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Quester - TBC

17 files

  1. TBC quester 1-30 lvl !TEST! 3x xp rate

    Hi, this is my first quester, it will probably have some bugs so let me know what quest you're stuck on, otherwise it should be 100% AFK but I'm not entirely sure. You can take your lvl 70 and it will definitely be 100% AFK.
    Quest - Blood Shards Of Agamaggan = DONT SELL BLOOD SHARDS.
    otherwise you'll get stuck.
    I should finish the quester up to level 70 in a week or two.
    Everything will be completely free.
    Starting Zone for ORCS
    Thanks ❤️


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  2. [H] [Quest] 1-70 grinder

    The most tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Horde on private servers.
    The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials.  After which it will load the grinder.

    The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling

    Leveling paths


    1-6 Valley of trials 

    6-12 Durotar. 

    12-26 Barrens, 

    26-31 Ashenvale. 

    31-41 Desolace. 

    41- 46 Feralas 

    46-51 Tanaris. 

    51-55 Un goro 

    55-60 Silithus 

    The Burning Crusade

    58-61 Hellfire peninsular

    61-64 Zangarmarsh

    64-67 Terrokar

    67-70 Nagrand
    While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.

    The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. 
    A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  However these spots may have more players than the  normal grind profile- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.


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  3. [FREE][Horde] 58-62 Hellfire Peninsula Quester

    Completes quests in Hellfire Peninsula leveling your character from 58 to 62.5~
    At the end of this quester profile you will be ready for the next zone.
    Works best if you start with only Journey to Thrallmar quest in your log.
    Have money on your character for repairs and/or have the bot sell greens.
    (If you can't afford the repair costs when the bot tries to repair it will get stuck) *Assuming you have the bot set to repair*
    Does the following quests(IDs) in Hellfire:
    Journey to Thrallmar(10289), Report to Nazgrel(10291), I Work... For the Horde!(10086), Bonechewer Blood(10450), Eradicate the Burning Legion(10121), Felspark Ravine(10123), Apothecary Zelana(10449), Forward Base: Reaver's Fall(10124), Burn It Up... For the Horde!(10087), Spinebreaker Post(10242), Make Them Listen(10220), The Warp Rifts(10278), Decipher the Tome(10229), The Battle Horn(10230), Bloody Vengeance(10250), Honor the Fallen(10258), Outland Sucks!(10236), Disrupt Their Reinforcements(10208), Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz(10129), Return to Thrallmar(10388), Void Ridge(10294), Falcon Watch(9499), The Great Fissure(9340), Trueflight Arrows(9381), Magic of the Arakkoa(9396), The Assassin(9400), A Strange Weapon(9401), The Warchief's Mandate(9405), Birds of a Feather(9397), Preparing the Salve(9345), WANTED: Worg Master Kruush(10809), From the Abyss(10295), Investigate the Crash(10213), In Case of Emergency...(10161), Voidwalkers Gone Wild(9351), Ravager Egg Roundup(9349), Helboar, the Other White Meat(9361), Smooth as Butter(9356), Helping the Cenarion Post(10442), Demonic Contamination(9372), Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!(10159), Testing the Antidote(10255), Source of the Corruption(9387)


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  4. [Paid] [Horde] [TBC] 1 to 70 (6X exp) - All Starting Zones - Auo Updater - Remembers Quest

    This is my questing profile made for 6x servers like Endless.gg
    The profile is avoiding heavy pvp areas like STV, Tanaris etc. It is still being worked on and is updated very often. It has a lot of custom code, like mechanics for custom fligth pathing, custom code for zeppelin/boats.

    - Level 1 - 60 (60-70 is still being worked on) (6X exp rates)
    - 100% Questing (No grinding for levels)
    - Remembers what quest you are on (Stop/Start, without restarting profile)
    - Auto Updating
    - All startzones
    - Custom Flight Path control
    - Custom Zeppelin/Boat control
    - Avoids alliance heavy zones like STV and Tanaris.
    - Ingame commands to see update logs/version (/wrobot or /wr)
    - Ingame Interface to get practical info + see changelogs etc.

    - Orc/troll Warlock Imp + Void Walker
    - Hunter Pet for all races

    - [Paid] Human Master Plugin by Matenia
    - [Free] What's going on? by Matenia
    - [Free] Do Not Sell My Loot! by Bambo
    - [Free] Accept Group Invites by Droidz
    If you are making your first char on the server ever:
    I suggest you start with a hunter, because they are the LEAST gear depending class.
    If you are using Human Master Plugin:
    Remember to edit the levels at which your character trains skills otherwise you will have the bot running to town every 10 minutes.
    If you already have main character at high level:
    Teach it skinning so you can make some easy gold, then use gold to buy a new char gear every 10 levels.

    Copy the file into wrobot\Profiles\Quester
    Load with questing product in wrobot.

    60 - 70
    Start at any level (currently it's level 32 or less)
    All Class Quests
    In-game interface to control stuff

    20 EUR - To buy this product PM me. I'm selling 10 copies a week
    Reason for not selling more than 10 is because I don't want to flood the server with bots.
    You are free to contact me on discord, or seek support in my channel:


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  5. [Free][Horde][Unfinished] 1-60 Grinder

    Basically this is just an unfinished project with some class quests and all grinding routes to 60.
    However, not all hotspots to 60 are correct, so you need to open this in quest editor after level 40 or so and correct the routes by adding hotspots to the quests to421, to422, to423.

    This randomly switches between grinding areas every few minutes, so don't take spots too far apart. I meant to make this as an example for other people to use, so they could create more advanced grinders, but never finished it. Now it's up to you guys to use it as you please.


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  6. [Horde](Possibly Alliance) 70-75 - Quester {Will grind} - Sunwell!

    This is just a Beta for Public use felt like giving back a littlle bit.. my 70-80 profile is private. and has much more quests and code.
    You must taake zeplin from Org, and get off in Borean Tundra - aand then you can start the bot.
    It will do 3-4 Starter quests, and then move to grind.
    Grinds 70-72, then will move to Grind spot 2.
    Will do 2 more quests, then Grind to 75.
    72-75 spot, was a nice area. spread out, quick respawns. You ould use this profile to 77 if u wanted lol.
    Special thanks to Malyu, i used his codee for the message box. He however, nor did anybody else, contribute to the project.
    TO DO:
    Add more queests.


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  7. [FREE] [TRULY] Primal Farming - w/ Auto Detect!


    This is a grinding profile that utilizes the Quester product of the bot in order to farm primals in Outland! (TBC)

    What is "Auto Detect"?
    It's nothing fancy. It figures out which zone you are in and farms the primals there.
    This gets rid of changing/disabling between profiles inside Quester.

    (yes I included the normal version where you can manually choose where you want to farm)

    How to use:
    Drag the file into: "WRobot > Profiles > Quester"
    Select the profile in WRobot
    Move Character to zone you want to farm
    And done!

    How to use (without auto detect):
    Drag the file into: "WRobot > Profiles > Quester"
    Select the profile in WRobot
    Click "Profile settings" and disable the necessary steps.
    And done!


    Check out my other profiles below!


       (3 reviews)



  8. [Free] [H/A] Cobra Scale Farmer for Hunter

    This is my Cobra Scale farmer.
    You need to be hunter
    You need to be with Aldor
    You need to use bow
    You need to have flying mount
    It goes to Nagrand in the mountains where it farms Cobra Scales from serpents.

    What is so special about this?
    It's made for hunters. The way it works, is that it goes to Aldor vendor to buy arrows if it runs out of arrows.

    Just go to Aldors inn and start it, it will find it's way there. (remember to turn on flying)

    So this is more a grinder then it is a quester, but you need to load it with the questing product to run it,.


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  9. [H][PAID][Quester] 58-70 for x5 Experience

    Disclaimer: You cannot use it on x1. There are grinders in it, if you somehow level at slower experience, but I do NOT give support for x1 realms.
    Please check out Arcangelo's x1 Questing Profile, if that's what you are looking for.
    Alliance Version here
    This profile is based on Arcangelo's/Eeny's x1 Quester for WoD/Legion. Because the TBC content didn't change a lot, I was able to re-use a lot of their quests. I added some of my own, fixed some where prequests were required and added some more waypoints, blacklists and vendors.
    The first quest is Journey to Thrallmar. You need to do everything before that. Any quest you have already finished needs to be manually added to your finished quests in "Product Settings". This is a limitation of TBC and there is nothing I can do about it. Do NOT use "Blacklist Zone where I died".
    Make sure to get a good fightclass. My fightclass store can be found here.
    I also recommend starting at level 60 with spells trained.
    It does:
    a lot of quests in Hellfire Penninsula almost as many quests in Zangarmarsh a few quests in Terrokar a few quests in Nagrand (you will hit 70 here) a few quests in Blade's Edge a few quests in Netherstorm  
    PURCHASE NOW - 10€ (Rocketr)
    Visit my Discord channel for help
    I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.


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  10. [A][PAID][Quester] 58-70 for x5 Experience

    Disclaimer: You cannot use it on x1. There are grinders in it, if you somehow level at slower experience, but I do NOT give support for x1 realms.
    Please check out Arcangelo's x1 Questing Profile, if that's what you are looking for.
    This profile is based on Arcangelo's/Eeny's x1 Quester for WoD/Legion. Because the TBC content didn't change a lot, I was able to re-use a lot of their quests. I added some of my own, fixed some where prequests were required and added some more waypoints, blacklists and vendors.
    The first quest is Journey to Honor Hold. You need to do everything before that. Any quest you have already finished needs to be manually added to your finished quests in "Product Settings". This is a limitation of TBC and there is nothing I can do about it. Do NOT use "Blacklist Zone where I died".
    Horde Version here
    Make sure to get a good fightclass. My fightclass store can be found here.
    I also recommend starting at level 60 with spells trained.
    It does:
    a lot of quests in Hellfire Penninsula almost as many quests in Zangarmarsh a few quests in Terrokar a few quests in Nagrand (you will hit 70 here) a few quests in Blade's Edge a few quests in Netherstorm PURCHASE NOW - 10€ (Rocketr)
    Visit my Discord channel for help
    I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.


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  11. [Quester]-[H]-Undead-to-Orc-Starting-Zone

    This is just a very simple profile to have Undead toons go from their start zone to the Orc / Troll starting zone (most quester profiles start from there)
    It will:
    Walk to Brill trying to avoid mobs Walk from Brill to the zep loading area Wait for the Orgr zep, then get in Get out of Zep after it's docked Walk to Orgr and set your hearth stone to Orgr (should be easy to remove this by just un-marking that step, but untested) Walk to Orc/Troll start zone To use it make sure to load as Quester profile and from the undead start zone, that should be it.
    Thanks to @Arcangelo for some of the Zep logic.
    ** Provided as is with no support, although feel free to give any suggestions. **


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  12. City of Light

    Does the Aldo/Scryer quest, so you can afk it


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  13. The Caverns of Time

    Does the OHF prequest so you can afk it


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  14. Draenei 1-6 Ammen Vale Profile

    This profile will get your Draenei to level 6 by doing all the quests in Ammen Vale.

    If you run into and problems or have any feedback please let me know.


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  15. City of Light (Aldor/Scryer quest)

    This is a simple, single quest profile that only does the City of Light quest for you, so that you can safely afk instead of following an NPC around for 5+ minutes.


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  16. [H] [Quest] Shaman totems class quests

    4 files- one for each totem quest
    Earth totem is in Valley of Trials (orc / troll)
    All should be AFK with exception of the water totem ( zeplins) so the profile will help, however you will have to monitor what its doing.  
    If you see an issue patch it and let me know- I will update the download with the patch version for others.


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  17. Human Warrior start zone test

    Human Warrior start zone test


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