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Ordush got a reaction from elitecasaj00 in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
Either that or they are doing the classic. "Collect data and make a ban-wave". 🙂
Ordush got a reaction from slu1989gamer in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK
They are probably watching this forum, but it could be fun to make a script that writes "WTF??" then stands still or something, if a mob with x GUID changes from hostile to passive. 😛
Ordush reacted to Suikoden in How Using Wand ( Shoot ) in fightclass?
The file attached is the Solution for me. You can Import the xml in Fight Class Editor.
Ordush got a reaction from Dexxor in Support
Yeah it's because of the Lua engine for private classic servers doesn't have any easy way to do some of the checks on abilities, so the sound you hear is the bot opening the spell book picking up a spell making a check then removing the spell again and closing the spellbook. It just goes so fast that you don't see it.
Unfortunately that is not something I can make any workarounds for, so my only suggestion is to turn off your sound while botting. 🙂
Ordush got a reaction from Gregoryn82 in Recovering corpse from Dungeon failing
I have seen the post, but haven't got time to look into it yet.
However getting your body has nothing to do with the dungeon plugin. That is 100% controlled by wrobot.
If it did work when you started, but it suddenly stopped working, my best suggestion is to make a copy of your current work, then backtrack until you find the culprit. That is what all of us programming stuff often end up having to do. Mainly because debugging is a bit hard with wrobot.
Ordush got a reaction from ynphea in Assist Main Tank in Party Mode Questions
I don't think wrobot has a way to get it from memory, so you will probably have to get it from lua.
string SomeString = Lua.LuaDoString<string>("return UnitGroupRolesAssigned(Unit)"); Where you replace the "Unit" with whatever. (Player, Party1, Raid1, Target etc.)
Edit Edit:
You can iterate over your party members with a for or foreach loop. ?
Ordush got a reaction from ynphea in Assist Main Tank in Party Mode Questions
It depends very much on what expansion you are working on. WOTLK has a definition for a tank, whereas tbc/vanilla doesn't. (In this case you will have to define the tank yourself.
You can use the "help party members" option in advanced settings to make sure that the party begins combat with whatever anyone else in the party is attacking.
So in short, with this option on: If your tank attacks a target, your bot will automatically help the tank.
Target selection is something completely different, which if you don't override it will choose by itself.
In order to change the target manually, you have to "stop" your current combat and restart it with a new target. It's actually not as easy as it sounds. ?
Ordush reacted to Matenia in endless.gg ?
Smokie, your input is basically entirely incorrect. The warden module that let's you execute arbitrary Lua code on the client doesn't work in 2.4.3.
So everything you said is true for wotlk (but by far not the only way they're detecting hacks and bots) and has been known for years. Still doesn't apply here at all and you're just making yourself look like a fool to anyone who actually has a little understanding on the matter.
Ordush reacted to Matenia in endless.gg ?
Then why did you bother commenting on a thread that's specifically in regards to anti-cheat on a very specific TBC server?
Could it possibly be because most of your posts are to make yourself sound more important and knowledgable while contributing nothing to the topic at hand?
I've said this many times, but often your answers are so incomplete or off-topic that they do more damage than they help anybody. This was just another case. So as long as you keep doing that, I'll happily correct you publically so people can actually find an answer to their question. I genuinely don't understand your need to push your post count into oblivion and make yourself seem soooo important at any chance you can get.
Ordush got a reaction from zhxwbr8 in How to Pass Anti-Bot
you can use framestack to find out what they call the frame, then you can use Lua GetText from that frame
Then you can search the text for : and = and extract that text part. I don't know if it's random weather they use - + * / etc. If they do you just make 4 if statements and make it -, +, * or / based on what your search returns.
Make it calculate the two numbers on each side of the math symbol.
Voila, everything done in-game without second hand software, should be pretty easy to do.
Ordush got a reaction from TheSmokie in WRobot player detector
I made a similar plugin some time ago.
Hostile Player Checker.dll
You can write names in the settings and it will whisper that name if you are being targeted by a player or if alliance gets too close.
Ordush got a reaction from Garub in WRobot player detector
I made a similar plugin some time ago.
Hostile Player Checker.dll
You can write names in the settings and it will whisper that name if you are being targeted by a player or if alliance gets too close.
Ordush got a reaction from Photogenic in Ban hammer - Frostmourne
My best guess is that a GM randomly came upon your char.
Bots are dead give away.
Ordush got a reaction from TheSmokie in sell items (specific vendor and specific time )
You are obviously using google translate. Copy paste his code without google translate.
Ordush got a reaction from sidalibns in sell items (specific vendor and specific time )
You are obviously using google translate. Copy paste his code without google translate.
Ordush got a reaction from Apexx in Fightclasses & Stuns
ofc. ?
If you do a dungeon or a raid, notice that you can't hear any of the other players yelling "Spell is not ready yet". Trust me 90% of wow players mash keys. ?
Ordush got a reaction from TheSmokie in Fightclasses & Stuns
ofc. ?
If you do a dungeon or a raid, notice that you can't hear any of the other players yelling "Spell is not ready yet". Trust me 90% of wow players mash keys. ?
Ordush got a reaction from Chiffon in Future of wrobot?
Sorting fightclasses based on dps, is just silly. I mean, I would any day want utility over dps for botting.
The very best way to compare products is by review. (Yes reviews could be extended though, like adding factors instead of just 1-5 stars).
Ordush got a reaction from Sotsiv in If unitBuffName
First of all
UnitBuffName is something I added to my api. It's not native to the wow lua api.
It's funny how stuff from my api keeps showing up on these forums, not sure where people are getting it from.
Depending on what expansion you are on you shoudl use either UnitAura("Unit", "SpellName") or UnitBuff("Unit", index) or UnitDebuff("Unit", index)
Ordush reacted to Droidz in How to cast revive once?
your code is illogical, mouseover is in wrobot API you don't need to write in memory manually, why do "o.Name == o.Name" ? Why blacklist corpse in blacklist for hostile unit? (and search corpse without check if corpse is in this blacklist).
It's nice to help, but this type of code can mislead users.
Code (not tested) with target should look like:
var revive = new Spell("Revive", false); if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && revive.KnownSpell && revive.IsSpellUsable) { var corpse = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWCorpse().Where(c => !wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed(c.Guid)).FirstOrDefault(); if (corpse != null && corpse.IsValid) { Interact.ClearTarget(); // or Interact.InteractGameObject(corpse.GetBaseAddress); revive.Launch(); Interact.InteractGameObject(corpse.GetBaseAddress); wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackList(corpse.Guid, 1000 * 60 * 10); } } with focus should look like:
var revive = new Spell("Revive", false); if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && revive.KnownSpell && revive.IsSpellUsable) { var corpse = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWCorpse().Where(c => !wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed(c.Guid)).FirstOrDefault(); if (corpse != null && corpse.IsValid) { var old = ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid; ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = corpse.Guid; revive.Launch(true, true, false, "focus"); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = old; wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackList(corpse.Guid, 1000 * 60 * 10); } }
Ordush got a reaction from Photogenic in How to randomize a spell ?
Random randomNumber = new Random(); int iceArmorTimer = randomNumber.Next(15, 30); // Makes the int iceArmorTimer into a random number between 15 and 30 -
Ordush got a reaction from Garub in Future of wrobot?
That is because there are some people on here that are trying to make more money by adding their stuff to all channels.
That is not a bug in the forum or bad setup. It's simply the greed and misuse of some users.