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About Stauffenberg

  • Birthday 01/01/1901

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    Bavaria, Germany

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  1. Vergiss das Ganze. Externe Festplatte? Was sollte das bringen?? Von wo aus Du WoW und WRobot startest, ist völlig egal - der Hauptspeicher wird gescannt nach Programmen, welche aktuell laufen. Und da WRobot während des Scans aktiv in den Speicherbereich von WoW injected... Ebenso ist Deine Idee, dass jede Maschine eine eigene IP hat ein Trugschluss. Die hat sie nämlich nur in Deinem privaten LAN. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Du nur eine FritzBox hast und damit auch nur eine IP. Was anderes wäre es, wenn Du in den VMs VPN benutzt. Aber dann hast Du mit allen denen, welche mit Dir von diesem VPN Server kommen die gleiche IP. Wird so eine gebannt, trifft es Dich wahrscheinlich mit. Sicherheit gibt es also nicht. Unser Job hat auch was mit Glück und Pech zu tun. Stauffenberg
  2. Sorry, no. Butler is calling the original WoW-API via LuaDoString to get the item stats. But within the vanilla API there is no "GetItemStats" function... Stauffenberg
  3. Servus warglaive, you will find it within the plugin settings - keep an eye of "Item stats multiplier". All values are at 100 by default. If you need strength, set this parameter to 300 or 500 so butler will choose items with strength first... Stauffenberg
  4. Thank you Atreides, so i think i am not alone with the problem. Worst annoying is if the other player is a foreign bot with this option set - so both will pause and the last killed mob will respawn one minute later... Nevertheless i would not like to go without this security option because the most danger is to be reported by a human Stauffenberg
  5. Servus, if you have set the security option "Pause bot if nearby player" the bot will enter a pause after n seconds (where n is set to 20 by default). Unfortunately, if this player hangs around you will be killed if an enemy npc comes along (or respawns). Could you please add the option "unpause if attacked" so the bot strikes back on emergency? If the player(s) are still around, the bot would anyhow pause again after n seconds... voilá
  6. hmmm..... are you sure? Because the files are placed on drive c: and only syncronized with the cloud but not accessed from different computers i think...???!?
  7. Servus Droidz, i am using WRobot on three different Workstations using WRobot parked on Microsoft Onedrive to syncronize my profile changes. All looks fine, but it seems that WRobot is unable to use meshes downloaded by another workstation. So if i clear the data\meshes\blahblah directory it is filled by the first running machine and without problem. But if i start the second workstation with a bot within the same area, it seems that this workstation is unable to use the meshes downloaded by other station(s): So... is WRobot not allowed to run from different workstations using the same source???!? Thank you Stauffenberg 3 Sep 2017 07H45.log.zip
  8. Greetings, i am running quester to farm items for enchantment and if the bags are full, bot is executing GoToTown as designed BUT... town sequence seems to be: repair -> buy/sell -> mail This is a problem because if bags are full in this case, nothing will be selled (because all is reserved to be mailed to the enchanter as well as common and uncommon items destroyed by a plugin while farming) and so there is no room for buying manadrinks. Is it possible to change the town sequence to repair -> mail -> buy/sell or add an alternative sequence so it would be repair -> buy/sell -> mail -> buy/sell? Otherwhile the bot is returning to farm area and running out of manadrinks more often as it would be necessary there...
  9. Version 1.1.0


    Greetings, with this package you gain three quest profiles for alliance characters, starting at northshire and advancing to redridge via goldshire and westfall. I have designed them to be afk for ranged characters, checked out with druid (best) and priest. Please make sure to give 4 bags to your youngest hero and buy him the best green/blue equip from the auctionhouse on level 5 and 10 about, this will save time and preserve him from unnecessary deaths. Decide to spend about 5 gold and if you are playing a priest, do not forget always to buy him a good wand for oom situations. At the end of the first profile (level 5) you should go to stormwind an learn skinning to get this profession up fore free (goto profiles for this are included). I recomend you to use a plugin like Butler or Lootfilter to prevent your bags from getting full because the way to the vendor could be dangerous. Also note that it is necessary to grind from time to time to reach the next level, this will happen at 6 in goldshire (beause it is worst to die within the goldtooth cave at level 5) and sometimes in westfall and redridge. Not all quests (like hogger) are applicable to robots - i have designed the profiles to bring you to level 21 as save as possible instead of the fastest way. Have fun and meet me in Azeroth - Stauffenberg -
  10. Butler should be useable on versions other 3.3.5a also (even if some stats are removed with Cataclysm and MoP)... but i have never checked it out because i have retired from playing versions beyond WotLK. WotLK ist the Azeroth i love to live within
  11. Thank you a lot, I am honoured by your confidence
  12. Version 1.7.0


    If you level a new character there are many problems - bots are not changing their equipment and sometimes they run out of manadrinks or food. Our upcoming heroes are in need of a butler to assist! Butler takes care if there is better equipment in inventory than worn and equips the better one Also (if activated) Butler switches to the food and drink which is carried in inventory most Last but not least Butler is able to destroy uncommon (gray) items if you set him to do so For the different classes you may tweak the multipliers for item scoring within the settings - so Butler is able to decide which gear is best for your juniors I think, Butler is the tool which helps your second growth to survive leveling Known issues and their workarounds: Most food and drink are detected automatically. If not, you may enter the id of your food/drink to the global setting table "Known as Manadrink" or "Known as food" Some items does not return their item stats correctly and are therefore equipped if they should not vice versa. To fix this you may enter the correct item:value pair within the Butler global setting "Item value overrides" added in Butler 1.3.0 Have fun - see you in Azeroth! Stauffenberg
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Welcome to the jail ! This profile was made for rushing the stormwind jail to get rare items for lowies or wool for your tailors. Because of engaging without fightclass support you may rush as high-level Druid only - Mark of the Wild, Thorns, Rejuvenation, Hurricane, Innervate and Regrowth are used. The profile is fully afk, step in with empty bags and have the vendor and mailbox options set. Maybe you would like to use a plugin like lootfilter or a WoW Addon which is dropping waste items while running Your character will go to town if less than the minimum free bags are free - set this value to 10 about Have fun - see you in Azeroth! Stauffenberg
  14. Version 1.0.0


    I think, many of you would like to level a nightelf... but starting in Elwynn Forest rather than Kalimdor. This profile will bring your character from Teldrassil to Northshire safely. Starting in Shadowglen, crossing Dolanaar, Darnassus, RutTheran, Auberdine, Stormwind, Goldshire until Northshire Valley is reached. We are taking ships for this long travel. It's a long way - be patient and do not intervene... we will reach Marshal McBride in time
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