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artur.k reacted to Droidz in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I replied to private message of @youthemannowdog, I'll now reply to the public post.
I cannot dispute that Honorbuddy was a good with a lot of contents, but you have bad memories about Glider, this bot was very basic (watch videos on Youtube). Only Honorbuddy (and maybe Rebot) can compete with WRobot. About price, you have bad memory too: https://web.archive.org/web/20170929193659/https://www.honorbuddy.com/ and WRobot itself was already been at 30 € the lifetime subscription for retail (prices change over time).
There is a trial version to test WRobot, with access to all files, all forum messages, I do not censor anything (the proof with this post), I cannot be more honest. For normal use (1 session), WRobot is 1.90 € per month, it is correct as price (of course, I can understand that in certain countries or for certain persons this price is high).
You also need to remember that you buy a bot, it's for people who like to hack, I try to make it easy to use for all but it's still a type of software for advanced users who likes to tweak, I don't sell a game or family application. Moreover, to reproduce a human behavior is very complicated, big company with big budget does not do much better with total access to the game (look at the result on certain game).
I understand that it lacks free contents, it is a real problem, believe me I tried many times to find people (that I would have paid) to work on it and I never found one (I never really play Wow, if I create the content myself it would not be great, and I prefer to work on the bot itself). After some research of creator that lead nowhere, I decided to allow paid content, and since many profiles / fightclasses has been released (paid files, but these files would not exist otherwise).
About the quality of paid files it's complicated, I check all files but I can not test everything, you have the rating system to say what you think of the files. About the prices I tried to maintain correct price, but what can be expensive for someone can be correct price for another, it's complicated too. It takes me time to manage paid files, and I do not touch any commission (except sell subscription which is free for elite users). In summary, if I accepted that users can sell files is for you, without that these profiles / plugins / fightclasses would not even exist.
About WRobot he is stable, and his API is enough complete and stable (and missing API can be added with lua or C# code), the mesh is not perfect but he works in most areas. Some developers create good dungeon profiles (and have created profiles for complex quest zones, especially when WRobot supported the official servers, I already tested demon hunter start zone profile and he works very fine, look videos in Youtube it is not easy zone to bot). The problem is that in some cases it is must to adapt profile to WRobot, if WRobot badly works in an area it must be avoided the zone, some creator still uses the area and says that it is the fault of WRobot instead than finding an alternative area (of course, in some case you cannot avoid zone and if WRobot have problem it can be complicated).
In recent times I have used WRobot a lot to test reported detections on several servers (with an old Eeny profile and a simple XML fightclass, no plugin). I left it running ~ 10 hours per day and I had no crashes, blockages or problems. I manually control characters 1 or 2 times per day to equip and resell the green/blue items looted. Some users manage more than 100 bot, with good profile and good settings you can do almost what you want.
Of course, I understand what you said, if developers have problems with WRobot they do not hesitate to create bug reports, I do not respond quickly but I usually finish by answering and correct it if I find it necessary (and that I can).
I will try to deliver more free content with the bot (in priority the fightclasses for all classes and grinder / gatherer profiles), if someone wants help me that he does not hesitate to contact me.
(sorry for my English not always correct)
artur.k reacted to maukor in Sick of buying garbage profiles
@Ordush The bad thing in supporting bad devs is in my example.
I wanted purchase some good hunter fightclass, i seen only your on the forum, But i purchased few fightclasses from other devs back in days, and was really disapointed with quality and was afraid to invest more in other fightclasses, (in your hunter), But When i purchased your warrior prot for tests, it actually works as in description, i was surprised that something paid works as in description, isnt it funny? For now before any other purchases i will think twice, cause droidz really support devs that have wrong description
artur.k reacted to CocoChanel in Sick of buying garbage profiles
Doesnt make up for the fact that all these ape fucking profile creator state that their profiles are 99 or 100% afk. No matter how you put it, they are lying about their profiles and Droidz is supporting it by letting them continue selling it. People need to stop saying "If you don't like it, make your own". Thats not the fucking point. The point is that people are charging ridiculous money for bullshit profiles with trash quality. "Just dont buy it if you dont like it". Too bad most of these ape creators wont refund after purchasing, kek. People here are lazy cunts because they can get away with it, that's it. Can't make a 99% afk quester? Then dont advertise for one.
artur.k reacted to maukor in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I never seen HB running to a wrong vendor, meanwhile i should manually clear database in wrobot, so yeah, there are many problems with bot.
Same with vendoring, and npc interactions (inkeepers or any with gossip options)
artur.k got a reaction from CocoChanel in Sick of buying garbage profiles
for me best solution will be raise price for wrobot and fix wrobot becouse wrobot core have limits. limits cant be skipped and even with good plugin,fc you meet wall wrobot wall
at every customer topic i read same text wrobot have limits,wrobot have bugs
them why not raise price for wrobot add good programmers to work with wrobot and it will make this bot better,also this will maybe let wrobot once again work on "some" private servers
artur.k reacted to Zer0 in Sick of buying garbage profiles
The first video is perfectly showcasing the biggest issue I have with wRobot paid profiles: the missing mob IDs. Because the "Attack before being attacked" option doesn't work properly, it makes those profiles a nightmare.
Imagine you make a grinding path with mobs along the way, and you add them all to the profile. The bot runs around and kills everything around, one by one. All good. Then a user contacts you and say "I'm playing a warrior and those scorpids which disarm you on the path are too hard to kill, fix it". What do you do? Well, one of the big vendor here just removes the mob ID from the profile. Then what happens? Sure you don't engage those mobs anymore, now, instead, you just run straight into their face while pulling other mobs. And when I reported the issue, the vendor told me he wouldn't fix it, because "it's much better like that" and "his profiles has leveled HUNDREDS (yeah, right) of characters without problem", basically putting the blame on me. And that's not even mentioning the enemy packs, the failure to take a zep, to go to Outlands etc...
How is that even tolerated?
artur.k reacted to CocoChanel in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I agree with what you and Marsbar said. Some of the claims on profiles/plugins/fightclasses are fucking braindead. I agree with your comment on the chain, often times they will try to say "Oh, the reason why you aren't getting good results is because you havent bought XYZ". Don't buy any profiles, there are fightclasses that perform well enough for leveling, it's a waste of money. Grinding is the only way to level with this bot, even though the profile makers claim that their questing profiles are getting "good results". These profile makers just want to pump as many quests as possible in the shortest amount of time, just so that they can go ahead and write "xxx number of quests!" on their thread. This means that the quests are not tested properly, and 99% of the time you will just be stuck in a endless loop of dying over and over until you get banned. They also tell the people who bought their profile to give a positive review on their thread, otherwise they will be toxic and not offer support for their profile. I hope for the love of god that Droidz makes a requirement to post videos of people leveling their bot from 1-20 or 1-30, just so people can get a proper look at how the profile performs. Also most of the time these "questers", are just grinding profiles, but they just charge a bit more to have a bunch of un-successful quests included.
If private servers are still popular when Classic launches I will make a properly working quester for TBC and WOTLK, and I won't charge a cent for it. I have always wanted WRobot to have the community of Honorbuddy, but it's hard when profiles arent properly checked and tested before being put up for sale.
artur.k reacted to CocoChanel in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I agree with what you have to say. So many of the paid profiles are absolutely retarded. I don't even think the maker of the profile tests it fully before putting it up for sale. I have bought various leveling profiles through the years, and not a single one of them have offered a true 1-60 experience. Most of the time, only 1/3rd of the profiles were actually decent, and for the rest of the leveling time I had to make my own. This is only grinding though, I can't imagine what nightmare it must be to buy profiles for questing. I feel like it should be a requirement to do a showcase of the bot from 1-20 when putting a profile up for sale, because Droidz himself doesn't have the time to verify that it works the whole way.
artur.k reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles
im running a plugin that auto buys vender gear at same level if it drops below two levels.
regen is at 100% because i couldnt find any other way to not have 15 deaths per hour minimum.
you dont have to call me out because you're getting upsetti that you're stuff isn't making a pleasant leveling experience.
manually interefere? I have my wrobot latency down to nothing and if I interfere I kill the vulture with 60% HP left but if your fightclass and humanizer plugin fights it runs at 15% HP and gets picked off because it clicked to move in a zig zag pattern for WHATEVER FUCKING REASON.
again - why did glider community made profiles lead me to less deaths? i had no real issues back in the day downloading random free profiles but paying $55 here gets me 10 deaths per hour fully kitted with downloads and settings fully tweaked for max survivability yet i'm still dying 6 times in a row to a same level vulture in westfall. I literally turned off the bot yesterday and just called it off. It's not working.
and PS that bot level bullshit doesnt exist with a good bot - with honorbuddy everyone was the same thing. the bot was so good it couldnt be detected until blizzard ripped the source code. I'd be "level 2" if I didnt have to basically pay for shit and then add hundreds of line of code. I pay for finished product not tested by 10 friends in discord one week projects.
if all these "sellers" could just list their products as unfinished, barely tested, requires regular "manual interference", is not afk, grinds 5 levels and then picks up 2 quests to save on code, clicks sinister strike like .8 seconds after i have the energy for it, and runs away dying from NPCs in a zigzag no sprint guaranteeing death, then great! Then there would finally be no false advertising
artur.k reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles
It's not about conflict - it's about hoping people step up their quality.
It's dissapointing for hundreds of new users coming in and finding a bot that microtransactioned like a phone and just like phone apps the overall quality is extremely subpar.
And this is directly comparing to the exact same system Glider had, for example. Glider was a bot that people sold profiles for. Why did those look so much less like bots? Why did they do so much more in one profile than a plugin, a fightclass, and a profile can do in WRobot community?
I know nothing can come out of this - it was just to voice general frustration coming from a developers point of view - the quality and pricing matchup here is not as advertised. It's mostly highschool weekend coding with an iffy client that very clearly gets a lot of people banned in private servers. All the while everything is listed as AFK QUESTING BOT or FULLY FUNCTIONAL FIGHTCLASS when it doesn't do anything as advertised, only lets you do it on one IP, and gives you a limited amount of downloads. I'm over here testing the BEST 3 "questing" + grinding bots for alliance 1-60/70 in TBC and there's 15 other people next to me running the same paths, doing the same fightclasses, it's all copy pasted lines of code and minimal effort. I'm "questing" one level out of 5 on every top level most downloaded profile.
We've done better than this in the past and it's dissapointing to see where the botting community has gone.
The only thing I've found here that would even raise an eyebrow linking in a Resume is Matenia's work so far.
artur.k reacted to youthemannowdog in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I write C++, C, Java, HTML CSS, LUA, and Python.
WRobot calls them Plugins, Profiles, Fightclasses, etc.
If you spend 40 hours (and i'll bet you money that 75% of the things sold on here went nowhere near 40 hours) on something and sell 80 copies of a $10 dollar "plugin" that's $800 which equates to $20 an hour worth of work.
If you spent 40 hours 3 years ago on a profile and then continued to sell it at $10 per pop per SINGLE IP address - and then you've sold 200 copies that's $2,000 for which you made $50 an hour on something you half assed 3 years ago.
That's money. And in most states in the USA that's decent money. For something that's 1/5th the quality people charged the same in under Glider.
I think it's a lack of dedication. 40 hours for people here seems to be 10 hours for the people who made profiles when Glider was around. You can spend 100 hours on something and it's still shit and that doesnt give you the right to be upset that someone calls it shit despite you spending a ridiculous amount of time on it.
compound that with you selling a 1-60 and then just adding a 60-70 separate payment instead of making a TBC specific 1-70 profile looks lazy. It wouldnt take much to combine them and it will improve the quality and feel of the product but things like that aren't considered here. It's about professionalism and quality. You spend a month making 12 half assed $10 each profile/plugin/fightclasses and you're making decent money while people get banned regularly in the servers.
artur.k got a reaction from infamous11 in Push key outside wow window
if anyone ask here for help and Droidz or anyone help and in next this person hide answer its a @#$$% i see many good people here and im happy only few $^#@ers if you are good enought you can make $ in any method any place,but if ask help get answer on public forum and hide this after get answer, its bad realy bad we are all here in one purpose and when we start be a selfish it will end in only one way.
artur.k reacted to Droidz in Push key outside wow window
Why create new thread? Why hide your old thread when I give code than can help another users? I stop help you
artur.k reacted to BetterSister in Looking for a Private Bot for BfA
You simply won't find one without finding correct person first which won't be found here
artur.k reacted to Matenia in Northdale Bans - Detection?
You could do something like:
- mob becomes friendly
- bot instantly stops fight and stands still for 2-6 seconds (random)
- says random chat out of "wtf???", "fuck off, man", "r u srs" or no chat
- turns around and walks away 5-10 yards (random)
- returns to normal behavior, with the mob now blacklisted
I could write something like that in half an hour, the problem is it's not entirely clear how you can detect them turning it friendly, because your client probably doesn't really account for that. So I'm not sure if UnitAttackable Lua API would be enough or you can just check values in memory.
If a human watches you already, you're fucked anyway
artur.k reacted to ScripterQQ in Warmane Lordaeron Bans
The fact alone a guy has been banned IN ISTANCE means it's detected, or flagged and then banned, but definitely not a safe product.
I believe it has been flagged then the gm "reads" the log and somehow see the injection in the game, and procede with ban.
They can't ban you instant like PQR because there might be a false positive, thats why it needs some time to get you banned, they need to check with their eyes the log and the injections made on the game.
As already said, I myself abused for 2 years+ straight Battlegrounder (got more than 100k HKs on different char, 24/7 spamming BGs) and not a single report on 6 character (I got good fight classes and profiles), then some weeks ago i botted for 1-2 hours radomly and got banned. A guy got banned for using WRotation, another guy for using it in Instance..too many signs that something is not right. Every person with at least 2 brain cells would understand this concept, everyone saying the opposite and defending wrobot has serious problems sorry.
artur.k reacted to zzzar in Warmane Lordaeron Bans
My 2 cents:
1. I botted warmane for a long time without issues, bots live pretty long life and banned by gms obviously, no complains.
2. ~ At august they start rapidly ban my bots on tbc realm, all bots was banned around lvl 30 after 1-2 days of questing 6-8 h per day, since there are not many lvlers i considered it for very active no life gm and left Outland for good
3.~ At september they start doing same on Lordaeron and Icecrown but now bots got banned between 14-20 lvl around of 4-6 hours of /played. I tried all old methods and their combinations like proxy\vm's\mac\hwid change etc.= nothing work. Also i wrote all my lvling profiles on icecrown and about that time i started writiing dwarf\gnome profile and was surprised that they ban acc's on that i writing it, ofc they supervised and humanlike(tons of afk). After losing few accs i move on another server to write stuff.
Then i try to understand how they catch me if it's not detect. What i try:
* Create new acc - supervised - leveling only quests, breaks, afk, chat = banned 20 lvl/ 6 h played. Tried this on VM\PC host\ proxy \without proxy (doesn't think proxy matter coz of dynamic ip) - tried this scheme for 4 times with different classes\races\profiles.
*After this i created account that i played by hand and never connected wrobot to it and continue my tries. I play this account the same time my bot running on vm but same ip = bot was banned, handplay not. I start new bot same way and managed to lvl herb\mining to 75\75 on bot and send all materials to handplay, after 1 hour = bot banned, handplay not.
* Next i make bot on host and same ip handplay and do same +send farmed on bot to handplay = bot banned, handplay not.
Handplay now around 60 lvl, still no ban.
* And for the end 2 days ago i take bot+wow to my friend(he never have wow\bot on his comp installed+ he have different internet provider) , set it up and watch = banned on 20 lvl.
if its not detection, tell me what else to do:D Hope my writings understandable, english is not my native.
artur.k got a reaction from BetterSister in why do you pref wrobot
guys ok tauri tauri but i was thinking on not tauri one servers but from my country sunwell team will open new mop realm,i know its future becouse they realease first tbc,but mop will be also and it will be hard bot mop if they see all besides they have best gm's and time response for report tickets:)
i realy good know this guys and if they will have tool to auto ban they will use it without see you are friend or not:P
artur.k got a reaction from (̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾) ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\ in Warmane Lordaeron Bans
lose today 4 fresh accounts ice and 3 lord,2 old accounts on ice, still detected fresh account cant reach even 10 lvl:)
artur.k reacted to Droidz in Afk Loop spam
I changed a lot of codes (mainly in PathFinder), I tried to don't change methods signature but It is possible than I changed one (recompile will probably resolve problem)
artur.k got a reaction from Droidz in Warmane Lordaeron Bans
they just see even with no plugins fresh wrobot they see even fresh created char without any connect to olds new ip new hwid new wrobot and new wow ;/ lost 3
artur.k reacted to Droidz in Warmane Lordaeron Bans
If you can try with new update and tell me if problem is resolved (be careful)
artur.k reacted to Matenia in Thoughts so far
You're not supposed to use free profiles. You're supposed to make your own (like absolutely everyone who knows anything about botting does), because sharing with people creates bot trains and will get you banned.
In 2016/2017 there were basically no paid fight classes at all. People still botted just fine using the fightclass editor - which I agree could use some work (because it was created for MoP and backported to other expansions later).
HumanMasterPlugin came out by the end of 2017. It's not even 1 year old and only works for the first 3 expansions. I personally started using wRobot for MoP and was fine using grinders (in Quester product) where food was set for a level range of ~5, using wRobot's normal food buying by just adding only 1 vendor and repair to the profile and limiting wRobot to them. That's how I came up with the free food and drink plugin (I essentially used that code in quester).
Obviously I think my plugin is useful and so are my fightclasses. But these are things most private grinders had beforehand anyway - it's just stuff that helps with laziness.
If you've ever botted outside of wRobot you know that the framework it provides is already pretty damn good. You will never see another HonorBuddy (it was an actual company with paid developers and they paid their community devs because they appealed to the masses) and if you compare wRobot to Glider or Pirox, it's doing damn well.
For most people here botting is a business. Which makes it a competitive scene. It's actually (considering the community's small size) a miracle people are still this nice and are sharing that much stuff and code for free.