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Others, Packs, Farming - Legion

66 files

  1. Silithus gold grind (quest profile)

    IMPORTANT - this is a questing profile!
    (Sorry if I have put this under the wrong section (as it is a questing profile) but it functions as a grinder and servers the purpose to 'grind'/'farm' gold).
    Gold/h = 500-1000.
    First of all I would like to say that this is my first profile I am going to upload, I made it when I was level 60 and super low on gold (first character on the server).
    This file is for low levels, I made it on the private server: wow-monster (legion), so I'm not sure if the gold drop is different to normal wow.
    Also potential items will drop which you can sell on the AH for around 200-500g, depending on your server.
    They drop materials as well.
    Will farm spiders, as they drop 1-5g per kill, but they are spread out. They re spawn each lap around the hotspots though.
    This is a completely unused spot to be fair, so it should be consistent gold.


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  2. Hallow's End - [Coin of Many Faces] farm

    This is grinder profiles to farm Coin of Many Faces in Shadowmoon Valley.
    Profile grind this mobs:
    Brackish Cultivator Salty Dreg Boneship Reveler You must be character level 100, only farmable while Hallow's End active.
    My profiles


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  3. Timeless Coin

    Timeless Coins farm


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  4. Sentinax Farm early version Garison of the fel

    Please note this is a very early version only for the area Garison of the fel I will be adding more when i get them.
    This does require 24/7 monitoring as not all portals are added and make sure you have assist group members in your settings checked.
    I will be adding the other spots to this page too please comment down below the coords if you get stuck at anypoint.
    I am currently working on a FelFire Pass 
    Please note this is for grinder.
    Also a tip if you are dps that lacks self healing try and get in a group with a healer.
    The bot doesn't know when its being attack by the fel fire that reins down and follows you so this is one of the reasons it requires 24/7 monitoring
    The images added show where to start each profile


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  5. KnightRyder's Leveling Pack

    My leveling pack of Jan 18th 2015.
    May 16 2017 Update:
    Figured I'd update this. These are all the grinding profiles I used to go from 90-100 for Warlords of Draenor.
    Personally, I suggest using the Pre-Garrison file for Horde, then go to Gorgrond Mistcreep Mire, and then to Spires of Arak Writhing Mire. The mobs that it grinds provide above average XP.
    If your character can't handle the mobs there at the at the level in brackets, I'd say use one of the others. I usually only had a problem if I was under geared or extremely squishy class. 


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  6. Hyazinthara Farm Spot Northern Stranglethorn

    Hey there,
    i just created a quick profile to farm the rare Item/Pet Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) in Northern Stranglethorn. Its a very simple profile with ~300 farms / hour. Since it has a Dropchance of 0.02 % per NPC it takes roughly 17 hours to farm it on average. The Pet sells for ~64k on EU Server.
    I hope you enjoy it. May the dropluck be with you =)


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  7. [Draenor] Mount Pack Update 2.5.17

    Ihr findet hier das komplette Draenor Mount Pack
    Alle meine Packs werden in regelmäßigen Abständen optimiert & aktualisiert
    Stand 2.05.2017
    Das Profil Nok-Karosh (Flug Mount Version) & das Profil Nok-Karosh (Boden Mount Version)
    steht dir zur Demonstration zur freien Verfügung
    Da es mir hier nur möglich ist eine Datei Frei anzubieten könnt ihr die beiden Free Versionen hier herunterladen

    Free Boden Mount Version <<<<<
    Free Flug Mount Version <<<<<

    Bei gefallen, könnt ihr die restlichen Packs als Paid-Version erwerben
    Bitte bedenkt, dass die Fluglizenz in Draenor (für die Flug Version) unbedingt vorhanden sein muss!!!!
    Außerdem muss der Such-Radius auf 300-500 gestellt werden !!!!
    Jedes Pack ist strukturiert und hat folgende Inhalte

    1x Bild des jeweiligen Mount´s
    1x Spawnzeiten der Mount´s
    Bei den Paid Versionen ist natürlich der Support,
    die individuelle Anpassung an dein Profil inbegriffen
    Du möchtest ein Individuelles Profil erweben?
    dann schreib mir eine email an
    [email protected]
    Ich werde mich umgehend mit dir in Verbindung setzten =)
    Es gibt das Pack jeweils als
    Boden Mount´s & Flug Mount´s Version

    Draenor Flug Mount Version <<<<<<<
    Draenor Boden Mount Version <<<<<<<
    Startet die Profile außerhalb eurer Garnission
    er fliegt dann mit dem Greifenmeister in das jeweilige Gebiet
    Folgende Mounts sind im Pack enthalten:

    Neues Mount hinzugefügt!!!

    Als kleines Extra habe ich euch 3 weiter Farm Profile für folgende Pets/Haustiere hinzugefügt


    Englisch User
    You will find the complete Draenor Mount Pack here

    All my packs are periodically optimized & updated

    Stand 2.05.2017

    The profile Nok-Karosh (flight Mount version) & profile Nok-Karosh (ground Mount version)

    Is at your disposal for demonstration

    Since it is only possible for me to offer a file free here you can download the two free versions here

    Free Ground Mount Version <<<<<
    Free Fly Mount Version <<<<<

    If you like, you can buy the remaining packs as a paid version

    Please consider that the flight license in Draenor (for the flight version) must necessarily be available!

    In addition, the search radius must be set to 300-500 !!!!

    Each pack is structured and has the following contents

    1x Image of the respective mount

    1x spawn times of the mount's


    For the paid versions, of course, the support,

    The personal adaptation to your profile no problem

    You want to have an individual profile?

    Then write me an email

    [email protected]

    I will get back to you as soon as possible.


    There is the pack as a floor mount

    Or as Flight Mount's version

    Draenor Flight Mount Version <<<<<<<

    Draenor Ground Mount Version <<<<<<<

    Starts the profiles outside your yarn mission

    He then flies with the griffin master into the respective area

    The following mounts are included in the pack:

    New Mount added!!!

    As a small extra, I have added 3 more farm profiles for the following pets / pets


       (0 reviews)



  8. Warlock demonology hidden artifact grinder

    Hey i've been running this for about an hour nd its going okay, just load it up in your grinder.
    Hopefully it helps some people....


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  9. Stonedark Grotto 42, 25 Silk

    Simple Grinder profile to farm Shal'dorei Silk.  I made a short path but while farming on my Disc Priest pulling 4 at a time the spawn rate of the Deepcavern Murloc was high enough that I never moved.  I got 450 silk in aprox 2 hours along with all the other greens and greys.  I never got any epic world drops like a youTube video claimed they got in the same place.


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  10. Aldor rep

    I made this crude grinder profile for Aldor rep farming. It's just basically farming the demons in western Nagrand that drops Mark of Sargeras and Fel Armaments.
    I'm still pretty new at this but from what I can tell it's working. It might get stuck a lot though depending on where on the plateau it is.


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  11. Azure Whelpling Farm

    Winterspring Azule Whelpling Farm 
    This small Profile farms the Azure Whelpling and some transmog.
    The Bot will farm the following mobs:
    Ice Thistle Yeti Ice Thistle Matriarch Ice Thistle Patriarch Feel free to give feedback!


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  12. KevinVapes - Alani-Mount/Skyshard Farm

    Good day fellas!
    This is my first release of a profile i made. Its about farming the Alani-Mount, either for yourself, or for selling it to group-members.
    First let me tell you a little bit about the idea:
    Since the pre-patch for WoW:Legion, Blizzard introduced us to "Perso-Loot". This means every player will have his own loot - no seperations anymore. You remember when you were playing with a buddy in a group and you got to loot only every second mob? Those times are over. Everyone loots always his own stuff. 
    Now we take a look at Alani.
    Alani is a big red dragon flying across the valley of eternal blossoms. She has a respawn-time for about seven hours. Unfortunately you cant just attack her, due to her stormshield. You will need a skycrystal to remove this shield to attack her. A skycrystal is made out of 10 skyshards, which drop from every mob in the valley of eternal blossoms, with about 0,1 -1,00% droprate. If you kill Alani - she will drop herself to 100% as mount. Now, because of perso-loot you can form a party with 4 people and EVERYONE will get to loot Alani. Since you will be the only one with the skycrystal - able to remove her shield, you are the VIP and can start to sell Alanikills for gold! Note: I did not try this when in a raid! If that was possible you could sell Alani to 39 People!
    About the Profile:
    You will start in front of the shrine of two moons at the ground (under the flying master) and start the profile. Many people try to farm for skyshards nowadays. My profile will bring the bot to two hotspots farming Guo-Lai Mobs where you rarely find any other players, but with a lots of fast respawning mobs there. Its a little camp. There your character will grind all day looking for skyshards, getting a lot of items, gold and more important Guo-Lai-Chest keys! If he needs to sell or repair there is a vendor in the profile also.
    Good side-effects:
    -You will get a lot of Guo-Lai-Chest keys. You can use them in the halls of Guo-Lai. There is a high chance you will find skyshards in the chests. Also everytime you open a chest 22-40 gold is yours! (After a few hours i always have 60-80 keys!!!)
    -Alot of items you farm there go away in the AH for good gold! Check you AH on your realm!
    -I sell Alani kills to 15-25K gold per person (x4 thats a total of max. 100k gold per kill)
    -Lots of cloth!
    -Dont use flying-mount (I did not test it) Ground-mount is fine though.
    -I have search-radius to 70
    -Sometimes (very rarely) the bot can get stuck in one of the tents standing around there. Bot always manages to get outthere safely after a few seconds, but i also had logouts due to too much blockages. I dont know how to fix it, because it happens so rarely and as i am using relogger i dont mind it much.
    -I recommend using relogger for logouts after a few hours. The farmspot is not that big and i find it to obvious farming 8 hours nonstop in this area. I use it for 2 hours farming and 30 minutes break.
    -I know the Screenshot i loaded up shows my map in german - get over it, or use google! Tried my best to use english names in this description.
    Since this is my first profile, and in my eyes it is nothing big or special, please report any bugs to me, i will try to take care of.
    Have Fun!


       (2 reviews)



  13. Badlands_whelpling_farm

    This is a short route for Dark Whelpling farming in Badlands.
    Turn on attack before being attacked in settings.
    ranged/caster characters prefered.


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  14. Essence of Water Farm

    Hi guys.
    This profile is awesome for farming Essence of Water and some green Transmogitems.
    I already used it for more hours than I can count and it works flawless.
    In 1 hour you can expect to farm up to: (Prices are EU Avg.)
    24 Essence of Water x 89,28g  = 2142,72g
    + green Transmogitems = 1000g
    Total Gold per Hour = 3142,72g
    I hope you like the profile and if you have any suggestions, just let me know


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  15. Isle of Giants - Giant Dinosaur Bone

    Hi guys.

    This profile is awesome for farming Giant Dinosaur Bone, Pets and green Transmogitems. I already used it for more hours than I can count and it works flawless.

    I would recommend setting search radius to 50 and activate “Start fighting with Elite” in the advanced settings.


    In 1 hour you can expect to farm up to: (Prices are EU Avg.)

    3650 Giant Dinosaur Bone x 1,37g = 5000,50g

    2 Spirit of Harmony x 57,97g = 115,94g

    Selling trash and worthless greens = 330g

    + Transmogitems and Pets = 3000g

    Total Gold per Hour = 8446,44g


    I hope you like the profile and if you have any suggestions, just let me know


       (4 reviews)



  16. Scrumptuous fur

    Easy Grind for Scrumptuos fur ive set the profile in frostfire ridge just out side the garrison killing wolfs as they are lvl 90 and really easy to kill. hope this works for you.
    Let me know how you get on.


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  17. Pathrunner Hunter

    This is a simple profile that I made yesterday. The mount dropped in about 2 hours of farming.
    *You will need Flying mount to use the profile.
    *Don't need to monitor, this mob is soloable ( Health: 539,280)
    *Pathrunner drops Swift Breezestrider
    You can start grinder anywhere in shadowmoon valley(draenor)
    Happy hunting!


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  18. Efficient Silk Cloth Grinder!

    Must start at location provided.
    Works best with Multi Pull Plugin.
    Very Simple Grinder, No vendors.
    Enjoy :)
    Silk Cloth Farm.xml
    Multi Pull.cs


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  19. Meepzlol's Azure Whelpling Farm A/H

    This bot Kills all Anguished Highborne which drop Azure Whelpling in Winterspring. It also kills a few mobs in the area to avoid downtime but shouldn't affect the Anguished Highborne kill rate. INCLUDES MAILBOX for Alliance and Horde! 
    This is my first profile and let me know what you think :). Flying to get to the spot seems to be glitched, idk how to get that to work.
    WoD 6.2.3
    Also im on trial so if anyone wants to donate with a gift card im down :)


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  20. Axeholes_Skyshard (MoP Alani mount) farm.

    Hi Ladies and Gents,
    This is my personal Alani Reigns of the Ruby Serpent farm profile (best run with one of my warrior fight classes).  I was able to farm and sell (the rights) to this mount twice in 1 day, totaling 90k gold (sold for 45k each).
    The item is "Sky Shard" and you need ten.
    Start this profile @ Ruins of Guo-Lai in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
    Farm Item: Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent (mount) - Skyshard 
    Map: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
    Start Location: South of "Ruins of Guo Lai" or 28, 55
    Profile type: Grinder
    Note: This is a very long grind, the drop rate on the skyshard is less than 0.05% in all cases 
    Don't forget to rate/upvote, Thanks


       (4 reviews)



  21. Axeholes_FurFarm

    Hey Ladies and Gents,
    This is my PERSONAL sumptuous fur farming profile.  I suggest looking up "Steamscar rise" and how to get there, because one you do.. this bad boy profile makes you MAD gold.
    Farm Item:  Sumptuous Fur 
    Map: Gorgrond
    Start Location: Just north of "Highpass", in the mountain tops.  Location called "Steamscar Rise"
    Profile type: Grinder


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  22. Netherwing Egg Farm

    Netherwing Egg Farm
     Farm http://www.wowhead.com/item=32506 .


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  23. Sumptuous Fur (Shadowmoon Valley)

    Sumptuous Fur (Shadowmoon Valley)


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  24. Everbloom Epic BoE Farm + Loot

    Please start in Everbloom Wilds. To be used with Grinder. This will farm monsters that drop good mog greens and Epic 665 BoE items. Enjoy


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  25. Lok-Rath BoE Farm

    This will farm the Lok-Rath in Nagrand. They have a chance at a 665 BoE as well as gold loot and greens.
    Please start in Yrel's Watch, Nagrand


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