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Files posted by eeny

  1. [H] [Quest][Depreciated] WoD 58-63

    QA is done, however the start of this one is a bit... shakey
    You can start on the inside of the HFP portal and let the profile go, however I would recommend starting once you take the flight to Thrallmar.
    You want to keep an eye on the profile till 60 and the bot has reached Falcon Watch- smooth sailing after that.
    massive profile tho- let me now if you see any bugs.


       (1 review)



  2. Night Elf 1-11 Quests

    Night Elf quest file for 1-11.
    Personally i found the night elf zone really hard to play so botting it is tough going.  You may look into getting some lvl 5-7 greens for your chars to avoid chain deaths.
    I do attempt to buy some items depending on the class much like my other files.  Always open for recomendations if you have any,


    Also selling other files here  https://sellfy.com/eeny


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  3. [A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer

    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.
    The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.
    Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.
    Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 


       (10 reviews)



  4. [A + H][Quest] WoD Slagmine goldfarmer

    Quest profile.  leave the bot outside the instance and leave it for a while.
    kills all 4 bosses + 90% of mobs. then runs out, resets and repeats-  so load the reset instances pluggin.
    Prob best if your lvl 100 bot is Ilvl 680+


       (0 reviews)



  5. [Class Quest]Human Voidwalker quest 1.0.0

    The file i use when my warlocks are  lvl 12-13 and im AFK.
    There are 3 mobs which can hit pretty hard so a lvl 10 lock may chain die.
    Starts in Goldshire and will do the quests and finish in Stormwind.
    Its a very simple profile- let me know if you see a bug / see how to improve.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Gnome Runner

    Profile to run bots from the Gnome / Dwarf start zone over to the human start zone- AFK.
    Will go via the tram, collect SW Flightpath, set hearth at Goldshire and run to the valley.


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  7. BETA Scroll user

    Simple plugin which will attempt to use ANY consumable buff scroll if you have them in your bag.  Was build for grinder bots so it doesnt check buffs, it just uses the scroll.
    Its a C# file to you can edit it where you see fit.
    Thanks to @joeyn240 's plugin as mine is just a re-work of his pluggins.
    Should work for Vanilla through to retail.  Will use all 'standard' scrolls
    PM any recommendations or if any of you c# wizards think i have messed something up let me know.


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  8. [A + H][Grinder] 73-80 Argent Stand

    Really simple profile i use for my characters.  start on the stairs west of Argent Stand and simply run around the block killing ghouls / fiends / abominations.  Given enough time you can get to 73-80 with this profile.
    Its all next to town to selling / repairing is quick.  I'm sure some smart person can modify this to add vendors and such, my bots found their own way however.
    Enable "attack target in fight" or you will walk past a fair bit.


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  9. [Class Quest]Orc Voidwalker quest

    The file i use when my warlocks are ~ lvl 13.
    The mobs in the cave hit pretty hard so a lvl 10 lock may chain die.
    Starts in razor hill and will do the quests and finish in org.
    Its a very simple profile- let me know if you see a bug / see how to improve.


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  10. [Class Quest] Paladin Redemption quest (Human)

    Just the human lvl 12 res quest " the tome of divinity"
    Picks up from Golshire and runs around finishing the quest line in stormwind
    Simple- let me know if you hit any bugs.


       (0 reviews)



  11. [A] [Quester] Night Elf start 1-20

    Need people to QA profile
    Free Night elf quest profile that should get you 1-20 hands free.
    I didn't like the Darkshore quest lines (too many stucks) so i just pulled in the 10-20 block from the Draenei profile which works OK.  I have seen some issues with the flight co-ordination from Darnasus to Exodar so you may need to watch that. around lvl 10.
    Requires the Quickquest addon and auto-gear addon to be full afk.
    I tested with non heirloom'd bots and hit 20 each one.
    Let me know if you see any stuck's.  Im looking to make a 1-20 for most classes / starting zones.


       (1 review)



  12. [A + H][Quest] Stonecore Goldfarm

    This is an instance Quest profile that will complete all 4 bosses of Stonecore along with trash, run out reset and repeat.  After 5 runs it well attempt to sell all the items you have picked up via tundra mammoth.  
    **This profile 100% needs you to have a Tundra mammoth configured** 

    Things you should know
    **This profile 100% needs you to have a Tundra mammoth** 
    An AOE heavy fight profile will be fastest.  Casters will be slower
    Attached screen shot was the GPH of my lvl 100 combat rogue left afk for a few hrs.


       (2 reviews)



  13. [A][Quest] WoD/Legion 35-60 one click grind

    takes off from http://wrobot.eu/files/file/620-alliance-human-1-35-one-click-grind/ .  If you used that profile you should be in lower STV so take the boat from BB to Ratchet, walk down the merchant coast for a bit until you hit the box '1' from the screenshot- start the profile and let the bot do its thing.
    This is a quest profile- load it as a quest profile.  
    35-38 Duskwallow murlocks
    38-40 Duskwallow blackhoof tauren
    40-43 1-Thousand needle Galaks
    43-45 Tanaris Sandfury trolls
    45-50 Tanaris Dunemaul compund
    50-55 Un Goro loops
    55-50 Sithilus loops
    enable selling Its a grinder so if your gear is not so great take an hour to run an instance or two to get some passable gear Add cloth to 'do not sell list' to make some OK gold. there is merit in turning on 'accept resurection sickness' in special options tab if your bot is undergeared... a few times if the bot dies in the middle of a camp it would just keep ressing and dying so taking res sickness should stop that.
    My bots has no issues moving between zones- let me know if you encounter issues.


       (1 review)



  14. [A] [Quester] Draenei Start 1-20

    Released 4th may 2017- STILL IN BETA / TESTING
    Free profile for 1-20+ Draenei start zones.  this profile is 100% quest
    Requires the Quickquest addon and auto-gear addon to be full afk.
    I tested with non heirloom'd bots and hit 20 each one.
    Let me know if you see any stuck's.  Im looking to make a 1-20 for most classes / starting zones.


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  15. [H][Quester] WoD Undead start 1-20

    Quest profile for Undead 1-20.  This profile was built for bots with no heirlooms and no guild  XP bonus's.  The quest rewards are geared towards leather wearers, everyone can use the XP tho =).
    no class quests.
    From 1 to level 8/9 is clean.  The bot will get stuck at lvl 8 ( approx 80 minutes in) when at the bulwark as the next quest is in Fairbreeze village in Eversong woods and sometimes it wont take the flight path( i need to fix this part).. until then keep an eye out.  Once your in Eversong woods it smooth sailing. to about 19-20 (approx 8 hours).  There are some phasing issues around Dethknell which are causing me some grief so you may need to babysit first hour or so, if the bot is trying to pick up a quest from thin air /reload and you should be moving again.  unfortunately not much i can do there.
    You need to enable selling white items otherwise the bot will just stop as it wont be able to pick up quest items.   I also advise getting additional bags asap as the constant running to town to sell can really mess up the exp rate. Put the search radius to 35/40 Allow attack target already in fight Do no Sell list
    Rotting Heart Spinal Dust Linen Cloth  Wool Cloth first 2 are actually important... second two are just for gold The bot may collect some quests that it wont attempt to complete...you need to abandon them manually at the end.
    I'm looking to start a new profile for 20-30, just need to find the time to do them... If you have anything constructive to add let me know and i will add it to the profile.


       (3 reviews)



  16. [A] [Quest] WoD 58-70 oneclick

    This is a very basic (quest) grinding profile I use to mindlessly lvl Alliance bots in outland.  its 100% grind so heirlooms will help here, however not required.
    Its written as a quest profile so load it as such.
    58-60 Hellfire Peninsular: Legion front
    60-63 Hellfire Peninsular: Zeth Gor
    63-65: Terrokar Forrest: Bonechewer Ruins
    65-70: Nagrand: big loop everywhere
    Exp is 100-150K / hour depending on gear.  i havn't observed any issues with pathing between locations.


       (3 reviews)



  17. [H] [Quest] Tauren start 1-13

    1-13 quester for tauren- built on elysium wow.  Nothing Fancy- havnt even added trainers.
    You should seriously consider getting a lvl 5-7 green weapon from the Ah and sending it as you make the character.  makes things a lot smoother later on. Skinning / LW'ing cleans up here.  if you are babysitting the bot train them early and you will be set.
    If you have any optimisations let me know


       (0 reviews)



  18. [A + H][Quest] BoT trash Farm

    This is a quest profile for the Bastion of Twilight Raid instance.  Start the profile at the dungeon entrance and let it go.
    You can only really run this for 20 mins before you get instance locked.  Good for enchanting mats / embersilk... gold rate is a bit Meh
    Keep embersilk in your do not sell list.  Also found a high rate of lockboxes getting dropped with some substantial gold in them so if you have a rogue handy put them in the do not sell list as well.


       (0 reviews)



  19. [H][Quester] 28-35 STV

    **QA done- any issues like me know**
    Continuation from the other 2 questing profiles I made for Horde.
    This profile does quests in both zones of STV.  Start the profile in Grom Gol (off the zepplin) and its AFK from there. Had some tough and annoying pathing issues getting the bots into booty bay, so unfortunately i had to skip those quests...meaning 33-35 is a grind portion.  If you see this starting up i would recommend queuing for an instance and getting some new gear if possible.  28-35 will take about 4-5 hours assuming all goes well.
    I cant fix it if i dont know it broken so if you hit an issue with the profile let me know.


       (3 reviews)



  20. AUTO-GEAR for Legion

    AutoGear automatically rolls on and equips loot according to stat weights like WoWhead filters. AutoGear rolls "need" on upgrades and "greed" otherwise.
    Included in AutoGear are default stat weights for all specs of all classes. Us
    Stat weights work like the advanced filter on WoWhead. For example, if you specify that 1 point of strength is worth 1 point and 1 point of crit is worth 0.5 points, an item with 5 strength and 3 crit will be worth 6.5 points. That item might then replace an item in the same slot with 3 strength and 2 crit, worth 4 points. If the first item was presented in a loot roll, AutoGear would roll "need" and if you won the roll, it would equip the new item as soon as it could.
    The default stat weights may not be what you prefer. If you want to change them, stat weights for all classes and specs can be found in the "SetStatWeights()" function in "[wow]\Interface\AddOns\AutoGear\AutoGear.lua". Simply edit the numbers there, save the file, and type "/run ReloadUI()" to update. A GUI for setting stat weights would be nice, but the authors haven't been motivated to make one yet. Code patches are welcome. This includes improvements to AutoGear's current stat weights, which sometimes need updating due to WoW class balance changes.
    If you receive an upgrade mid-combat, AutoGear queues the upgrade to be equipped when combat ends. It used to equip weapon upgrades immediately because weapons could be changed in combat, but due to addons that automated weapon swaps in combat for DPS at maximum level, Blizzard now prevents addons from swapping weapons in combat automatically. You can still equip them manually earlier than AutoGear can if you notice you've received a weapon upgrade.
    Chat commands:
    /ag - options menu
    /ag scan - manually run automatic gearing once (scan all bags for better gear)
    /ag toggle/[enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic gearing
    /ag quest [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle quest handling
    /ag party [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic acceptance of party invitations
    Warning: AutoGear is not recommended for use at max level. Its weights are not optimal, nor are stat weights ideal for determining upgrades in end-game content. AutoGear is meant primarily as a convenience for leveling quickly. Using it at max level, especially in team PvE or PvP, is likely to get you kicked from various groups and guild


       (0 reviews)



  21. 20+ rogue

    just a simple profile mainly for combat rogue's.
    Will start using rupture at 3 combo points and eviscerate aftre that.  does not stealth!!


       (0 reviews)



  22. [A + H] [Grind] Legion beast grind pack

    This zip contains 7 profiles that I'm currently using to farm leather mostly in Azsuna.  The bot will target pretty much anything that can be skinned.
    XP is not amazing.. 80-100K per hour without any buffs / heirlooms.
    Going from the map
    Azsuna Rhutvan Passage Azsuna Felblaze Ingress ** bot can pull 4+ mobs at once here** keep an eye out for excessive deaths. Azsuna llothien Azsuna "the Greenway" Suramar Western river loop Val'Sharah Cenarion Grove Highmountain Nesingwary's camp  The idea here is to use relogger change the bots location every hour or so.  I did keep mining / herbalism in mind when making the grind loops.
    No vendors added yet- cant foresee any issues using the inbuilt selling system here.  Don't disable taxi otherwise the bot will be running through some pretty scary places when switching locations / profiles.
    Add http://www.wowhead.com/item=128554/enchant-shoulder-boon-of-the-scavenger for some extra gold- will pay itself off in a few hours grinding.
    Let me know if you hit any issues. Enjoy!


       (8 reviews)



  23. [A + H] [Quest] (Advanced) Legion Stonehide grind pack

    These profiles will need you to modify them to work well for your bot.  You need to look at the profile prior to loading it to see what it does.  If you want a simple grinder look at my other Beast Grind pack.
    For the rest...
    These are profiles that i use to keep my bots truly AFK while farming leather.  The profiles are built to allow the user to not have to log into the bots every day to clean them out.
    Each of these files are actually questers.  The profile will get the bot to farm 2500 STONEHIDE leather.  After which will use the Dalaran Hearth, use scavenged good(from boon) / scrolls / pages (for artifact power) ect... Then attempt to mail all whites / greens / epics, Vendor all greys then reload the profile to start again.  you will need your mail recipient to be on your bots "friends list" to avoid the mailing popup.
    The bot decides what it does depending on the amounf of stonehide leather it has in its bag.  less than 2500 it will farm, More than 2500 it will hearth and to go dalaran.
    To make the bot vendor i use wrobot run codes to modify the min bag space to go to town.  You may need to change this value depending on the bags you have.  You may also need to change the stonehide collect value depending on the bags you have!
    you need to define a mail recipient for these profiles or they wont work!!!  < holy shit im not kidding here...
    I have put the following runcode default for all profiles
    /console maxfps 20
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGray = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellWhite = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellBlue = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellPurple = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMail = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGray = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailWhite = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGreen = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailBlue = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailPurple = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = true;
    modify as you see fit.
    I hope you have a mail recipient that can Disenchant Legion greens... If not set up a CoD deal for legion greens with an enchanter on your server so some easy gold
    any (smart) enhancement requests welcome as always.


       (0 reviews)



  24. [A + H] [Quest] Raptor leather grind

    Raptor Grinding north Azsuna
    This is a quester that will grind raptors in north west Aszuna to skin up to 2500 stonehides, hearth to Dalaran, sell then go back to farming
    TO GET THIS TO WORK YOU NEED TO DEFINE A MAIL RECIPIENT IN WROBOT SETTINGS.  Otherwise  the bot will fill up on leather and wont work.
    you can pull up to 10 mobs at once here so make sure youe bot is geared and ready.  

    i would expect half the people here wont ever get this to work- for those who do- enjoy!
    Attached screen shot from 834 Ilvl Blood DK farm stats ~~ 800 leather / hour


       (1 review)



  25. [H][Quester] WoD Felwood Winterspring 44-53

    QA is done- report any bugs to me / comment below
    http://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/quickquest  < addon is almost a must if you dont have it
    Start in Felwood/Ashenvale boarder.  The profile starts with a grinder to get the bot to 45 before questing.  If you finished the previous profile and landed at ~43 its a long AFK grind to 45.  recommend doing an instance to top up your gear. fairly smooth sailing through Felwood / Winterspring.
    This is the biggest profile i have done- let me know if you see issues wit it so i can fix + make 100% AFK
    If your struggling for gold make sure you set the bot to not sell cloth... it will collect a tonne of it.
    Some range classes have problems with some squirrel cleaning quest around lvl 47 in felwood- il look into this later. you will need to give the bot a had here hunters / casters (sry)


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