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[Free] Project Wholesome - WOTLK Fightclasses (all 10 included) 1.0.xxx

   (26 reviews)

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About This File

Hello fellow Botters,

This is the AIO Fightclass for WotLK Content.
Most will download this without given any Feedback, but i appreciate every Feedback you want to give.

With the Rework to 3.0.0 the Framework was given a great overhaul by @Hashira who is a genius. Additionaly another Dev @FlXWare joined the pool of Devs and contributed a lot to the again reworked AIO. And finally the latest Rework was done by @Zer0 which is an awesome dev! The AIO is the First FC with support for Raidheal (limited to Holy Priest)! One of the Maingoals this time was to speed up the FC, and i think we hit a point where we can be very proud of what we achieved. Most of the old Bugs are gone, PetManagement for all Petclasses are top notch. Buffmanagement is now pulsed on movement and combat and many more changes. Just try it out yourself, you will see a significant performance upgrade. Bugreports are welcome and needed to get it to a new stage, so feel free to do so.

English Client ONLY!!!

Deactivate all Addons, Wrobot relies heavy on LUA and every Addon can interfere with this in a bad way!

Added Healbot Product, use this instead of WRotation to Heal as Healer inside  Dungeons (No  Settings, no Interface, just place it under Products, select it and Choose Systetic Events in the AIO  FC). This is only needed for Healers.


Here is the Current State:

DeathKnight (Frost, Unholy, Blood)

Druid (Feral (No Tanking in Dungeons), Restoration, Balance)

Hunter (Beastmastery, Marksmanship, Survival)

Mage (Frost, Fire, Arcane)

Priest (Shadow, Holy (inkl Raidheal), Discipline)

Paladin (Protection, Retribution, Holy)

Rogue (Combat, Subletly, Assassination)

Shaman (Enhancement, Restoration, Elemental)

Warlock (Affliction, Destruction, Demonology)

Warrior (Arms, Protection, Fury)

Green = tested and in a working state, Yellow = Rotation added but not much tested, Red = no support until now.

Short Feature Overview of new Corefeatures:

  • Auto updating System to the newest Release
  • It now makes Use of Unique Syntetic Events (Activate this when you play as Healer in Dungeon or Group)
  • Uses Prioritysystem to decide which spells to cast (Framelock is now working, Slowrotation is now working)
  • Auto Set Talents according to the choosen Spec (only works with Products which support movement)
  • Tankspecs can Autotank adds in Dungeons
  • Supports HMP incl. fleeing from  Mobs
  • Healspecs can handle different Healspells for different Roles/Classes
  • Autobuffing (Paladin will chosse which buff is needed, according to the Targets Dungeonrole without targeting)
  • Druid (switches Forms according to Usersettings, makes use of prowl)
  • Hunter (Autoset stances for Pet, Autofeeding Pet, Petspell Management like Taunt, Random Backpaddle Movement)
  • Mage (Frostnova Backpaddle, makes use of own casted Food/Drinks)
  • Priest (nothing new to say)
  • Rogue (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings))
  • Shaman (Autoset Totems in Totemic Call, makes use of Totemic Call, reworked Rotation)
  • Warlock (nothing new, just a Beast for Leveling)
  • Warrior (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings), just a Beast for Leveling)


Besides the new Features which are added, we have all the old Features including from the previous Version.

Have Fun with testing, you are welcome to report bugs (pls with detailed description and logs). Features will be added after the AIO get´s out of BETA state, until this it´s just bugfixing and reworking Rotations!

Welcome @Hashira as a new CoDev for this Project ?

Welcome @FlXWare as a new CoDev for this Project ?

A special Thanks goes to @Droidz for the Bot, the Wholesome Devs ( @Marsbar, @Zer0 @Mortis123), Devs ( @iMod, @Matenia) and Testers ( @Kamogli much more...)

If you have to report a Bug, leave a Comment with a Log. Alternatively we have a Discord for Bugreports and  Feedback.: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6 .


P.s.: If you have Problems with crashing while open the Config, remove your old FC Settings from your Folder and restart the Bot.




Recommended Plugins: 



What's New in Version 1.0.xxx   See changelog


User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Is there a way to make this work for Ascention WOTLK classless wow? It would be great to have a single profile that would be universal for all builds 



The rotations are selected by your spec. Since ascension don’t have this as far I know I have to rewrite some parts and I don’t know if I want to spend this amount of time for one server ?



I wonder if you could remove the rotation selection based on spec? I would do this myself but frankly it took me 2 hours to get my profile to attack with my pet , use moonfire and run up and use sinister strike. I would be happy to try and edit it and play with it but I couldnt figure out how to edit the .dll file. 



There is no way to edit the DLL File. I am sorry but I can’t give support for this kind of server. 



There were comments earlier about Death & Decay not working, and I too must pause the bot using alt+x then manually use D&D then un-pause the bot quickly in order for it to work. I don't think I have ever seen it work once in over 2 weeks of using this AIO.

Another issue running Frost is that it is always trying to use Icy Touch when just out of range! I would suggest lowing the Fight range just 1yd or so and that should solve the issue.

Great stuff though, seriously! Keep up the great work.



hmm, did you use d&d as Frost or Blood? because as blood i leveld in the past several characers?! And what Treshhold for Death and Decay you have set in the settings?



9 hours ago, Talamin said:

hmm, did you use d&d as Frost or Blood? because as blood i leveld in the past several characers?! And what Treshhold for Death and Decay you have set in the settings?

I am using as Frost. I did not change the threshold.



Frost and Blood use the same function which is called for DND. Will try it myself with a frost spec when I find the time.



Are you using it in group or solo?



Both, solo and group play.



I can’t reproduce this behavior. My blood dk is using the dnd correctly. If you can hand me over a log I can take a look, otherwise I can’t help here.



Thanks for all the great work.

Concerning the hunter fightclass, is there a way to make pet go in combat first, instead of doing a ranged pull?

Currently If there are multiple mobs around, the pet will only pull aggro from main target while addition mobs will go straight to hunter.



you mean collecting all aggroing mobs first? That´s something the FC tries to accomplish infight, but sometimes for boars or wolfes it´s not possible to build the needed aggro. Therefore just get a bear and you will never have aggroing problems because of aoe taunt! Waiting until mobs are attacking the pet was an option in a earlier release, but it´s too botlike how the bot handles the Pet, so at the moment i leave it as it is. To sum up: Just use a bear and you never will have another pet for leveling!



I love the idea and the simplicity but for me I feel scared with this. Spells have a specific pattern that can build up over time and be obvious. For instance, druid buff instantly upon losing the buff. This looks very suspicious if an enemy walking around behind me and dispelling me to show that I am a bot. Or, if a GM observe for a bit of time he can tell this is a bot due to the fact that it follows a specific pattern with spells. So, it would be really great to have all spells randomized. For example, buff randomly between 1-10 min time frame. I wish it was more randomized in spells, would have been the best FC existed.


Still, thanks for putting the work to do this!



Hey! Little issue: after stopping the bot and launching again with image.png.68d97f86f7aa026110f179c59520b955.png button I got the error after which finite state machine bugs and the bot stops work. What could it be?

[E] 17:12:14 - Compilator Error : q:\WRobotKach\Data\temp\srbdboqg.0.cs(16,7) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'yohBOpJvyyxWMLDBMJOJSYVHFdCRrPMrsigAihBA' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 


17 May 2020 16H07.log.html 17 May 2020 16H45.log.html 17 May 2020 17H06.log.html



Hmm, never had this problem and there is no reason why it should work first and then stop working. Can you try it without plugins and addons? Maybe something is interfering on your side?



I really love this on my paladin rn, but is there any way to disable it from using Avenging Wrath? ? It keeps wasting it on mob-packs 3+ that are right before a boss.

Pls add this function and it will be perfect.




I can add a setting to disable Avenging Wrath.



Wow that was incredibly quick!

Thank you for this amazing support.



As soon as I start the bot with this fight class - my connection crashes. Anybody has the same problem?



Can i suggest that you add an option to turn off/on cooldowns. Sometimes popping every cooldown right off the rip doesn't make sense in dungeons.

Most of the time it's better off the manually manage burst cooldowns.


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