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    Droidz got a reaction from Findeh in Create follow path in quester profile with CShape   
    Hello, yes use code like:
    wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.QuestsClasses["MyQuestClassName"].Pulse() (replace MyQuestClassName by you quest name (name used in steps))
  2. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in reloger Crash   
    Do you have try to install last version of Framework https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48130 ?
  3. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from Stresse in Debug Plugins / Fight classes / Custom Profiles (*.dll)   
    In visual studio create new "Class Library" project (.NET Framework 4.0). Add references "robotManager.dll", "wManager.dll", "MemoryRobot.dll" (you can found files in folder "wrobot\bin"). In the Project panel, right-click the name of your solution and then click "Add Existing Project". Select type of file *.exe and select "WRobot.exe" (if you play on private server) or file with name like "UqtfGgP.exe" (if you play on official server). In the Project panel, right-click on "WRobot.exe" (or file with name like "UqtfGgP.exe") and click on "Set as StartUp Project." Now change output directory (by sample "wrobot\plugins" if you want create plugin). Now press F5 to start debug. To launch quickly WRobot you can add argument "AutoAttachAndLog=true" (for it, in the project panel, right-click on "******.exe" and click on "Property". If you get error, try to change "Platform target" to "x86" in project "Property" > "Build". You can also attach debugger to running process : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3s68z0b3.aspx
  4. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from TheSmokie in Gatherer at Warmane private server   
    if you found one of this object if you can send me the object info (with dev tools tab "tools")
  5. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from nishishenmm in Wait a few minutes to resurrect   
    Hello, you can base on it: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/9905-ressurection-why-the-instant-release-to-ghost/?do=findComment&comment=46454
  6. Thanks
    Droidz reacted to Marsbar in C# Fightclass development - video tutorial   
    People often attempt to get into making stuff in C# for wrobot but often don't know where to begin. In this video tutorial I attempt to explain some of the basics of fightclass development in visual studio.
    I've attached the solution I was showing in the video to this post.
    ps. Sorry about my voice and my coughing, I'm currently a bit ill ? watching it back I also didn't touch on quite a few points. Let me know if you have questions and I can either do another video or just write out the answers.
    I'll do a video on plugin creation (which I find more interesting) soon™
  7. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from elitecasaj00 in Full Refund   
    I will not refund you.
    The first reason is that getting a ban is part of the risk, and it is recommended to not using bot on your main account (and everyone knows that, it is even written on the home page).
    The second reason is that you put it in public, why? It happens to me (from time to time) to refund users in your case, but to expose it in public, to not say hello, to speak badly comforts me in the choice not to refund you.
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    Droidz got a reaction from Kamogli in Happy new year 2019!   
    View full article
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    Droidz got a reaction from 79135 in question about vanilla macro   
    Hello, seem to be PromoteByName : https://github.com/MOUZU/Blizzard-WoW-Interface/blob/d162a4c0d198a4381b5b6573d975635ed7316702/1.12.1/FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua#L711
  10. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from sith500 in Careful with Botting on Netherwing!   
    You can try code like (no tested):
    if not _oldGetTime then _oldGetTime = GetTime; _randomTime = math.random(1000, 86400); function GetTime() return _oldGetTime() + _randomTime; end end it should not cause problem to the bot and addons (and use custom variable name).
  11. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Matenia in How do the BeforeStates and NextStates work?   
    Hello, like that (in simplified):
    bool RunState(State currentState) { if (currentState.NeedToRun) { foreach (var beforeState in currentState.BeforeStates) { RunState(beforeState); } currentState.Run(); foreach (var nextState in state.NextStates) { RunState(nextState); } return true; } return false; }  
  12. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from Marsbar in How do the BeforeStates and NextStates work?   
    Method check if needtorun return true (it is the method than I shared code)
  13. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from Marsbar in How do the BeforeStates and NextStates work?   
    Hello, like that (in simplified):
    bool RunState(State currentState) { if (currentState.NeedToRun) { foreach (var beforeState in currentState.BeforeStates) { RunState(beforeState); } currentState.Run(); foreach (var nextState in state.NextStates) { RunState(nextState); } return true; } return false; }  
  14. Like
    Droidz reacted to TheSmokie in Quest Code log.   
    Hello, in this thread ill be release code that works on bug items or bugged quests in game etc. 
    If you find any bug quests please provide me with info and i can help.
    All code i upload is free to use but id like credit if you use it.
  15. Like
    Droidz reacted to ishowme888 in Dungeon path finding problem   
    Already done, thank you
  16. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in Turnin Not working sometimes?   
    Disable wow addons
  17. Sad
    Droidz got a reaction from maukor in REQUEST: Wrobot 8.0.1 (28153) (Private server)   
    Hello, yes I'll add support, but I ignore when
  18. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Pudge in Difference between Friendly and Hostile targets condition   
    Hello, use 
    wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.Reaction == wManager.Wow.Enums.Reaction.Hostile Hated, Hostile, Unfriendly, Neutral, Friendly, Honored, Revered, Exalted, or lua: http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/UnitReaction
  19. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from 79135 in Check if GroupLootFrame is visible   
    try code like
    Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("for i = 1, 4 do local b = _G['GroupLootFrame'..i] if b and b:IsVisible() then return true end end return false") When will you share your work with the community?
  20. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from TheSmokie in Snippets codes for quest profiles   
    Change position of path generated by WRobot
    (this can help you to resolve  stuck on specific doors and doorways)
    With this code, you can replace specific point of path by another.
    // Continent (item1), DefaultPosition (item2), DefaultPositionSearchRange (item3), NewPosition (item4) var positionChange = new List<Tuple<ContinentId, Vector3, float, Vector3>> { new Tuple<ContinentId, Vector3, float, Vector3>(ContinentId.Kalimdor, new Vector3(1422.318, -4662.921, 35.46182), 0.5f, new Vector3(1422.063, -4665.421, 35.46295)), /// new Tuple<ContinentId... }; wManager.Events.MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += delegate(List<Vector3> points, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { var continent = (ContinentId) Usefuls.ContinentId; foreach (var p in points) { foreach (var pchange in positionChange) { if (p != null && pchange.Item1 == continent && p.DistanceTo(pchange.Item2) <= pchange.Item3) { Logging.WriteDebug("Change path position of " + p + " to " + pchange.Item4); p.X = pchange.Item4.X; p.Y = pchange.Item4.Y; p.Z = pchange.Item4.Z; p.Type = pchange.Item4.Type; p.Action = pchange.Item4.Action; } } } };
    (you need to run this code one time by WRobot session, you can run this code in step type "RunCode")
  21. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from callsoul in runcode for Go To Town   
    Hello, run this code:
    wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true;  
  22. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Serrec in runcode for Go To Town   
    Hello, run this code:
    wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true;  
  23. Like
    Droidz reacted to fengshibang in how to get text from chanel?   
    --[[ Options start here ]] local M="CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" function MS(msg) SendChatMessage(msg) end function yz() if (event==M) then local zj=string.find(arg1, "答题时间") if(zj) then end local s1=arg1 local zj=string.find(s1, "+") if(zj) then local s=arg1 local z="+" local y="?=" local param1, param2 = string.find(s, z) local m = string.len(s) s=string.sub(s,param2+1) local ts = string.reverse(s) local param1, param2 = string.find(ts, y) local m = string.len(s) - param2 + 1 local hou if (y == false) then hou = string.sub(s, m+1, string.len(s)) else hou = string.sub(s, 1-1, m-1) end local s=arg1 local z=":" local y="+" local param1, param2 = string.find(s, z) local m = string.len(s) s=string.sub(s,param2+1) local ts = string.reverse(s) local param1, param2 = string.find(ts, y) local m = string.len(s) - param2 + 1 local qian if (strchar == false) then qian = string.sub(s, m+11, string.len(s)) else qian = string.sub(s, 1+10, m-1) end print(qian,"+",hou,"=",qian+hou) MS(tostring(qian+hou)) else local s=arg1 local z="-" local y="?=" local param1, param2 = string.find(s, z) local m = string.len(s) s=string.sub(s,param2+1) local ts = string.reverse(s) local param1, param2 = string.find(ts, y) local m = string.len(s) - param2 + 1 local hou if (strchar == false) then hou = string.sub(s, m+1, string.len(s)) else hou = string.sub(s, 1-1, m-1) end local s=arg1 local z=":" local y="-" local param1, param2 = string.find(s, z) local m = string.len(s) s=string.sub(s,param2+1) local ts = string.reverse(s) local param1, param2 = string.find(ts, y) local m = string.len(s) - param2 + 1 local qian if (strchar == false) then qian = string.sub(s, m+10, string.len(s)) else qian = string.sub(s, 1+10, m-1) end print(qian,"-",hou,"=",qian-hou) MS(tostring(qian-hou)) end end end local F=CreateFrame("Frame") F:SetScript("OnEvent",yz) F:RegisterEvent(M)
  24. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from Luxatrox in REQUEST: Wrobot 8.0.1 (28153) (Private server)   
    Hello, yes I'll add support, but I ignore when
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    Droidz got a reaction from Matenia in Add water/roads myself   
    Hello, I use plugin like: Roads Record.cs
    But you can use offmeshconnection tools
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