you have the skill it will make sure you have water
    - Drink Water (Conjured) <- It will drink water when out of combat (this will not be interupted, unless full mana).
    - Conjure Mana Emerald <- Will always make sure you have mana emeralds
    - Use Mana Emerald <- Will use Mana Emerald if you are missing more mana than it gives.
    - Evocation <- Smart Evocation will use when mana is needed and only in combat.
    Cooldown Abilities
    - Combustion <- Will use combustion if target has Molten Fury and 5x Scorch stacks
    - Auto Buffing <- Smart auto buffing Will check party and do Arcane Intellect or Brilliance based on what is smartest. It will only do Brilliance if you have 5 or more mats for it in bag. (It will not auto buff group in raids, i can make it do that too if requested).
    - Buff Yourself
    - Buff Group
    - Buff Focus

    - Remove Curse <- Will remove curse on you, group and focus
    Racial Abilities
    - Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    - Arcane Torrent <- Will only be able to use if you are a Blood Elf. Will only use if you are below 25% mana or have many enemies around you.
    Item Abilities
    - Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    - Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    Leveling Abilities
    Coming Soon

    /statusframe <- shows/Hides the in-game interface
    /rotatoggle <- Toggles rota pause on/off.

    These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

    Coming Soon
    - Leveling Abilities


    In-game interface

    Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum


       (0 reviews)



  4. [PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Restoration - Druid - TBC(2.4.3) by Ordush

    This is my paid version of the TBC Druid Restoration Wrobot Rotation
    It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/86-druid-fightclass-tbc/

    It's party and raid friendly. (tested in kara)

    You can set up in-game via the interface if it should heal yourself, the group or even focus. This is smart for situations like if you end up having to only heal tank (focus) or you can even set it up to innervate focus (Another healer?)
    Purchase Links

    The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.

    Optimized rotation for best healing
    Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface
    Druid Combat Abilities
    - Regrowth <- Smart healing
    - Rejuvenation <- Smart healing
    - Lifebloom <- Smart healing
    - Swiftmend <- Smart healing
    - Instant Healing Touch <- Will use Nature's Swiftness and will re-apply treeform after cast
    Druid Misc Abilities
    - Tree of Life
    - Innervate <- Smart inervation
    - Abolish Poison
    - Remove Curse <- Will re-apply treeform after cast
    - Auto Buffing (1.1.0) <- Smart auto buffing Will check party and do MotW or GotW based on what is smartest. It iwll only do GotW if you have 5 more mats for it in bag. (It will not auto buff group in raids, i can make it do that too if requested).

    Druid Healing Spell Settings
    - Heal Yourself <- Decide if it heals self (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
    - Heal Group <- Decide if it heals group (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
    - Heal Focus <- Decide if it heals focus (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
    Druid Misc Spell Settings
    - Innervate Yourself <- Decide if it innervates self
    - Innervate Group <- Decide if it innervates group
    - Innervate Focus <- Decide if it innervates focus
    Druid Dispel Settings
    - Abolish Poison Yourself <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on self
    - Abolish Poison Group <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on group
    - Abolish Poison Focus <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on focus
    - Remove Curse Yourself <- Decide if it Remove Curse on self
    - Remove Curse Group <- Decide if it Remove Curse on group
    - Remove Curse Focus <- Decide if it Remove Curse on focus
    - Buff Yourself <- Decide if it buffs yourself
    - Buff Group <- Decide if it buffs party
    - Buff Fcous <- Decide if it buffs focus
    Focus Only Settings
    - Thorns <- Focus (tank) will keep Thorns on
    - Lifebloom Mode <- Focus (tank) lifebloom mode, can be changed from MIssing HP to Always. If it's on Always, then the healer will try to keep lifebloom on 3 stacks all the time on focus.

    /statusframe <- shows/Hides the in-game interface
    /rotatoggle <- Toggles rota pause on/off.

    These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

    Coming Soon
    - Optional wow addon, which will save your settings, so if you changed your pet food or tuned off some spells. You will not have to set it every time you log on.
    - Release
    - Added Smart Auto Buffing (It now auto buffs if you enable it)
    - Removed "Coming Soon" from Auto Buffing.
    - Bug fixes (Rejuvenation spam)
    - No longer tries to cast when in Bear Form, Cat Form or Travel Form
    - Casts Barkskin if hp is lower then 20% (This is not yet optional)
    - Fixed bug that would cast Lifebloom on target instead of focus.
    - No longer tries to cast spells with casttime while moving.
    - No longer casts tree form when you are casting something else (mount).
    1.2.1 (Big update)
    - Barkskin is now optional
    - Thorns on focus added
    - Lifebloom mode for focus added (can now keep lifebloom on tank at all times)
    - Code cleaned up for more smooth experiance.
    - Changed so foucs (Tank) is prioritized first now.
    - Fixed buffing so it doesn't buff focus/group when auto buffing is off
    - Fixed Abolish Poison so it works properly now.
    - Fixed Lifebloom, you ca now move and cast at the same time
    - Increased the general speed of the fightclass.
    - Hotfix for Lifebloom, people have had issues. So rewrote the code.
    In-game Interface

    Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum


       (3 reviews)



  5. [PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Beastmaster - Hunter - 1-70 - TBC(2.4.3) by Ordush

    This is my paid version of the TBC Hunter Beastmaster Wrobot Rotation
    It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/85-hunter-fightclass-tbc/
    Purchase Links
    The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.
    The hunter will move back if you are too close to the target to use your bow. This requires that the target does not have aggro on the hunter.
    The hunter will feed it's pet if needed, and you can set the food in-game.

    This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off Multi-Shot. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!

    Can be used for leveling (Utillizes level abilities)

    Optimized rotation for max DPS
    Does not break Polymorph, and doesn't break drinking (Unless your mana is full)

    Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface
    Hunter Combat Abilities
    - Steady Shot <- Your ranged attack speed is automaticly calculated and made so it fits with Steady Shot, so you don't clip your auto attack. it is your AS +0.01 (Even works if you use speed buffs etc.)
    - Arcane shot <- Will only use if Aspect of the Hawk is active to save mana if in viper.
    - Multi-shot <- Will only use if 3 or more targets
    - Aimed Shot <- Has three modes: Pull (This will only use Aimed Shot to pull), Cooldown(This will use aimed shot on cooldown like arcane shot. and last the default: Off (Only set it to Cooldown if you have very high crit)
    - Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.)
    - Rapid Fire <- Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    - Misdirection <- Can change between pet and focus in the main Status Frame (Will only cast if target has more than 30% hp)
    - Volley <- Uses Volley if 5 or more mobs around target
    Pet Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded
    - Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    - Kill Command <- Will only use if you have pet
    Hunter Misc Abilities
    - Aspect of the Hawk <- Smart aspects | Uses this if you have enough mana and you are in-combat
    - Aspect of the Viper <- Smart aspects | Uses this if you need mana and you are in-combat
    - Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro.
    - Volley Mob Amount <- Set the amount of mobs that needs to be in a group, to use Volley.
    Pet Misc Abilities
    - Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam)
    - Call pet
    - Revive Pet
    - Mend pet
    - Feed pet <- Very smart | Will feed pet whatever food you have specified in the Pet Food area. It will only feed pet if pet needs it. Pet will not attack while being fed
    - Pet Food <- Define what food your pet eats (Default: Clefthoof Ribs)
    Racial Abilities
    - Blood Fury <- Will only be able to use if you are an Orc, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    - Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    - Arcane Torrent <- Will only be able to use if you are a Blood Elf. Will only use if you are below 25% mana or have many enemies around you.
    Item Abilities
    - Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    - Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss
    Leveling Abilities
    - Serpent Sting <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62
    - Ratpor Strike <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62
    - Mongoose Bite <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62
    - Freezing Trap <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62. It will use freezing trap if there are more than 1 mob in front of you (good if you don't have pet, or you pull too many mobs while questing)
    - Aspect of the Cheetah <- Will be used between fights, to get there faster.

    /statusframe <- shows/Hides the in-game interface
    /rotatoggle <- Toggles rota pause on/off.

    These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

    Coming Soon
    -  Please add suggestions on my Discord.

    In-game Interface

    Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum or through my Discord channel!


       (8 reviews)



  6. [PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Beastmaster - Hunter - 1-60 - Vanilla(1.12.1) by Ordush

    (This is a digital product, there are no refunds).
    This is my paid version of the Vanilla Hunter Beastmaster Wrobot Rotation
    It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/84-hunter-fightclass-vanilla/



    The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.
    The hunter will move back if you are too close to the target to use your bow. This requires that the target does not have aggro on the hunter.
    The hunter will feed it's pet if needed, and you can set the food in-game.

    This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off Multi-Shot. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!

    Can be used for leveling (Utillizes level abilities)
    You can even turn stuff on that is not yet learned.
    The fightclass will begin using the abilities when they are learned if they are turned on.

    Optimized rotation for max DPS
    Does not break Polymorph, and doesn't break drinking (Unless your mana is full)

    Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface

    Hunter Combat Abilities
    - Aimed Shot <- Main ability
    - Multi-shot <- Second Main ability
    - Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.)
    - Rapid Fire <- Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Volley <- Uses Volley if 5 or more mobs around target
    - Volley Mob Amount <- Set the amount of mobs that needs to be in a group, to use Volley.
    Racial Abilities
    - Blood Fury <- Will only be able to use if you are an Orc, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    Item Abilities
    - Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    Hunter Misc Abilities
    - Aspect of the Hawk <- Will keep on unless Cheetah is on, then it will only be on in combat
    - Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro.
    - Disengage <- Will use disengage if you have an active pet, and a mob is targeting you in melee range.
    Pet Misc Abilities
    - Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam)
    - Call pet
    - Revive Pet
    - Mend pet
    - Feed pet <- Very smart | Will feed pet whatever food you have specified in the Pet Settings area. It will only feed pet if pet needs it. Pet will not attack while being fed
    Leveling Abilities
    - Concussive Shot <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Serpent Sting <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Arcane shot <- Is off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Raptor Strike <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Mongoose Bite <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Aspect of the Cheetah <- Will be used between fights, to get there faster.
    - Aspect of the Monkey <- Will only work if Aspect of the Hawk is Disabled
    Misc Abilities
    Wing Clip <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
    Viper Sting <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
    Backtracking <- Turn on/off backtracking from mobs.
    Combat Range <- Adjust the range which the hunter will begin attacking mobs. (Default 25).

    Advanced Settings
    Fightclass Settings
    - Feign Death Delay (Seconds): The number of seconds after a fight has been started, till the bot is allowed to use Feign Death (The higher the number, the more time the pet has to get aggro).
    Pet Settings
    - You can add/remove foods from the lists here

    /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands) /wrobot FC version <- Shows the version of the Fightclass /wrobot FC status <-  Shows or hides the Rotation Status window /wrobot FC pause <- Pauses/Unpauses the bot /wrobot FC pettank <- Enables/Disables pet tank
    These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

    More advanced settings Redesign of switches




       (6 reviews)



  7. [PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Protection - Warrior - 1-60 - Vanilla(1.12.1) by Ordush

    This is my paid version of the Vanilla Warrior Protection Wrobot Rotation
    It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/92-warrior-fightclass-vanilla/
    Purchase Links
    The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.
    The Warrior will make sure that there are sunders on all ads. (Making thread on them)
    The Warrior will taunt adds that are not targeting the warrior. (He will stance dance and use mocking blow, if taunt is on CD)

    This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off taunt. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!

    Can be used for leveling (however it's not currently focused on using level abilities for solo play)
    You can even turn stuff on that is not yet learned.
    The fightclass will begin using the abilities when they are learned if they are turned on.

    Optimized rotation for max Threat
    Does not break Polymorph.

    Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface
    Threat Abilities
    - Taunt <- Taunts adds off party members.
    - Heroic Strike <- Will be used if you have too much rage. (And only 1 mob is at you)
    - Cleave <- Will be used if you have enough rage, and there are more mobs at you.
    - Shield Slam <- Will be used to generate a high amount of threat.
    - Revenge <- Will be used on cooldown, when you block, dodge or parry.
    - Sunder Armor <- Will keep stack up on mobs at all time (If Main tank is enabled, it will make sure there is 1 sunder on all adds)
    Racial Abilities
    - Blood Fury <- Will only be able to use if you are an Orc, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    Item Abilities
    - Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    Mitigation Abilities
    - Shield Block <- Will be used if enough rage, and the target is a boss (It's a waste to use it on packs).
    - Last Stand <- Will be used if target is a boss or there are 2 or more mobs targeting you. AND your hp is low.
    - Shield Wall <- Will be used if target is a boss or there are 2 or more mobs targeting you, AND your hp is semi low.
    - Demoralizing Shout <- Will be used if target is a boss or there are 2 or more mobs targeting you and you have enough rage.
    Utility Abilities
    - Mocking Blow <- Will stance dance to use this if your taunt is on cooldown.
    - Bloodrage <- Will use this to gain enough rage to use Battle Shout (Creates threat on just pulled packs)
    - Berserker Rage <- Berserker Rage is not currently utilized very well.
    - Battle Shout <- Will use this after pulling, to add threat on all adds.
    Extra Abilities
    - Combat Range <- Sets the combat range, (how close does the tank go to the target).
    - Pull Latency <- Wait time for it to use bow/xbow/gun to pull in MS. (If your tank interrupts shooting, then increase this number).

    Advanced Settings
    Fightclass Settings
    - Settings will be added here later.

    /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands)
    /wrobot FC version <- Shows the version of the Fightclass
    /wrobot FC status <-  Shows or hides the Rotation Status window
    /wrobot FC pause <- Pauses/Unpauses the bot

    These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

    Coming Soon
    - More advanced settings
    - Redesign of switches
    - Battle Shout option to use only for rage, or to use when you don't have the buff.

    In-game Interface

    Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum!


       (1 review)



  8. [PAID] In-game Settings By Ordush

    This is my In-game Settings plugin for WRobot.
    It's an advanced plugin that gives you an in-game interface where you can change many aspects of wrobot.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/90-in-game-settings-plugin/
    Purchase Links

    The plugin adds an in-game interface where you can change WRobot settings while playing, instead of having to Alt+Tab out and find the right wrobot window.

    It is made so other plugin/fightclass/profile creators can integrate into it adding their stuff to it.
    Below there is an example of my hunter fightclass integrating into it.

    The plugin has a minimap button that you can use to toggle the settings window on/off. It can be moved and resized.
    It will obviously save the minimap button settings between sessions.

    This tab has some general info about my products, as well as info about the current integrated plugins/fightclasses.
    The dream is that every plugin out there will integrate into it.

    General Settings
    This tab shows the General Settings tab from WRobot.
    Here you can change all the settings in-game and they will even update in the wrobot window., so if you are playing and suddently want to turn on Selling Items, you can do it without even stopping the bot.

    Extra Settings
    - Autoloot BoP Items <- If On, Bind on Pikcup items will automatically be looted.

    Minimap Button
    Here you can make the changes to the minimap button.
    - Minimap Button <- Hides/Unhides the minimap button. (If you use my fightclasses or want to use commands, you can hide it.)
    - Lock Minimap Button <- Locks/Unlocks the minimap button, if it's locked it won't be movable.
    - Minimap Button Size <- This slider decides the size of the minimap button. it has a set minimum size, and set maximum size. (Let me know if you think the min/max should be changed.

    If you are using one of my fightclasses, the "settings" button on the status frame will toggle the same window (no need for minimap button)

    /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands)
    /wrobot settings <- Shows the in-game settings frame
    /wrobot IGS version <- Shows the version of in-game settings
    /reload or /reloadui <- You can now reload ui with /reload or /reloadui instead of having to /run ReloadUI()

    Coming Soon
    - WRobot Advanced Settings Tab <- I am going to add all the advanced settings tabs to the plugin, i just need to decide if i'm going to use the same design or another.
    - Custom In-game Settings toggles. <- This plugin is not limited to other plugins/fightclases or wrobot settings. I will add some usefull toggles, like Auto Loot BOP items etc. - Stuff that i feel WRobot misses.
    - Upgrade to Expansions TBC, WOTLK, Cata, etc. (Works with Vanlla atm, but might work withe other expansions)

    In-game Interface

    Integration with one of my fightclasses


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  9. [PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Marksmanship - Hunter - 1-60 - Vanilla(1.12.1) by Ordush

    This is my paid version of the Vanilla Hunter Marksmanship Wrobot Rotation
    It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/84-hunter-fightclass-vanilla/
    Purchase Links
    The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.
    The hunter will move back if you are too close to the target to use your bow. This requires that the target does not have aggro on the hunter.
    The hunter will feed it's pet if needed, and you can set the food in-game.

    This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off Multi-Shot. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!

    Can be used for leveling (Utillizes level abilities)
    You can even turn stuff on that is not yet learned.
    The fightclass will begin using the abilities when they are learned if they are turned on.

    Optimized rotation for max DPS
    Does not break Polymorph, and doesn't break drinking (Unless your mana is full)

    Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface
    Hunter Combat Abilities
    - Aimed Shot <- Main ability
    - Multi-shot <- Second Main ability
    - Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.)
    - Rapid Fire <- Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Volley <- Uses Volley if 5 or more mobs around target
    - Volley Mob Amount <- Set the amount of mobs that needs to be in a group, to use Volley.
    Racial Abilities
    - Blood Fury <- Will only be able to use if you are an Orc, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    Item Abilities
    - Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    - Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 4 modes Cooldown, Cooldown 2+, Elite & Boss
    Hunter Misc Abilities
    - Aspect of the Hawk <- Will keep on unless Cheetah is on, then it will only be on in combat
    - Trueshot Aura <- Always on
    - Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro.
    - Disengage <- Will use disengage if you have an active pet, and a mob is targeting you in melee range.
    Pet Misc Abilities
    - Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam)
    - Call pet
    - Revive Pet
    - Mend pet
    - Feed pet <- Very smart | Will feed pet whatever food you have specified in the Pet Settings area. It will only feed pet if pet needs it. Pet will not attack while being fed
    Leveling Abilities
    - Concussive Shot <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Serpent Sting <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Arcane shot <- Is off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Raptor Strike <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Mongoose Bite <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 20
    - Aspect of the Cheetah <- Will be used between fights, to get there faster.
    - Aspect of the Monkey <- Will only work if Aspect of the Hawk is Disabled
    Misc Abilities
    Wing Clip <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
    Viper Sting <- Turned off by default, as it's mainly used in pvp.
    Backtracking <- Turn on/off backtracking from mobs.
    Combat Range <- Adjust the range which the hunter will begin attacking mobs. (Default 25).

    Advanced Settings
    Fightclass Settings
    - Feign Death Delay (Seconds): The number of seconds after a fight has been started, till the bot is allowed to use Feign Death (The higher the number, the more time the pet has to get aggro).
    Pet Settings
    - You can add/remove foods from the lists here: It should be noted that if you log out or reloadUI the food lists will reset. (This will be fixed in next update)

    /wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands)
    /wrobot FC version <- Shows the version of the Fightclass
    /wrobot FC status <- Shows or hides the Rotation Status window
    /wrobot FC pause <- Pauses/Unpauses the bot
    /wrobot FC pettank <- Enables/Disables pet tank

    These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

    Coming Soon
    - More advanced settings
    - Redesign of switches
    - Saving of player added foods between sessions (Right now it does not save the food you add manually if you logout or reloadui.)

    In-game Interface

    Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum or through my Discord channel!


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  10. HS on ToTown

    This little plugin uses your hearthstone to get to town instead of walking all the way.
    I took a version that Droidz had posted somewhere on the forum, it didn't work.
    But i fixed it, and here it is. - Enjoy!
    No settings needed just put in plugin folder and load.


       (2 reviews)



  11. [DEMO] [PVE] Beastmaster - Hunter - TBC(2.4.3) by Ordush

    This is my demo version of my upcoming paid version of a hunter profile.
    It's simple and does the trick. You can do raids and PVE with this and have a nice experiance.
    Optimized rotation for max DPS
    Hunter Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded
    - Steady Shot <- set timer to your attack speed + 15 so if your ranged attack speed is 2.14 then you set it to 2155
    - Arcane shot <- Will only use if Aspect of the Hawk is active
    - Multi-shot <- Will only use if 3 or more targets
    - Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.)
    - Rapid Fire <- Will only use on bosses
    - Misdirection <- Can be changed in settings to cast on either pet or focus (Will only cast if target has more than 30% hp)
    Pet Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded
    - Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, and will only use on bosses
    - Kill Command <- Will only use if you have pet
    Hunter Misc Abilities
    - Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro.
    Pet Misc Abilities
    - Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam)
    - Call pet
    - Revive Pet
    - Mend pet
    Paid Verision


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  12. [Free] [A/H] Netherstorm - Celestial Ridge - Nether Scales + Knothide Leather

    Nether Scale farmer
    It will grind nether dragons for Nether Scales.


       (0 reviews)



  13. [Free] [A/H] Nagrand - The Twillight Ridge - Cobra Scales, Knothide

    Cobra Scale farmer
    It will grind Serpents for Cobra Scales.


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  14. [Free] [H/A] Cobra Scale Farmer for Hunter

    This is my Cobra Scale farmer.
    You need to be hunter
    You need to be with Aldor
    You need to use bow
    You need to have flying mount
    It goes to Nagrand in the mountains where it farms Cobra Scales from serpents.

    What is so special about this?
    It's made for hunters. The way it works, is that it goes to Aldor vendor to buy arrows if it runs out of arrows.

    Just go to Aldors inn and start it, it will find it's way there. (remember to turn on flying)

    So this is more a grinder then it is a quester, but you need to load it with the questing product to run it,.


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