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Everything posted by Marsbar

  1. Untested but, c# condition: ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(x => x.PlayerFaction == ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction && !x.HaveBuff("Mark of the Wild") && x.GetDistance2D < 40).Count() > 0 Not Spell is C# Code - True in spell settings: Interact.InteractGameObject(ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(x => x.PlayerFaction == ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction && !x.HaveBuff("Mark of the Wild") && x.GetDistance2D < 40).FirstOrDefault().GetBaseAddress); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Mark of the Wild"); Again.. completely untested. Might work for you. Also you'd want to add another condition to make sure you only do this out of combat. Edit: As a side note, I saw that in the fightclass editor there is a Optional General Setting called Additional C# code we could add a function in there which can be used in the conditions/spells and make it more clean. We could add: public List<WoWPlayer> GetUnbuffedFriendlies(string buffname) { return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(x => x.PlayerFaction == ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction && !x.HaveBuff(buffname) && x.GetDistance2D < 40).ToList(); } Then in the condition and spell we can do things like - Condition: GetUnbuffedFriendlies("Mark of the Wild").Count() > 0 and spell: Interact.InteractGameObject(GetUnbuffedFriendlies("Mark of the Wild").FirstOrDefault().GetBaseAddress); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Mark of the Wild"); Once again though... its all sudo code and is untested...
  2. Marsbar


    Added another update to improve a few more things including no longer needing an addon to leave ghost wolf on interact. See more changes in changelog.
  3. C# code: wManager.Wow.Helpers.Vendor.BuyItem("Skinning Knife",1);
  4. Marsbar


    Updated, could you give it another go?
  5. Marsbar


    Sorry I've not really touched this in ages, I'll try to improve it and update.
  6. It's your addons, do a search you'll find this issue has been answered quite a few times
  7. yeah just get the latest one from your sellify link when you bought it
  8. Old version of Arch's quester which used to put a frame in the middle of your screen Edit: You can also go to Interface options -> help and there you can disable the showing of lua errors.
  9. Ah cool, didn't know the PathFinder was that heavy, performance always seems to be the last thing I think about
  10. I say you do it the LoS way with TraceLine, you wouldn't want to walk around a wall and then not be able to shoot your target right? Because the result success would give you a true if it can make a path even if that means going around a wall. Then if you don't have LoS adjust your vector either direction until you do, sort of how I explained here: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7507-solved-move-after-frost-nova-is-it-really-that-hard/?do=findComment&comment=34304 THEN to make it even better check if there are hostiles where your path will go and adjust again. Maybe also add a failsafe so that if it cannot find a path, stay in melee? It's what a legitimate user would do too rather than run into other mobs.
  11. I'd love to have a look at the source but sadly that rar archive you attached wont open, would you be so kind as to re-upload?
  12. Omg, das ist auf jeden meine lieblings vergleichung ever.
  13. Ah I see what you mean, I'll add it to the things I may add.
  14. Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. Go to the the vendor every so often inbetween doing some grinding?
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Another super simple plugin. It will attempt to buy any item from the list that you set, every "Buy Interval" which you can set. Probably best to do this with wrotation, without setting a fightclass. The idea behind it is to leave your char afk with the vendor frame open for a limited availability recipe you want and it will buy it as soon as it comes into stock. Things I may add: Only buy up to X amount of an item Mail items in item list to X char then return to vendor Move to a safe place until you want to recheck if limited supply item is available DISCLAIMER: If you add in an item that is ALWAYS in stock it will buy 1 of it every buy interval meaning it will drain your gold until your inventory is full or you are out of gold. I am not responsible for what you add into the snipe list. Again, this is a .cs file, edit what you want in your fav text editor. Note: I created this because on vanilla i needed a limited supply recipe and it was extremely overpriced on the AH. Please don't overuse this and ruin it for everyone.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Super simple plugin which draws a circle underneath mobs that you dont have aggro from and from that mob a line is drawn to the person that has aggro. It's meant for tanks to easily see when a non-tank has aggro and can pick up the lost aggro. It has some basic settings: 3 Tank names that it will not trigger for if they have aggro Range to search in I'll add a screenshot later. I've not done much testing, let me know if anything is borked. It's a .cs file so open it up in notepad++ and edit what you want!
  17. Probably reached the end of a question profile where it then went afk (and sat down), a buff ran out and it tried to spam cast it. @xj3r3myx Can i ask the reason as to why you want a plugin for this?
  18. I totally understand your frustrations but the bot as a whole is great! Pretty much all of the issues you're explaining can be solved (and have) by people, whether that be via a plugin, fightclass or advanced profiles. The problem is finding all of that information, a wiki doesn't exist so you need to do a lot of forum searching. Another option is raising your questions on discord.
  19. Marsbar


    Hiya, can you tell me whats not working? I may be able to fix it for you.
  20. I dont see the issue here, you can't eat/drink in water in vanilla wow so it will just wait until it reaches your reg values.
  21. You did not install the Humanmasterplugin correctly.
  22. A bit of searching would have brought up the probable resolution. It's your addons. After WRobot gets past a certain amount of addon memory it does a reload ui. One of the threads:
  23. My 2 cents from botting on LH/old elysium - It gets a bit more dicey after 40. I've been running bots to around 40 and handing them out to my mates and we can then level up the last bit manually. It gets you used to the class and you can farm out professions if wanted. Not to mention getting to 40 is actually quite quick. It all depends on what you want to get out of it. I've had around 5 accounts banned all between 35-45 and not really gotten further than that (i only ever really bot 1 account and not often) but have gotten another 5 accounts to 40 and are all being used manually now. In regards to plugins - there's a plethora of free plugins that will be enough for what you need. From the things you mentioned denying party invites exits "Auto Decline" (make sure to edit the cs file like it says in the description, i originally set the timer too high), buffing players would be part of the fight class rather than a plugin as you would need to record all the possible buffs in the plugin which wouldn't be great and jumping periodically i thought was part of the product already! On certain classes (most to be honest) one of the most important plugins is for it to buy food/water. The Human master plugin has that and a lot of other things but the author of that also has a free version of food/drink buying. As @terpfiend mentioned the fightclass is where it's at. I have to say that's also the most fun to build yourself (if you have some c# knowledge). Have a look at @Matenia's vanilla framework, there is an example fightclass there which you can edit. He's created some great methods in there which handle some of vanillas problems. Alert plugins help a lot too if you're not always monitoring the bot yourself, I created wDiscordAlert which you can have a look at, I'm happy to add any suggestions you may have!
    Great quester, had no major issues from 1-30 and and this is definitely my go to profile for that level range. It even does some class dependant stuff in the early levels!
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