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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Greetings, This was originally created as a paid profile, but due to work and life I was never able to perfect it and clean up the various issues it had. I am posting this as I saw the Project Wholesome thing, and I wanted to at least contribute since I have been away for quite some time. This is certainly not as high quality as other PAID options out there, and I fully recommend purchasing those options for a complete and viable solution. I would recommend starting from Durotar with this profile. I have not touched the files in a year, nor have I had a chance to see if they are still able to run. They were originally using auto-updater along with encryption, so there could be an issue with it trying to pull a version that may not exist. If there is an issue you can remove the updater line at the beginning of the file. Please let me know if there are problems and I will get it back in a running state. -Enraged
  2. robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.PressKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.D1)
  3. Hey guys, Just wanted to make a post to show my gratitude for the community and for the patience around my content. I had a business trip come up followed by an immediate family emergency that ended up lasting longer than expected across the country and the laptop I took to work on fried on me with my content. I apologize for the delay, and for any disappointment in the current state of my work. I will have some updates out shortly for the old items to fix bugs and optimize, along with new content that I am very excited to work on and share. Love you all ❤️ -Enraged
  4. Yeah, it appears that way. Will attempt to update tonight.
  5. To add to this, I haven't even been a member of Wrobot for 2 months at this point, and have been developing content for it for even less than that. I think you have the wrong guy. Maybe you purchased Matenia's class?
  6. Yeah, this is just wrobot thinking you are "Stuck" because you were casting while it was trying to move, meaning it wasn't allowed to move. So when the cast stops it tries to avoid the object you are stuck on (nothing). Haven't updated this in awhile to try to make a workaround. Will get to it one of these days, have a lot of other projects going on.
  7. That is less to do with the fight class, and more to do with wrobot/ plugins/ profiles. Wrobot will walk through an entire group of mobs to get to a particular mob if the profile says that's the one it needs. Fightclass kicks in when wrobot starts the pull by targeting something, or gets attacked.
  8. @kyle908 I have attached a alpha test version of my plugin for you to try. Just place in your plugins folder, load wrobot, and select Plugins > Settings for selected plugin. This plugin does not need to be set to "ON", it also does not need to remain open after you configure what you want. Of course, you can leave it open if you like the monitoring / quick configuration of profile/fightclass. (Resize bottom right) You can go ahead and adjust the section "Flying Mount Above Ground Height" section and let me know if that works for you. This thing is a new and untested version that is still in alpha stages, so other features may not fully function, but it should resolve your issue. -Enraged **This file has been encrypted to only work for kyle908 OmniBot.dll
  9. You are looking for public float FlyAboveGroundHeight { get; set; } This option will be included in my next plugin update, should be out very soon.
  10. Look at your logs next time it happens, It is a feature of the anti-stuck, and its something that generally happens when a plugin/fightclass conflict with the natural movement of the bot. As well as if you are actually stuck on an object of course.
  11. Yeah, that is due to wrobot starting the next task while fightclass is still trying to do its thing. I didn't want to put a manual timer in to prevent it, but I have some other solutions. I haven't updated this in a bit, but I will resolve next update.
  12. It honestly depends if he plans on running retail or not. If you are looking private server id say go ahead.
  13. Cheers, Can anyone tell me if they know of a way to get the following methods to work? wManager.Plugin.PluginsManager.LoadAllPlugins(); wManager.Plugin.PluginsManager.DisposeAllPlugins(); Or of a way to individually activate plugins? I suppose create a iPlugin/iProduct? Thanks, Enraged
  14. I've tried everything I could think of. The only time the settings remain correct is when you save changes, then immediately shut down wrobot. When it starts up again it reads from XML, which has the correct settings.
  15. Fix should be uploaded shortly, sorry about that.
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